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Dreadflopps Modular patches

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The issue with the dragons being way too strong is exactly the reason why I chose to stick with only 1 dragon mod and that is Deadly Dragons. Though I have yet to test how frustrating fights will get at "insane" settings. Maybe another dragon mod will be added later on.. DCO, but I never liked the fleeing behaviour on that one.


Here is the link for the esps I merged, and the in-game settings compiled into a single list. I have not gone through the guide and updated this since the last major guide update. May not be able to anytime soon either, as the wife just announced a life changing event :)

  • +1 2

Here is the link for the esps I merged, and the in-game settings compiled into a single list. I have not gone through the guide and updated this since the last major guide update. May not be able to anytime soon either, as the wife just announced a life changing event :)

You forgot to add the link, but congratulations!

If anyone is interested, here are the merges I have done.  I was hesitant to share these until now but I have tested them quite extensively and have not had any problems at all.  If anybody uses these and does notice something is amiss, however, please let me know so I can look into it (with MPs this large there very well could be something missing in game that I just haven't noticed.)



Posted (edited)

Cleaning DUEL is kinda important if you are going to use the DLCs. Cause if I remember correctly there is at least 1 that overrides a fear spell of DLC1 Dawnguard.


Ok.. I'm gonna post my own cleans here. Looking at the overhaul list there are tons of mods that I use myself too.



Where exactly is the conflict with Thunderchild? I need to take a look at Enchanting Awakened again. Ah this one... 03007CB3 <DLC01_SoulTearTrapFFActor>


I'll just load the mod after Thunderchild since I consider all of EA's changes to soul trap related effects, spells or perks more important. Only using the DB file would mean missing on a lot more than simply that perk effect. Simply compare the DG+DB file with the DB only file. Lots of white stuff in tes5edit.



Ah well I'll post some more.

Have some comments and questions. This will all result in some new patches, will look for more USKP edits to do before I upload:


Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
No conflicts with USKP for me?
Enchanting awakened - All edits look valid but isn't there a possibility that they are intended?
BFT Ships and Carriages - HF.esp
My plugin is named just BFT Ships and Carriages.esp even though I downloaded the HF version. Is your plugin outdated? Many edits are not valid for me.
Immersive Weapons.esp
Gabriella - Got 2 immersive weapons weapons. What did you switch?
EncBandit04TemplateMelee - QNAM - That lighting forwarded this
Leveled Item: LitemWarlockDagger - Leveled List Entry add transferred - If you mean level 25 LItemEnchWeaponDagger it's forwarded to the bashed patch if you bash tag correctly and if you want to. If you load the WAF plugins before morrowloot it is not forwarded since it delevels this item.
cloaks.esp - forwarded everything except the cell edits. Making a patch for those overwrites ELE which I use and already have an USKP patch for. I suspect many others use ELE and patching this would mess that up.
Resplendent - forwarded everything
Thunderchild - Will look another time, not installed atm
Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp - Forwarded all
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp - Cell edits conflicting with ELE, as above, or already fixed by STEP patch
Traps are dangerous - added the fix to a patch

To everyone: if you use weapons and armor fixes (which you should) make sure to load it and its plugins, like true orcish and daedric weapons, before morrowloot.esp. Very important.

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

I generally research all the edits I do in the USKP changelog before they happen. So yes they should all be valid. I don't forward fixes where I am not sure what they will fix or if they have been fixed in another way by the mod author already.



BFT Ships and Carriages - HF.esp
My plugin is named just BFT Ships and Carriages.esp even though I downloaded the HF version. Is your plugin outdated? Many edits are not valid for me.

Yes it seems outdated. I just noticed that the german version has not been updated for a while but finally today an update arrived. I will check that out and let you know. Btw. I wrote the version number behind each of the files in my initial post. "Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - German Translation, v.3.60V2"




Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
No conflicts with USKP for me?

Maybe I should have mentioned that I use the "no-scripts version". But even that one needs the following bugfix forwarded if you plan to not use the scripted bugfix in the mod's mcm menu:




The restoration ritual quest (MGRitual04) can become stuck in an endless update loop. (Bug #13631)

Here is a screenshot.




Enchanting awakened - All edits look valid but isn't there a possibility that they are intended?

