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Posted (edited)

Hey, I get some warnings and I just don't know how to solve them. As mentioned some posts earliere in a few versions of DynDOLOD 3 prior Alpha 39 these warnings weren't detected/shown at all.


[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom02 [STAT:22009F09]>

	[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom01 [STAT:2200F05E]>

	[00:12] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\tundra01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01tundra_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Tundra01 [STAT:0001608F]>

	[00:15] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01Sulfur [STAT:000DADE2]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:1 - L2_RockPileL01:1 - L1_RockPileL01:1": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\caverocks01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Mini atlas for replacement texture textures\dungeons\caves\caverocks01.dds appears to be different to mini atlas for textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:9": textures\landscape\rocks01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\cavebaseground01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\reachgrass01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01reach_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Reachmoss [STAT:0001ECEB]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauCSulfur [STAT:000897D0]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02Sulfur [STAT:000897CC]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02 [STAT:00086789]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauC [STAT:00081396]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02 [STAT:0007D44F]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01 [STAT:0007D448]>

	[00:20] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockAnimalDen01:0 - L2_RockAnimalDen:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockanimalden01.nif -> textures\lod\tundrarocks01lod.dds in rockanimalden01tundrarocks_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockAnimalDenTundraRocks01 [STAT:000C3953]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\coastbeach01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01coast_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Coast01 [STAT:00017CD1]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01 [STAT:000713C6]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01Sulfur [STAT:000998CC]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02Sulfur [STAT:000998C8]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:020058A1]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589D]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:02005890]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588E]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01volcanic_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm TundraStreamStraight01VolcanicTundra01 [STAT:02004A8E]>

	[00:24] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\pineforest02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01green_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01PineForest02 [STAT:0005957B]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau01volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau01VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9F]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau02volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau02VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9D]>[/CODE][/SPOILER]


Here are the DynDOLOD_SSE.log and DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug.log: Logs.rar

Hopefully someone could help me with these kind of errors, especially the 'Textures do not match' ones. I don't exactly know yet, if these would cause some odd behaviors ingame.

Edited by PRieST
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On 12/26/2023 at 3:42 AM, Kansas72 said:

Just updated all DynDOLOD mods and my "textures do not match" blew up.  I included the doc file.  Just curious if others have had this issue.  Not even sure where to start.

DynDOLOD_Summary_TexturesDoNotMatch.doc 26.48 kB · 0 downloads

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Posts-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Obviously start by reading https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match

  • 0
2 hours ago, tiredofmodding said:

everything related to dyndolod is up to date, and my biggest problem is bunch of texture do not match from SMIM, iam not sure what to do 


iam no sure what to upload since theres too many logs on my dyndolod logs

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which explains which logs to initially upload when making posts.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages and https://dyndolod.info/Help/Summary-Of-Messages.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match, which has further information for the message. It also suggests to check the mod LOD Model Library for DynDOLOD, which should have updated LOD models for SMIM.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, sheson said:

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which explains which logs to initially upload when making posts.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages and https://dyndolod.info/Help/Summary-Of-Messages.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match, which has further information for the message. It also suggests to check the mod LOD Model Library for DynDOLOD, which should have updated LOD models for SMIM.

here is the log file https://ufile.io/gkpnn931

just to add, i already have that mod installed

Edited by tiredofmodding
  • 0
29 minutes ago, tiredofmodding said:

here is the log file https://ufile.io/gkpnn931

just to add, i already have that mod installed

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD debug log to also upload when making posts.

If LOD models for changed full models do not exist, then this applies from https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match:
if and only of if there are obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, the log messages can aid in quickly finding the reason. A fix would be to create a copy of the LOD model, amend the LOD filename with the CRC32 of the full model and to update the textures paths. See How to add your own LOD models.

Check if the LOD representation for the full model has matching textures to the full model in the game. In case there are visual discrepancies, make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum to request updated LOD models for the mod.

in that case also see https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots

  • 0
9 minutes ago, sheson said:

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD debug log to also upload when making posts.

If LOD models for changed full models do not exist, then this applies from https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match:
if and only of if there are obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, the log messages can aid in quickly finding the reason. A fix would be to create a copy of the LOD model, amend the LOD filename with the CRC32 of the full model and to update the textures paths. See How to add your own LOD models.

