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Posted (edited)

if i use _Options.txt file, lodgen change name of block to objSnowHD, but do not add white VC for working HD show shader


if i generate without _Options.txt files then block name objSnow


adding HD flag (and to Shader Flag 2) in object param does not give a result


plz do something...

Edited by Mitradis
Posted (edited)
  On 7/12/2020 at 7:49 AM, Mitradis said:

if i use _Options.txt file, lodgen change name of block to objSnowHD, but do not add white VC for working HD show shader


if i generate without _Options.txt files then block name objSnow


adding HD flag (and to Shader Flag 2) in object param does not give a result


plz do something...

There is no reason to add white vertex colors since it is the same as no vertex colors. If all vertex colors for a group of objects are white, they are automatically removed.


Don't use options files or use correct options. You did not provide the used options file.

Do not set Uses HD LOD Texture on the base record if the defined LOD model uses LOD models/textures.


HD snow/ash LOD material object shaders are used if the shape name is objSnowHD or objAshHD. Setting LOD or HD LOD flags does not change which material object shaders are used.


Using DynDOLOD would save time as it deals with such mods automatically.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)

I understood, but if one texture using in IsHDTextureMask for VC object, and this texture using in non VC object mesh gets a bug... I will have to do a lot of work on sorting and changing texture paths.

Is it possible just to set a priority in the program? at the moment _Options.txt requires a lot of manual work.

Edited by Mitradis
  On 7/12/2020 at 9:43 AM, Mitradis said:

I understood, but if one texture using in IsHDTextureMask and this texture using in non VC object mesh gets a bug

What bug?

  On 7/12/2020 at 10:12 AM, Mitradis said:



if one meshe file with VC using texture containst in _Options.txt all okey, but if other file wothout VC using some texture containst in _Options.txt i have this bug.

Again, the white cover has nothing to do with vertex colors. It happens because the HD snow LOD material object shader is applied. The shaders look the same for no vertex colors and all white vertex colors.

Again, I have no idea what settings are in the options file. Do not tell it that this is HD LOD whatever way.

Posted (edited)

for example file norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif using textures\lod\NordicTempleExt_LOD.dds texture. This texture containst in _Options.txt. BUT norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif dont have VC. As result after generated, block with this model have name objSnowHD BUT THIS BLOCK NO HAVE VC (EVEN WHITE). I don’t know how else to explain it.


proposing a solution: if mesh file no have VC, EVEN if he have texture which is containst in _Options.txt, for this model do not set block name to objSnowHD.

Edited by Mitradis
Posted (edited)
  On 7/12/2020 at 10:23 AM, Mitradis said:


for example file norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif using textures\lod\NordicTempleExt_LOD.dds texture. This texture containst in _Options.txt. BUT norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif dont have VC. As result after generated, block with this model have name objSnowHD BUT THIS BLOCK NO HAVE VC (EVEN WHITE). I don’t know how else to explain it.


None of the 3 shapes in norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif  have any vertex colors. In the BTO meshes it might end up with no vertex colors or all white vertex colors - which is the same.

In any case, no or all white vertex colors do not change how/which LOD material shader is applied. The LOD materials shaders look the same.


For some reason you force the shapes that use nordictempleext_lod.dds or nordictempleext_lod_3.dds (whatever that texture is supposed to be) to be "HD".


The vanilla HD LOD material object shaders will cover every angle as shown in the screenshot if the shape does not use a full texture and does not have vertex colors or all white vertex colors with alpha = 1.


It does what you tell it to do (set "HD") and the result is how the vanilla game works and looks.


Do not tell it to set "HD" so it uses the non HD material object shaders, which will look better with LOD models and textures - just the way how the vanilla game does it.

Edited by sheson
Posted (edited)

For some reason you force the shapes that use nordictempleext_lod.dds or nordictempleext_lod_3.dds (whatever that texture is supposed to be) to be "HD".

for example: some model have VC and i am want force VC for 8+ cells through _Options.txt file. In this situation i have objSnowHD on some models without VC. it is very simple. I don’t need to explain what is VC and how does it work. i have my own program https://github.com/Mitradis/NifScan i know all this.

Edited by Mitradis
  On 7/12/2020 at 11:34 AM, Mitradis said:

for example: some model have VC and i am want force VC for 8+ cells through _Options.txt file. In this situation i have objSnowHD on some models without VC. it is very simple. I don’t need to explain what is VC and how does it work.

You keeping posting about things that work exactly as expected, instead of making posts about the supposed issue.


Not sure how many times or else to say this, do not force "HD" on shapes/textures that you do not want "HD" on.

Posted (edited)

you do not read my posts? all posts have "about the supposed issue".

which of this is not clear to you:



for example: some model have VC and i am want force VC for 8+ cells through _Options.txt file. In this situation i have objSnowHD on some models without VC.



for example file norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif using textures\lod\NordicTempleExt_LOD.dds texture. This texture containst in _Options.txt. BUT norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif dont have VC. As result after generated, block with this model have name objSnowHD BUT THIS BLOCK NO HAVE VC (EVEN WHITE). I don’t know how else to explain it.

proposing a solution: if mesh file no have VC, EVEN if he have texture which is containst in _Options.txt, for this model do not set block name to objSnowHD.




what data do you need? Then I will ask differently: Why lodgen, using _Options.txt, set objSnowHD if model no have VC?

Edited by Mitradis
  On 7/12/2020 at 11:49 AM, Mitradis said:

you do not read my posts? all posts have "about the supposed issue".

You keep posting about LOD shapes that have the "HD" setting forced onto end up having the "HD" setting. This is how it is supposed to work.

You keep posting about the vanilla HD snow LOD shader not looking good on LOD models/textures. This is how the engine works.

Posted (edited)
You keep posting about LOD shapes that have the "HD" setting forced onto end up having the "HD" setting. 


not true. i posting about what LodGen set objSnowHD block name even if this block dont have vertex colors.

You keep posting about the vanilla HD snow LOD shader not looking good on LOD models/textures. This is how the engine works.


not true. i posting about what lodgen has the same approach for models using texture contains in _Options.txt. Force system can't tell the difference if mesh have VC and not have VC. Something like this:

List<string> TESTLIST = new List<string>();



if (TESTLIST.Exists(s => s.Equals(TEXTURENAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))


//you variant

set block name to objSnowHD

//but i suggest this

if (BlockHaveVC)


set block name to objSnowHD



i need soucecode and i fix this self.

Edited by Mitradis
  On 7/12/2020 at 12:16 PM, Mitradis said:

not true. i posting about what LodGen set objSnowHD block name even if this block dont have vertex colors.

not true. i posting about what lodgen has the same approach for models using texture contains in _Options.txt. Force system can't tell the difference if mesh have VC and not have VC. Something like this:

List TESTLIST = new List();



if (TESTLIST.Exists(s => s.Equals(TEXTURENAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))


//you variant

set block name to objSnowHD

//but i suggest this

if (BlockHaveVC)


set block name to objSnowHD



i need soucecode and i fix this self.

No Vertex Colors or all white Vertex Colors do not affect the LOD material object shaders. The existence of vertex colors or the lack of them does not decide if something is "HD" or not.

"HD"depends on Use HD LOD texture flag on base records or if IsHDMeshMask, NotHDMeshMask, IsHDTextureMask, NotHDTextureMask options are set to force enable or force disable it.

For both these reasons, the code was updated a while ago to not require the "HD" setting to keep vertex colors in the higher LOD levels automatically, because vertex colors and "HD" need to be independent of each other.

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