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GeForce GTX 970 specifications

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It will be a sad sad day when my g15 has to go!... already the lighting is worn.. the buttons are starting to vanish and I have had a few cases of input lag or not registered inputs! Alas a good cleaning seems to save it every time still. Funny thing is the only reason I use it is because of the LCD display with the clock on it! :) 


As for the whole vendor thing... the only reason I keep using EVGA is because they in my experience have the most superior RMA and customer support. It is just nice to have that guarantee that if anything goes wrong during the 3 years I expect the card to live in that I can just send it in and get a new one with no fuss... I hate dealing with the middle man. That said the Gigabyte one does look sexy though. 


@Neo, I hope you get your Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 today. It would be nice if you filled us in on how it compares to you Gigabyte GTX 970 SLI setup and also perhaps your previous SLI setup.


Should be there when I get home from work tonight. I already know of a few bugs that will be fixed just by getting rid of SLI in general:

1) Overly thick white fog in DA:I and occasional texture flickering.

2) Texture flickering in AC: Unity.

3) Adaptation and Water ripple flickering in Skyrim.

4) Over darkened shadows in FC4.


Tbh it seems like many of the latest games have at least minor quirks with SLI. However, that seems a more recent development with new AAA engines as I never had much trouble with most older titles.


I suspect in the end to get smoother gameplay (since getting rid of the memory issue) but with less raw fps overall.


And I would likely stick with EVGA. Mainly because folding for them and getting discounts for that (potentionally massive ones, to boot) is nothing to pass over. For someone strapped for cash as I am, that is a real boon.


Folding @ Home for Team EVGA. Useful if you're not using all of your PC power, leave it on, or fold already. I was doing it for a while (racked up $200 EVGA bucks) and roped Will in as well. I stopped doing it for the last year or so but I'm going to start back up.



Yes EVGA bucks are for purchases from EVGA's store for anything really including their Step-Up program for upgrading your card (which if the 900 series cards had released a week sooner I'd have me a GTX 980 Classified). You can also earn EVGA bucks by giving your affiliate code out to people and having them enter it when they make a purchase (it's like $2 I think). There's also Mod's Rigs.


@Neo what does the custom circuit board on the Gigabyte get you? Have not done much research on the 900 series since I haven't been entertaining upgrading.

  On 2/18/2015 at 6:54 AM, phazer11 said:

@Neo what does the custom circuit board on the Gigabyte get you? Have not done much research on the 900 series since I haven't been entertaining upgrading.

Two 8 pin power connectors, higher quality build. Higher max wattage. Not as much as a classy mind you, but a classy is $699.99 whereas I only paid $580. The cooler on this thing is the best there is also.


I did read the first 4 pages of this thread, this is indeed bad news for all 970 customers. To be honest, I do not understand people clinging to one GPU company over the other, it really depends on the architecture. Both do their dirty tricks (e.g. NVidia cards did have different performance on cut chips because some cut into texture units, I don't remember if it was 600 or 700 series though). On the other hand the 290 series has problems of their own.


Experienced posters that are perceived as experts on this forum seem to advertise NVidia too much imho. Over at the Lumen ENB comments there are several posts where people complain that their 970s and even 980s don't get the same performance as Jafin's 290 ("are they not supposed to be the faster card?"). The simple reason is that the shader power of NVidia cards really sucks, and they did nothing to improve it over the last 3 generations (open cl raytracing benchmarks). If you really want to crank up ENB effects at high resolution, AMD is currently the better choice, regardless of optimizations. I'm eager to see what is possible with AMD optimized ENB shaders, what I read so far AMD cards profit from optimization much more then NVidia cards.


Either way, I would seriously recommend waiting for the 300 series if only for the price drop (the 200 series was a land slide).

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