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ELEP - Full Vanilla Customizable ENB by JawZ
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This preset was created for both modders and end users who like the overall look of the vanilla lighting style but found for certain things to look a bit off. As well as for those who are struggling with the over the top perofmrance killer ENB presets.
The focus on this preset is to fix the vanilla lighting while at the same time offer you, the end user, new tools to customize an ENB preset.
It's focus is not to overhaul the look, so the overall visual style found in the original game is kept intact.
  • Customize Skyrim imagespace and imagespace modifier values such as White Level, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Bloom Scale, Bloom Threshold, Color Filters for regular visuals, special events ("being attacked by a Spriggan" effect) and Night Eye, all three separate from each other. And they all have controls that separated between Exterior Night and Day as well as Interior Night and Day.
  • I have normalized and corrected the pitch black shadows caused by too high contrast values, while still keeping it at a very similar amount of darkness that you can see in it too. Color range have been increased thanks to that.
  • Bloom have been customized to not make everything hazy or make colors look inverted. It will only cause a slight "light aura" on very bright surfaces such as snow, the sun, reflections and similar stuff. And not in a intrusive or immersion breaking way. Have a look at the sample images in the gallery section.
  • Nights are slightly darker in the ambient/"shadow" lighting but fully visible compared to vanilla shadows.
  • Night Eye effects functions as it does in vanilla, but now you can customize it's look with a simple color filter.
  • Visuals are close to vanilla so any type of lighting mod that works and looks good without this ENB Preset, should look good with this preset. However I can't guarantee that to a 100%, there are always something/somethings that can look a bit off. But even if it does it would most likely only require small amount of tweaks to compensate for that visual difference.
  • Separate Readme files explaining all the files different commands, in very simple terms so there hopefully will not be any confusion arising.
  • Assigned the min and max values to all the commands to their appropriate level to not cause any faulty render/pixelation or any other issue related to using a too low or too high value.

Created a thread for this as I'm really keeping my eye on it's development!


Current issue with Lanterns of Skyim:


Vanilla  >>  LoS



Lanterns are red. This is the default mod installation without a specific "preset" which should retain the vanilla colors. Might have to suggest a preset if this isn't able to be fixed via the ENB settings.

Posted (edited)

Talking about the whole lanterns of skyrim color.
You can use pretty much any present and they would look fine.
If you want to be picky with a particular color then just change the values and make your own. I believe there is only on record that would need to be edited

Edited by hishutup
  On 10/31/2014 at 5:21 PM, Neovalen said:

Lanterns of Skyrim default preset is red to match Morrowind. That is by design and cannot be fixed by ENB, select a preset.

Ermmm....no. :huh:



Version 2.5

- Fixed the "Always ON" bug

- Removed some lanterns along the Windhelm bridge to prevent engine glitches

- Now the default preset is already included in the main ESM (no red lights)


STEP has not had a preset for this for over a year now seeing that 2.5 is over a year old. Some peeps are out-of-date...like a year out of date! Haha! :lol:


But a preset might still be needed for ENBs. I'm unaware of how that works exactly as it just sounds odd that the lights from LoS would be render differently than the rest of the lights in the game.

  On 10/31/2014 at 8:30 PM, crime_syndicate said:

just downloaded it and checked in TES5Edit (I don't use LoS), there is indeed only one record to edit (under Light, quite obviously) so it should be really simple business to customize it to your liking.


edit : actually someone has already made exactly what you need apparently : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59420/?

Thanks, but that preset is way off from vanilla coloring. I'll have to play around to find one that matches if JawZ doesn't plan on providing one. Vividian ENB comes with it's own preset for LoS so I was hoping for an integrated fix, but if I must experiment I can.


The reasons for wanting as much intergration as possible is because I've put a stop on my ENBoost ENB project that I had been working on behind the scenes to watch how this develops. It's so similar to the idea I had that I'm thinking it might work as a replacement for my own project, but it's going to have to work with all of STEP to do so.

Posted (edited)

For the LoS issue I would just assign the same RGB color as the default candle light and it would have the same look as vanilla candle lights, no need to fuzz over such a simple thing like that. Three values Red, Green, Blue and perhaps a fourth dpending on if the creator of LoS have not altered in the "child lights". The value in question is the intensity or  "Fade" as it is offically called.

If the creator of LoS has used the same Fade value assigned to the Parent Light Bulb in the Object window it's a simple matter of adjusting the Fade/Intensity for that one Light Bulb. Otherwise if he have altered that value in the Child Light Bulbs that has been placed in different locations/cells than changing the Parent Light Bulbs fade value would either add or subtract the altered value assigned in Parent Light Bulb instead of setting it to the same value.


