Neovalen Posted February 20, 2014 Author Posted February 20, 2014 Argh... maybe we need to have kry look at it. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
statmonster Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 I knew there was a reason I didn't set it to speed up mining! :)
kryptopyr Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 Quote OK, next issue with Wyrmstooth:CCO conflicts with Wyrmstooth in that if faster mining is active, you are not able to mine the custom ores Wyrmstooth adds:Animation will play forever, without gaining any ores.Noted. I'll take a look when I have a chance. Most likely the new properties that I added to the mining script need to be set on the ore activators added by Wyrmstooth.
haelfix Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 I'm curious, what was the reason consistent older people was removed from this mod list as well as nonessential killable children? Â Were there big conflicts?
Neovalen Posted February 21, 2014 Author Posted February 21, 2014 Just a few updates: Real life is killing me lately, once I've had a chance to catch up I will be making more substantial updates to SR:LE. Hein84 is going to be releasing an all-in-one VL landscapes update soonish... I am aware he has updated a bunch of his separate mods lately. He is also going to look into an animated clutter patch. COP and NKC may make a return eventually though they do in general cause a lot of conflicts. That said, I'm going to go lay down... eyes won't stay open.
peppergomez Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Hey folks, I just began a new game tonight (a Skyrim Revisited install that a knowledgeable member of this community was kind enough to assemble for me, and I imported the requiired mods, files, and folders into the necesssary Mod Organizer and Skyrim folders). While it looks and runs really well, the game is consistently crashing when I enter new areas (i.e. if I leave one room and open a door to another room, if I go outside from inside, or vice versa). I am wondering if this sort of crashing is indicative of a specific kind of problem. Note that when I am in one particular area, where no loading is required, the game is quite stable, and running well (i.e., I don't think my CPU or GPU are being taxed beyond their capability). Also, a fair number of clothing and creature textures seem missing (solid purple) though sometimes if I reload the same game some will appear, so I am wondering why in some cases they are missing and then in a reload they are there. Other textures are always missing however. Lots of capes, and clothing on male, female, and child NPCs. I notice that the game switches me to 3rd person whenever I pick any flora or berries, which is annoying. I thought it might be AutoPV that is doing that but that supports only the following: (Combat) Sneaking Drawing and sheathing weapons. Casting spells Pulling bowstring Aiming crossbow I don't see an option in its MCM menu that would relate to picking berries, etc. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance for the assistance.
Nearox Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Well... you got the install from someone else. Not saying your friend lacks competency, but by now a full SRLE install shoudlnt cause crashes on a system like yours in prticular... are you sure the mem patch is on?
statmonster Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Memory problems. Not enough VRAM to load textures. (DDSOpt done? Too many 4k/ Sounds like your memory patch is not working or you lack enough memory to use it. At least that's my guess.
peppergomez Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Thanks folks. Yes, DDSopt done. I followed all the preliminary steps in the Skyrim Revisited install (steps 1-3.8). I have 2x 4GB 680 GTX cards and 8GB RAM. Do you all think that's insufficient for 4K textures? As for the memory patch, I will ask my friend about that.
statmonster Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Try installing Memory Blocks Log by Sheson - this will allow you to see if your issues are due to insufficient memory.
haelfix Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Quote Hey folks, I just began a new game tonight (a Skyrim Revisited install that a knowledgeable member of this community was kind enough to assemble for me, and I imported the requiired mods, files, and folders into the necesssary Mod Organizer and Skyrim folders). While it looks and runs really well, the game is consistently crashing when I enter new areas (i.e. if I leave one room and open a door to another room, if I go outside from inside, or vice versa). So you are describing a series of problems that likely have multiple causes. Â Often opening doors crash is not indicative of a memory problem, but rather mod conflicts or bad meshes. Â However it could be a memory problem (either RAM or VRAM). Â Shesons memory log will track that. Â Step 1. Â Disable all the big texture mods and lower your memory footprint (disable ugrids to load and any ENB). Â If your game is stable after a few hours, then you know its memory related (or at least if there is a mesh problem, it lies within one of the files you disabled). Â If its a memory problem, perhaps you are not using the ENB memory settings correctly or the SKSE settings, or perhaps you simply downloaded the wrong texture packs (4k instead of 2k, didn't ddsopt the Bethesda files etc) Step2. Â If its not memory related, then you need to start a new vanilla profile with nothing on, and see if you have your .ini settings right. Â If thats good, then slowly section by section start enabling mods (redoing your bashed patch, fnis, sum and leaving sr conflict off for now). Â
Razorsedge877 Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 I am also having problems crashing, I have cleaned and DDSOPT everything the guide says too, I using windows mode with antialiasing and anisotropic set to off. I ran a totally clean game till I got out of Helgen Cave And made a clean Save. After I saved I started installing my cleaned Masters and Optimized Folders. I get as far as the COTÂ Weathers patch and I keep crashing I don't really think that it is that Mod. Every time I crash It is basically at the big waterfall off of the left side of the path after the first set of standing stones, It doesn't crash every time but lets say it crashes at least 1 out of every 5 tries, I have tried deactivating mods but it is hard to pinpoint it because its not happening every single time. I have even tried the Memory log but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I also ran TES5edit just to see what would happen but everything loaded in. The only thing I haven't done is Make a bashed patch because I just don't think I really need it yet. I'm afraid to install any more mods or go any further till I figure this out. Any advice on what I can do to fix this?
Neovalen Posted February 22, 2014 Author Posted February 22, 2014 Hrm, can you pinpoint any particular mods that you may have updated? I haven't had a crash in quite a long time unless I was pushing uGrids 11 or something stupid like that. :)
Razorsedge877 Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Thats the thing. I know its not your pack or everyone would be having the same problem. I was just looking for some advice. Its a pain in the butt crashing and than rebooting over and over. It would be alot easier if It crashed everytime. but it doesn't, it just crashes in the same exact spot when it does.
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