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Mothergoose can you try the one linked in SR:LE? That's my plugin perhaps something got messed when z attached it.


Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

I got the one from the SR:LE and went on a speed run with mult 300. I crashed outside of solitude, in a spot I would often crash when I tested this way. 


EDIT: I managed to get "Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = 512MB, MemBlock2 = 256MB." in my skse_steam_loader located in documents/mygame/skyrim/skse. You need this in your skse.ini







Neovalens version is different from sheson's.




A few considerations / questions:


1. Can you reproduce the crash when entering Whiterun? If so, you could turn on SKSE's mini crash dump feature, and though the output is something you'd help from others, it may present some clues as to why you're seeing a crash there. It can't hurt anyhow. It's explained in the original OP on ENB forums, but if you need steps spelled out, just let me know. Note you'll only get a crashdump if the game CTDs (won't work when it freezes.)


2. Also if the crash entering WR is reprodicable, get a screenshot in VMMap showing the 2 block sizes just before you enter. It's remotely possible that your usage of block #1 is nearing 512MB, though from your screenshot from your magic casting test, I think 512MB is plenty.


3. Your Skyrim/Prefs .ini files look like default "ultra" settings - is that right? If so, they should not be causing any CTDs on their own.


4. SKSE plugin load order can't be changed (at present,) but I see you're using the Player Physics mod by AltimorFP. I don't know much about it other than it only works well if you can maintain 60FPS at all times. Perhaps try disabling it and test some more?


5. enblocal.ini looks fine, though as I understand it AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true will overwrite your VideoMemorySizeMb=1920 line to make the size an even 2048MB. I assume you set 1920MB for some "breathing" room in your vid RAM usage. If ENB hasn't capped it lower than 2048, it means you could possibly get a crash if there's a spike to completely fill your vid RAM. If anyone else here knows otherwise, please correct me on this. To play it safe, just change AutodetectVideoMemorySize= to false.


6. There's a new v3 beta of SkyFalls + SkyMills available. Although he's calling it a beta, the reports are coming in from people that there's not seeing CTDs anymore as they did with v2, and in my use (along with sheson's patch to make block 1 = 512MB) I've had zero problems as far as I'm aware. Just don't install the optional LOD files - they still need some kinks worked out. EDIT: Also, just try disabling it of course!


I tried using the patched skse_steam_loader.dll file at the bottom of the OP here, and creating a skse.ini file in \The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\SKSE with:




but I don't get a message in my skse_loader.log file saying that GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 is working.

There is a ReadMe with the file in the OP ... I assume that you did not bother looking at it :\

I think the big problem with the one in the OP is that the INI tweaks are not included in the OP!



Z, please update your OP with the complete information. Thanks.




There is a readme in the download people (?)

Mothergoose can you try the one linked in SR:LE? That's my plugin perhaps something got messed when z attached it.


Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

No, it did not.


I am using that version just downloaded.


Mothergoose's problem is almost certainly MOD RELATED ... for the 4th or 5th time:

  • Do you get CTDs under VANILLA
  • Do you get CTDs under STEP:Core
  • Do you get CTDs under SR:LE
(Anyone noticing a pattern here?)


I don't think that any further info regarding MGs savegames or his mod setup are relevant, because there is almost certainly and issue in one or both of them (IMO). Reason dictates that the mempatches be tested without the highly questionable mod setup and savegames being used (comments about Falskaar and Skyfalls/mills indicate to me that there is no standard here).


Also: Use the version in the OP, as that is verified as functional.


Mothergoose can you try the one linked in SR:LE? That's my plugin perhaps something got messed when z attached it.


Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

I got the one from the SR:LE and went on a speed run with mult 300. I crashed outside of solitude, in a spot I would often crash when I tested this way.


EDIT: I managed to get "Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = 512MB, MemBlock2 = 256MB." in my skse_steam_loader located in documents/mygame/skyrim/skse. You need this in your skse.ini







Neovalens version is different from sheson's.