So if the Parent Light Bulb had initally a value of 1.0 before it was placed in a cell, then it gets placed in a cell and the author finds that a value of 2.0 suits that area better. And after a while a end users comes along and changes the Parent Light Bulb from 1.0 to 1.5 then the Child Light Bulb would end up with a value of 2.5 instead of the initial 2.0.

I hope I've made it clear on how the Parent and Child objects interact with one another.



As for the ELEP preset I have v1.2 almost ready to go and be released. It will include a new option or two in fact. The default Preset and the Performance preset that has two options, one for Anti-Aliasing users and one for users without running Anti-Aliasing for the best performance acheviable with a ENB Preset active.

And I have MO with the default STEP Extended v2.2.9 installed for easy comparison between default vanilla content, STEP-E and my own personal preference list of mods. Having STEP dividied into 11 archives instead of the 150+ archives helps out a lot in making it even easier to troubleshoot.

Edited by JawZ

Cool. I seen your thread post about the different options. Currently I'm running this with STEP:Extended. Was thinking about using it for the compares on the INI Guide because with the default ENB everything is kinda drab with a grey haze over the whole scene. Not ideal for compares.

Posted (edited)

The latest version that I have released just now is very much more optmized. All effects, excluding .fx specific activated effects, have been finely tuned to be able to add on top of the preset that was designed with all effects off during it's creation.

Don't know how good it will serve as a comparison preset, but highly doubtful it will be worse than the default enbseries settings, espescially the enbeffect.fx settings with the PP-3 active.



Here are some of the changes from v1.1 to 1.2

- Replaced the default Boris effect.txt with my own that is based on work done by Prod80
- Added the Performance preset of ELEP - FVC, with two performance options
- Created the Weather01_Clear.ini and Weather02_Cloudy.ini for those who want to make more specific changes.
- Enabled EdgeAA, end users should use their preferred Anti-Aliasing method
- Enabled Anisotropic Filtering, should always be at x16 unless you are running on a very very low end machine.
- Tweaked ForceLODBias for AA users
- Tweaked Sharpening for AA users
- Optimized all Quality settings
- Made code corrections to the BloomScale control, and adjusted appropriately
- Adjusted Bloom Threshold to visually look better between all different weathers, locations and times
- Added a Intensity control for the Night Eye effect and set it to a appropriate value
- Overall fine tuning of the visuals for an even better look


I have also included a install readme, being proper and all, as well as a readme for all the settings found in the enbeffect.fx and effect.txt shader file. They are perhaps not technically correct in their explanantion but I tried to write them as "dumb down" as I could so it would make sense to the general user.

Edited by JawZ
Posted (edited)

Hoepfully I did not forget to tweak a certain vital value or effect this time around.

I did however not fully tweak the Mist effect for all weathers and times. The ones that recieved an initial tweak are the default enbseries.ini (only Clear weathers and any uncovered weather not in the _weatherlist.ini), Cloudy, Fog, Rain and Snow. The ones that are left are Sovngarde, Soul Cairn, Ash weathers and Apocrypha.


They will be tweaked properly for v1.3 which will include the third option, Quality. Mainly for users with a High end PC rig, Video bloggers/reviews and the general screenarcher.




If you decide that this preset is good enough to use for the comparison shoots for the ENBSeries guide let me know, first as I would need to add in some code to the enbeffect.fx file so all effects can be used. I do however think it's only the bloom effect code that would be needed to add into the enbeffect.fx file in it's current state.



Or you can simply add this code line;

// ENB Bloom
    color.xyz += EBloomAmount * ebloom.xyz;

under this code line;

    float4 gCol   = color;               /// Special unaltered ENBSeries color variable for use in the "Before" effect included in Split Screen

And add in this code line above the above code line;

    float4 ebloom = tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy);  /// ENBSeries bloom effect


    float4 ebloom = tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy);  /// ENBSeries bloom effect
    float4 gCol   = color;               /// Special unaltered ENBSeries color variable for use in the "Before" effect included in Split Screen

// ENB bloom
    color.xyz += EBloomAmount * ebloom.xyz;

Which is located in the enbeffect.fx shader file.

Edited by JawZ

Updated the preset to 1.2.1


I did not upload all required files in v1.2, corrected now with 1.2.1

Added in the possibility to use ENBSeries bloom effect.


Uhm ok, why have this topic been tagged as "Oblivion"? It is for Skyrim, only thing that is universal is the shader code, partially. Exception are the Registers (_c1, _c2, _c3 etc).

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