Check if the LOD representation for the full model has matching textures to the full model in the game. In case there are visual discrepancies, make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum to request updated LOD models for the mod.

in that case also see https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots

https://ufile.io/v6cxyikf this one is debug_log files, sorry for inconvinience 

  • 0
2 hours ago, tiredofmodding said:

https://ufile.io/v6cxyikf this one is debug_log files, sorry for inconvinience 

if and only of if there are obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, the log messages can aid in quickly finding the reason. A fix would be to create a copy of the LOD model, amend the LOD filename with the CRC32 of the full model and to update the textures paths. See How to add your own LOD models.

Check if the LOD representation for the full model has matching textures to the full model in the game. In case there are visual discrepancies, make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum to request updated LOD models for the mod.

The idea is typically that if you notice an issue in the game of LOD not matching the full model, you check the reference with More Informative console open to get its base record form id and/or full model filename and cross check the DynDOLOD log to quickly find a possible reason for the mismatch.

If there are visual issue in the game for the reported models, then make a report with screenshots https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots. If there are no visual issues, then there is nothing else to do.

  • 0
Posted (edited)


I don't know if this is an error done by DynDOLOD or a usererror of myself.
I installed Unique Wooden Bridges - Base Object Swapper recently. Because I wanted to reduce the plugin count on my side I merged everything into my own .esp plugin together with the corresponding swap file.
The mod is also shipping a LOD model for the bridge.

During the new generation of DynDOLOD I saw this message - which is also mentioned in the summary:

Warning: Textures do not match for "Bridge01:1": textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01.dds in woodenbridge01.nif -> textures\architecture\farmhouse\woodwalkway01.dds in woodenbridge01_lod.nif for LittlePatchFixes.esp EastMarchBridge01 [STAT:68005DE7]

Full Model:
https://postimg.cc/BjDN32vM (textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01.dds / textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01_n.dds)
LOD Model:
https://postimg.cc/94hbQzRV (textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01.dds / textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01_n.dds)
In a corresponding .bto file:
https://postimg.cc/sB4cQy7W (textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01.dds / textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01_n.dds)

This is the corresponding record in xEdit:
Also not inside the DynDOLOD_SWAP.ini.

The only thing I can assume from this is, that the texture for the LOD model gets not applied correctly. Or do I have to set up a specific mesh mask rule for the wooden bridge?

Here are the logs:
Logs on MediaFire

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
12 hours ago, PRieST said:


I don't know if this is an error done by DynDOLOD or a usererror of myself.
I installed Unique Wooden Bridges - Base Object Swapper recently. Because I wanted to reduce the plugin count on my side I merged everything into my own .esp plugin together with the corresponding swap file.
The mod is also shipping a LOD model for the bridge.

During the new generation of DynDOLOD I saw this message - which is also mentioned in the summary:

Warning: Textures do not match for "Bridge01:1": textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01.dds in woodenbridge01.nif -> textures\architecture\farmhouse\woodwalkway01.dds in woodenbridge01_lod.nif for LittlePatchFixes.esp EastMarchBridge01 [STAT:68005DE7]

Full Model:
https://postimg.cc/BjDN32vM (textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01.dds / textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01_n.dds)
LOD Model:
https://postimg.cc/94hbQzRV (textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01.dds / textures\architecture\farmhouse\WoodWalkway01_n.dds)
In a corresponding .bto file:
https://postimg.cc/sB4cQy7W (textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01.dds / textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01_n.dds)

This is the corresponding record in xEdit:
Also not inside the DynDOLOD_SWAP.ini.

The only thing I can assume from this is, that the texture for the LOD model gets not applied correctly. Or do I have to set up a specific mesh mask rule for the wooden bridge?

Here are the logs:
Logs on MediaFire

As you can see by the messages and when comparing the full model and the "LOD" model in NifSkope, the shape names do not match, thus causing the textures to not match.

The wooden pathway is "Bridge01:3" in the full model and "Bridge01:1" in the "LOD" model.
The wooden beams and railing is "Bridge:01:4" in the full model and "Bridge01:2" in the "LOD" model.
The shape names in the "LOD" model should match the names in the full models instead. That should address any wrong texture replacements.

