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I was just looking at this myself. I was thinking that the Dwemer textures from the big texture packs are probably superior due to the fact that these are just vanilla textures with filters, but there are things covered in this mod that I don't think are covered elsewhere... particularly when it comes to Falmer stuff. Maybe activating and selecting 'No to all' when prompted to overwrite is something we should test.


Well according to Jenova19 the new version 4 has been reworked and it only includes Dwemer and falmer stuff and has removed thoes textures from v3 that wenr't related to the Dwemer rins and stuff direct quote from his comment


"This version's (v4) 99.99% Dwemer and Falmer related, already - by the way. :)


I talked about this in the description, as well.


There were around a 100 textures in the main-archives of version 3 (v3), which had absolutely nothing to do with the Dwemer, their ruins or the Falmer, at all.


That is, however, not the case with v4."


I started with a fresh, modless Skyrim install tonight and started the STEP process. I installed everything up to Better Dwemer Ruins v4 then did a number of comparison shots to see the difference between having it installed and not. Here are the results (2560x1600):


Shot 1 (Installed)

Shot 1 (Not installed)


Shot 2 (Installed)

Shot 2 (Not installed)


Shot 3 (Installed)

Shot 3 (Not installed)


Shot 4 (Installed)

Shot 4 (Not installed)


Shot 5 (Installed)

Shot 5 (Not installed)


Shot 6 (Installed)

Shot 6 (Not installed)


Shot 7 (Installed)

Shot 7 (Not installed)


Shot 8 (Installed)

Shot 8 (Not installed)


In my opinion the textures look better overall without Better Dwemer Ruins installed. The BDR textures are very noticeably low resolution in some shots, and they just feel too... busy when viewed as a whole. That said, I did an install where I selected 'No to all' when prompted to overwrite, and the result was good. The only textures that seem to be touched were the Dwemer actors and clutter. Examples:


Shot 9 (Installed)

Shot 9 (Not installed)


Shot 10 (Installed)

Shot 10 (Not installed)


I'm not sure what the clutter pack affects, but it's already covered by Skyrim HD so my guess is it's unnecessary.


Nice comparison! (though IMG tags would be easier to view, with this forum's gallery thingy)


It's hard to say which is better, though I agree I definitely see some low res textures (like in the first shot) and others definitely can look too matte and "busy" looking. I like the floors and some of the walls with it installed though.


Hrm looking at the result it seems BDR makes it so the passage of time is not so aparent (objects appear newer/not worn) whereas SkyrimHD/SRO/etc you have installed before leaves it more worn looking. I can't decide which I like better...


Dwemer architecture stand up more over time or less...


Some of the BDR textures are too contrasty and dirty looking too (but I really love most of the walls and floors)


Edit: In comparison 4, you can see how the textures under the dwemer statue thingy meet up better around the lips and edges with BDR too. Almost looks like it has parallax


Some of the BDR textures are too contrasty and dirty looking too (but I really love most of the walls and floors)


Edit: In comparison 4, you can see how the textures under the dwemer statue thingy meet up better around the lips and edges with BDR too. Almost looks like it has parallax

I'm really digging the walls and floors too, definitely an option to test.

Yeah there are things I like about both. The walls/floors are more "interesting" with BDR, but is it enough to make up for the lower resolution/dirtiness? Look at the far right and left sides in shot #1. That's pretty gross-looking.

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