I had a chat with egocarib about these edits. He responded that he was short on time so he could only check a few of my notes about forwards. And here again, if they were intended I would not have forwarded them, cause I do my research in the USKP changelog and even ask Arthmoor abolut certain things before doing edits where I am not certain.



The one that jumps out to me is the recover flags in Dynamic Potions -- those should be checked as you mention in order to work correctly (I thought I had them checked but maybe I got that wrong -- I actually reported that bug to USKP not too long ago Posted Image


I appreciate all the details, I will keep this message bookmarked so I can look into these issues more carefully when I get around to updating again.


Now to the rest:



Gabriella - Got 2 immersive weapons weapons. What did you switch?

I switched the silver bowl with the silver bow from USKP.



Gabriella had a silver bowl in her inventory which should have been a bow. She now carries a Longbow instead of the bowl. (Bug #15064)



EncBandit04TemplateMelee - QNAM - That lighting forwarded this

Yes the texture lighting from UDBP.




Leveled Item: LitemWarlockDagger - Leveled List Entry add transferred - If you mean level 25 LItemEnchWeaponDagger it's forwarded to the bashed patch if you bash tag correctly and if you want to. If you load the WAF plugins before morrowloot it is not forwarded since it delevels this item.

I don't use morrowloot. The fix I forwarded is this:



  • USKP
  • LItemWarlockDagger has an entry for spawning from a list of enchanted daggers that was mistakenly set to level 15 instead of level 25. (Bug #12830)

Immersive Weapons sets their own 3 leveled items for the lvl 15 daggers so I did not touch them. All I did was forward the level 25 version from USKP over to Immersive Weapons. And yes you are right, I guess it is forwarded anyway during the bashing process. I did not take the bashed patch into account when forwarding the fix to the leveled item entry. But on the other hand.. it does not hurt to have it fixed in the esp (or your patch). Your decision.



And regarding BFT ... yeah I should do it like with the CCO/SPO/CCF and WAF mods.. additionally install the english version before the german one to be informed of updates regularly. Looky looky.. a CCF update just arrived. Btw I don't use the STEP patch.



Edit: I'm working on the BFT forwards. Looking really clean so far, except for the few DLC1 worldspace forwards. In the process I noticed something very odd about dawnguard: https://s1.directupload.net/images/140623/22db2csa.jpg



Ok here it is:


BFT Ships and Carriages.esp (Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - German Translation, v.3.76): Entries from USKP, Dragonborn.esm transferred (Worldspace: 00006DD3 - XCLR Region, 00006DD4 - XCLR Region, 00006DF3 - XCLR Region, 00006DF4 - XCLR Region, 000DAF78 - Name Base, 000DAF79 - Name Base, 0000BCDA - Editor ID). Dialog Topic conditions not forwarded, cause of "Or" Conditions and several mod specific changes. Worldspace 00006E11 not forwarded, cause it looks not right. USKP + Dawnguard.esm added as masters. Masters sorted.

Special note about 0000BCDA - Editor ID: I don't know if that one was left out on purpose.. but it gets overridden with the correct Editor ID by other mods that place their own stuff in that worldspace cell anyway. So it should be fine to forward that.

Edited by blattgeist

OK.. apparently there is a limit of quotes... lol. So this is a new post instead.


Here is an update for my Enchanting Awakened + Thunderchild question:



Hello Enai, I've got a little compatiblity question. Is it safe to load Thunderchild before Enchanting Awakened? It replaces the effect DLC01_SoulTearTrapFFActor (Soul Tear shout). Below is a link to Egocaribs answer to a similiar question. He was unsure if it would break anything to let Enchanting Awakened overwrite that effect.https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1124159-enchanting-awakened/page-40&do=findComment&comment=9599110I'd really like to use the Dawnguard content of his mod instead of completely abandoning that part. That's why I come here to ask.Although.. a compatiblity patch would be best... but it looks rather difficult, compared to what I've been patching so far. Both mods modifiy the DLC01_SoulTearTrapFFActor effect in a different way as it seems.


Let it overwrite, though I have no idea why an enchanting mod thinks it should modify shouts, instead of having an OnSpellCast event that listens for Soul Tear and fires its own identically shaped invisible spell effect on top. That's what you'd do when you care about compatibility.


