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This topic is specifically for FNIS related issues when using Mod Organizer.



EDIT: 17th April 2016.

Due to @fore's "issues" with MO he has pulled all support and directed it here.


Let it be stated that the "issues" he notes are due to user error and there is no inherent issue with FNIS running in MO.


Further his claim that FNIS WILL NOT run through MO on Windows 10 machines is just wrong! DO NOT follow the advice he offers regarding using FNIS and MO.



Setting up FNIS to run through MO


Install it like any other mod through MO and make sure it is active (checkmarked) in the left pane mod list.


Since you must launch FNIS through Mod Organizer in order for it to recognize your mods, add FNIS to the list of executables by doing the following:

  1. Click the gears icon Gear_MO.png.
  2. In the Title field, type FNIS.
  3. For the Binary field, browse to your FNIS installation (should be located in <ModOrganizer>/mods/Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users) and select the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe application.
  4. Click the Add button. This will add FNIS to your executables list.
  5. Click OK.

Now each time you want to run FNIS, simply select it from the drop-down menu at top right and click Run.


Running through MO

  1. Launch FNIS through MO
  2. In the Available Patches at the bottom of the window, check the boxes for all necessary patches in your setup.
  3. Click the [update FNIS Behavior] button and wait for a message to appear in the window stating "X animations for Y mods successfully included.".
  4. Click [Exit].

After closing FNIS, there will be files in Overwrite (essentially a fake mod located at the bottom of the left pane if sorted by priority ascending) created by FNIS. Right-click Overwrite and select Create Mod, name it FNIS Output and click OK. This will create a new mod listing in the left pane for the FNIS generated files. You will then need to check it to enable it. Each subsequent time you update FNIS behavior, you must open Overwrite and drag the new files back to this mod.


Common Errors

Error 53 or 2012

"Could not find file <path to file>\1hm_behavior.hkx


Ensure the animation sets you have installed are correctly placed in priority in the left-hand pane and FNIS is using the one you want. Open the Data tab in the right-hand pane and examine the filetree to see which animation is being used in the VFS.

Navigate the filetree by expanding: data>meshes>actors>character>behaviors> and see which mod is providing the file.

If the file name is displayed in red, the mouse tooltip will show which other mods are also providing this file. Move the correct mod to the correct location.


Additional cause for Error 2012


A user(@patchling) had Spybot - Search & Destroy+AV 2.5 installed and was constantly getting JIT and 2012 errors, specifically the 0_master.xml was not found. The file was placed in the FNIS temporary_log folder ready for processing but before that could happen it was removed by said program. Opening the start menu > settings > live protection > mode > uncheck "Scan programs before they start" apparently stops that behaviour.



Error dialogue

GenerateFNISForUsers.exe - This application could not be started.

This application could not be started.

Do you want to view information about this issue?


Simply close the dialogue by pressing "No" and enable FNIS in the Left-hand pane. Correct FNIS installation and use explains this in the wiki.


Why does the 6.2 Add-on not look correct in MO?

What you need to remember here is MO is designed to handle 'mods' and what we are installing with FNIS, and its add-ons, are 'tools'.

This means MO is looking for the correct folder structure for a 'mod' as seen by the game. The archive for the 6.2 add-on has as its top folder: "tools" and this is correct for FNIS, not the game.

Simply 'set the data folder' so that the "tools" folder is now at the top of the tree and ignore the next dialogue that asks if you are sure.

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  On 3/8/2016 at 1:21 AM, aaltair said:

As it turns out, it's not just the Halo mod. If the mods affected by FNIS are in any way different between the two separate profiles, this behavior will surface. Just thought that should be known.

In what way? Could you elaborate more?

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It's generally a good idea to keep the FNIS generated output stored in separate "mods" for each profile.


In your first profile:

  • Run GenerateFNISForUsers to generate the animations
  • Right click the Output folder, select Create Mod, and name the mod something like "FNIS Output Profile 1". You can use any name you want, but you'll want to use a name that reminds you this mod belongs to this profile.

Copy your first profile into a new profile. Now in the second profile:

  • Uncheck "FNIS Output Profile 1" because this mod doesn't belong to the new profile
  • Run GenerateFNIForUsers to generate the animations
  • Right click the Output folder, select Create Mod, and name the mod something lie "FNIS Output Profile 2".

The advantage with keeping the generated output separate is that you can use different skeletons and different animation packs with each profile, and you can re-run GenerateFNISForUsers at any time in either profile without it affecting the other profile.


You'll want to keep any generated mods (like the bashed patch) stored as separate mods in each profile as well.

