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RL has been invading Gaming time :( The has been Heaps of changes to some of the mods, I've been adding to the patch as I go but I'm behind about 2 weeks in patch changes.

Ah, I see. I personally don't use all the mods in the guide, but I'm curious to see what changes are going to happen to the mods in it, as well as to the patches. 

Hopefully update process won't require reinstalling everything, hehe.

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Hello. Im just getting started on this guide. Im setting up Mod organizer. Im at the part where it says open an administrative command prompt then create a symbolic link. I have no idea what that even means. Anyone have any helpful tips? Thanks in advance.

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OK I played with a few of the changes looks like the some mods have been totally redone. I'll have to remake some of the patches from scratch.


I'll release them as I complete a section.

  • Core is almost complete with a new Weapons leveled list (adding new keywords).
  • Have made a start on the Power armor section (Having to remake patch basically from scratch)
  • Modern weapons will be later in the week (more keywords and xml stuff).

Will look at the new version of the Raider Overhaul tomorrow.

  • +1 1
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Just a question: what do I do if I'm missing 1-2 masters from a patch of yours? For example, I don't use Weaponsmith Extended 2, so I can't use your bettersettler - mergetemplate patch. Would it hurt not using some patches because of that? (not only the settlers one)

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