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If you're EXTREMELY patient and want to help people with their game, I need a hero! I'm having some problems (stuttering, CTDs, etc.)


Posted (edited)

Dear mods, please don't delete this. It took me hours to compile everything!!! :)

Hey everyone,

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me with my game so far. It's a LOT better than it was when I first started S.T.E.P. I'm not using step religiously though. I have several other mods and I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out despite not following 100% S.T.E.P protocol.
This is going to be a LONG, and DETAILED thread dedicated to getting my game running smoothly. If it's too much for you to handle, kindly move on. I'm giving you pretty much everything and I'd like to see where you find faults with ANY OF IT. Even one suggestion would be great. Some of the sections below may be redundant because you can view most of my ini, log, etc. files on my virtual directory (section 1). I then go on to list some specific ini files at the bottom. I've made it as comprehensive and thorough as I possibly could with the virtual directories, screenshots, HTML logs, and other specific files. So if any of you are willing to help, I'd be SO grateful because I love this game, and I want to re-play it with stability, new mods, better textures, etc. I may post this on The Nexus forums too for some of their feedback since this isn't strictly S.T.E.P.

And perhaps this thread may help others who struggle with modding in the future!
Edit: I apologize if think I'm being lazy!  :blush: I assure you, I've looked at many tutorials here on S.T.E.P, watched many videos including Gophers, GamerPoets, and Mark Hollis'. I read all the mod descriptions, check for patches, check for incompatibility. My load order is still messy. LOOT throws plugin files into random spots on my load order and while I trust it, I'm not sure if it's always right. I've also gotten help from members here like hishutup, GrantSP, IdiotDave, hypercleats, GSDfan, etc. I've never been a techy kind of person so a lot of it is still hard for me to follow. I am still making the attempt to learn but I need your help and suggestions.

First of all, here is my rig:

Acindron's Rig
Intel Core i5 3570k CPU @ 3.40 GHz
8GB (2 x 4GB)  DDR3 SDRAM
Western Digital Caviar Black WD2002FAEX 2TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive (Skyrim installation, 163 GB left)
OCZ Agility 4 AGT4-25SAT3-128G 2.5" 128GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) 
EVGA GeForce GTX 670 FTW 2GB 256-bit (not oc'd)
Asus VS248H-P 24.0" Monitor 
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit

Top Priorities:

  • [*]
    [*]Get more FPS while having nice textures, ENB and other mods. Eliminate the stuttering! While it is still playable, it's not as enjoyable, especially when I dip below 30. If you think my rig isn't right for this kind of Skyrim setup, please give me some constructive criticism on GPU or any other hardware upgrades but I feel like my setup should be able to handle it. I'm not getting the FPS I want, the game stutters, especially in cities, around the Rift, anywhere there are a lot of NPCs and sometimes in random spots where you would assume smooth gameplay. As I mentioned before, it can dip below 30 with some of the S.T.E.P textures (mostly 2k, also optimized) unchecked. You can see what ones I've decided to uncheck below.  [*]Eliminate CTDs. It's a horrible feeling when you're deep into the game and your game just minimizes to the desktop. I experienced a lot before when I played 2 years ago but I'm hoping there are more solutions for it now. I just started playing the game again, I'm not far, and maybe there are scripts on my save files that couldn't be cleaned with SaveTool but I'd rather not start a new game unless I know the CTDs are coming from "orphaned scripts". I'm thinking it could be more of a VRAM problem, or a loading order problem. I do have the SKSE Memory Patch. You can look at my settings and logs in my directories or sections below. [*]Organize Mod Organizer. I still don't know how to combine patches, or merge plugins. It's all very complicated to me. This was mentioned in a previous thread, hishutup posted some videos and and I followed the video tutorials provided but I was still a bit very confused. I did end up making a TESEdit Merged.esp which I 
think is good. As far as my bashed patch goes, I don't know. I'll show you what's inside my bashed patch below. I've also tried merging similar ESPs with the TESVEdit xEdit Script plugin by matortheeternal but whenever I selected a cluster of ESPs I wanted to merge, others would appear in the right column. It didn't seem like a safe idea so I didn't do it. So things in my plugin list may still look a bit messy. I want everything to be clean, and organized. I'd also like your suggestions on what mods I should probably get rid of. If they're known to cause problems, I'll consider uninstalling them.

1.) First of all, here are directories where important files are, some of them are clickable so you can read them:
(Obviously, not all files are included. You can't click on others. Mostly ini, txt, log files are available to view.)
 (SIGH... THE SITE DOESN'T HAVE MALWARE, IT IS AN HTML BUILD OF MY SKYRIM DIRECTORIES. Hit details at the bottom, and then visit this unsafe site, I can't take screenshots of my directory so most of the important files are pasted below in spoiler tags if you're hesitant. You shouldn't be though.  ::): )

Posted Image - My Mod Organizer Directory: https://bit.ly/acindronmodir
Posted Image - My Documents/Games/skyrim: https://bit.ly/acindronmydocstesv <--- All clear besides ENB. Using Vividian 6.03 - Vivid. Performance Version, SMAA Antialiasing, Static Depth of Field (Medium)  - Three patches: Vividian - Weather Patch CoT.esp, Vividian - Wearable Lanterns Preset.esp, Vividian - Torches Preset.esp
Posted Image - steamapps/common/skyrim: bit.ly/acindronskyrimdir
2.) EVGA Nvidia GTX 670 FTW Inspector:
[spoiler=Nvidia Stuff]
Posted ImagePosted Image Posted Image Posted Image

(I think everything looks about right here...)
3.) My Launcher settings:
Posted Image Posted Image

(I think everything looks about right here...)

