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I had merged some mods and found that TES5Edit reported errors after the merge, but I saw that it had none before the merge.  I loaded all my mods and checked to see if any had errors, and I found a few.  I'm not sure what to make of these, or more importantly, if this is the appropriate place to post these.  Anywhoo, here they are:




[12:50] Checking for Errors in [bE] Vampirelordroyal.esp
[12:50] J3XLevitateSpellDUPLICATE001 "Levitation" [sPEL:BE0083EB]
[12:50]     SPEL Effects Effect EFID - Base Effect -> Found a NULL reference, expected: MGEF
[12:50] J3XLevitateSpell "Levitation" [sPEL:BE025A6A]
[12:50]     SPEL Effects Effect EFID - Base Effect -> Found a NULL reference, expected: MGEF
[12:46] Checking for Errors in [b8] Gifts Of The Outsider.esp
[12:46] [NAVI:00012FB4]
[12:46]     NAVI Navigation Map Infos NVMI - Navigation Map Info Navigation Mesh -> [020121B7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[12:46]     NAVI Navigation Map Infos NVMI - Navigation Map Info Parent -> [020121B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[12:45] _GPBatTravelFX "Bat Travel" [MGEF:B6002F9A]
[12:45]     MGEF VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [0401E36F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[12:45] Checking for Errors in [b4] CuralmilsPhial.esp
[12:45] MS12ImproveSneak "I want to be better hidden in the shadows." [DIAL:00101049]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12ImproveCombat "I want to deal more damage in battle." [DIAL:0010104A]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12ImproveMagic "I want to strengthen my magical skills." [DIAL:0010104B]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12ResistDamage "I want to be tougher in battle." [DIAL:0010104C]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12ResistMagic "I want to resist the forces of magic." [DIAL:0010104D]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12Healing "I'd like it to have the power of healing." [DIAL:0010104E]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12QuintusAlignTopic2 [DIAL:0010104F]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:45] MS12QuintusAlignTopic1 [DIAL:00101050]
[12:45]     DIAL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Priority, Branch, Quest, Data, Subtype Name, Info Count
[12:36] Checking for Errors in [A8] quest_pitfighter.esp
[12:37] [iNFO:A8012026] ('Please remember, my life is in danger while he lives.' in GRUP Topic Children of tos_ArenaBaseDialogueRedQuest05 "I can't help right now." [DIAL:A8012025])
[12:37]     INFO Conditions Condition CTDA -   Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
[12:24] Checking for Errors in [9A] quest_seaofghosts.esp
[12:27] [iNFO:9A012C65] ('They met the fates that they deserved. Thank You.' in GRUP Topic Children of tos_SellusRewardBranchTheSeaOfGhostsQSTTopic "The men who betrayed you are dead." [DIAL:9A012C64])
[12:27]     INFO VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Info VMAD Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [02010B19] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[12:27]     INFO Conditions Condition CTDA -   Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "tos_TheSeaOfGhostsQST "Ghosts and Keys" [QUST:9A01214B]">
[12:21] Checking for Errors in [96] quest_nomercy.esp
[12:21] tos_VigilantPlinth "pedastal" [ACTI:96007023]
[12:21]     ACTI VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [02007024] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[12:21] [REFR:00015A47] (places AutoLoadDoor01 "Passage" [DOOR:00031897] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of tos_Caverns "Deep Caverns" [CELL:96004557])
[12:21]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:21] [REFR:000F36AB] (places SLgFWalSol01 [sTAT:00073C4E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tos_Caverns "Deep Caverns" [CELL:96004557])
[12:21]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:21] [REFR:000F36D1] (places SMdFWalSol06 [sTAT:00040D33] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tos_Caverns "Deep Caverns" [CELL:96004557])
[12:21]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:21] [REFR:000F36D2] (places SMdFWalSol01 [sTAT:00073C52] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tos_Caverns "Deep Caverns" [CELL:96004557])
[12:21]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] Checking for Errors in [93] throneroom.esp
