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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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I have a few really dumb questions, if anyone doesn't mind me asking.


When following the guide, when do you know what patches to merge and which to just install for them to show up in the modlist?  Also, the normal question about not being able to find Dragon Combat Overhaul and Heavy Armory CCO and stuff.


Thanks, and apologies for questions being my first thing posted.

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Hi !


There is an error in the WLSO page, in the Vivid Weather Optional Section, in the FOMOD Instructions. It says to choose T.A.Z in the FOMOD instead of Vivid Weather.


I have a few really dumb questions, if anyone doesn't mind me asking.


When following the guide, when do you know what patches to merge and which to just install for them to show up in the modlist?  Also, the normal question about not being able to find Dragon Combat Overhaul and Heavy Armory CCO and stuff.


Thanks, and apologies for questions being my first thing posted.

if the patches are in the Merge Page then you need to merge them if not then you don't. Also there are some merges in the WLSO page.


for the others check your PM

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Hi !


There is an error in the WLSO page, in the Vivid Weather Optional Section, in the FOMOD Instructions. It says to choose T.A.Z in the FOMOD instead of Vivid Weather.

That not entirely correct, it says to choose VW, there's just a little oversight in the header above where it says TAZ in the patches FOMOD instructions.


I have a few really dumb questions, if anyone doesn't mind me asking.


When following the guide, when do you know what patches to merge and which to just install for them to show up in the modlist?  Also, the normal question about not being able to find Dragon Combat Overhaul and Heavy Armory CCO and stuff.


Thanks, and apologies for questions being my first thing posted.

at the end of the guide is the link to the merge page, as for DCO & HA you'll get a pm from one of the nice guys here

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Appreciate the PM and answers, though I don't think I worded my question properly.


I'm talking about when installing the mod, if you name it the same thing you have the option to merge, overwrite, rename, etc.  I'm never sure when to do the merging in that case.


I do understand the merging at the end, one failed attempt at installing this got me familiar with that at least!

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you can delete high res dlc bsas and esps not really needed.

Just did it. Thanks.

Appreciate the PM and answers, though I don't think I worded my question properly.


I'm talking about when installing the mod, if you name it the same thing you have the option to merge, overwrite, rename, etc.  I'm never sure when to do the merging in that case.


I do understand the merging at the end, one failed attempt at installing this got me familiar with that at least!

Have the integration guide open and confirm if you need to merge or not when installing, that is what i do.

Edited by CVkiller2013
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Please do highlight how important it is to increase the CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb= in CrasFixPlugin.ini after your load order is complete.

I did just install the entire guide twice over the last week, even installed windows 7 on another partition just for Skyrim and enabled mod by mod manually to desperately search for a mod conflict causing my CTD after entering or leaving the prison. I assumed i might have made a mistake  during the installation.


It turned out it was just the missing Memory Block Allocation..... :(
Finally i can play too. Thanks a lot!

Edited by Sekhmet3713
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Also I noticed a difference between the integration guide and the main guideÖ

NPC merge section:

in the main guide you recommend extracting the ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp into a sepatate folder NPC Retex - EEO - Ethereal Elven Overhaul 

in the integration guide i assume you overwrite given esp in the NPC Retex - Ethereal Elven Overhaul folder, which seams more logical. When doing the merge the face data of a lot of elves would otherwise not be ending up in the merge and being overwritten by NPC overhaul and/or WSCO

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Also I noticed a difference between the integration guide and the main guideÖ

NPC merge section:

in the main guide you recommend extracting the ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp into a sepatate folder NPC Retex - EEO - Ethereal Elven Overhaul 

in the integration guide i assume you overwrite given esp in the NPC Retex - Ethereal Elven Overhaul folder, which seams more logical. When doing the merge the face data of a lot of elves would otherwise not be ending up in the merge and being overwritten by NPC overhaul and/or WSCO

not a separate folder. Into the main NPC Retex - Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Is it okay to update the patches you provide mid playthrough? Or wouldn't you recommend it?


And if I do, do I need tun re run reqtifier?

yes you can update. They were updated to the latest usleep.

I've just finished installing everything, and I can't get out of the LAL cell. The game crashes if I use the bed. What should I do ?

check crash fixes ini section in the guide and set the custom memory values properly.

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