... because it has noting at all to do with the version of the dll found in ithe OP or on Neo's page ... they are identical (check the CRCs if you must).


Please install another mod setup under a new profile under MO and using a different save game that has no relation to the mod setup that keeps crashing for you.


Z, read my above posts. I know its hard to find, being at the top of this page. It has every last bit of information you want. Your skepticism is bordering on denial.


And also, your being exceptionally rude here. Jumping through an awefully lot of hoops to prove (and why do I have to prove it?) that it isn't working for me. If you don't like my mod setup, tell me why, and give me reason why it could explain what I am reporting. Or stay out of the conversation if you have nothing to add. For ****s sake, this happens every time I talk about stability on these forums, its beyond ridiculous at this point.


Alright, so I'm confused. I get everything else, the one thing that's confusing is the enbhost.exe requirement.


Can I just stick in the enbhost.exe file or do I need to put in everything else from the enbseries binaries? And from that do I use the injector version or the wrapper? I don't want an ENB, I use RCRN and I'm happy with that. Hopefully I'm not missing something here.

  'Crimson13 said:
Alright' date=' so I'm confused. I get everything else, the one thing that's confusing is the enbhost.exe requirement.


Can I just stick in the enbhost.exe file or do I need to put in everything else from the enbseries binaries. And from that do I use the injector version or the wrapper? I don't want an ENB, I use RCRN and I'm happy with that. Hopefully I'm not missing something here.[/quote']

It's all in the OP :\

  'mothergoose729 said:
Z' date=' read my above posts. I know its hard to find, being at the top of this page. It has every last bit of information you want. Your skepticism is bordering on denial.[/quote']

These statements are absolutely ridiculous. You are in denial, and you have not provided any of the info I asked about :lol:

And also, your being exceptionally rude here. Jumping through an awefully lot of hoops to prove (and why do I have to prove it?) that it isn't working for me. If you don't like my mod setup, tell me why, and give me reason why it could explain what I am reporting. Or stay out of the conversation if you have nothing to add. For ****s sake, this happens every time I talk about stability on these forums, its beyond ridiculous at this point.

MG, you are asking for help, multiple times, yet you refuse to accept that your mod setup is likely the issue.


It is polite to at least attempt the advice being put forth to help you, as I think it is wasting others' time to continue to skirt the issue of taking that advice, which is really what is rude (not to mention your insinuations and your language).


Signing off.


I haven't been given advice. I am not asking for help, I don't need it. If there is something off about my mod setup tell me what is off then be specific. That is called constructive criticism. You are putting up a road block here, you are not furthering the conversation just trying to undermine everything I say, and at this point without justification. If you want to believe the tool works for everybody all the time and its my fault I am having problems, you can do that, but don't pollute the thread with it. It doesn't belong in an intelligent conversation.


The level of proof for this tool is not there. It didn't exist a week ago, and now its the greatest thing sense sliced bread. The only "proof" people provided is testimonial, anecdotal, observations that it worked for THEM. It didn't do anything for ME. That is the only claim I am trying to make. I am open for a debate on it but there has to be some point to it, not just some arbitrary and off hand "you didn't do enough to convince me" sort of statement that doesn't do any good for anybody.



What is FalskaarDawnguard.esp from? Falskaar used to have a Dawnguard patch I believe, but a later version removed its necessity. Is your Falskaar out of date, perhaps?



What is FalskaarDawnguard.esp from? Falskaar used to have a Dawnguard patch I believe, but a later version removed its necessity. Is your Falskaar out of date, perhaps?


The author of Falskaar stated there is still an error and its still required.


Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk


There is a significant body of evidence which indicates that the memory patch and ENBoost together eliminate virtually all typical/reasonable problems that are related to poor memory management and memory limitations in the Skyrim engine. There are, of course, other reasons for crashes, and they won't help at all with those. I don't know the full story, but if MG is having crashes after installing these two patches and has verified that they are both active, then it's likely that there is some other category of problem causing them. I don't think this topic can help, or should. He should consider starting a new technical support thread to debug these problems. There should be a systematic way to identify what type of issue it is, but I think it goes beyond the scope of this thread once it has been verified that the fixes are installed and behaving properly.


