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Posted (edited)

Stepping Out combines the best mods from Step Extended and Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition while

excluding the ones I didn't like for one reason or another and adding worthy mods that are not part of

either.  The step extended patch is used so no conflict resolution is necessary.  BOSS and BOSS Userlist

Management are not needed.


Note:  it is best to compare the installation instructions for both Step Extended and Skyrim Revisited

Legendary Edition before deciding which download to take and which setup options to choose.


Install all the Mods in Step Extended except for the following:



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Install all the mods in Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition except for the following:

Note:  also exclude mods that have already been excluded from Step Extended



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Add the following mods which are not part of STEP:



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Edited by Leto
  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Here is my mod list in the order they appear in Mod Organizer:



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Updated the mod list to reflect recent changes.

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

Rather than optimizing the textures yourself with DDSopt, I recommend using the highly polished ones available on Nexus:  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57353/?





Graphics Configuration


NVidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings



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all other features are at Use Global Setting.


Skyrim Launcher Options



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all other options use default values.





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all other attributes use STEP values.





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all other attributes use STEP values.





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These values are for 2GB of VRAM on 64 bit OS with NVidia graphics adapter.


Screenshots:  https://1drv.ms/10fUy06, https://1drv.ms/1xbnT6R

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

I created a new character and tested this for a couple of hours without any crashes or glitches.  Skyrim never looked so good or ran so smooth.


I got killed in Helgen by a spider that dropped down from the ceiling behind me while I was firing my bow.  That never happened before.  I think Skyrim Immersive creatures caused extra spiders to appear because I got attacked by several new spiders while looting the egg sacks later.  That was a cool surprise.


I added Expanded Cities and Towns because it's a great mod that adds common sense things to the towns, such as a smelter and shrine in Riverwood.  I've avoided city mods like JK's Whiterun and Better City Entrances because they just cause too much lag but I think ETaC is worth it.


According to the mod author, the load order has to be just right though.



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Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

MDX NoPoisonDialogs is that not already part of the steps patches if so don't need that.


also you might want to eventually do a wiki page as you have quite a nice mod setup

I will be using most of these for my next run through but i'm planning on using requiem this time.

Edited by Darth_mathias
Posted (edited)

I'll setup a wiki page if there are enough people interested to justify the effort.


Here are the Mod Configuration Menu settings I recommend:



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Requiem?  Sounds hardcore, good luck. ::):

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

Configuring Amazing Follower Tweaks



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I removed Immersive Patrols because it caused massive lag and eventually a CTD heading into Whiterun.

I added the mod Slightly Reduced NPC Greetings to fix a problem with Follower Commentary Overhaul speaking too frequently.

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

I added Parallax Support


Downloaded and installed:


Project Parallax Vanilla 1-3
SMIM Bridge 1-74 update
Stonewall Update
ENB Parallax Only Config 221
PPR aMidianBorn Whiterun V2

Vivid Landscapes - All in One - Loose Files 2048
Vivid Landscapes - Enhanced Lights and FX Compatibility patch
Vivid Landscapse - Moss Rocks - Compatibility Patch


Reinstalled Real Ice choosing Parallax option
Reinstalled Skyfalls and Skymills choosing Parallax option

Uninstalled Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar - Non ENB Patch


Disabled AntiAliasing in Skyrim Launcher Settings


Screenshot of Lydia (spell sword & shield) and Uthgerd (Xbow & 2H) at Dragonsreach with Parallax only ENB: https://1drv.ms/1tBF9RX - 45 FPS @2560x1600

Similar screenshot with Vividian ENB Performance:  https://1drv.ms/1pnCcpT - 25 FPS @2560x1600 (unplayable)

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

I've played this to 30th level with only minor problems.


1.  Uthgerd stopped following.  I noticed this after using the horsecaller horn in a location where she didn't have room to get on the horse.  It left her script in a bad state.  I had to use the AFT Reset Character command to recover.

2.  Sometimes when I tell my follower to Make Camp on uneven terrain, I get stuck inside the tent.  I had to use fast travel to the current location to get out of the tent.

3.  Sometimes Hypothermia doesn't recognize the cloak I'm wearing and I start to freeze to death.  Some cloaks it just doesn't recognize.  Other times I simply have to unequip then reequip the cloak to recover.

4.  Occasional CTD.  These seem to be due to the game exceeding the 3.n GB memory limit because it always recovers when I reload.

5.  Some encounters are crazy hard.  I finally had to remove Immersive Difficulty Thane. [Edit] I later tracked this down to Revenge of the Enemies.

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

I remapped the keyboard commands so my left hand never has to leave the home row (except for 1-8 which can't be remapped)



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E can't be remapped without breaking Take Book

R can't be remapped without breaking Craft Item

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

I've learned that Enhanced Enemy AI - Revenge of the Enemies creates unbalanced overpowered encounters that spoil the game for me.

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

This thread has 840 views so I guess I'll keep posting to it.


I figured out how to make the follower AI use offensive spells, defensive spells, and bows and melee.


1.  Equip bow, ammo, melee weapon (and shield if 1 handed weapon).


2.  Set Health, Magicka, Stamina at 3:2:1.  Ex.  300 health, 200 magicka, 100 stamina.


3.  Assign 1 skill point per level to the following seven skills:
     Archery, Destruction, 1 or 2 handed weapon, Light or Heavy Armor, Restoration, Block, Conjuration.


4.  Set AFT combat style to General.


5.  Teach the follower lightning bolt, fire bolt, or ice spike. 


6.  Teach the highest heal self, heal other, and ward they can cast.

     Use AFT View Standard Spells to see if they have enough magicka for the spells.

7.  Set four tweak spells: Heal player at 25%, Heal self at 50%, Conjure Familiar at 75%, Courage at Start of Combat. 


At range, the AI will use spells and switch to bows when out of magicka.

At melee, the AI will use spells and switch to melee when out of magicka.
The AI will also use wards and self healing automatically.

Edited by Leto
Posted (edited)

I found the fights boring and too easy without Revenge of the Enemies, yet I still didn't want unreasonable overpowered encounters.  So I decided to try ASIS instead.  As a patcher, ASIS is more complex to install but it is configurable and does much more.  I also reinstalled Deadly Dragons which is made reasonable by installing Ultimate Dragons after it.


I was really enjoying Skyrim with ASIS until I had to fight the vampire boss Morvarth while trying to become the Thane of Hjaalmarch.  His lightning attacks were devastating and the whole encounter was impossible with all the vampire followers and their summons.


I needed a better strategy to deal with these overpowered encounters and here it is: 




In short, while I generally adventure with three followers, I will bring more if necessary to deal with tough fights.  I enabled the AFT setting for force post combat regen.  In addition, magic and elemental resistance are critical.  In addition to enchanting I'm using the Lords Stone and Alteration perks.

Edited by Leto

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