The "LOD" model is not really an optimized/decimated LOD model. It would benefit already from its UVs being adjusted to be between 0.0 and 1.0.
The "LOD" model should be in ..\Data\Meshes\LOD\Bridge\ or ..\Data\Meshes\UniqueWoodenBridges\LOD\ or ..\Data\Meshes\UWB\LOD\ or something similar.

There seems to be a newer version of the mod that has the Radius 0.0 fixed which reported in your logs. See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Radius-00.

  • 0
1 hour ago, sheson said:

As you can see by the messages and when comparing the full model and the "LOD" model in NifSkope, the shape names do not match, thus causing the textures to not match.

The wooden pathway is "Bridge01:3" in the full model and "Bridge01:1" in the "LOD" model.
The wooden beams and railing is "Bridge:01:4" in the full model and "Bridge01:2" in the "LOD" model.
The shape names in the "LOD" model should match the names in the full models instead. That should address any wrong texture replacements.

Oh, ok, it's because of the naming. Now that I know that...this should be something I need to consider for the other 'textures not match' messages :/


The "LOD" model is not really an optimized/decimated LOD model. It would benefit already from its UVs being adjusted to be between 0.0 and 1.0.
The "LOD" model should be in ..\Data\Meshes\LOD\Bridge\ or ..\Data\Meshes\UniqueWoodenBridges\LOD\ or ..\Data\Meshes\UWB\LOD\ or something similar.

There seems to be a newer version of the mod that has the Radius 0.0 fixed which reported in your logs. See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Radius-00.

I'll see if I can even further decimate the model myself. But wouldn't this one not ok for level 1 and a more optimized version for level 2 - and if I am correct renaming the mesh to *_lod_1.nif and *_lod_2.nif would than apply it correspondingly?

I thought the new version only changed the NiTriShapes to BSTriShapes - will use the new version now.

  • 0
7 hours ago, PRieST said:

Oh, ok, it's because of the naming. Now that I know that...this should be something I need to consider for the other 'textures not match' messages :/

I'll see if I can even further decimate the model myself. But wouldn't this one not ok for level 1 and a more optimized version for level 2 - and if I am correct renaming the mesh to *_lod_1.nif and *_lod_2.nif would than apply it correspondingly?

I thought the new version only changed the NiTriShapes to BSTriShapes - will use the new version now.

The main performance improvement of LOD is reducing draw calls by combining lots of different object into supershapes sharing textures on the atlas. This only works if the UV is not titled for the actual LOD texture that is being used in the end. In case of this LOD model and the 3 textures it uses, it is always between 0.0 to 1.0.
LODGen will try to REUV/optimize on the fly but not sure how well it works in this case.
Reducing vertices/triangle count comes secondary.

One non actual LOD model here or there will not be noticeable, but more an more mods use full models or non actual LOD models it these things can add up, also prolonging generation time.

If you are actually using Blender or 3DMax to do things, look into Simplygon, it can tile the UV on top of decimating triangles.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, sheson said:

If you are actually using Blender or 3DMax to do things, look into Simplygon, it can tile the UV on top of decimating triangles.

I was already working with Simplygon via Blender, but haven't recognized the UV tiling feature.

Will take a look, thank you.

btw: Yep, renaming the BSTriShapes solved the issue as you said.

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
Posted (edited)
On 3/27/2024 at 7:09 PM, PRieST said:

I was already working with Simplygon via Blender, but haven't recognized the UV tiling feature.

Will take a look, thank you.

btw: Yep, renaming the BSTriShapes solved the issue as you said.

Did what you suggested with Simplygon and the UV stuff. This is now the result of the same *32*.bto file (it's using textures from the atlas now as supposed to be).
The mesh itself is a little bit broken, but for the map it's absolutely fine:

vs. the old model:

Just wanted to give you/all other people here the info.
Of course best practice would be to reduce the overall polycount next, because you won't need all the little structures for the LOD-model at all - but I haven't worked on that, yet.

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
31 minutes ago, PRieST said:

Did what you suggested with Simplygon and the UV stuff. This is now the result of the same *32*.bto file (it's using textures from the atlas now as supposed to be).
The mesh itself is a little bit broken, but for the map it's absolutely fine:

vs. the old model:

Just wanted to give you/all other people here the info.
Of course best practice would be to reduce the overall polycount next, because you won't need all the little structures for the LOD-model at all - but I haven't worked on that, yet.

Of note, Simplygon will no longer offer its free tier after March 31st.

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