4.) Screenshot of Skyrim Performance Monitor: (played for 15 minutes before getting a CTD)
Posted Image
(I'll be honest, I don't know what a lot of that means...)
5a.) SKSE.ini:
ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 <---hishutup suggested this number be 512, changing it as of 10/25/14 5:30am. Thanks for the tip! :)

5b.) My Last MemoryBlocksLog:
[spoiler=memoryblockslog.log (from my SKSE plugins folder)]

logging of blocks enabled
logging max values only
Timer disabled
Block1 Block2
512MB 256MB
85 8
85 8
85 9
85 10
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(Something doesn't seem right here... )

6.) Wrye Bash, Bashed Patches:
[spoiler=Wrye Bash Screenshots]
Posted Image
Posted Image
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Posted Image

The results: https://bit.ly/acindronwryebash (Again...THE SITE DOESN'T HAVE MALWARE, IT IS AN HTML FILE OF MY RESULTS. Hit details at the bottom, and then visit this unsafe site, if you're still hesitant, check the spoiler tag below)

[spoiler=Wrye Bash Results]
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
• Overview
• Import Names
• Import Stats
• Tweak Settings
• Leveled Lists
•  10/24/2014 2:51:29 PM
•  Elapsed Time: 0:00:25.225
Active Mods
•  00 Skyrim.esm
•  01 Update.esm
•  02 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
•  03 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 2.0.7]
•  04 Dawnguard.esm
•  05 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [Version 2.0.7]
•  06 HearthFires.esm
•  07 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp [Version 2.0.7]
•  08 Dragonborn.esm
•  09 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Version 2.0.7]
•  0A ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
•  0B ETaC - RESOURCES.esm
•  0C JSwords.esm [Version 1.4]
•  0D SGHairPackBase.esm
•  0E SGHairPackAIO.esp
•  0F TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [Version 9]
•  10 RaceMenu.esp
•  11 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
•  12 SkyUI.esp
•  ++ GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp
•  13 Cutting Room Floor.esp [Version 1.1]
•  14 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
•  15 BetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp
•  16 DawnguardRuneWeaponsFXSReplacer.esp
•  17 BetterQuestObjectives.esp
•  18 iHUD.esp
•  19 When Vampires Attack.esp [Version 2.0.3]
•  1A Brows.esp
•  1B 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.esp
•  1C 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_EffectPatch.esp
•  1D Disease Descriptions.esp
•  1E ShootingStars.esp
•  1F HelmetToggle2.02b.esp
•  20 BetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp
•  21 ArmorEbonyRanger.esp
•  22 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
•  23 BFSEffects.esp
•  24 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
•  25 CookingAlchemy.esp
•  26 Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp
•  27 DD_Dawnguard Additions.esp
•  28 DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
•  29 Dead Body Collision.esp
•  2A DD_Dragonborn Additions.esp
•  2B FS_Skycutter.esp
•  2C EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
•  2D ETaC - Complete.esp
•  2E AOS.esp
•  2F ELFX - Exteriors.esp
•  30 ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp
•  31 Facelight.esp
•  32 mintylightningmod.esp
•  33 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
•  34 Elemental Staves.esp
•  35 No More Glowing Edges.esp
•  36 NoxWCC.esp
•  37 ORM-Arvak.esp
•  38 Rainbows.esp
•  39 RealisticWaterTwo.esp
•  3A Book Covers Skyrim.esp
•  3B AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp
•  3C Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
•  3D Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp
•  3E AchieveThat.esp
•  3F chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp
•  40 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp [Version v6.5.2a]
•  41 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
•  42 Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
•  43 BlackSacramentDBReplacer.esp
•  44 BCS - CCOR Patch.esp
•  45 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
•  46 Soul Gems Differ - NS.esp
•  47 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
•  48 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
•  49 AOS2_EBT Patch.esp
•  ++ ISCompendium CCO Patch.esp
•  4A ISCompendium AOS Patch.esp
•  4B ISCompendium Enhanced Blood Patch.esp
•  4C Helgen Reborn.esp [Version 105.3]
•  4D SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp
•  4E Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp [Version v6.5.2a]
•  4F SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp
•  50 Immersive Whiterun.esp
•  51 BirdsHFclean.esp
•  52 Immersive Solstheim.esp
•  53 JKs Windhelm.esp [Version 1.2b]
•  54 JKs Solitude.esp [Version 1.2]
•  55 BetterQuestObjectives-AFTPatch.esp
•  56 Immersive Weapons.esp
•  57 TradeBarter.esp
•  58 SoS - Civilization.esp [Version 1.02]
•  59 UnreadBooksGlow.esp [Version 2.2.0]
•  5A SoS - The Dungeons.esp [Version 1.23]
•  5B fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp [Version 1.0]
•  5C SoS - The Wilds.esp [Version 1.13]
•  5D WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp
•  5E aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
•  5F CCO_SIC_Patch.esp
•  60 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
•  61 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
•  62 aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
•  63 Inigo.esp
•  64 Inconsequential NPCs.esp
•  65 Faction Crossbows.esp
•  66 Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp
•  67 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
•  68 JKs Whiterun.esp [Version 1.1]
•  69 JKs Riften.esp [Version 1]
•  6A DawnofWhiterun.esp
•  6B Run For Your Lives.esp [Version 2.0.3]
•  6C JKs Whiterun DofW Comp.esp
•  6D Point The Way.esp [Version 1.0.3]
•  6E Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp
•  6F JKs Markarth.esp [Version 1]
•  70 Populated Lands Roads Paths.esp
•  71 FNISspells.esp
•  72 Immersive Patrols II.esp
•  73 JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [Version 1.4]
•  74 Skyrim Better Roads - Solitude.esp
•  75 SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp [Version 1.1]
•  76 HearthfireChimneys.esp
•  77 STEP Combined PluginHF.esp [Version 2.2.9]
•  ++ CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [Version 1.5]
•  78 Skyrim Better Roads - Whiterun.esp
•  79 TESVEdit Merged.esp
•  7A AOS_SoS-Wilds Patch.esp
•  7B AOS2_CoT3_1_patch.esp
•  7C SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp
•  7D ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp
•  7E AOS_SoS-Civ Patch.esp
•  7F SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp
•  80 PilgrimsDelight.esp
•  81 Skyrim Better Roads - Ivarstead.esp
•  82 BlackSacramentArmor.esp
•  83 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
•  84 Skyrim Better Bridges - Whiterun.esp
•  85 AOS2_WAF Patch.esp
•  86 Dread Huntress Armor.esp
•  87 WeaponsArmorFixes_ambSkyforge_Patch.esp
•  88 BetterQuestObjectives-AMBSkyforgePatch.esp
•  89 WetandCold.esp
•  8A AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp
•  8B WetandCold - Ashes.esp
•  8C quest_pitfighter.esp
•  8D quest_pitfighter_dlc01.esp
•  8E Vividian - Torches Preset.esp
•  8F Vividian - Weather Patch CoT.esp
•  90 Vividian - Wearable Lanterns Preset.esp
•  91 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
•  92 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [Version 2.5.3]
