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The Beta Wrye Bash Guide to STEP Installation is available



Based on the advice I received from users here, I will be asking TC to host on his site if he wishes. I will also host right here on the STEP wiki site when final. It is not yet final, but I will make it so once we have a fully compatible BOSS-Wrye Bash implementation to support Skyrim v1.5.

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Also, should be noted that in Fig. 16 if you've made a complex BAIN out of Skyrim HD (or any other mod that has multiple resolutions/options that the user has included in the BAIN) and don't have one of the sub folders within the BAIN selected that when you go to the "Conflicts" tab, the potential conflict WON'T be there 'til the sub package(folder) is selected...


When I clicked on Tobes textures listed in the example and didn't see ALL the conflicts listed IN the example, I freaked out 'cause I THOUGHT *I* screwed up the BAIN package some how..


Good point, I will take a look ...
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In regards to repacking archives into BAINs and adding "BAIN" to the end of the file name - this actually results in Wyre not being able to open the mod on any site (ie right click package, Open at... nexus) as it uses the numbers at the end of the file name to work out which webpage to go to.


Therefore, I would suggest this is not a good idea. Personally I wont do it as if it is BAIN then it will have subpackages anyway (well if it is complex, if it is simple then doesn't really matter).

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In regards to repacking archives into BAINs and adding "BAIN" to the end of the file name - this actually results in Wyre not being able to open the mod on any site (ie right click package, Open at... nexus) as it uses the numbers at the end of the file name to work out which webpage to go to.


Therefore, I would suggest this is not a good idea. Personally I wont do it as if it is BAIN then it will have subpackages anyway (well if it is complex, if it is simple then doesn't really matter).


EDIT: blacksol is correct... my mistake. I have edited the WB Guide to reflect that "BAIN" be added to the package name but before the Nexus ID.


... never use that feature, so I missed it all this time ... thanks!

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Wow; you guys are a fantastic help to me-I appreciate it!


While going through the guide to prepare the texture mods which must be ordered I have run into another perplexing situation: I have come to the point where I am on the verge of being able to install the BAINified mods; a problem has arisen wherein the ordered packages do not match that which is shown in the exemplar provided in the Wrye STEP guide. Specifically, my package-group numbers ascend sequentially, but the numbers in the 'Order' column descend sequentially-I do not understand why.


I also do not understand why the installation order pictured in the exemplar picture in Wrye STEP does not match the order given by the Compiler in the STEP 2.01a guide for Step 2 sec B1. If I need to assist WryeSmash in correctly ordering some specifics within a larger correctly ordered process, that would be okay by me-yet, I need to understand why my anal following of the WryeSTEP guide did not result in a parity w/ the predicted result(s).


I am sure that there is a nuance that I must have missed; if any of you knowledgeable veterans have an insight into where I likely went wrong (I understand that you can't know for certain), I would appreciate the pointer(s).


Thanks again for all the help.



  • 0

Wow; you guys are a fantastic help to me-I appreciate it!


While going through the guide to prepare the texture mods which must be ordered I have run into another perplexing situation: I have come to the point where I am on the verge of being able to install the BAINified mods; a problem has arisen wherein the ordered packages do not match that which is shown in the exemplar provided in the Wrye STEP guide. Specifically, my package-group numbers ascend sequentially, but the numbers in the 'Order' column descend sequentially-I do not understand why.


I also do not understand why the installation order pictured in the exemplar picture in Wrye STEP does not match the order given by the Compiler in the STEP 2.01a guide for Step 2 sec B1. If I need to assist WryeSmash in correctly ordering some specifics within a larger correctly ordered process, that would be okay by me-yet, I need to understand why my anal following of the WryeSTEP guide did not result in a parity w/ the predicted result(s).


I am sure that there is a nuance that I must have missed; if any of you knowledgeable veterans have an insight into where I likely went wrong (I understand that you can't know for certain), I would appreciate the pointer(s).


Thanks again for all the help.





I will answer this tonight... I PROMISE!
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I appreciate it, but I seem to have actually figured it out. Although I have done nothing more than loading an early save occasionally to make certain of no CTDs, so far it looks good. The real test will come when I try loading my real saves made with the last STEP iteration.


Thank you for your willingness to help: Being a husband, father, and grad student, I can appreciate that real-life does not always let us do all that we want to.




Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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Ok I think that you are speaking about package order mismatch with the screenshot. As long as STEP mods labeled 1-5 are in order among groups, then it does not matter what the order is within groups, as there are no conflicts within groups. Just select all mods within a group and use the Move To... command and they will group together when you sort by the Order header. Once order is set and all sub packs and plugins are selected. Install all at once and load SR




Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

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WB will install the net of all selections, which is the most efficient way to do it. If you want to do things in some particular order, just install in smaller batches, gut that is neither necessary or efficient, as it is likely that you will wind up installing something that gets overwritten later. WB won't do that.

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In other words, just make sure that mods that you want to overwrite other mods are listed later in the package list, than highlight the whole shebang and right click, select install and wb will intelligently select and install all the appropriate bits and pieces for you.

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Added that link to the wiki.... any word on the status of the WB 296 release? I am still using the SVN, and it works great so far. Need to update the guide at that time.

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