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Posted (edited)




Right now I'm working on getting a nicely working interface tags, tabs, etc.

Edited by rayhne

Recommend you do a 


<!-- Radrose-Continued Ver*** -->
<!-- <tag icon='n_leaf' keyword='Smoke' hidetag='true'/> --> <!-- Removed -->
<tag icon='n_Smoke' keyword='Smoke' hidetag='true'/>
So that way you are just "Updating" the mod and if there is any hand waving it's stays Legit and backwards compatible.
The reason I recommended talking to the other guy is you should set up a formal structure for iconlibs2.swf
0-999 Original Leave original alone.
1000-1999 m_armo_****    Armor Icons
2000-2999 m_Cloth_ ***  Clothing Icons
3000-3999 m_weapons ***  Weapon Icons
4000-4999 m_PA *** Power Armor Icons
5000-5999 m_ *** Misc Items
So if there is a few people that want to do it you can all have a Structure/Layout to work from.

Ohhhh ..... good idea.


I'm doing it slightly different layout for the tags; mainly because the Radrose layout is confusing to me. It's hard to tell what is suppose to be where and there look like duplicate entries.

Posted (edited)

YA, IF your rethinking it all I recommend laying it all out because there are 2 issues with how Radrose is laid out and it's the same problem I've encountered and just now starting to do something about.


  • The limitation of ICONS that are currently available
  • Backwards Comparability to VIS or BAHL there are quite a few others.


I'm thinking the iconlibs2.swf should basically be left alone and the *New* Tags/Icons just be in your esp so everyone is happy and then you are just ENHANCING....

Basically start with the Neanka versions from DEF_UI as they are Modders resources I believe


Conversion permission

cross.pngYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances


  • Modification permissionuser_comment.pngYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Asset use permissionuser_comment.pngYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file


So you can't use Updated ICONLIBS2 for DEF_UI by Omega as a base



With the Modwiki I'm just starting to Update Icons icon the Core To "Modder Resource versions" so it should reduce the QQ and my XML's and TAGS are non conforming.



few people here offering to supply icons here


Edited by Gernash
Posted (edited)

Well there are things you can and cant do eg




this is a heap of icons it has alot of good naming structure in it. 


I've sent a Permission of asset usage to valdacil to make sure it's OK as well.


So yea it's not Just a Simple SHAKE n BAKE




So what it means the file will be the same(Ish) as the Updated ICONLIBS2 for DEF_UI by Omega 

But will have more naming and Icons so you can have a "New" XML structure for your tags.


But if you do this you will not be Adding to Radrose but making a new Sorting mod. and if your doing that then you will be loosing comparability with all mod authors and having to do all that yourself. 


(If I did this for the Wiki there would be 100+ patches)

Edited by Gernash
Posted (edited)

Maybe. We will see. I’ll work on tag and stuff first then look at icons.


Why an egg icon? Are you making those icons?

Edited by rayhne


IS this an old save you are using?


if so try using https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22633/?




nothing more!!!!



How to test

Copy your MO2 Profile from the management window

Select your new profile

restart MO2





  • Endless Warfare.esm
  • 3DNPC_FO4.esp
  • 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp
  • CrimeTown.esp
  • PlaneWreck.esp
  • UFOCrashSite.esp
    plenty 'o' exploration.esp
I ran test 2 by disabling the above which required I also disable the following mods which required some of the above:
MODWiki - CORE -Patch.esp
I am still getting the orginal reported errors and now I get errors in Sactuary if I remove a power line anywear. Additionally I CTD if I walk into concord as well.
My next step is to try the Hail Mary. I will update you once I do.
Posted (edited)

slowly chipping away at the truly important icons






I wish somebody else had done this so my face  would stop melting...........

Edited by Gernash
Posted (edited)



you using extended power lines?

if so try saving in Vault then disable then load


I've had strange issues with extended power lines mods

TEST 2 will CTD if I try to load any save files. Could it be because I had to disable some of the MODWiki patches that required the other mods I disabled in TEST2?


I'm not  using any exended powerlines mods BUT I use these commands in the Auto Execute through the Fallout4ConfigTool:


tMta ON

tMtrdfl ON 
tMtr ppld
thighprocess on
gr quality 3
gr grid 12
gr scale .4
cl rim 0.005
setfog 1 0
setgs iTerminalDisplayRate 1200
setgs fWorkshopWireMaxLength 2200
setgs fGunShellLifetime 300
setgs fGunShellCameraDistance 25600
setgs iDebrisMaxCount 1000
setgs iHoursToClearCorpses 720
setgs iRemoveExcessDeadComplexCount 100
setgs iRemoveExcessDeadCount 100
setgs iRemoveExcessDeadComplexTotalActorCount 100
setgs iRemoveExcessDeadTotalActorCount 100
setgs iHoursToRespawnCell 1440 
setgs iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 2880 
The red one is to extend the range of powerlines. I'll disable Auto Execute (all of these commands) and redo TEST1 and TEST2
Edited by MaculaPravus

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