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xLODGen - Terrain LOD beta 127 for FNV, FO3, FO4, FO4VR, TES5, SSE, TES5VR, ENDERAL, ENDERALSE


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Any idea why I am getting missing textures with Object LOD checked?

That doesn't look like LOD textures missings, but full models. Type tll in console to see where LOD usually starts, but mind the uLargeRefLOD putting full models in the immediate LOD area. It might be cause by those bugs.


If it is indeed missing LOD textures, check the log for texture not found messages. Install the missing textures. It could be third party mods installing LOD textures or maybe they need to be created by with TexGen.


Thanks, got it.

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FNV, always with TTW, Capital Wasteland.


What would I check in the cell data? I don't know what a BTR is.

Can give coordinates for the screenshot?


Check if CELL data sets water height, or if it is overwritten by plugins. BTR would be terrain LOD meshes in Skyim/Fallout4. So for FNV it would be the terrain NIFs. Like compare "vanilla" ones to the ones generated by xLODGen. I will try to replicate and see what I can find.

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I checked some meshes and it looks like default land height is being used -10500 where I think it's -1800, example nifs I looked at are wasteland.level4.x12.y-16.nif from Fallout 3 (works) and LODGen (doesn't work). The center in the NiTriShape data of the BSSegementedTriShape is -1799 in the working nif and -10500 in the non working nif. I don't know how to translate this into a world coordinate so I can check the record in FNVEdit or GECK. Tried to ask zilav, but he seems afk atm and I can't message you on discord.

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I checked some meshes and it looks like default land height is being used -10500 where I think it's -1800, example nifs I looked at are wasteland.level4.x12.y-16.nif from Fallout 3 (works) and LODGen (doesn't work). The center in the NiTriShape data of the BSSegementedTriShape is -1799 in the working nif and -10500 in the non working nif. I don't know how to translate this into a world coordinate so I can check the record in FNVEdit or GECK. Tried to ask zilav, but he seems afk atm and I can't message you on discord.

wasteland.level4.x12.y-16.nif is all I need to know which coords to look at and compare.

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Is the version here the same or newer than the latest Github release of xEdit? Would I get the same results from using that and this, or would it be better to download this executable?

This is newer or rather the terrain LOD code has not yet been committed to the xEdit github, since I am still working out bugs.

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I checked some meshes and it looks like default land height is being used -10500 where I think it's -1800, example nifs I looked at are wasteland.level4.x12.y-16.nif from Fallout 3 (works) and LODGen (doesn't work). The center in the NiTriShape data of the BSSegementedTriShape is -1799 in the working nif and -10500 in the non working nif. I don't know how to translate this into a world coordinate so I can check the record in FNVEdit or GECK. Tried to ask zilav, but he seems afk atm and I can't message you on discord.

I found out what the problem is. The LOD water is missing object LOD reflections and maybe some other stuff. I know how to fix this in the terrain NIFs.


The odd thing is, for WastelandNV this type of water LOD is correct, but any other worldspace I checked should have the additional setting for the object reflections.


Do you know of any value, setting or flag for a worldspace that controls what water in FNV reflects? The "Needs Water Adjustment" flag seemed like a good candidate, but it did not seem to change anything for me in a really quick test. If there isn't anything that can be used to determine the type of water LOD, I will just do this via a LOD options file that users can adjust if needed.

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Ahh the LOD water is actually broken in NV, this explains why it is broken then. The LOD water type for NV is set to Potomac also when it should be NVCleanWater. This made the water LOD work properly at the southern end of the map, however it is still broken at Lake Mead.


The needs water adjustment flag I don't know what it's for, I will have to search the records for this flag with a script and see which ones, if any, have it.


Looking at the Wasteland worldspace record, default land height is -2048, where as the LOD water height does say 10500 but each cell has it's own water height defined.


Worldspace objects are supposed to be tagged reflected/refracted by autowater I believe. NV's water does reflect sky and landscape LOD when its set to the correct type at least.

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Ahh the LOD water is actually broken in NV, this explains why it is broken then. The LOD water type for NV is set to Potomac also when it should be NVCleanWater. This made the water LOD work properly at the southern end of the map, however it is still broken at Lake Mead.


The needs water adjustment flag I don't know what it's for, I will have to search the records for this flag with a script and see which ones, if any, have it.


Looking at the Wasteland worldspace record, default land height is -2048, where as the LOD water height does say 10500 but each cell has it's own water height defined.


Worldspace objects are supposed to be tagged reflected/refracted by autowater I believe. NV's water does reflect sky and landscape LOD when its set to the correct type at least.

I found 2 more worldspaces with that flag, DLC01PittWorld and DLC4Pointlookout. However, the water LOD in the terrain NIFs is the same as all other worldspaces. So far I found only WastelandNV is different.

When using the alternative water for WastelandNV, the surface becomes semi transparent, still showing the sky reflection, but you can also see the "skirts" (the sites of a LOD quad) of the terrain LOD.


I am going to use a LOD options file for WastelandNV to change settings for LODGen.exe so things work correctly automatically. Will be briefly explained in readme in case other worldspace also need that setting.

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OK, let me make sure we're not confusing issues here too. NV's water LOD is broken in vanilla and a separate issue from what I posted above which is Fallout 3's wasteland worldspace. The Fallout 3 worldspace is where the cells have individual water height which differs from the default height in the worldspace record.

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