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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Narrowing the issue.. it seems to be less with DSR and more to do with XP32 Skeleton or FNIS. Should I move my discussion/help requests to another location?

Posted (edited)

I honestly have no idea what might causing your issues, never heared of that. But some skeleton/FINIS bug might be the right direction. Or maybe you forgot to patch the game? And then there is the possibility that one of your downloads got corrupted, or something didn't install properly due to a security feature.


Those are shots into the blue though.

Edited by Spock

I started with a fresh install of STEP Extended (ignoring the STEP patch) and as I went through each section I tested on a new character through the carriage intro scene. When I got XP32 installed I added FNIS and patched. The carriage literally flies around the horse and bounces all over the place.

Posted (edited)

Hey guys, I have just finished installing a Requiem Pack + all the other compatible and recommended modpacks listed on the page. I am level 5 now and looking forward to working hard for my loots. I found a mod that I think perfectly complements Requiem's insane difficulty, and wanted to recommend it here. It is Death Alternative, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45894/. If you get beaten to a pulp by a random troll, he just drags you back to his lair, or a random Companion comes by and saves you. I just had a superlative experience with it last night, which made me register and recommend it to share.


I was doing the quest where you ground a ship in Solitude and then go to it to get your "reward." I found it quite difficult to get to the ship, but after many trials and tribulations I made it there. The lizard lady who was there looting it said that she would reward me with a quick death, so I whipped out my two-handed sword and cut her down in one strike. No problem! I looted her corpse and found the note saying where they had taken the loot. Then, as I attempted to leave, the next pirate was an insanely powerful axe-wielding maniac who killed me pretty much instantly. I tried reloading and redoing the fight what must have been 20 times, each time dying to his arrows or his axe. If I had not installed the Death Alternative mod, I would have been screwed. But I just accepted my fate, let him kill me, and I woke up outside of the ship stripped of my possessions and shivering in the gold. But. BUT. BUUUTTT!!! I know where they took the loot! So, my friends, now it is time for revenge. Just as soon as I get some new gear...

Edited by Vorgen

I'm afraid you take me for a fool, but I still can't solve the EVB patch load order... :wallbash:


Before I start I have this mod prority and load order in Mod Organizer:


  • Skyrim.esm
  • Update.esm
  • Dawnguard.esm
  • Dragonborn.esm
  • Explosive Bolts Visualized (non patched)
  • Explosive Bolts Visualized HD Textures
  • STEPextended Patch
  • Requiem
  • Bashed Patch

If I got you right I should change it this way:

First I change the priority in the left pane

  • Skyrim.esm
  • Update.esm
  • Dawnguard.esm
  • Dragonborn.esm
  • ...
  • Requiem
  • ...
  • Explosive Bolts Visualized (non patched)<-- now has a hidden .esp
  • Explosive Bolts Visualized HD Textures
  • Explosive Bolts Visualized Requiem patch
  • ...
  • STEPextended Patch
  • Bashed Patch

If I try to rerun LOOT now it can't finish sorting load order because of the circular dependency loop...


Some tweaking is obviously needed. I can't support LOOT because I don't use it so you will have to use trial and error or look at the master file dependencies and tweak. I don't know why you keep changing the priority in the LH pane as that is only needed for texture / meshes or duplicate esp files overwriting other ones, it has no baring on Load order, and it is load order that is causing you difficulties. I thought you had switched to BOSS - that is so much easier to sort, at least for me.


I am in the middle of moving home so will not be up for much support till the end of the week. Hopefully you can find some joy before then.




Goog luck with your move, have moved home two months ago and know how much things must be cared about.


Yes, I wanted to give BOSS a try but also wanted to play the game a bit, as I never left Whiterun-testing-grounds.

My first character reached lvl 9 yesterday but then I got problems with Skyrim Immersive Creatures, deinstalled it and started a new playthrough.



If I find some patience and time I will take a try on the EBV plugin. Wonder if the most simple solution would work. Just replacing the original .esp with the Requiem patched one, as they even share the same name...

If not I'll try to erase the dependancy from the STEP patch... can't be that difficult.


"Wonder if the most simple solution would work. Just replacing the original .esp with the Requiem patched one, as they even share the same name..."