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Hi guys, I have been running MO with FNIS and testing out different profiles for mods  and have initially created FNIS patch/mod that came out from running it and named them separately for each specific profile so that they wont overwrite anything. Each profile had their own FNIS patch/mod and they were running fine.


For some reason after installing a couple of SL mods on a new profile, (namely SL Defeat, Morenastycritters and the prereqs for them) when I run the other profiles I get into a T pose position and the only way I can use that profile is to scrap the initial FNIS patch/mod pack and run FNIS again and create a new one for that specific profile.


The problem here is that everytime I run FNIS and create a new animation pack for that profile, the other new packs from different profiles that I had made do not work and if I run the game again it would result in a T pose. Basically the latest animation pack that I create for a specific profile will be the only one that works.


I would like to add that I had a previous profile that actually had MNC installed and that one worked. I basically copied that profile to a new one and added some other mods to that then I encountered the issue. I removed both profiles from the list to check if it will make any difference but that is a no go.


Another thing that I have been doing, and I am not sure if this is related, but I have combat behavior improved(CBI?) installed. Now when FNIS runs it basically overwrites the behaviors CBI added and removes them from the file folder. So in order for me to have those behaviors back, after running FNIS I navigate to the CBI folder and add them again using the original zip file, basically just copy paste, then I go to MO and hide the behavior files from the animation patch/mod that I have created for FNIS.


After doing those steps, I basically have the generated animations from FNIS and the behavior from CBI in game. To clarify, I have been doing this work around that I have found for CBI even before the recent issue with FNIS affecting other profiles. The work around has been working and is still working after the recent issue. I just wanted to provide this detail in case it affects MO in anyway.



The mods that I have that uses FNIS are:

Dual Sheath Redux

Archery Gameplay Overhaul

SL Framework

Amorous Adventures



All of them should be the latest versions except the 0S3X that I got from nexus, which I believe has a newer version on LL.


Any help is greatly appreciated. 




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I'm having some problems with FNIS.


FNIS Sexy Moves seems to not work from time to time, I have in the proper load order and even when running FNIS and creating a new patch, the animations still don't work. Sometimes I have to switch from the current  animation set to another, then back to the one I use for it to work when in the FNIS Sexy Moves MCM. It's kind of a 50/50 when I launch SKSE that the Sexy Moves mod will work or not and I really have no clue why that happens.


Another issue I have is with the Immersive Animations, Dual Sheath Redux and XP32 Max Skeleton. I don't get the weapons sheathed on the back, but I still get the animations for it. The dual hip sheaths also don't work. I had uninstalled and reinstalled these mods and still have the same problem.

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Each MO profile must have it's own matching FNIS output mod for that specific set of animations.


  1. MO profile called Tester1 must have a FNIS output (the files created by FNIS after running the tool) called something specific to that profile: FNIS-Output-Tester1
  2. MO profile called Tester2 has FNIS-Output-Tester2
  3. etc.

The output must match EXACTLY the set of animation used when FNIS was run last.


However there is an issue with some mods from LL that causes T-poses or incorrect animations when switching profiles because the animations used by FNIS are removed after the output is generated. Sorry but there is no current fix for this besides reinstalling each animation mod and FNIS upon switching profiles. It is due to the packaging of some of those mods.


The other issues you mention are to do with load order and I suggest you examine one of the guides here in STEP to see the correct placement.

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Posted (edited)

I wouldn't know how else to order these. Changed around the load orders with different configurations without putting Immersive underneath XP32 Max Skeleton and I still only get the custom sheath/unsheath animations for dual wield weapons without the weapons sheathed on the back or the dual hip variation. Also uninstalled and reinstalled those mods and ran FNIS several times over. It wouldn't have anything to do wtih FNIS-Spells would it? Currently it says there might a virus on the newest version and MO refused to download it even though the author says the update detecting virus is most likely a bug and that it's still safe to install.


Edited by CxxProphet
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Can't help you with Immersive Animations as I don't use it. As your screenshot shows though, it is overriding PCA but it itself is being overridden by XP32, that seems odd to me, I'd place XP32 first and use the animations from either PCA or IA.


I would also question the need for all these animation mods, the more you add in, the more taxing on your game, let alone the need to get them ordered and functioning. It may well be the case that a set from one mod is what you want but a set from another is loading because of a different set from the same mod is also what you want. Know way of knowing unless you examine the individual animation sets. If that is the case you will need to determine which animation sets you want and hide those in the mod that is winning the conflict but not the mod you want to win.


