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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


  Reveal hidden contents






TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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I found my problem. I had the tree meshes overwritten, so the LOD was correct, but the trees weren't. Thanks for helping me find the culprit guys. 

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I have a problem, when I installed this it changed my load time dramatically. I have no SSD, just SATA.

I followed the provided instruction videos on how to install this thing but the loading time is still dramatic.


Been reinstalling this for about 2 days now without any fix. If you're able to help me, I'll be forever grateful.

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2016 at 4:20 AM, Seyes17 said:

I have a problem, when I installed this it changed my load time dramatically. I have no SSD, just SATA.

I followed the provided instruction videos on how to install this thing but the loading time is still dramatic.


Been reinstalling this for about 2 days now without any fix. If you're able to help me, I'll be forever grateful.

Reinstalling the same thing usually does not fix a problem in a setup. There was one user that had a similar problem, but it was only the first time, loading saves later everything was fine. Use Performance monitor to plot memory/cpu/disk graphs. Maybe it reveals something.


Make sure with Memory Blocks Log that the Memory Patch build into SKSE is working correctly. Check that VRAM is plenty available and for example ReservedMemorySizeMb in enblocal is not too high.


In Skyrim.ini you could try to raise



This value influences the loadscreen fps among other things. Try 64, then 16 which most likely will make it take much longer.

Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2016 at 10:39 AM, sheson said:


In Skyrim.ini you could try to raise



This value influences the loadscreen fps among other things. Try 64, then 16 which most likely will make it take much longer.


I will try this tweak on my next run, as someone on Reddit has adviced me to watch the GamerPoets video(I watched another instructional video) and I've corrected some mistakes I have made. I will get back to you if I have fixed this issue.


I've also provided you with the additional info I've provided on my Reddit post.




I use MO, TES5Edit naturally, my system specs, no ini tweaks, Poupouri ENB with all of the memory patches well installed.

Edited by Seyes17
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  On 4/5/2016 at 11:56 AM, Seyes17 said:

I will try this tweak on my next run, as someone on Reddit has adviced me to watch the GamerPoets video(I watched another instructional video) and I've corrected some mistakes I have made. I will get back to you if I have fixed this issue.


I've also provided you with the additional info I've provided on my Reddit post.

Post the TES5Edit.log of the next generation to pastebin if problem persists

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Posted (edited)

Here is the TES5Edit_Log.txt you requested.


I had to upload this to my drive because it exceeded the file size pastebin allowed free users. Sorry for the inconvenience if any was made.


This generation does allow my game to load but with long load times(might also be that I reverted back to an older save and changed about 50 .esps(merged most of them). I will now look if it works well by restarting my game.


EDIT: Nothing changed much, the load time is still insanely high.

Edited by Seyes17
  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2016 at 3:15 PM, Seyes17 said:

Here is the TES5Edit_Log.txt you requested.


I had to upload this to my drive because it exceeded the file size pastebin allowed free users. Sorry for the inconvenience if any was made.


This generation does allow my game to load but with long load times(might also be that I reverted back to an older save and changed about 50 .esps(merged most of them). I will now look if it works well by restarting my game.


EDIT: Nothing changed much, the load time is still insanely high.

Even when starting a new game with alternate start? Is there a difference between Skyrim / Solstheim? Raising the ini setting didn't change anything? After saving for the first time and then loading the existing save it also takes long? Define "long" please.

Edited by sheson
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Apologies if this has already been brought up, but I was not able to find it anywhere myself. I'm running TES5Edit through MO to apply scripts to the DynDOLOD.esp file. I have specified where TES5Edit.exe is and where to output as an argument, however when I right click and select 'Apply Script' I get an error message saying 'The specified path was not found'. Does anyone know what this may be referring to?

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  On 4/5/2016 at 4:52 PM, Edsterr said:

Apologies if this has already been brought up, but I was not able to find it anywhere myself. I'm running TES5Edit through MO to apply scripts to the DynDOLOD.esp file. I have specified where TES5Edit.exe is and where to output as an argument, however when I right click and select 'Apply Script' I get an error message saying 'The specified path was not found'. Does anyone know what this may be referring to?

This is the DynDOLOD support thread. You seem to have a problem with your xEdit installation. Most likely the subfolder 'Edit Scripts' is missing.

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2016 at 4:50 PM, sheson said:

Even when starting a new game with alternate start? Is there a difference between Skyrim / Solstheim? Raising the ini setting didn't change anything? After saving for the first time and then loading the existing save it also takes long? Define "long" please.