Thanks blattgeist, i dropped enhanced dragons for the time, but got distracted and never tested the dd +dco combo to see if it is better balanced.


I have to say, i was really enjoying the dragon meshes and liked the dragon abilities from emd. I might try it on its own sometime.

Posted (edited)

I generally research all the edits I do in the USKP changelog before they happen. So yes they should all be valid. I don't forward fixes where I am not sure what they will fix or if they have been fixed in another way by the mod author already.

I didn't know you put so much work into your edits. I'll forward the rest of the edits then (except for the cell edits). I hope I'll get time to do it today as well as a CCF patch. I'll upload everything if I do. Thank you so much, you are very helpful. I'm really loving the STEP community. This pack/guide could never have been possible without the respectful and helpful STEP community. None of us compiling this pack are by any means experts, we just share a common goal of how we want this game to be. It's because of the STEP community we manage to compile it and I really see this as a community effort. So thanks! Edited by dreadflopp

Quick question regarding ASIS.. I think I could get it to work.. since now only an error message saying "this patcher requires the following mods, please add them to your load order: ASIS-Dependency.esp" pops up when trying to patch. Yes I have the esp in my load order at the very bottom. But I'm sure I can somehow get that sorted.


The question though is.. with a super heavily modded game, would it be safest to only use the ASIS spell feature or even some others? I run "ERSO Better Enemy AI", "Enemy AI Overhaul" (Erso and EAIO are both compatible btw. since they actually do different things), "Deadly Dragons", "Immersive Creatures", "DFB Random Encounters", "DUEL", "High Level Enemies", "Monster Mod", "Yash unleveled Enemies", "Apocalypse Spells", several quest mods like "Falskaar", "Wyrmstooth", "Moonpath to Elsweyr" ... well I think you get the gist of it.


I'm pretty sure that several of these mods add potions to some monsters, perks to make them stronger (like "Immersive Creatures"), add variety to spawn amounts ("Immersive Creatures"). So I think the automatic perks, increased spawns, customized AI, customized GMST and spawn randomizer should be unchecked, right?


Am I safe to use the following settings for my heavily modded game? --> NPC Potions, NPC Enchant Fix, Automatic Spells.


Edit regarding Potions: "This feature will add potions to NPC's.  Requires version 1.6.89, and is currently undergoing some issues and thus may not work as intended." So hands off I guess.



I generally don't like to think too much about exclusions when looking at the ASIS ini file. I prefer to have no exclusions (except for Dragons regarding spells) then to have a big list in there. The motto is "make it ready to go and ready for the future". That's why I think that mostly spells and that enchant fix (is that one really needed?) should be in the list. But I need clarification for that.


On another but related note to the topic about the exclusions: Has anyone found out why the particular mods, like "DFB Random Encounters", are in the exclusion list of ASIS? I guess it is because of the increased spawns in the mod, that are handled via the MCM.




If I rather should not ask that question here then pardon me. I just thought it would be a good place since we talk about mod compilations and ASIS troubleshooting has been mentioned here before.



Edit: Btw. a "Consistent Older People" patch for "NPCs Protected Redux" is up now (only for the main version of the mod, which does not exclude elves). If you visit the page please adore my new banner, which was kindly offered by GhostAgent. ::D:


Sorry, you asked me for some input on this, and it took me a while to get around over here.  Automatic Perks will make enemies stronger, but so does Automatic Spells (though only for enemies with spellcasting skills).  I prefer to leave automatic perks on and dial things down elsewhere if necessary...perks make things more interesting in the same way that spells do, in my opinion.


One nifty thing with both Increased Spawns and NPC Potions is that if you run the patcher with those enabled, you can adjust the actual numbers in-game via MCM.  So, if you want to try it out with those enabled you can, and if you don't like it set all the numbers to 0 in MCM to effectively disable them.


The NPC Potions option does work, in so far as it will put the potions in NPC inventory, but the problem with is that getting NPC's to actually drink the potions is unreliable.  The intent of the feature was to make NPC's harder, not to just hand out more potions for the player to loot.  But, sometimes the NPC's just don't drink them so it has kind of the opposite effect on difficulty from time to time.


NPC Enchant Fix is a gimme...there is no reason not to use that one.  