•  93 BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
Import Names Source Mods/Files
•  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
•  Dawnguard.esm
•  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
•  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
•  Dragonborn.esm
•  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
•  Cutting Room Floor.esp
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
•  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp
•  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
Renamed Items
•  ACTI: 2
•  ARMO: 3
Import Stats Source Mods/Files
•  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
•  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
•  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
•  Cutting Room Floor.esp
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
•  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp
•  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
Modified Stats
•  Armors: 39
•  Dragonborn.esm: 1
•  Skyrim.esm: 38
Tweak Settings
•  Crime: Alarm Distance: 1000
•  Timescale set to: 12.00
Leveled Lists
•  Update.esm [ADR]
•  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [ADR]
•  Dawnguard.esm [AD]
•  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [AD]
•  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [AD]
•  Cutting Room Floor.esp [AD]
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp [ADR]
•  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp [ADR]
•  SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp [AD]
•  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  TradeBarter.esp [ADR]
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
Merged Item Lists
•  CWSoldierImperialGear
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CWSoldierImperialGearNoTorch
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CWSoldierImperialGearNoTorchNoBow
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  DLC2LItemBook3Combined
•  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [AD]
•  LItemBanditBattleaxe
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemBanditSword
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemBanditWarAxe
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemBlacksmithArrows75
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemJewelryCirclet
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp [ADR]
•  LItemMiscVendorArrows75
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  LItemMiscVendorClothing75
•  Cutting Room Floor.esp [AD]
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  LItemMiscVendorMiscItems75
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  STEP Combined PluginHF.esp
•  LItemSoldierSonsBattleaxe
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemSoldierSonsGreatsword
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemSoldierSonsSword
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemSoldierSonsWaraxe
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemSpellTomes00AllSpells
•  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [ADR]
•  Facelight.esp
•  LItemSpellTomes00Spells
•  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [ADR]
•  Facelight.esp
•  LItemWarlockDagger
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponBattleAxe
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponBattleAxeBlacksmith
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponBattleAxeTown
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponBowBlacksmith
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponDagger
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponDaggerBest
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponDaggerBlacksmith
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponDaggerBoss
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponDaggerForsworn
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponDaggerTown
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponGreatSword
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponGreatSwordBlacksmith
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponGreatSwordTown
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponSword
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponSwordBlacksmith
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponSwordTown
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponWarAxe
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponWarAxeBlacksmith
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  LItemWeaponWarAxeTown
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ADR]
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  CCO_WAFTrueWeapons_Patch.esp [ADR]
•  SublistArmorBootsDaedricBest05
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  SublistArmorCuirassDaedricBest05
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  SublistArmorGauntletsDaedricBest05
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  SublistArmorHelmetDaedricBest05
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  SublistArmorShieldDaedricBest05
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  SublistArmorShieldDragonplateBest05
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
•  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]
•  SublistThalmorWeaponGlass1H
•  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ADR]
•  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp [ADR]
•  VendorEorlundSkyforgeSteelSet
•  Immersive Weapons.esp [ADR]
•  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ADR]
Empty Item Sublists
•  DLC2SublistArmorNordicSetBlack_AMB
•  IALIMageHelmet50
•  IALIWildMageHelmet50
•  LItemEnchRingAlchemy
•  LItemEnchRingEnchanting
•  LItemPoisonDrainAllSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainAllSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainArmorSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainArmorSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainBlock
•  LItemPoisonDrainBlockBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainConjuration
•  LItemPoisonDrainConjurationBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainDestruction
•  LItemPoisonDrainDestructionBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainMarksman
•  LItemPoisonDrainMarksmanBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainMeleeSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainMeleeSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainRestoration
•  LItemPoisonDrainRestorationBest
Empty Item Sublists Removed
•  DLC2NordicHeavyBoss
•  IASetMageRND
•  IASetWildMage
•  LItemApothecaryPoisonAll75
•  LItemDrainMagicSkills
•  LItemEnchRingSkillMagic
•  LItemEnchRingSkillStealth
•  LItemPoisonAll
•  LItemPoisonAllBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainAllSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainAllSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkillsBest
•  LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkills
•  LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkillsBest
•  LootBanditChestPotions100
•  LootBanditChestPotions15
•  LootCWImperialsChestPotions100
•  LootCWImperialsChestPotions25
•  LootCWSonsChestPotions100
•  LootCWSonsChestPotions25
•  LootDwarvenChestPotions15
•  LootDwavenChestPotions100
•  LootForswornChestPotions100
•  LootForswornChestPotions15
•  LootForswornPotions10
•  LootHagravenChestPotions100
•  LootHagravenChestPotions25
•  LootVampireChestPotions100
•  LootVampireChestPotions15
•  LootWerewolfChestPotions100
•  LootWerewolfChestPotions25
•  TGRewardPoisonAllBest


