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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Ok guys have switched back to High Level Enemies - SIC Edition Which AAE Patches Merge was rebuilt from the ground up I will be passing this to SirJesto but until he updates you need to use the esp from the dropbox. The CR was also updated to version 1.56


Those of you that do you own CR notice that conflict between AAE annd Skytest are covered in the updated AAE Merge Patch from my dropbox and thus were delete from the main CR.

As usual the updated records are in the CR Update to Version 1.56 (DOES NOT CONTAIN RECORDS I DELETED FROM MAIN CR) .


Also the My MO Profile was updated to 11-11-17 as was the Modwat.ch profile.

Thanks Lexy, definitely appreciated. Everything you and Darth and Nozzer, etc. do to keep this guide polished and up-to-date is the reason it's the best guide of its kind around. :-)


Also, wanted to report one version typo. SkyTest Less Fear Patch is listed as v1.0, when on the SRLE Extended Nexus page it is v1.01.

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Thanks Lexy, definitely appreciated. Everything you and Darth and Nozzer, etc. do to keep this guide polished and up-to-date is the reason it's the best guide of its kind around. :-)


Also, wanted to report one version typo. SkyTest Less Fear Patch is listed as v1.0, when on the SRLE Extended Nexus page it is v1.01.

thanks sorted. It helps that unlike a lot of people I haven't jumped ship to SSE not saying I personally I still think it need polishing. You never know maybe when Vortex come out it will be amazing and will blow us all away be better the MO and we'll jump ship (bit of wishful thinking there).


It also help that when I screw up I have got all you guys pointing what a idiot i am at times. Pretty sure if I was left to my devices I would of broken things a long time ago and given up. Any just hit level 22 and fast approaching my all time highest ever level of any of skyrim character (I might for a laugh boot up Skyrim on the Xbox and see what level my first character got up to) 

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Really feeling quite baffled.  As far as I can tell, I meticulously followed the guide exactly (except for changing UNPB to UNP), including all the graphics suggestions, and when I my hardware specs a few days ago Lexy confirmed they should be more than adequate.  Nevertheless, I am getting <10 FPS almost everywhere outside, constant stuttering/lag, and getting CTDs probably every hour or so.  But if it's not mods or hardware, what is responsible?  Quite frustrating.

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ok so just for a laugh i booted up the xbox 360 and took at look at my very first character it is was a female Woodelf named Tinuviel (I wonder how i came up with that name). She was a level 45 conjuration assassin archer, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood head of Thieves Guild, Arch mage, Defeater of the Dawnguard, Slayer or Miraak and destroyer of the world eater Alduin. So I guess at some point i have actually have completed the game.

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Really feeling quite baffled.  As far as I can tell, I meticulously followed the guide exactly (except for changing UNPB to UNP), including all the graphics suggestions, and when I my hardware specs a few days ago Lexy confirmed they should be more than adequate.  Nevertheless, I am getting <10 FPS almost everywhere outside, constant stuttering/lag, and getting CTDs probably every hour or so.  But if it's not mods or hardware, what is responsible?  Quite frustrating.

It is definitely mods, assuming your hardware meets specs. There have been quite a few updates to the guide recently. Go through and make sure you are up-to-date. This will ensure there is no discrepancy between patches or whatever that may have updated half-way through your install. You want everything to be a snapshot in time as far as version updates, etc. go.


What I like to do is when I have finished the guide, go through from the beginning again, checking everything to make sure I didn't miss an obvious step. Things like special instructions, removing important files (not readme files or .bsl files, as those don't matter, but meshes or textures or plugins, etc.), copying files. Even whole mods I have missed installing and caught on a second look. Again, the guide is so huge that it is very possible you screwed up a step. What I mean by this is just take 10-30 seconds per mod to check the instructions you can verify quickly, and move on. Just a quick double-check. Takes more time, but ensures everything is good to go.


You can check for updates and double check for errors in instruction at the same time, and there's a good chance you will find your issue. Another idea is to check anything you are particularly unfamiliar with. Maybe you are unfamiliar with LOOT, so you think you are adding the metadata right, but you are not. Same with Merge Plugins, or xEdit, or w/e.


Bad ENB ini settings could definitely cause issues as well, that's another good place to look.


Anyway, good luck!