There is no need in game for FNIS spells. It is just a showcase of what CAN be done.


Lastly all of this hasn't even touched on how you have DSR ordered and whether it is functioning properly. The stipulation I provided for FNIS to have it's own 'profile specific' output is even more important with DSR. Each profile MUST use the plugin created for that set of animations. For each profile you need to run the "proccer" and you MUST have the previous profile's DSR output disabled or else it will be edited and you will lose all the previous functionality.

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Posted (edited)

I got rid of FNIS Sexy Move and instead replaced it with a standalone version using the same walk/run animation from Sexy Moves. That ended up getting rid of that 50/50 the animations will work when I launch the game.


Still need to figure out why I'm only getting the animations for the single/dual weapons being sheathed/unsheathed from the back and not the weapons themselves placed on the back. That's the only problem I'm having with FNIS at this point. Even placed them in the right order after reading up on it and still nothing, still just getting the animations to work properly.


Edit: Oh nvm, finally figured it out, was finally able to get Skyproc to actually run after learning I needed to have the .exe in MO, I finally have my weapons sheathed on my back and legs, all my FNIS problems have been squared away.


Thanks for the help.

Edited by CxxProphet
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Running into some of the same problems from earlier in the thread, but I never saw someone come back saying a fix worked for them. So:


ERROR(5): The directory name is invalid when running FNIS through MO. I'm on Vista, Skyrim is installed in Program Files (x86) (no other choice unfortunately), but UAC is off. MO is run as an administrator anyway. Antivirus is disabled (temporarily). The binary location is correct and the "start in" field is blank.


This is the error:



This is what makes it into my Overwrite folder before the error:



And I've attached my log.


I did have an accident where the XP32 Skeletons MO mod folder got renamed after installation, but I think I have it back to what it was. And I'm certain it's back where it was in the left pane, and LOOT doesn't move it in the right. Still, it's the only thing I can think of.


Although, I was having some trouble with MO's virtual drive when configuring Merge Plugins Standalone for the first time. I was physically staring at the correct flag files in Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source, but Merge Plugins (started through MO) couldn't see them. But, I know so little about this stuff it's probably nothing. Thanks for any help.

FNIS Log.txt

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The FNIS page lists Error 5 as a permissions issue.


Looking at your Skyrim filepath, I see it is installed in Program Files. This can cause such UAC issues. It is recommended to install MO and Skyrim both outside of Program Files to avoid such issues. Are you setup with Administrator rights on the machine?


The name of the mod folder doesn't matter at all. You should make sure nothing is overriding the XP32 skeleton in the left pane, though (no conflicts indicated with a red - on a lightning bolt).


As for the Merge Plugins issue...I ran into the same thing myself. I found that I had to wait for the background loader to finish before opening the integrations tab. Then the flag file was able to show up.

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Posted (edited)
  On 7/16/2016 at 6:52 AM, Nebulous112 said:


The name of the mod folder doesn't matter at all. You should make sure nothing is overriding the XP32 skeleton in the left pane, though (no conflicts indicated with a red - on a lightning bolt).


Hmm, there is something overwriting the werewolf skeleton.nif, but removing it doesn't fix the problem.


Like I said, there's not much I can do about the Program Files situation. I had Skyrim installed on an external hardrive, but that was causing the soundless Dohvakiin issue, whose only apparent fix is to install on the C:\ drive. And Steam only allows one installation per drive, and I wasn't going to reinstall and remod 20+ games to move it out of Program Files. Oh well. Sucks to have made it to the very end before I ran into problems.

Edited by Kolaris
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There may be a way around it. Either moving your Steam with everything intact to a different part of the hard drive (best option), or somehow getting it to work in Program files (might be possible, again not advised with modding Skyrim).


I'm not an expert on those things, though. Some others that monitor this thread may have some insight, however, so I wouldn't give up yet.


If the only thing overwriting the werewolf skeleton is Moonlight Tales Essentials (from an SR:LE install, perhaps?), that is fine, as it works with XPMSE. Not sure about other skeletons though.

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Posted (edited)

Yes, it is a SR:LE install. If I copy FNIS, Bathing in Skyrim, and XP32 Extended Skeleton somewhere else and don't run it through MO I can get further along in the process.


What exactly does FNIS need? My full modlist, or only the animation mods? Does it need access to base Skyrim resources? Being optimistic here, but if I could generate FNIS resources somewhere else then move them back into MO maybe I can keep going.


Or is there a way to make sure FNIS is running as an administrator when run through MO? Arguments maybe? Does running as administrator even matter if UAC is off?

Edited by Kolaris

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