Moving onto Mod Organizer.
7.) Screenshot of my Left Panel w/ priority numbers:
Posted Image

^^^ Here's the link to that image because the forum won't blow it up enough to view: https://i.imgur.com/yiA5g8x.png

Edited by acindron

14 answers to this question

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  • 0
Posted (edited)


8.) The Left Panel (green means checked):


# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+Skyrim Project Optimization
+Faction Pit Fighter DLC
+Faction Pit Fighter
+Ebony Ranger Armor
+Helgen Reborn
+Vividian ENB - Weather and Lighting Enhancement - Vivid Color Version
+Lush Trees and Grass
+Sounds of Skyrim - Patches
+SoS Compatibility Patches
+Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version
+Immersive Patrols Aggressive
+Inconsequential NPCs - Cutting Room Floor Compatibility Patch
+Inconsequential NPCs 1 dot 9c
+Populated Lands Roads Paths
+Weather Control Center
+Skycutter - Main File
+EWIs Wearable Lanterns Retex
+Wearable Lanterns 3 0b
+Player Voicesets - Main File - Fixed
+83Willows 101BUGS V4 EffectPatch
+83Willows 101BUGs V4 1 HighResolution HighSpawn
+Skyrim Better Roads
+Bashed Patch, 0 (Derek)
+JaySuS Swords 14
+Cleaned Update ESM
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS (Spells)
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS (Creatures)
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
+ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller
+Realistic Force
+No More Blocky Faces - Merged With LUEF-1 00
+Book Covers Skyrim - Compatibility Patch Collection
+Book Covers Skyrim 2 9 5 LEGENDARY - Desaturated
+CCO Compatibility Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures
+Skyrim Immersive Creatures
+Unread Books Glow
+Guard Dialogue Overhaul
+CCO Compatibility Patch for WAF True Weapons
+Alternate Start - Live Another Life
+aMidianBorn Wolf Armor and Skyforge Weapons
+aMidianBorn - Content Addon
+When Vampires Attack
+Even Better Quest Objectives
+Complete Crafting Overhaul
+Rexcellent's 360 Controller Remap Version
+Apocalypse Magic
+STEP Combined PluginHF
+Immersive Armors
+Face Light
+SC Khajiit Improvement 2k
+FAR - Forgotten Argonian Roots - Male 2k
+FAR - Forgotten Argonian Roots Females CBBE - 2k
+No More Glowing Edges
+The Eyes Of Beauty
+Eyes of Beauty NPC Replacer
+SkySight Skins Ultra HD - Male ULTRA
+Mature Skin - Body and face texture CBBE
+Mature Skin - Body and face normal maps CBBE
+Brows High Resolution
+Expanded Towns and Cities Im. Set. Merged File
+Helmet Toggle
+SG Hairs
+JK's Windhelm
+JK's Dawn of Whiterun Fix
+JK's Whiterun
+JK's Solitude
+JK's Riften
+JK's Markarth
+Enhanced Lights and FX
+DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field
+Dread Huntress Armor CBBE
+Dawn of Whiterun
+Climates Of Tamriel - Sounds
+Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1 13 Full Version
+Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization 1 02 Full Version
+Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Full
+Climates Of Tamriel - Dragonborn Patch
+Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors
+Cooking for Alchemy
+Enhanced Blood Textures 3 5d
+Black Sacrament Armor
+Faction Crossbows
+Achieve That
+Coin Replacer Redux - Legendary Edition
+Wet and Cold - Ashes
+Wet and Cold
+Run For Your Lives
+Alpha Werewolf sounds
+Immersive Sounds - Compendium
+Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2
+White Phial Replacer
+Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored - Performance Edition
+Sweet Mother HD
+Soul Gems Differ
+SLOD Wine Cellar Full Pack
+Septim HD 1 point
+Realistic Instruments Pack
+Pilgrims Delight - Zul Do Dov
+Not Really HD Display Cases - Smudged Glass Version
+Mystery Modders Shrines HD
+Spiderwebs Medium
+HQ Paper
+HD Linens
+HD Sacks
+HD Ore
+HD Ingots
+HD Keys With Normal Maps
-Enhanced HD Dragon Bones 1k v1.6a
+HD Baskets Fixed
+EnchantingCandlesImproved LeanWolf
+Detailed Rugs v1
+Better Shadowmarks
+Better Bones
+Shooting Stars
+Finer Dust
+Enhanced Blood Textures Blood 0 Dragonborn-Dawnguard Compatibility Patch
+Dawnguard Rune Weapons FXS Replacer
+BFS Effects 3 6 - BSA
+Ultimate HD Torch MedRes - 1024x1024
+Not Really HD-Mask of Clavicus Vile - Corrected Wrecked Version
+Nightingale Prime HD - Leather Version
+Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux
+Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project Dragonborn
+Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project Dawnguard
+Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project
+Gemling Queen Jewelry
+Elemental Staffs 1K Main Cleaned
+Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows
+Better Circlets HQ 2K V1o1
+aMidianBorn Stormcloak officer
+aMidianBorn Imperial Light 1dot1 2k
+aMidian Book of Silence - Bonemold Hotfix
+aMidianBorn Blade of Woe
+Natural Eyes
+Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak
+SLF Hair - LITE - 1K
+Realistic Hair
+Improved Foot Wraps for females
+Fraost Atronach HD
+Female Vampires Have Fangs
+coverkhajiits female version
+coverkhajiits male version
+Birds and Flocks Hearthfire Edition Cleaned
+Better Freckles
+Bellyache HD Dragon Replacer Final
+Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack
+Whitrun Trellis Texture 1024
-Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - yellow
+Visible Windows
-Terrain Bump Landscape Normals - Performance
+Telvanni reborn
+Stalhrim of Skyrim
+Skyrim Improved Puddles 1024 BAIN
+Distant Detail Hearthfire Edition
+Realistic Water Two
+Mushroom Retexture Pack Low Res Version
-Real Wood Textures - Farmhouses 1k
+Real Ice
+Point The Way
-Moss Rocks DB
-Moss Rocks
-Improved Vanilla Mountains HD
+Hybrids Hires Plant and Herb Retexture
+Ceramic Style Poisons
+HQ Snow Texture 2 7 1 1024 Loose
+HiRes Road Signs Version 3 Worn Text
-HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res
+Hearthfire Chimneys for Farmhouses
+Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Low Stars
+Hd Enhanced Terrain and Map snow 1024x1024 Version
+Dragon Glyphs Fixed (Smooth)
-aMidianBorn Whiterun 1k
-aMidianBorn Solstheim Land
-aMidianBorn Farmhouse 1k
-aMidianBorn Caves and Mines 1k
+Hi-Res Quality World Map - Main Roads
+HQ Food Ingredients (Performance)
+Static Mesh Improvement Mod
+Enhanced Distant Terrain 2 - Dragonborn
+Enhanced Distant Terrain 2
-Tobes Highres Textures 1 2
-HD Misc
-Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
-Serious HD Retexture LANDSCAPE 1024px
+Serious HD Retexture RIFTEN 1024px
+Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
-SkyFalls + SkyMills
+Ultimate HD Fire Effects - Medium Resolution
-The Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta (S.D.O.)
+Realistic Smoke and Embers
+Ruins Clutter Improved 2
+Race Menu
+Lore-Based Loading Screens
+Lockpicking Interface Retex
+KenMOD - Time on loading screen
+Immersive HUD
-High Quality 3D Map
+Disease Descriptions for the Immersive Adventurer
+Fast Travel Timescale Fix
+Appropriately Attired Jarls
+Cutting Room Floor (Main, v1.1)
+Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Legendary
+Dead Body Collision Fix
+Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
+Trade and Barter
+Immersive Weapons
+Distant Decal Fix
+Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
*Unmanaged: Dragonborn
+Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
*Unmanaged: HearthFires
+Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
*Unmanaged: Dawnguard
+Unofficial Skyrim Patch
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03
*Unmanaged: Bashed Patch, 0