Edit: Wording

Edited by Nebulous112
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Really feeling quite baffled.  As far as I can tell, I meticulously followed the guide exactly (except for changing UNPB to UNP), including all the graphics suggestions, and when I my hardware specs a few days ago Lexy confirmed they should be more than adequate.  Nevertheless, I am getting

well maybe your hardware can't run the guide but i doubt that. Out a curiosity in your enblocal.ini file set UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true this will basically turn off the enb apart from enboost now what is your fps? Also another thing what is your fps without DynDoLod?

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It is definitely mods, assuming your hardware meets specs. There have been quite a few updates to the guide recently. Go through and make sure you are up-to-date. This will ensure there is no discrepancy between patches or whatever that may have updated half-way through your install. You want everything to be a snapshot in time as far as version updates, etc. go.


What I like to do is when I have finished the guide, go through from the beginning again, checking everything to make sure I didn't miss an obvious step. Special instructions, removing important files (not readme files or .bsl files, as those don't matter, but meshes or textures or plugins, etc.), things like that. Even whole mods I have missed installing and caught on a second look. Again, the guide is so huge that it is very possible you screwed up a step. What I mean by this is just take 10-30 seconds per mod to check the instructions you can verify quickly, and move on. Just a quick double-check. Takes more time, but ensures everything is good to go.


I bet you will find your issue doing those two things. Another idea is to check anything you are particularly unfamiliar with. Maybe you are unfamiliar with LOOT, so you think you are adding the metadata right, but you are not. Same with Merge Plugins, or xEdit, or w/e.


Bad ENB ini settings could definitely cause issues as well, that's another good place to look.


Anyway, good luck!


Edit: Wording

I mean, I haven't made today's change regarding HLE-SIC edition yet, but everything else is as stated.  I am "unfamiliar" with all of them in the sense that I don't know how they work behind the curtain, just what they're for on a very end-user level, hence why I just do exactly what the guide says, no creative changes.  Thanks for the well-wishes, I hope I can figure it out.

well maybe your hardware can't run the guide but i doubt that. Out a curiosity in your enblocal.ini file set UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true this will basically turn off the enb apart from enboost now what is your fps? Also another thing what is your fps without DynDoLod?

I'll try it with the edit to enblocal.ini.  As for "wothout DynDOLOD" do you just mean unchecking the DynDOLOD mods in the left MO panel (TexGen Output and Worlds output)?

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Wow.  I mean, take this with a grain of salt since it's been less than an hour, but I made the enblocal change and *instantaneously* it was a new game.  And I've played thousands of hours without ever having any kind of an ENB, so that doesn't really bother me.  The only thing now, if it's an easy fix, is that the contrast is a bit too high - darks are too dark and lights are too light.  (E.G. My cloak atm is bright red with an imperial logo, and in broad daylight on the plains of Whiterun it's solid black if the sun is in front of me.)  But even if I can't fix that, it's 100x more playable.

EDIT: Also, dungeons are too bright now, but maybe ELFX has an option to correct this?

EDIT 2: Are the combat settings for Wildcat, Violens, etc. based on being alone?  Having Sofia, Inigo, AND Toccata with you?  Or what?

Edited by alphakay1488
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Hey Lexy,


Regarding Better Circlets HQ - the mod itself is v1.1 (I still have the original from before the original Nexus page was taken down). It makes sense to me that that version number should be beside the mod name, whereas the STEP version number be only beside the file name (because STEP isn't modifying the file when they update). But maybe that's just me. :-P


Besides that though, the filename for the STEP file is actually "STEP Compilation Installer - High Res - v2.10.0a".


Just thought I'd give you a heads-up!



Edit: Also, is there any reason why Skyrim Weapon De-LARP-ification Project overrides Better Shaped Weapons in the guide?


Most other guides do it the other way around (like STEP), as Better Shaped Weapons is quite a bit newer (and many consider better). It just doesn't have everything that De-LARP-ification does.



Edit 2: Also wondering about Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux. Guide uses v2.7.3, but there is a 2.7.4b under Updates that apparently fixes a normal maps issue. It is a beta though. Not sure if using the older version was an intentional choice or not.

Edited by Nebulous112
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Wow.  I mean, take this with a grain of salt since it's been less than an hour, but I made the enblocal change and *instantaneously* it was a new game.  And I've played thousands of hours without ever having any kind of an ENB, so that doesn't really bother me.  The only thing now, if it's an easy fix, is that the contrast is a bit too high - darks are too dark and lights are too light.  (E.G. My cloak atm is bright red with an imperial logo, and in broad daylight on the plains of Whiterun it's solid black if the sun is in front of me.)  But even if I can't fix that, it's 100x more playable.