Automatic Spells, Automatic Perks, and Increased Spawns, NPC Potions are all entirely up to you...they will all work well with your setup, it's just a matter of how difficult you want it to be.  But, if you use Increased Spawns, you may want to exclude SIC and OBIS since they have their own increased spawns built-in.  I personally do not care for or recommend the "Random Spawns" feature...it leads to some weird things in places that just don't make sense.  


The GMST's you may or may not want to use...I personally use it just to set the combat/non-combat AI actor max settings (instead of doing this via wrye).  


Enemy AI just should not be used...by anybody.  This feature was added way back when there were very few mods that did any kind of improvement on enemy AI.  The ASIS implementation is very rudimentary...all it does is set a few GMST's that affect how enemies make decisions.  Just about every other enemy AI mod is a better implementation.  Dienes will even say as much himself.  I personally think it would be better if he just removed the feature from ASIS, but that's not up to me.


As far as what to put as inclusions/exclusions, I recommend just grabbing EggOver1979's improved ini files (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53047/?), and maybe tweak it a little bit to suit.  He has done a great job of adding support for just about everything that works well with ASIS, and excluding almost all of the things that will cause issues.  His philosophy was to include everything possible that won't cause issues (though I think he does blanket-exclude all perks from SPERG and SkyRe).  Those files are a much better starting point than the ones that come with ASIS.

Posted (edited)

Maybe I should have mentioned that I use the "no-scripts version". But even that one needs the following bugfix forwarded if you plan to not use the scripted bugfix in the mod's mcm menu:Here is a screenshot.I switched the silver bowl with the silver bow from USKP.Edit: I'm working on the BFT forwards. Looking really clean so far, except for the few DLC1 worldspace forwards. In the process I noticed something very odd about dawnguard: https://s1.directupload.net/images/140623/22db2csa.jpgOk here it is:Special note about 0000BCDA - Editor ID: I don't know if that one was left out on purpose.. but it gets overridden with the correct Editor ID by other mods that place their own stuff in that worldspace cell anyway. So it should be fine to forward that.

Uploaded patches with your forwards as well as forwards for the the CCF update. I do not have a conflict in apocalypse (scripted) where you have one. Will check the MCM menu for the bugfix. That record is not in my apocalypse plugin.Switched the bowl for a bow.Forwarded your Enchanting Awakened edits.I cannot see that picture from direct upload you're linking. Edited by dreadflopp

Everyone, please don't update Lore weapon expansion just yet. Garfink is working on a replacement plugin which will be up soon. He is currently offline though but pops in now and then. He is working on it.

Posted (edited)

The link should work now: https://s1.directupload.net/images/140623/22db2csa.jpg




Thanks for going through my questions and providing some valuable answers. So.. yes I saw the improved ini files.. hm should I take them as they are? I have no experience about tweaking these, what should be in them and what not. I read that there is some special tweaking necessary for Deadly Dragons.


The mcm options for potions and stuff sound nice. I'll use the potions feature then in addition to the spell and enchant fix one.


I remember that very early.. when I started doing this huge mod compilation I tested out ASIS and got mega strong enemies that were way over the top than what SIC etc provide. My guess is that the added perks by several mods were stacking with the ones from ASIS. Do you have any idea how I should resolve that? Well.. probably tone down some mod settings.. but that extra balancing may be a bit too much of a headache. On the other hand.. there are only like 2 enemy mods that allow for customization.. and these are SIC and DFB random encounters.. (I don't use OBIS or Sands of Time) might not be that much work actually. But finding the right balance is still kinda difficult I guess.


From where does ASIS draw its perks anyway? Let's say it takes perks from immersive creatures and adds them to other mod monsters.. I think that might make them OP.


Regarding the max AI in combat etc settings.. I have these in my "personal gameplay adjustments patch" file already. so no need for that.


Increased spawns.. not really necessary, since the enemies are already tough enough with my settings. Also.. I don't really need 2-5 elder matriarch spriggans coming my way. These would wipe out all of skyrim if given enough time. Luckily NPCs are protected :D

Even considering that I could adjust spawn settings in the mcm menu.. I just don't wanna fiddle with it. DFB random encounters takes care of bigger spawns for me.

Edited by blattgeist
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