9.) Load Order (Right Panel):

[spoiler=loadorder.txt ([ L ] represents a locked plugin (kinda obv.), red means unchecked, pink means patch)]

Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm [ L ]
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [ L ]
Dawnguard.esm [ L ]
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [ L ]
HearthFires.esm [ L ]
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp [ L ]
Dragonborn.esm [ L ]
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [ L ]
ClimatesOfTamriel.esm [ L ]
ETaC - RESOURCES.esm [ L ] <-- expanded towns and cities.
JSwords.esm [ L ]
SGHairPackBase.esm [ L ] <-- hair mod, not on nexus. esm or esp comes first? loot put the esm first.
SGHairPackAIO.esp [ L ]
TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [ L ]
RaceMenu.esp  [ L ]
RaceMenuPlugin.esp [ L ]
SkyUI.esp [ L ]
Cutting Room Floor.esp [ L ]
Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp [ L ]
BetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp [ L ]
BetterQuestObjectives.esp [ L ]
iHUD.esp [ L ]
When Vampires Attack.esp [ L ]
Brows.esp [ L ]
83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.esp [ L ]
83Willows_101BUGS_V4_EffectPatch.esp  [ L ] <-- probably getting rid of this. Doesn't really work.
Disease Descriptions.esp
HelmetToggle2.02b.esp <-- MCM menu options to toggle helmet. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22765/?
Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp
DD_Dawnguard Additions.esp
Vividian - Wearable Lanterns Preset.esp <-- should be lower at the load order? together with other vividian.esps?
DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
Dead Body Collision.esp
DD_Dragonborn Additions.esp
FS_Skycutter.esp <-- standalone weapon mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59222/?
ETaC - Complete.esp
ELFX - Exteriors.esp
ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp
Elemental Staves.esp
No More Glowing Edges.esp
NoxWCC.esp <-- MCM weather control center. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51750/?
ORM-Arvak.esp <-- dawnguard horse mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24019/?
Book Covers Skyrim.esp
Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp [ L ]
Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcishWeapons.esp [ L ]
AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
BCS - CCOR Patch.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
Soul Gems Differ - NS.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
AOS2_EBT Patch.esp
ISCompendium CCO Patch.esp
ISCompendium AOS Patch.esp
ISCompendium Enhanced Blood Patch.esp
Vividian - Torches Preset.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
Distant DetailHF.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
Immersive Whiterun.esp
Immersive Solstheim.esp
JKs Windhelm.esp
JKs Solitude.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
SoS - Civilization.esp [ L ]
SoS - The Dungeons.esp [ L ]
SoS - The Wilds.esp [ L ]
Vividian - Weather Patch CoT.esp
aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp [ L ]
AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp [ L ]
Inigo.esp <-- locked amazing follower tweaks above inigo (smart companion) because it seemed like i should.
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Faction Crossbows.esp <-- new weapons mod from nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58704/?
Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
JKs Whiterun.esp
JKs Riften.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
JKs Whiterun DofW Comp.esp <-- patch so dawn of whiterun works with JK's whiterun.
Point The Way.esp
Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp
JKs Markarth.esp
Populated Lands Roads Paths.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
Skyrim Better Roads - Solitude.esp
STEP Combined PluginHF.esp [ L ]
TESVEdit Merged.esp [ L ]
Skyrim Better Roads - Whiterun.esp
AOS_SoS-Wilds Patch.esp
SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp
AOS_SoS-Civ Patch.esp
SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp
PilgrimsDelight.esp <-- hrothgar retextures... 
Skyrim Better Roads - Ivarstead.esp
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp [ L ] <-- this always seems to conflict with skyui.
Skyrim Better Bridges - Whiterun.esp
AOS2_WAF Patch.esp
Dread Huntress Armor.esp
AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp
WetandCold - Ashes.esp
quest_pitfighter.esp <-- from steam workshop, could cause problems but i've had ctds before this mod. haven't experienced it yet. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119305443
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 
Bashed Patch, 0.esp