It doesn't matter when I save, the load times are too long to handle, I could change the .ini settings but wouldn't know exactly which of them? is it these?


And if it is, what are the recommended values?


It also took long to start out with Alternate Start, so I haven't been able to see if Solstheim is loading faster than Skyrim.


EDIT: For testing purposses, I will be using the following values.

Edited by Seyes17
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  On 4/5/2016 at 5:20 PM, sheson said:

This is the DynDOLOD support thread. You seem to have a problem with your xEdit installation. Most likely the subfolder 'Edit Scripts' is missing.

Ah ok sorry. I thought maybe this would be the right place to come as the error occurred when starting to use DynDOLOD but I realise it is also when I am starting to apply scripts, so I'll try another thread thank you.

And btw, the Edit Scripts folder is there still, but thanks anyway

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2016 at 5:40 PM, Seyes17 said:


It doesn't matter when I save, the load times are too long to handle, I could change the .ini settings but wouldn't know exactly which of them? is it these?


And if it is, what are the recommended values?


It also took long to start out with Alternate Start, so I haven't been able to see if Solstheim is loading faster than Skyrim.


EDIT: For testing purposses, I will be using the following values.


I still have no idea what "long" means. 1 minute? 5 minutes?

Have you tried performance monitor yet to plot a graph of memory usage and disk throughput - the question would be if it stalls or actually does something in all that time.

Are you using any of the new ENB Thread settings?


Is it already taking a long time to load into the prison cell of alternate start?


There is something wrong with the setup or a complication with another mod - or this is just a slow machine. I doubt changing [TerrainManager] settings changes anything - though lowering the values will use less heap memory - it will still have to load the same files.

You could try narrowing it down to static/tree/dynamic LOD frst:


Rename the meshes folder that you copied from the output folder. This will disable both tree and static LOD. If this changed something you could try to rename/disable the different folder for the worlds - but only the one you are trying to load into (Tamriel) should actually have an affect. Only if this actually changed anything would there be any use changing the TerrainManager manager settings.


Next disable DynDOLOD.esp but keep the meshes folder, then start and see if it changes anything.


You could also try to disable the texture folder while keeping the meshes folder, to test if the atlas textures for tree and static are the cause.

Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)

With long I mean 15 mins to just load into the game.


I started a new game and actually got to Solstheim with only 5 mins of load time. I will try to go back to Skyrim to see if the issue still exists there. I will try your recommendations the next time I close the game.


I will update this post with the new info. Also my system specs if I have forgotten to add them.


EDIT: I did coc WindhelmBridge02 and had a 5 minute load time(which is still playable for me). I'm going to make a wild shot by saying that maybe the load time was dramatic is because I was outside of Whiterun at the time and have Enhanced Whiterun + Whiterun market in the game(sorry that I didn't say this earlier, when fixing stuff the most useful info seems to slip away from me). 

Edited by Seyes17
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  On 4/5/2016 at 6:30 PM, Seyes17 said:

With long I mean 15 mins to just load into the game.


I started a new game and actually got to Solstheim with only 5 mins of load time. I will try to go back to Skyrim to see if the issue still exists there. I will try your recommendations the next time I close the game.


I will update this post with the new info. Also my system specs if I have forgotten to add them.


EDIT: I did coc WindhelmBridge02 and had a 5 minute load time(which is still playable for me). I'm going to make a wild shot by saying that maybe the load time was dramatic is because I was outside of Whiterun at the time and have Enhanced Whiterun + Whiterun market in the game(sorry that I didn't say this earlier, when fixing stuff the most useful info seems to slip away from me). 

This is incredible long even for old style disks I think - though having an SSD spoils ones perception quickly I guess.

What were the load times before, though? Do you see disk activity the whole time?

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2016 at 7:02 PM, sheson said:

This is incredible long even for old style disks I think - though having an SSD spoils ones perception quickly I guess.

What were the load times before, though? Do you see disk activity the whole time?

The load time was about 2-3 minutes before DynDOLOD. But I do have to say I did merge a high number of plugins(6 plugins, with about 30 merged into them) which might have increased the load time. Disabling them now is out of the question since DynDOLOD.esp added some them to masters.


I also do not have an SSD, I have a SATA drive.


EDIT: I decided to just redo my entire load order for increased game performance.

Edited by Seyes17
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