I believe I suggested you do that a while ago. The Requiem EBV patch is a  replacer for the EBV plugin. You don't want both of them just the Requiem plugin - that should solve your problem, hopefully, bit tired so failed to spot that that was your issue in this case.




P.S. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

Posted (edited)

I'm kinda lost, i have installed a complete STEP Extended install without much issue..


how should i use the load order presented on the guide? i don't have a userlist folder, am i to use that with BOSS Userlist Manager or something?


what is the best way to remove masters from the STEP Pack Requiem Patch?


this is the LO after running LOOT and moving Requiem Patch after the Extended Patch


Active Mod Files:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Fell_MTK
  On 8/5/2014 at 10:25 PM, Fell_MTK said:

I'm kinda lost, i have installed a complete STEP Extended install without much issue..


how should i use the load order presented on the guide? i don't have a userlist folder, am i to use that with BOSS Userlist Manager or something?


what is the best way to remove masters from the STEP Pack Requiem Patch?


this is the LO after running LOOT and moving Requiem Patch after the Extended Patch


Active Mod Files:

  Reveal hidden contents


I will be of not much help to you but I have one question:

Where have you got the "Paarthrnax Dilemma Requiem Patch" from? Can't find it anywhere...


Maybe one:

If using LOOT try to sort all Requiem mods after STEP Extended Patch and before STEP Pack Requiem Patch. Do this manualy after you have run LOOT.

The STEP Pack Requiem Patch creator, Smile44, told me it was old now and you don't need it if you load all Requiem mods after all STEP extended mods.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/6/2014 at 8:53 AM, BUBISHI said:

I will be of not much help to you but I have one question:

Where have you got the "Paarthrnax Dilemma Requiem Patch" from? Can't find it anywhere...


Maybe one:

If using LOOT try to sort all Requiem mods after STEP Extended Patch and before STEP Pack Requiem Patch. Do this manualy after you have run LOOT.

The STEP Pack Requiem Patch creator, Smile44, told me it was old now and you don't need it if you load all Requiem mods after all STEP extended mods.

i read about the patch on the guide but couldn't find any link on it, so i googled it and found it HERE


on the STEP Pack Requiem Patch, is that so? then how would the changes from the Extended Patch be fowarded?


So, load all Requiem and patches after the Extended Patch and before the Bashed Patch?

Edited by Fell_MTK

There is a recommendation for LOOT user in the Guide Pack:Requiem



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Take the recommended load order from this wiki page, that's what I did.


Thanks for the link.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/6/2014 at 2:02 PM, BUBISHI said:

There is a recommendation for LOOT user in the Guide Pack:Requiem



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Take the recommended load order from this wiki page, that's what I did.


Thanks for the link.

that is why i posted here, the LO there is confusing, not sure if it is because english is not my native language.. and you say the Requiem Patch is not needed and i'm still in doubt how the changes are fowarded, question from above still stands, load Requiem & patches after the Extended Patch or before? if before, won't the changes from Requiem not be fowarded?


EDIT: seems like i can't move them after the Extended Patch as it is a master, current LO


Active Mod Files:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Fell_MTK

I can show you how I have done it:



  Reveal hidden contents



A patch for Paarthurnax dilemma is no longer needed since recent upgrade to that mod - must use latest version and it must be loaded after Requiem.esp ( doesn't have to be directly after it).


The load order I posted on the wiki page is for use with BOSS and B.U.M. it is not for LOOT. The STEP Extended Patch ensures that all the mods in STEP Extended work well together it has nothing whatsoever to do with Requiem. This is why I am saying to post Requiem.esp and all relevant patches after this patch. Then bashed patch and ASIS, DSR etc. This way you have Requiem sitting on top of your STEP extended install. I have included many mods patches that you will probably not need in the list and instructions for how to trim your load order. It is important to do this so that all the mods follow each other correctly. So install all the patches you need after you have run LOOT then manually place them in the stated order, if you don't have a certain mod or patch then miss it out and move onto the next one keeping the order as shown. This should work fine though as I have stated several times I am not supporting LOOT as yet.


Hope this helps.



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