10.)Data Tab in MO on right panel:
Has two red files:
[spoiler=Data Tab in MO]
Posted Image

Overwrites in MO:
[spoiler=Overwrites in MO]
Posted Image

And now for my ini files...
11.) Loot Results:
[spoiler=Loot Results]
https://bit.ly/acindronlootreport (THE SITE DOES NOT HAVE MALWARE...!) 


12.) ini Files (You can also find most ini files by looking at my directories in No. 1):






uExterior Cell Buffer=36


























SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.



sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Invalidation.bsa, Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa











































fBookOpenTime=200.0 ;speeds up the book-opening animation

;move the HUD elements closer to the borders of the screen







;Increase ranged killcam frequency (or disable killcams)






bVATSDisable=1 ;enable(0) or disable (1) killcams











































bFull Screen=1

iSize H=1080

iSize W=1920













sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670"


























fGrassStartFadeDistance=18000 ;push back the distance for grasses to fade (minor performance hit)



























































































bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1 ;Enable higher-res blood on NPCs (insignificant performance impact)

iMaxDecalsPerFrame=256 ;increases the number of blood decals per scene (from "Enhanced Blood Textures")


























I'm using Vividian ENB Performance w/ a few plugins (TorchesPreset.esp, WeatherPatchCoT.esp, WearableLanterns.esp)
And now that I'm looking at my plugin load order, Loot may have put these in the incorrect locations so I've moved them to the bottom, before the bashed patch and locked them since writing this.


13. ENB Local (You can find more ENB files at No. 1)


EnableProxyLibrary=true // set to true for SMAA, also install the SMAA files from "Optional Files"
ProxyLibrary=d3d9_smaa.dll // delete the "//" for SMAA, also install the SMAA files from "Optional Files"
DisableDriverMemoryManager=false // Set to true for AMD Videocards
ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 // Reduce to 256 or 128 if you have less than 3GB VRAM
VideoMemorySizeMb=10240 // Formula: (VRAM + RAM - 2048 / 2) , max value: 10240
LodBias=-0.33 // Lower Values for more detailed Textures at distance, -0,33 selected for Vividian Setup
//num /       106
EnableSubPixelAA=false // set to false if you use SMAA
FixAliasedTextures=false // set to false if you use SMAA

Here is my Papyrus.0.log (useless?):

tl;dr: I suck at modding Skyrim and I wish I were as knowledgeable as you guys.

Edited by acindron
  • 0
Posted (edited)

oh d***, thats why it took you 4 hours....

Discussing this many issues at once can become chaotic.

I do see some plugins that I am unfamiliar with.


As for COT/SoS/AOS I can get you a patch or try to at least.


Its late so I'll tell you what I can


I believe I said this in a previous post somewhere patches, you're going to need to make your own... I can assist but I can't look at the mods in Tes5edit myself...


I am speaking from personal experience as well as habits...



So, first


To increase frames, you can crank the distant detail because I don't think it matter but what does is shadow quality bring that down to high (2048)

SMAA is still pretty heavy. You can get away just fine with by disabling it and enabling it in in ENBlocal


Forcing LOD Bias in my experience has a strange micro stutter even if it is set to 0 but I like the detail that it provides.




As for the CTDs

Ok, for long term heavily modded setups I have found that my Block2 would fill up and CTD...

To 'fix' this 

In ENBlocal.ini (causes crash on startup for me when SKSE edit is used)


skse.ini (I don't see it included)

but set the second memory value to 512 and leave the first at 768


To debug this disable FNIS and test and delete the meshes, scripts, texture folder from your overwrite folder.


Why? I have had strange CTD issues myself.



For the final thing with organizing and creating patches, I am terrible of explaining it in writing. I talk about this a little later, like tomorrow...



To explain the very scattered thoughts, I am very overwhelmed...

Edited by hishutup
  • +1 1
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/25/2014 at 9:03 AM, hishutup said:

oh d***, thats why it took you 4 hours

Its late so I'll tell you what I can


To increase frames, you can crank the distant detail because I don't think it matter but what does is shadow quality bring that down to high (2048)

SMAA is still pretty heavy. You can get away just fine with by disabling it and enabling it in in ENBlocal


Forcing LOD Bias in my experience has a strange micro stutter even if it is set to 0 but I like the detail that it provides.


Theres one part...


That was fast! Yes, it took me a while to write all this. Thank you for waiting. :) How would I go about lowering my shadows to 2048? I'm not sure what you mean about SMAA. I thought that was suggested rather than regular anti-aliasing. So are you saying to delete the SMAA files provided by Vividian ENB and change those settings in ENBlocal? Will the game still look decent?Edit: Don't overwhelm yourself by the way. Any help is appreciated. :) Here is my skse.ini:


I think I was going off of one of Gopher's tutorials that may have been a bit outdated. So I'm changing ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 to 512 now? Will do.Interesting about FNIS. I don't really use the mod for anything besides Immersive Creatures (I think the FNIS creature pack is required, not 100%) but other than that, I don't use custom animations. So I'll give that a try.  Edited by acindron
  • 0
Posted (edited)

I told you I only read a few lines.