I don't need help. Not trying to sound arrogant, but I don't believe there is a problem with my setup, there is a problem with the game. That is the point I am trying to make here. Be cautious with new tools. There is no proof this work. It does something, but does it actually help anything? I don't personally think so. Take a closer look at it and be more honest about the effects you notice in game. If the tool does great things further scrutiny will only verify that.

  'mothergoose729' pid='64973' dateline='1390695919 said:

I don't need help. Not trying to sound arrogant' date=' but I don't believe there is a problem with my setup, there is a problem with the game.[/color']

Seems a bit contradictory to me.

That is the point I am trying to make here. Be cautious with new tools. There is no proof this work. It does something, but does it actually help anything? I don't personally think so. Take a closer look at it and be more honest about the effects you notice in game. If the tool does great things further scrutiny will only verify that.

It seems that you joined this thread more to cause unfounded speculation in a tool and approach that so many have been drawn and attracted to. I did not create it (or ENBoost). They are not my children or my family. I have no investment in them ... I am only presenting the facts. And one important fact that you are refusing to face head on is that you are running with a non-standard mod setup that nobody else can verify. Your save games can even be an issue.


Why not end this with a simple approach to testing and ruling out likely issues? Perhaps you think the game is so bad because you have a persistent flaw in your mod setup? How else can you determine this but by taking the advice of others that have more XP?


At worst, you find a flaw in your approach, and at best you get some useful testing done.


Also, I and others have submitted testing data and facts that are not speculation ... they just are.


I DO speculate here and now --based on those facts-- that these memory tools are the new Jesus Christ of Skyrim come to save us all ... how's that for speculation?


Now, let the testing/comments/support continue with no hard feelings or ill will :P


Well if you can run through the vanilla game at ugrids 9+ , with speedmult 500 and not crash for an hour (hell, before this patch ugrids9 would typically crash witihin minutes), as many others have done, then yes the patch works... Try this on your own system and figure out how high you can go with ugrids and vanilla (perhaps with the USPs installed just to rule out ctds/freezes related to bad vanilla stuff). Then you know it works, and that it is a particular mod/mod list which is causing your game to crash. I'd strongly urge you to do make use of z's 'steps' to verify the patch works on your system. 


I am also still getting CTDs and haven't been able to find out which mod it is, but I know 100% sure that the mempatch is able to keep the game stable at levels never seen before. 



What is FalskaarDawnguard.esp from? Falskaar used to have a Dawnguard patch I believe, but a later version removed its necessity. Is your Falskaar out of date, perhaps?

The author of Falskaar stated there is still an error and its still required.


Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

Oh? I missed that. I was going off the changelog note here:



1.1.2 (September 20, 2013)


- Added a message to the Northern Pass to inform that player that it currently cannot be used.

- Added a dynamic script that makes the FalskaarDawnguard.esp compatibility plugin obsolete.

- Tweaked Draugr/Skeleton/DragonPriest faction relations to avoid creating a conflict between Falskaar and the USKP.

- Brother Arnand no longer greets you as though you are at the priory when you are not.

- Tweaked some scripts to eliminate certain errors.

- Advancing the quest "The Crusher's End" by picking the note up off the dead guard's body should now properly enable Jarrik and his respective items.

- Fixed issues with the scenes during "Dreams in Oblivion", and Vernan fighting/dying at the end.

- The gates to Vizemundsted should no longer be closed/reset if you start "Lost Knowledge' and have already cleared the dungeon.

- Mzubthand will no longer reset, getting those who activated the portal/quest but have not yet gone to Falskaar stuck.

- The extra goods/items at Helena's stall are no longer present until she is helped, and resumes use of the stall.

- Fixed some faction relation reaction errors.

- Galen no longer pays you anyway if you decline his reward money.

- Fixed some floating/graphical/clipping issues in various places.

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