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Figured it might not be a bad idea to just start a general SR support thread for help since the feedback thread is focused on actual SR feedback. I'll start this off.


So was playing earlier today, then went and made today's latest changes:


- Updated Lanterns of Skyrim to use Realistic Lighting Overhaul optional preset.

- Added SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators. Removed More Village Animals and Roosters At Dawn

- Updated Apahii Skyhair Natural Retexture.


I also added Grass on Steroids and it's associated INI changes.


I now CTD every time on the menu load. I reversed the INI changes, unloaded SkyTest and Grass on Steroids and still CTD.


What would be the first steps I should in debugging this?



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mokuro89 Wrote

    Hello again!


    i'm on SOS - Civilization part of the guide


    "Open TES5Edit.

    Select Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp and SoS - Civilization.esp with associated patches then click [OK].

    Expand "Cell">"Block 0">"Sub-Block 1" under SoS - Civilization.esp and select the "000580A2" node.

    Drag the "Directional Ambient","Inherits","XLCN - Location", and "XCMO - Music Type" records from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp to SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp."


    I open TS5EDIT and it got me error:

    [00:07] Background Loader: loading "SoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp"...

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] Loading file

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] File loaded

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] Start processing

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] Adding master "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm"

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] Adding master "SoS - Civilization.esp"

    [00:07] Background Loader: [soS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp] Adding master "ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp"

    [00:07] Background Loader: [ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp] Loading file

    [00:07] Background Loader: Fatal:

    The system cannot find the file specified>

    [01:34] Background Loader: finished


    and dont load, anyone got this error? already re-installed SOS-Civ Compatibility patches

    i'm stuck now on the end pls help :')


I can confirm the exact same error here. Appears to be caused by the compatibility patch for RLO.


I'm guessing that because it creates conflicts between SoS Civilization and Realistic Lighting and the Unofficial Skyrim Patch that one of those things has to go...in this case SoS Civilization.

Tried with another patch instead COT-Sounds, still no success

btw, why instal Realistic Lighting Overhaul patch on the Sounds of Skyrim? cant find the RLO on the guide

still stuck on this part of the guide, what should I do?


edit: using the version of guide pinned on topic

It's gotta be RLO, right? This install doesn't even USE Realistic Lighting Overhaul, but rather Enhanced Lights and FX. In fact, having those .esp's enabled without RLO installed is likely to CTD the game, correct?
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Posted Image


Okayyyy, what I have messed up?


Also, around 90% of time, SUM doesn't see other skyproc patchers...


I also get something like this with UC ENB:


Posted Image

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Um... that's... well that's weird. You'll have to get someone's opinion that has a working Skyrim setup to comment on Unreal Cinema ENB since I can't test it out right now. As for the missing masters go in your right hand pane in Mod Organizer and make sure the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm didn't somehow by freak chance get magically unticked. If they haven't go into the place your Dual Sheath Redux or SUM file is and delete it (usually goes into the overwrite folder by default) then rerun the patcher.

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That is definitely not right...a few questions.


1) Are you running MO as Administrator? What about ENB Manager and Changer?

2) Are you using any non-SR:LE mods? Scratch that, I can see you are.. in any case maybe an esp you have is corrupt and throwing off the patcher and possibly your game.

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Um... that's... well that's weird. You'll have to get someone's opinion that has a working Skyrim setup to comment on Unreal Cinema ENB since I can't test it out right now. As for the missing masters go in your right hand pane in Mod Organizer and make sure the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm didn't somehow by freak chance get magically unticked. If they haven't go into the place your Dual Sheath Redux or SUM file is and delete it (usually goes into the overwrite folder by default) then rerun the patcher.

Tried that already, nope. Also, much more often than not, I get empty list: https://i.imgur.com/wuiatAT.png Missing master error of course happens only if list loads successfully: https://i.imgur.com/NPdb60l.png


Funny thing: I've just realized BOSS disables Skyrim.esm. It doesn't matter though for this .jar, it thinks Skyrim.esm is missing no matter ticked or not. Is removing masters in TES5EDIT viable option?

That is definitely not right...a few questions.


1) Are you running MO as Administrator? What about ENB Manager and Changer?

2) Are you using any non-SR:LE mods? Scratch that, I can see you are.. in any case maybe an esp you have is corrupt and throwing off the patcher and possibly your game.

1. Yes. No.

2. At that time, non-SR:LE mods were Levelers Tower and STATUS. I've already got that bug when I was midway preparing SR:LE. Just for you, only those mods active:


23491,"Unofficial Dawnguard Patch","2.0.0b","Unofficial Dawnguard Patch-23491-2-0-0b.7z"
31083,"Unofficial Dragonborn Patch","2.0.0","Unofficial Dragonborn Patch-31083-2-0-0.7z"
25127,"Unofficial Hearthfire Patch","2.0.0","Unofficial Hearthfire Patch-25127-2-0-0.7z"
31255,"Unofficial High Resolution Patch","1.1.5","Unofficial High Resolution Patch-31255-1-1-5.7z"
19,"Unofficial Skyrim Patch","2.0.0a","C:/Users/osik/Downloads/Unofficial Skyrim Patch-19-2-0-0a.7z"
37202,"Unreal Cinema ENB Data File","1.17.0","C:/Users/osik/Downloads/Unreal Cinema Data File v1-17-37202-v1-17.rar"
-1,"Vanilla Optimized","",""
-1,"Vanilla Optimized - DB","",""
-1,"Vanilla Optimized - DG","",""
-1,"Vanilla Optimized - HF","",""
-1,"Vanilla Optimized - HRDLC1","",""
-1,"Vanilla Optimized - HRDLC2","",""
-1,"Vanilla Optimized - HRDLC3","",""


make this:

Posted Image

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Redownloaded SUM and DSR, no change.


NPCfix works when SUM detects it, I see no reason to reinstall it, however I'll redownload it later, just to triple check. Yes' I've deleted SUM-created esp files.


I have an idea. I'll go meta and put ModOrganizer directory under git. I'll try to find that elusive configuration that makes SUM recognize other patches, commit it and check out what is causing missing stuff.


Still no idea about DSR or ENB (I wil propably stick to Ayien's if I fail at this).


EDIT: Wow, I've checked out conf that made working SUM, guess what? SUM doesn't list patches... Wow


EDIT2: Okayyy, why MO puts NPC Enchant Fix.esp (SUM-made file) into mods/, not overwrite/?


EDIT3: Missing master bug also happens when I run DSR jar directly from data tab, bypassing SUM.


To sum up, I have 3 issues as for now:

1. Unreal Cinema ENB goes nuts outdoors.

2. DSR skyproc patch won't create.

3. SUM doesn't list skyproc patchers (~90% times).

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You did install java correctly? Really, I can just do some guessing on that one. Also run everything as admin and see if that helps.

Maybe even disable UAC for a moment or move your Skyrim install and everything associated to a C://games/Skyrim directory, so you're definitely not getting those kinds of issues...?

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Dude, I am programming for jvm, I have like 4 installs already. 32bit is the default jre, with 64bit jre and jdk avaiable (and one inside IntelliJ ;) ). Yes, my java is correctly installed. I also run all the things as admin.

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