SMAA may perform differently on Nvidia card but on my AMD cards its pretty heavy...

Try disabling it and see.


Since you use the launcher just set the shadows to High


Will it look decent... Thats subjective, I cannot answer that.



EDIT: The orange esps in Wrye Bash are just out of order masters.

Some say these cause you game to crash. I doubt it does because I had some in my load Order and I went 11hrs just fine


EDIT2: You have a picture with some mods missing masters when rebuilding the bashed patch, that is generally bad and it will likely cause your game to crash.

It means that is is going to merge a mod even though that there is a master missing. This will cause errors for those records.

Edited by hishutup
  • +1 1
  • 0
  On 10/25/2014 at 9:26 AM, hishutup said:

I told you I only read a few lines.


SMAA may perform differently on Nvidia card but on my AMD cards its pretty heavy...

Try disabling it and see.


Since you use the launcher just set the shadows to High


Will it look decent... Thats subjective, I cannot answer that.

That's the thing, I don't use the launcher for graphic settings. I use the S.T.E.P guidelines for that. I tweak the inis, and Nvidia inspector. Here are my shadow codes from skyrimprefs.ini:



[Display]bShadowsOnGrass=1iBlurDeferredShadowMask=20fInteriorShadowDistance=2500.0000fShadowDistance=2000.0000iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=1024iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048iShadowSplitCount=2iMaxAnisotropy=1fShadowDistance=8000.0000   iMultiSample=0iShadowMode=3bTreesReceiveShadows=1bDrawLandShadows=1   bShadowMaskZPrepass=1 iShadowMapResolution=4096fShadowBiasScale=0.1500iShadowMaskQuarter=4 iShadowFilter=3 bDeferredShadows=1bDrawShadows=1

I imagine some of those may need to be tweaked if I wanted to lower my shadows. I'm not sure if I even got these values from S.T.E.P or not. It may have been from Nexus because I was having problem with very ugly shadows.


By the way, Immersive Creatures doesn't seem to require FNIS so I think I can just get rid of it. No use for it. 

  • 0
Posted (edited)

in skyrimprefs


you can also disable bMouseAcceleration to remove the terrible mouse acceleration... that was kind of redundant
Try it with that edit and with SMAA disabled like below and report back about the frames and stutter...


ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 <---hishutup suggested this number be 512, changing it as of 10/25/14 5:30am. Thanks for the tip! :)

The scapHeap edit I brought up is for a special circumstances. Not everybody needs it.

You'll know when you need it when you see in memory blocks log.log in the Blocks2 column max out at 255 and then crash

The enb edit is also needed otherwise you'll crash on startup ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false







Isn't needed anymore

Edited by hishutup
  • +1 1
  • 0
  On 10/25/2014 at 9:56 AM, hishutup said:

in skyrimprefs


you can also disable bMouseAcceleration to remove the terrible mouse acceleration... that was kind of redundant


Try it with that edit and with SMAA disabled like below and report back about the frames and stutter...


The scapHeap edit I brought up is for a special circumstances. Not everybody needs it.

You'll know when you need it when you see in memory blocks log.log in the Blocks2 column it'll max out at 255 and then crash

The enb edit is also needed otherwise you'll crash on startup




Isn't needed anymore

Awesome. Thank you hishutup. It's 6am here and I haven't slept.  :turned: Will give it a go later on today. Answered your PM btw.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/25/2014 at 9:26 AM, hishutup said:

I told you I only read a few lines.


SMAA may perform differently on Nvidia card but on my AMD cards its pretty heavy...

Try disabling it and see.


Since you use the launcher just set the shadows to High


Will it look decent... Thats subjective, I cannot answer that.



EDIT: The orange esps in Wrye Bash are just out of order masters.

Some say these cause you game to crash. I doubt it does because I had some in my load Order and I went 11hrs just fine


EDIT2: You have a picture with some mods missing masters when rebuilding the bashed patch, that is generally bad and it will likely cause your game to crash.

It means that is is going to merge a mod even though that there is a master missing. This will cause errors for those records.

Which photo are you referring to? If I had a mod missing masters, wouldn't MO tell me?


  On 10/25/2014 at 9:56 AM, hishutup said:


The scapHeap edit I brought up is for a special circumstances. Not everybody needs it.

You'll know when you need it when you see in memory blocks log.log in the Blocks2 column max out at 255 and then crash

The enb edit is also needed otherwise you'll crash on startup ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false



Isn't needed anymore


My last memory blocks log:



logging of blocks enabled

logging max values only

Timer disabled

Block1 Block2

512MB 256MB

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Edited by acindron
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From what you have posted here I think it is safe to say you have a fairly logical and clinical mind, one capable of merging and bashing patches. I would say though that you might be over-reaching a bit. If you have never done this sort of thing before it's best to take things a bit at a time.

You know the proverb:

  • Question - How do you eat an elephant?
  • Answer - One bite at a time.

When I started to mod, and I am by no means proficient at it, I started with small, minor edits and tested these. Only after getting those right did I next move onto adding more mods.

It may, in the long run, prove more beneficial for you to strip back your mod list and add in each 'tricky' set of mods one at a time. I can see you are already using some good tools to assist you, like the Merge Plugins Script. Keep in mind though that that tool is just that, a tool. It can not do for you anything that you are unaware of. If you don't know why certain mods need to have certain records merged then having that done automatically won't really help you, in the long run.

This probably doesn't sound like the answer you want but in my experience if you break large problems down into small ones and tackle each one in turn, pretty soon you have no problem and you will be well equipped to tackle the next set of problems.


I should clarify this by saying this is directed to your 3rd (listed as 4th) point.

CTD's and ENB settings are those sort of problem that getting answers from others is invaluable, and I think you are being provided with some great advice here about that. I don't use ENBs so I can't offer anything further.


