Spock Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 As for the advanced editing guide, Jawz made a pretty good ENB guide. If people want to dive deeper into ENB settings it's a good place to start. You can find it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39742/?
EssArrBee Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Most of my enbseries.ini stuff is straight outta that guide.
Ardhes Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Hey guys maybe u can help me I want to use ENB only for the performance Boost. So I put the 3 recommended files form the Wrapper (STEP Quickguide) into the Skyrim folder. When I start the game with the normal Skyrim Launcher, the message that ENB and the booster is running appears. However when i try to start Skyrim with the ModOrganizer and SKSE ( i am using the newest). It loads SKSE, than the Uncappermod and when the borderless Window of Skyrim starts, it crashes -.- I uninstalled all programs like Fraps and so on, like Boris recommended on his Page at nexusmod, but it still crashes at the start. Any idea what causes that prob? i am clueless
EssArrBee Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Open the uncapper INI file through MO and look for a line that says Splash Window (or something along those lines) and change it to 0. Some have reported that the splash window can mess up Skyrim.
EssArrBee Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 Okay, I updated the Quickstart guide (well as quick as ENB can be). Lots of pretty pictures, added the skyrimprefs.ini section (which I forgot, for shame), and added a note about RealVision. Please give feedback so I can move on to other parts of the guide and/or other guides for people with big pictures and large green arrows.
jakeslim Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 EssArrBee, when I tried installing Realvision ENB, the automated installer didn't seem to work fully (not all files copied) when I ran it from the MO virtual data folder - I had to move the Realvision datafiles folder to the Skyrim data folder, run the installer, then move the Realvision datafiles folder back to it's mod folder in the MO virtual data directory... I will be trying to install it again soon so I'll let you know what happens, but maybe you'll get a chance to do give it a try before me. EDIT: talking above about the first time I tried to install it - it didn't work.
EssArrBee Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 Well, that needs to be brought up to either Tannin or the RealVision author. RealVision needs an manual install version to go with that script based installer. Maybe the install script can be added to MO's executables and run from there so it can see the virtual filing system move things accordingly, but I doubt it. I'd probably bring it to the authors attention that MO users cant use his nifty install script.
Ardhes Posted January 12, 2014 Posted January 12, 2014 Quote Open the uncapper INI file through MO and look for a line that says Splash Window (or something along those lines) and change it to 0. Some have reported that the splash window can mess up Skyrim.I did as u said and set the value down to zero but its still crashes/freezes when the borderless window starts to open. Is it the One tweak mod (borderless window tweak is included in that mod) what causes this crash? I read on the Nexusform it should cause trouble if u delet the One Tweak files in the SKSE folder.https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40706/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D40706%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1083255&pUp=1 I even dont know if the mod causes the crashes while loading the game -.- everything worked fine until I tried to put the Enbbooster to work. Maybe i should just delet the enbbooster files and play Skyrim without it. But i read many good things about the performance boost and stability of the game.
EssArrBee Posted January 12, 2014 Posted January 12, 2014 there might be a conflict between ENB and One Tweak, you can safely delete One Tweak and try to see if if the game starts with ENBoost.
jakeslim Posted January 13, 2014 Posted January 13, 2014 Great, this solved my problem - before when I installed ENB (Realvision) it would hang with a black window open before even getting to the Skyrim main menu. Now it works - fantastic! No need to delete OneTweak, you can just disable the borderless window in it's ini, that works fine. I also then tested by using the forceborderless parameter in the enblocal.ini and that worked as well. Also I should mention that the Realvision author has added specific instructions for MO users on his page - they basically come down to not using the installer and just copying the files manually as you mention in the quickstart.
EssArrBee Posted January 13, 2014 Posted January 13, 2014 Good to know I'll make note for the Realvision page. Work was crazy busy today with meetings so I still haven't gotten home to do anything I need to do step-wise. Should be leaving in couple hours and I'll take care of everything for the guide.
Ardhes Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 'EssArrBee said: there might be a conflict between ENB and One Tweak' date=' you can safely delete One Tweak and try to see if if the game starts with ENBoost.[/quote']Hey mate. It was the One Tweak, i deleted both files in the SKSA Pulgin and finally the game starts with MO, ENB and the Booster - thank you very much! <3 Now I have to find a way to get a new borderless Window. I know i demand alot but maybe u have a furhther advice for me, how i can fix that. I disabled the windowmodus in the Skyrim Launcher Options but it still creates a window for the game.
EssArrBee Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 There are borderless window option in the enblocal.ini. It is located in your Skyrim directory. Look under the Window section and set the two options to true: https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENB#tab=Editing_Enblocal_INI
Ardhes Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Quote There are borderless window option in the enblocal.ini. It is located in your Skyrim directory. Look under the Window section and set the two options to true: https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENB#tab=Editing_Enblocal_INIYou are f.cking awesome good Sir =) My bad i didnt think about checking the enblocal files... silly me. now everything is fine and the game works absolute perfect and really smooth - i am in love!
z929669 Posted January 26, 2014 Author Posted January 26, 2014 I am interested in the enblocal.ini settings. First off, does UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics apply to any of the settings within enblocal.ini, or only to enbseries.ini?? I ask because there are many settings in enblocal.ini that are desireable to have without the ENB graphics effects. Neo mentions settings, and I want to know why exactly for each, as some contradict what I can infer from ENBoost preset INIs for various video cards:DisableDriverMemoryManager=X where X = false for Nvidia and true for all other video cards. EnableOcclusionCulling=falseDisableDriverMemoryManager appears to also be 'false' for AMD but 'true' for IntelEnableOcclusionCulling  ... why not true?? This is interesting:VSyncSkipNumFrames=How exactly does this work? We do need a way to help with frame skipping when vsync is enabled and frames are limited. Currently, vysync, tripple buffering and fps limit fixes physics issues due to asyncronous refres/frame rates. Wondering if this setting affects? Any way we could get a definitive notated version of enblocal.ini? This INI potentially holds the key to some nifty graphics tweaks that have nothing to do with ENB visuals.
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