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Really dumb question about Radeon Settings and SKSE.


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Hail everyone!
One really, REALLY dumb question i've been meaning to ask.
When using SKSE, should i create a profile for the TES5.EXE on Radeon Settings (As shown in part 1.e.1.1. of STEP Guide) 
Or should it be pointed to SKSE?
Or should i create a profile on Radeon Settings for both?

I've searched a little (little, really like, 3 pages only, i admit not been the best forum searcher on earth >.>")
And, well, haven't found any answear to that!

It may be really dumb, and i may just don't understand how SKSE works, but shouldn't the Radeon Settings be pointing to this skse.exe, considering that it's thorugh that, that the game is initiating?


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