One thing I will say about the 'Overwrite' folder.

Whenever you run a tool that places files in it, you will need to decide if they need to made into a mod or can be discarded.

So, for example, if you run FNIS to create the FNIS patch you need to use the right-click "Create Mod" option. The same thing applies for any other tool that generates files in this folder.

Now, if you leave that folder populated with temporary things such as TES5Edit backups, these will also be added into whatever *.esp you have just made. Therefore it is imperative that you empty this folder before doing any editing.

Think of it as a 'temp' folder. Generally files that are placed into it can be discarded if all you are doing is playing Skyrim. If, however, you have been doing ANY modding type of activity, the files generated need to be placed either into a new plugin or overwrite an existing plugin.

  • +1 1
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The load order is still a mess...


Did you try to set this in Skyrimprefs.ini


If you don't care about the grasses then try this


I would also disable +Lush Trees and Grass because it is heavier than SFO


The crashing may be related to FNIS, try deleting these files

Posted Image



and then regenerating like this

Posted Image


are you running... STEP Core Patch 229 v2

OR if you are using STEP Extended... STEP Extended Patch 229 v2


Some people say that setting the enblocal.ini to the following it helped with stutter


I know this to help with stutter in the past


I would say start there and report back

  • +1 1
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Posted (edited)
  On 10/26/2014 at 1:24 AM, hishutup said:

The load order is still a mess...


Did you try to set this in Skyrimprefs.ini


If you don't care about the grasses then try this


I would also disable +Lush Trees and Grass because it is heavier than SFO


The crashing may be related to FNIS, try deleting these files

Posted Image



and then regenerating like this

Posted Image


are you running... STEP Core Patch 229 v2

OR if you are using STEP Extended... STEP Extended Patch 229 v2


Some people say that setting the enblocal.ini to the following it helped with stutter


I know this to help with stutter in the past


I would say start there and report back

Whaaat? That completely worked! Thank you, hishutup! The game is running really smoothly now with ALL S.T.E.P texture packs. Fps hitting 60+... awesome. :)


  On 10/25/2014 at 10:34 PM, GrantSP said:

From what you have posted here I think it is safe to say you have a fairly logical and clinical mind, one capable of merging and bashing patches. I would say though that you might be over-reaching a bit. If you have never done this sort of thing before it's best to take things a bit at a time.

You know the proverb:

  • Question - How do you eat an elephant?
  • Answer - One bite at a time.

When I started to mod, and I am by no means proficient at it, I started with small, minor edits and tested these. Only after getting those right did I next move onto adding more mods.

It may, in the long run, prove more beneficial for you to strip back your mod list and add in each 'tricky' set of mods one at a time. I can see you are already using some good tools to assist you, like the Merge Plugins Script. Keep in mind though that that tool is just that, a tool. It can not do for you anything that you are unaware of. If you don't know why certain mods need to have certain records merged then having that done automatically won't really help you, in the long run.

This probably doesn't sound like the answer you want but in my experience if you break large problems down into small ones and tackle each one in turn, pretty soon you have no problem and you will be well equipped to tackle the next set of problems.


I should clarify this by saying this is directed to your 3rd (listed as 4th) point.

CTD's and ENB settings are those sort of problem that getting answers from others is invaluable, and I think you are being provided with some great advice here about that. I don't use ENBs so I can't offer anything further.


One thing I will say about the 'Overwrite' folder.

Whenever you run a tool that places files in it, you will need to decide if they need to made into a mod or can be discarded.

So, for example, if you run FNIS to create the FNIS patch you need to use the right-click "Create Mod" option. The same thing applies for any other tool that generates files in this folder.

Now, if you leave that folder populated with temporary things such as TES5Edit backups, these will also be added into whatever *.esp you have just made. Therefore it is imperative that you empty this folder before doing any editing.

Think of it as a 'temp' folder. Generally files that are placed into it can be discarded if all you are doing is playing Skyrim. If, however, you have been doing ANY modding type of activity, the files generated need to be placed either into a new plugin or overwrite an existing plugin.


Yeah, I get bashed patches and all that now. It went way over my head because I tend to look at things more complicated than they actually are. I would watch one tutorial about something and then in that tutorial, something else is mentioned that I know nothing about, so I'd find a tutorial for that, and I think I spent like 8 hours one day trying to figure everything out and by the end of the day, my brain was fried. I'm not a techy kind of guy so a lot of this stuff was/still is hard to follow but it's becoming much clearer the more I get help from people here and continue to do it.


I completely understand what you're saying about testing things out before going nuts with mods. I just felt like if I was going to return to playing Skyrim, I'd have to have all these new awesome mods and increased graphics this time around. I went very light on everything when I first started playing. It was practically vanilla. Now there's all these crazy quest mods and I haven't played Dragonborn yet so I went a little nuts. But I will certainly take your advice. Seems that Skyrim is a very delicate game that requires quite a bit of learning & patience if you want it modded correctly. I might throw away latest character and start new while cutting back on a lot of these mods.

Edited by acindron
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Heh, you'll get used to that. Mod everything up, get started, find a new mod you like, that develops into 5-6 mods, and before you know it you're restarting and remodding again and again and never getting past Whiterun.


We've all been there, haven't we? :)

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  On 10/26/2014 at 4:19 AM, Nozzer66 said:

Heh, you'll get used to that. Mod everything up, get started, find a new mod you like, that develops into 5-6 mods, and before you know it you're restarting and remodding again and again and never getting past Whiterun.


We've all been there, haven't we? :)

This is one of the reasons I really like STEP Extended and the lore-friendly packs. When I first started Skyrim I was trying this on my own and having a tough time dealing with the incompatibilities between mods. I then discovered STEP and have pretty much been sticking with STEP Extended and the packs. The people here put a lot of time and effort into making this about as easy it gets.

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