EDIT: Also, dungeons are too bright now, but maybe ELFX has an option to correct this?


EDIT 2: Are the combat settings for Wildcat, Violens, etc. based on being alone?  Having Sofia, Inigo, AND Toccata with you?  Or what?

Ok this tell me that Vividian ENB is to hevay for you system so either you need to find a different one or go with out.

You'll need to adapt ELFX to your setup.

Violens is what SRLE Base had and Wildcat is setup basically how i run it best to tweak to your liking and yes i run with Sofia, Inigo, AND Toccata as well as Anum-La but personally play on Master difficulty so that might change things.



Hey Lexy,


Regarding Better Circlets HQ - the mod itself is v1.1 (I still have the original from before the original Nexus page was taken down). It makes sense to me that that version number should be beside the mod name, whereas the STEP version number be only beside the file name (because STEP isn't modifying the file when they update). But maybe that's just me. :-P


Besides that though, the filename for the STEP file is actually "STEP Compilation Installer - High Res - v2.10.0a".


Just thought I'd give you a heads-up!



Edit: Also, is there any reason why Skyrim Weapon De-LARP-ification Project overrides Better Shaped Weapons in the guide?


Most other guides do it the other way around (like STEP), as Better Shaped Weapons is quite a bit newer (and many consider better). It just doesn't have everything that De-LARP-ification does.



Edit 2: Also wondering about Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux. Guide uses v2.7.3, but there is a 2.7.4b under Updates that apparently fixes a normal maps issue. It is a beta though. Not sure if using the older version was an intentional choice or not.

you are probably right about Better Circlets I'll tweak that tomorrow now.


Actually i do personally run Better Shaped Weapons after Skyrim Weapon De-LARP-ification Project i just forgot to change it in the guide.

again I am actually running with 2.7.4b of Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux on my own setup guess I forgot to add it to the guide job for tomorrow now cos my bed is calling me.


and wow just realized we hit 10,000 posts you guys are awesome.

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Wow.  I mean, take this with a grain of salt since it's been less than an hour, but I made the enblocal change and *instantaneously* it was a new game.  And I've played thousands of hours without ever having any kind of an ENB, so that doesn't really bother me.  The only thing now, if it's an easy fix, is that the contrast is a bit too high - darks are too dark and lights are too light.  (E.G. My cloak atm is bright red with an imperial logo, and in broad daylight on the plains of Whiterun it's solid black if the sun is in front of me.)  But even if I can't fix that, it's 100x more playable.


EDIT: Also, dungeons are too bright now, but maybe ELFX has an option to correct this?


EDIT 2: Are the combat settings for Wildcat, Violens, etc. based on being alone?  Having Sofia, Inigo, AND Toccata with you?  Or what?

I'd be interested to see the other settings you had in your enblocal.ini at some stage. Just for interest.

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Nozzer, I only changed that one thing and this is what it is now.
It should be exactly what the guide says (except Lexy's suggestion), but if I have anything wrong please let me know.

//num /       106
//print screen
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Lexy, I think I may need to adjust it then; I had just Sofia and Toccata (hadn't gotten to Riften by Lvl 2) but enemies were dying easily, I didn't even need to fight.  Maybe it's just because I'm such a low level the enemy balancing hasn't kicked in?

What do you mean a "different" ENB?  There is more than one?  You mean an older version than .319?

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No she means a different preset. If you look at Nexus and search for ENB presets there's quite a few options. They range from more colourful with vibrant saturation, to a little more wintery and bleak with very limited colours.


Some are fairly taxing on your system, and some less so. I've used Skylight ENB a few times over the years and I like it. It's here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48730/? It's a good, solid ENB.


Just be aware that some ENB presets are designed based on you having certain mods in your load order. The guide uses Vivid Weathers, but some others might be designed for Climates of Tamriel, or no weather mod at all, as an example.


Now this doesn't mean you CAN'T use that ENB without the suggested mods. Just that it may not 100% agree with the screenshots in the mod. Thus your mileage may vary. It's a personal thing.


(And on a personal thing, choosing an ENB based solely on the screenshots is always a bit fraught with danger as unless you have EXACTLY the set up used by the screenshot taker it's going to look different)


Play around and see if you can find one that suits your tastes AND gives you the playability you're after.

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