[12:17] [REFR:0300F43A] (places WeaponRackMidPlayerHouse [ACTI:0006A4A3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F439] (places WeaponRackMidACTIVATORPlayerHouse "Weapon Rack" [ACTI:0006A4A4] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F438] (places WeaponRackMidPlayerHouse [ACTI:0006A4A3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F437] (places WeaponRackMidACTIVATORPlayerHouse "Weapon Rack" [ACTI:0006A4A4] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F436] (places WeaponRackMidPlayerHouse [ACTI:0006A4A3] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F435] (places WeaponRackMidACTIVATORPlayerHouse "Weapon Rack" [ACTI:0006A4A4] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F434] (places DummyWeapon2H [WEAP:0006B95D] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013AAC] (places FirewoodPileSmall01 [sTAT:000185B6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013AA9] (places MeadBarrel_BloodDrip01 [MSTT:0300482D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013AA8] (places LargeRainBarrel_Blood_Puddle01 [MSTT:030042BD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013AA7] (places LargeRainBarrel_Blood_Puddle01 [MSTT:030042BD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013AA6] (places MeadBarrel_BloodDrip02 [MSTT:03004847] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A41] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A40] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A3F] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A3E] (places NobleTableThin01 [sTAT:000C4D58] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A3D] (places NobleTableThin01 [sTAT:000C4D58] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A1E] (places NorRunnerEnd01 [sTAT:000F089F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A1D] (places NorRunner01 [sTAT:000F0896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A1C] (places NorRunnerEnd02 [sTAT:000F089E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A1B] (places NorRunnerEnd02 [sTAT:000F089E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A1A] (places NorRunner01 [sTAT:000F0896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A19] (places NorRunnerEnd01 [sTAT:000F089F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A18] (places NorRunnerEnd02 [sTAT:000F089E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A17] (places NorRunner01 [sTAT:000F0896] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03013A16] (places NorRunnerEnd01 [sTAT:000F089F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F43C] (places WeaponRackEndCap [sTAT:0008E5FE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:0300F43B] (places WeaponRackEndCap [sTAT:0008E5FE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03012CCA] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03012CC9] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03012915] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[12:17] [REFR:03012914] (places CasFloorRubbleFlat01 [sTAT:03011A02] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC1VampireCastleGuildhall "Volkihar Keep" [CELL:03000803])
[12:17]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[11:47] Checking for Errors in [72] TheEvilMansionFE.esp
[11:49] [REFR:720CFA4F] (places MansionImpButton03 "Button" [ACTI:720BB333] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of MansionX "Marker Storage Unit" [CELL:720A825A])
[11:49]     REFR VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [010CFA3F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[11:29] Checking for Errors in [65] Tel_Nalta.esp
[11:32] [REFR:652390AC] (places NorPullChain01 "Chain" [ACTI:00098665] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Tel_Nalta_TestRoom01 "Test Room 01" [CELL:65023C4A])
[11:32]     REFR VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [04065527] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[11:27] Checking for Errors in [5C] Dwemer Goggles & Scouter.esp
[11:27] DwemerScouterGoggles_ActionCheckQuest [QUST:5C01C7AD]
[11:27]     QUST VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Quest VMAD Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [0301ACB4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[11:24] Checking for Errors in [58] LocalizedGuildJobs.esp
[11:25] [iNFO:580094A6] ('Here, have this...' in GRUP Topic Children of LH_LHJ_GetLogTopic "How can I remember those jobs I've done?" [DIAL:58008F43])
[11:25]     INFO VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Info VMAD Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "TGRShell "Thieves Guild Radiant Shell" [QUST:00028923]">
[11:00] Checking for Errors in [49] Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
[11:15] SIC_WE11GroupMovement [PACK:4951DF33]
[11:15]     PACK Package Data Data Input Values Value PTDA - Target Target Data Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "SIC_WE11 "Blades vs. Thalmor" [QUST:4951DF0A]">
[11:15]     PACK Package Data Data Input Values Value PTDA - Target Target Data Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "SIC_WE11 "Blades vs. Thalmor" [QUST:4951DF0A]">
[10:47] Checking for Errors in [3F] dwemerhome.esp
[10:48] [REFR:0007BD78] (places MarkarthWarrensOmluagDoor "Door to Omluag's Room" [DOOR:00065738] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthWarrens "The Warrens" [CELL:00016D72])
[10:48]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:48] [REFR:0007BD70] (places MineCShaftWall02 [sTAT:00045526] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthWarrens "The Warrens" [CELL:00016D72])
[10:48]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:48] [REFR:0007BD6F] (places MineCShaftWall02 [sTAT:00045526] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthWarrens "The Warrens" [CELL:00016D72])
[10:48]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:48] [REFR:000DC77B] (places BoneHumanRibcageFullStatic [sTAT:000C49ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthWarrens "The Warrens" [CELL:00016D72])
