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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:43 PM, Neovalen said:

Need to figure out how I want to handle multi-mod merging since thats three mods in one list.


Edit: Added this merge, luckily all three mods were in the same section so I made it a section merge. I will also likely merge the Vividian esps into their own bunch.

I'm having a bit of a problem with the merge, I know this is prob the wrong forum but it's the most read. I'm a bit confussed about the part after the merge. Are we suppose to take the renamed merge "CoT-WeatherPatch - Merged" and replace the original "CoT-WeatherPatch" in Mod Organizer? Because when I do that I end up with only 3 esp's in my optional esp box. Thanks for the guide, thanks for your time!


Just would like to report regarding Realistic Water. There are missing water textures at least in Falkreath near waterfall. The problem resolved when merged only patches without the main esp. Thanks.




Thanks for the reply.  I have done the SRLE conflict resolution patch and have made my own, even having to edit them to eventually remove masters as well, and followed this procedure with the last version, SR, when the guide made individual patches instead.  What led me to trying to make a comp patch via the commands in tes5edit is that skyre and skytest, along with other mods, override many of the factions and when I try and make a simple patch the records quickly become errors if I make a simple change to my load order.  The comp patch seemed like a quicker, more thorough route, especially for resolving edits such as keywords and npc changes from RoE, Obis and skyre (I could do this manually, sure, but there are a TON of edits to be made and, after finally getting SRLE, REGS and MMO/NGO, with my own additions, to play nice together I was hoping a comp patch would save me a lot of time.


The FNVEdit manual is great, thanks.  The only other  suitable resources I've been able to find are Diennes explanation via Lootification ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/32339/? ) and Sharlikan's video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciRPWx3OhBQ ).  Other than that every search I've done on google and step has only led me to info about merged plugins and "bashed merged patches" (every patch, it seems, is referred loosely as a "merged patch", which is very frustrating.  Now you're even referring to compatibility patches as merged patches which, I guess they are, obviously, but tes5edit (and fnvedit, via the guide you linked) explicitly calls its operation a "merged patch" even though it seems to have the least amount of literature regarding it).  That's why I posted this message here, the REGS forum and the New Gameplay Overhaul forum.  I check those constantly and have followed the respective guides to put my game together (yes, it is massive  ::D: ) and they all seem to have some of the smartest people working and lurking on them so I didn't know where else to go.  I guess the keywords are what I really don't understand, like the example I mentioned above, and what I'm unsure of as to its problem causing potential.



  On 6/12/2014 at 10:41 AM, Nearox said:

Top-right corner of your browser window > page tools > history. You might have to make a wiki account for that, not sure.

Thank you very much! I guess I never realized i wasn't logged in while reading that page. The "compare" feature is pretty cool - I've never seen that before.
Posted (edited)

@cstarkey Compatibility patchign for SkyRe is gonna be very extensive. I once made a pack with SkyRe (you can check it in the packs subforums but it's discontinued now) and in fact did copy over all the SRLE faction and NPC level records to make them compatible with - what was necessary at that time - HLE and other mods. It's a massive amount of work and I did not succeed in completing that patch 100%. SkyRE has not been in my mod list for nearly half a year now so I don't remember exactly, but if you must include it then I'd advise you to only install the main module. Leave the NPC scaling etc. to SIC - HLE Edition: the author of SIC already did all the work for you and he did it extremely well. You will find that it matches quite good with the intended difficulty of SkyRe. That said, you'd still have to copy over quite a few records. I would leave the OBIS records largely untouced as OBIS kinda has a system of its own. Basically only use SkyRe for the great perk system.


Even if you get SkyRe patching done, you'd still need to mess around significantly with the reproccer... Which needs a lot of custom patches (many are available on nexus) to get it working well. 


IIRC then rootsrat was also working on a SkyRe - RotE patch at the time, maybe he still has one laying around (I don't, sorry). Perhaps the New Gameplay Overhaul pack will have such a SkyRe patch in the future, youd have to ask there. Your best bet is to follow the gameplay overhaul pack as you'll have a group of people there that have in-depth knowledge about combining such mods.


