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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Really struggling with MO, when installing NXM links it gives me No Handler, tried everything. This only started when starting Wrye Bash Via Mod Organizer, if you guys got any suggestions I'd be more then happy, cause I'm a bit worried right now. If i can't download NXM links anymore do I just Manually Download them install them with Mod Organizer? Thanks!

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Really struggling with MO, when installing NXM links it gives me No Handler, tried everything. This only started when starting Wrye Bash Via Mod Organizer, if you guys got any suggestions I'd be more then happy, cause I'm a bit worried right now. If i can't download NXM links anymore do I just Manually Download them install them with Mod Organizer? Thanks!

Never mind, a bit embarrassed, just realized that SSE High Quality Music is a SSE mod so It won't work downloading NXM links to Oldrim... My bad, Have a good one, sorry about the trouble *facepalm* 

Edited by TheLoneStar19
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1. this likely cause by the use a first person camera mod.

2. i suspect same as 1.

3. yes there is a drop when you look into the far distance that is normal you need to tailor the ENB and DynDOLOD to your system.

4. same answer as 1.


Since I don't use a first camera mod I can't help very much but I am sure there are others the can chime in.

For number 2 it is something else as i use Skyrim enhanced camera and carriages work fine. I'm guessing they have made a mistake somewhere else along the line. 


For 1 i believe an ini setting in the camera mod should solve that. I have the same thing for enhanced camera that when killcams happen you don't go into third person which ends up the the player just looking at their arm. I forget which setting made it do this and i haven't bothered to revert it. I dislike kill cams anyway and will get round to disabling them at some point. 

Edited by Jim102929
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Was just wondering if anyone else here opted for the Spicegear and Minidress options in TmbArmor instead of vanilla? I ask this because I want to try and find a similar conversion of the Immersive Armors addon, to keep the armor style consistent with the female npcs and player character. Does anyone else here also use the alternate meshes for vanilla, and have a suggestion for a similar conversion for ImmersiveArmors?


The Spice and Minidress options look great for the vanilla armors, but I haven't been able to find a similar option for IA, at least none that aren't ridiculously over the top revealing, lol.

Edited by ShawnimusMaximus
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I know I just made another post before this one. But I just ran into a snag in the merge plugins section. I'm doing the Weapons and Armor merge, and Merge Plugins detects an error on the Saeri_AetherialCrown.esp


Filename: Saeri_AetherialCrown.esp
Hash: A93DE11E
File size: 3.58 KB
Date modified: 4/6/2016 8:19:22 PM
Merge rating: No rating
Flags[0]: [E] Has errors
Number of records: 16
Number of overrides: 2
Masters[0]: Skyrim.esm
Masters[1]: Dawnguard.esm
Masters[2]: Update.esm
Errors[0]: DLC1LD_AetherialCrown "Aetherial Crown" [ARMO:0200575A]
Errors[1]:   ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [02AF0131] < Error: Could not be resolved >

Not sure why I'm getting this. I read a post somewhere else where someone else encountered this error, and they said loading Clothing and Clutter fixes in as a master when building the merge fixed it for them. However, I tried this and the error is still there...

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I know I just made another post before this one. But I just ran into a snag in the merge plugins section. I'm doing the Weapons and Armor merge, and Merge Plugins detects an error on the Saeri_AetherialCrown.esp


Filename: Saeri_AetherialCrown.esp

Hash: A93DE11E

File size: 3.58 KB

Date modified: 4/6/2016 8:19:22 PM

Merge rating: No rating

Flags[0]: [E] Has errors

Number of records: 16

Number of overrides: 2



Masters[0]: Skyrim.esm

Masters[1]: Dawnguard.esm

Masters[2]: Update.esm

Errors[0]: DLC1LD_AetherialCrown "Aetherial Crown" [ARMO:0200575A]

Errors[1]:   ARMO \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [02AF0131]



Not sure why I'm getting this. I read a post somewhere else where someone else encountered this error, and they said loading Clothing and Clutter fixes in as a master when building the merge fixed it for them. However, I tried this and the error is still there...

yes if you load CCF when you do the merge it OK just tell Merge Plugins to ignore the error it is a false positive. if you're not sure just check it out in xedit and you'll see there is no error if loaded with CCF.

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yes if you load CCF when you do the merge it OK just tell Merge Plugins to ignore the error it is a false positive. if you're not sure just check it out in xedit and you'll see there is no error if loaded with CCF.

I figured as such. I loaded the CCF esp as a master, and had merge plugins ignore the error. Thanks for the peace of mind. Also wondering, I finished merging everything and decided to boot up the game before I continue, just to check things out. I know, I'm impatient, lol. Just excited to see how things are looking so far. But I noticed my plugin count is still around 240 or so. Worried I screwed up somewhere... I know the plugin count should be closer to 200 by the end of the guide as a whole. Did I mess something up, or are there still steps near the end of the guide that reduce the plugin count further? I saw that there is a bashed patch coming up I'll need to do...

Edited by ShawnimusMaximus
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I figured as such. I loaded the CCF esp as a master, and had merge plugins ignore the error. Thanks for the peace of mind. Also wondering, I finished merging everything and decided to boot up the game before I continue, just to check things out. I know, I'm impatient, lol. Just excited to see how things are looking so far. But I noticed my plugin count is still around 240 or so. Worried I screwed up somewhere... I know the plugin count should be closer to 200 by the end of the guide as a whole. Did I mess something up, or are there still steps near the end of the guide that reduce the plugin count further? I saw that there is a bashed patch coming up I'll need to do...

The Bash Patch will further reduce the overall esp count by 30 or so. So once all is done and dusted (without too much deviation) you be somewhere around the 200ish mark.

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Never mind, a bit embarrassed, just realized that SSE High Quality Music is a SSE mod so It won't work downloading NXM links to Oldrim... My bad, Have a good one, sorry about the trouble *facepalm* 

I always use the Manual Download link and save the mods in a categorized folder structure (something like Skyrim Mods\Animation\FNIS) and then install them from my local drive. This saves a lot of time when I rebuild guides because I can get the mods locally without hitting Nexus.

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I finally finished the installs/configurations. After finding out that Wrye Bash beta 2 was the cause to my ILS. I downgraded to beta 1. After that I was able to start and play the game. It looks godly, but I i'm still having an issue or two.


1. When using a bow I can see the inside of my arm when looking down. I first thought it was my fov as i had mine set to 90 and not 85. But after changing it I was still seeing it.


2. Carriages are no longer working. When using the Whiterun carriage I can talk to the driver and pay him. Once in the carriage nothing happens. I've waited 30 minutes to see if it may have been script lag, but nothing changed. 


3. When looking long distances my fps will drop into the 40s, everywhere else a see solid 57. Is there a setting that I can change to fix this? Would the performance version of Vividian ENB help out?


4. When moving my camera in first person left to right quickly it lag spikes my screen. I dont know if this has something to do with problem 1.

I've fixed issue 3 and 4 by lowering my dyndolod.

As for 1, I only using the mods listed in the guide.

2. I still cant go anywhere in carriages. I've tried from multiple locations and to multiple destinations. I even tried disable and enable on the carriage driver to see if he was stuck. 

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So I've been working on this guide for over a month and I think I've finally achieved barrable performance (from my point of view where stuttering gives me goosebumps)

Main factors are windows 10 instead of 7, 12192mb vs 11904mb and raising reservedmemory in enblocal to 768

So if anyone wants a full post of what I did let me know.

Oh Lexy and Darth, one thing I think should be added to the mcm part of the guide is:


Disable animal teleport: enabled

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