[10:48]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:48] [REFR:000DC77D] (places BoneHumanHandRStatic [sTAT:000C49EA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthWarrens "The Warrens" [CELL:00016D72])
[10:48]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:48] [REFR:000DDD0D] (places CandleLanternwithCandle01 [sTAT:0002D847] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthWarrens "The Warrens" [CELL:00016D72])
[10:48]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0009E285] (places Basket03 "Basket" [MISC:00012FE9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0009E284] (places Basket01 "Basket" [MISC:00012FE7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0009E266] (places FirewoodPileSmall01 [sTAT:000185B6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0007A5F9] (places DweFacadeTower01 [sTAT:00055120] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0007A5FB] (places DweFacadeTower01 [sTAT:00055120] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C4304] (places FoodLeek "Leek" [ALCH:000669A5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C4303] (places FoodCabbage "Cabbage" [ALCH:00064B3F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C4302] (places Rug07 [sTAT:00093D45] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C42FD] (places Basket03 "Basket" [MISC:00012FE9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C42FA] (places Basket04 "Basket" [MISC:00012FEA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C42F9] (places CrateSmall01Weathered [sTAT:000C2C15] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C42F8] (places BarrelFood01 "Barrel" [CONT:00000845] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C42CE] (places CastIronPotMedium01 "Cast Iron Pot" [MISC:000318FB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C42CD] (places FoodGourd "Gourd" [ALCH:0010D666] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C5431] (places Rug03Rolled [sTAT:00093D2C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C5387] (places LeatherStrips "Leather Strips" [MISC:000800E4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C539B] (places BasicWoodenPlate01 "Wooden Plate" [MISC:00031941] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C53A1] (places Rug04 [sTAT:00093D3F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:000C53A2] (places Rug04 [sTAT:00093D3F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0009E287] (places Basket05 "Basket" [MISC:00012FEB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:49] [REFR:0009E286] (places BarrelFood01 "Barrel" [CONT:00000845] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthSilverBloodInn "Silver-Blood Inn" [CELL:00016DFE])
[10:49]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:51] [REFR:00102E8C] (places WineBottle01AEmpty "Empty Wine Bottle" [MISC:000F2012] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MarkarthOrigin [CELL:00020EE7] (in MarkarthWorld "Markarth" [WRLD:00016D71] at -43,1))
[10:51]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base
[10:07] Checking for Errors in [25] homes remodeled.esp
[10:07] RedCheese01 "Fresh Red Cheese" [ACTI:250259C2]
[10:07]     ACTI VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [050218F7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[10:07] RedCheese02 "Fresh Red Cheese" [ACTI:250259C3]
[10:07]     ACTI VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [050218F7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[10:07] RedCheese03 "Aged Red Cheese" [ACTI:250259C4]
[10:07]     ACTI VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [050218F7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[10:07] RedCheese04 "Fully Mature Red Cheese" [ACTI:250259C5]
[10:07]     ACTI VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter Data Scripts Script Properties Property Value Object Union Object v2 FormID -> [050218F7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57] Checking for Errors in [1F] Convenient Horses - Unique Frost.esp
[09:57] HorseSaddleFrostAA [ARMA:1F000D64]
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203AEC7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B430] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B431] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B432] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B433] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B434] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B435] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57] NakedHorseFrostAA [ARMA:1F000D62]
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203AEC7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B430] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B431] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B432] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B433] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B434] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[09:57]     ARMA Additional Races MODL - Race -> [0203B435] < Error: Could not be resolved >

The official esp's were chock full of "errors," so I wonder how seriously I should really be taking these.


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