This is still the SRLE thread though so if you have further questions regarding this issue I suggest you open a new thread about it :)

Edited by Nearox

@Nearox  Thanks for your help.  I've done most of that and everything is working great.  It's only the keywords and factions that are conflicted.  As for skyre, it's not a big deal to let RoE or Obis take over certain npcs and, without a comp patch, it is preferable while still getting 75% or so of the skyre enemy scaling additions.  With a comp patch, however, I get to enjoy the unique features of RoE while still being able to quickly and simply bring forward the additional perks that skyre offers.  Is it "pure"?  No.  Is it preferable?  Very much so with an additional hint of kick ass.  ::): Skyre certainly isn't the only mod with minor conflicts, however, it's just the easiest one to point to.


You're right though, I didn't want to completely take over this thread and piss everyone off but, well, try googling "tes5edit merged patch" and see how far you get.  It's a very difficult thing to research in depth, going into tes5edit and looking around myself was really the only way to figure it out.  I knew there were some big brains that followed this thread so I just wanted to borrow from their knowledge/experience for a moment.  Thanks for your help and thanks everyone for tolerating me.   :;):


I'm finding all the file exchanges with Improved Closefaced Helmets just a smidgeon confusing. Assuming that I pulled everything from the right places, could someone verify that when it's all said and done, I should have three related esp's in the list:




and Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp


Thanks very much!

  On 6/13/2014 at 3:50 AM, dstansberry said:

I'm finding all the file exchanges with Improved Closefaced Helmets just a smidgeon confusing. Assuming that I pulled everything from the right places, could someone verify that when it's all said and done, I should have three related esp's in the list:imp_guard_helm.espimp_helm_imp.espand Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.espThanks very much!


FYI - NPC Enchantments Fix has been hidden on the nexus by the author.


The reason given by the author is: This mod is now a part of ASIS. If you do not want any of the other features of ASIS just uncheck them before running the patcher.


Is there a workaround for the pack guide? Or can safely ignore this mod as it relates to the pack?

  On 6/13/2014 at 6:12 PM, Vaportrails said:

FYI - NPC Enchantments Fix has been hidden on the nexus by the author.


The reason given by the author is: This mod is now a part of ASIS. If you do not want any of the other features of ASIS just uncheck them before running the patcher.


Is there a workaround for the pack guide? Or can safely ignore this mod as it relates to the pack?

Ignore it for now. Non critical. Apparently may have to look at the new ASIS.
  On 6/12/2014 at 2:21 PM, thaiusmle said:

Just would like to report regarding Realistic Water. There are missing water textures at least in Falkreath near waterfall. The problem resolved when merged only patches without the main esp. Thanks.

Can you post a picture / location? I tried looking around Falkreath and I didn't have any issues myself.

Posted (edited)

Merged all esps

Posted Image


Merge without main esp

Posted Image



Sorry, they are not the exact same location, but you get the idea. I am using ETaC by the way.

Edited by thaiusmle

I'm not using ETaC but I would doubt that affects water. I was in that area and I have no issues with mine merged... Here is a screen (note: I am using Vividian beta 6.0b):


Posted Image

  On 6/13/2014 at 6:19 PM, Neovalen said:

Ignore it for now. Non critical. Apparently may have to look at the new ASIS.

Took a quick look at it... few issues:


1. Even just selecting NPC Enchantment Fix in the ASIS patcher causes a bunch of other modifications to NPCs.

2. Its no longer SUM mergable.... sadly.


So therefore it may just have to be gone for now, but if you got it I'd keep using it.

Posted (edited)

If you ever decide there is a viable alternative mod, could you let us know because since it is now out of the guide we may miss the fact we then have to delete NPC Enchantments Fix.


EDIT : I was just looking at the recent update in the Guide concerning Dual Sheathe Redux and I am trying to work out what was changed. The majority of what is edited recently already seems to have been in the Guide but I see the "Dual Sheath Redux - On Back Meshes" is not listed. Are we to remove that optional?

Edited by DanielCoffey
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