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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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This mod, EZ2C Dialogue Menu, claims to correct a known skyrim issue whereby if you have mods adding too many dialogue lines to an NPC, not all will be visible/selectable. Well, I've had this problem extensively on my last build and this might be a solution. It seems pointless to have this AND better dialogue controls installed, and I've read the latter's description and it states nothing about addressing the missing dialogue bug. So, I'm giving EZ2C a try on this run and tell you about it. Both are pretty old but EZ2C actually has been updated until a later date. Have you guys tried it and discarded it for a reason that should save me the trouble of trying it out?


My understanding is that after applying the LOOT load order that it generates, I go and click on the right side of the mod mentioned and "Edit metadata", select "load after", and then choose the mentioned mod.

That's how you do it. Don't forget to save the metadata edit before and re-run the file sorting to apply your change immediately. This is because you can run loot at any point during your install to test the build as you go. After installing new mods always run loot before running the game.


If you want to test-run before finishing the guide, remember to deselect any mods that have missing masters (that will be installed later) or the game will crash. Also bear in mind that after you reach the 256 plugin limit, you won't be able to run the game (without deselecting something) until you go through the mergers section and bring that esp count back below 256.

  • +1 1

Also, does anyone know if this has been completed:


photo-thumb-3795.gif?_r=1420437814 Posted by Nozzer66 on 12 March 2017 - 11:43 PM in Skyrim Revisited (Skyrim)

I believe I have removed the references to Mature Skin from the CR patch. I'll just do a double, triple, Quad check on that and post it.


Essentially it was race records that were just adding Mature Skin to the non beast races. Will drop the same fixes in the NPC CR. Both should be done today.


I have self delivered an uppercut. I even bit my tongue.


EDIT: 1.44 version checked for errors. None found.



Meaning are the references to Mature Skin no longer in the CR?  I was hoping to use a different skin, but if I have to try to edit my own CR (seems daunting!), I may just stick with Mature Skin. 




Posted (edited)

Meaning are the references to Mature Skin no longer in the CR?  I was hoping to use a different skin, but if I have to try to edit my own CR (seems daunting!), I may just stick with Mature Skin. 



Been there, stuck with mature skin until I decided to go ahead and edit the CR. Not just for mature skin but for a number of mods I removed to try and improve performance. It's a daunting task but well worth it if you've never done it before, it was my xEdit 101. I think you need to generate a dummy esp for each master that you remove before loading the CR in xEdit, because if the master is missing it won't load. I use wrye bash for that dummy esp, dunno if there's another app that can do the same. Then load the CR into xEdit, scan it for errors and manually correct them one by one. You'll mostly find null references. Basic rule, don't remove records, instead copy the value from the esp immediately to the left in the view pane. If there are no values to the left, delete the value, not the record. If the record becomes empty, it will delete itself and you won't risk deleting a record that might contain other important values by mistake. Do it for all errors, than exit and save, then load it up again and use the clean masters context menu option on the CR esp. It should remove all unnecessary masters. Exit and save and remove the dummy esp's. Usually takes me about 1 hour to clean having about 10 missing masters.

Edited by godescalcus

Thanks all!  So Nozzer66, does that mean it is an easy change to use a different skin, or are there still issues that arise in the guide if I choose not to go with Mature Skin?  

Posted (edited)

Also, under mod merges It says to put tags






on the CACO merge, but at the end of the guide with Wyre Bash, It says use tags




Which is right? Or am I confusing something


Thanks again



Go with what the Merge Plugin Page says probably we just forgot to add the other tags further down.


SMIM updated

I thought Brumbek retired from modding due to wanting to devote more time to his girlfriend guess he couldn't keep away.


Thanks all!  So Nozzer66, does that mean it is an easy change to use a different skin, or are there still issues that arise in the guide if I choose not to go with Mature Skin?  

I could be wrong here but I think the Main CR still does use Mature Skins as a master but I am unable to confirm thou PC not setup. Easiest way to find out just deactivte Mature skins and see if a red triangle pops up on the CR's esp if it does then mature skins is required as a master and you will need to removed those records. which we do describe how to do it is fairly easy once you get the hang of it.

Edited by DarkladyLexy

Thanks again everyone for the help!  DarkladyLexy, I'm guessing that these are the instructions you mentioned:



Report Masters Script (Use this Method if you have the esp plugin downloaded)

This is a very useful little script that will help find all the Form Id's for a mod if you wish to remove a particular mod from this Conflict Resolution.

  1. Open TES5Edit.
  2. Select Only SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution.
  3. Right Click SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution.
  4. Apply Script.
  5. Select Report Masters the Click OK.
  6. In popup window chose the esp you want to remove.
  7. Then Click Apply

This should now show you all form ids that are still linked to esp in question.

Wyre Bash Create Dummies (Uses this method if you do not have the esp plugin downloaded)

Use this method to create dummies of plugins you wish to remove from the premade Conflcit Resolution.

  1. Load Wrye Bash click on the CR and select File->Create dummy esps (this will create fake esps for what you are missing and place them into the overwrite folder).
  2. Load TES5edit with only SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp Selected wait until backgound loader has finished.
  3. Right click on SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp and check for errors.
  4. Remove the records that are broken from SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp (they will show after checking for errors).
  5. Save and Exit.
  6. Load SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp again in TES5Edit and then clean masters once done save and exit.
  7. Remove Fake plugins fron the overwrite folder.



So when I add a different skin after following these instructions to remove Mature Skins, is there anything else I need to do to make the new skin work with the guide?



So when I add a different skin after following these instructions to remove Mature Skins, is there anything else I need to do to make the new skin work with the guide?

They should work out of the box if they're UNP compatible, unless you also changed your body mesh. Watch the file size and watch your memory usage! I fiddled quite a lot with body textures and tried some with higher resolution than those in the guide (got as far as 8k). That was bad business. I eventually tried lower resolution textures than those in the guide and settled for Urshi's for men (face and body) and AnTiWoMaAgNoT's textures for women (look them up, not linking because of adult content in their pages). They're both quite old but they look great and are much lighter than Vitruvia and Mature. I noticed a significant improvement in my game (understandable since body textures are applied to every non-modded human actor in the game). Coverkajiits and FAR are already the lightest I've seen for kajiits and argonians respectively.

  • +1 1

Thanks again everyone for the help!  DarkladyLexy, I'm guessing that these are the instructions you mentioned?

Yes they are it really not the difficult cos if I can do it anyone can do it just take practice.


I'm back with a new graphics card, same problem, so definitely not VRAM related. Found out DynDOLOD seems to be causing the CTD, cause when I deactivate it no crashes occur at all. Any ideas what could be wrong? Checked my SKSE.ini and the other .ini files, everything seems to be set up correctly. Help appreciated! 


I'm back with a new graphics card, same problem, so definitely not VRAM related. Found out DynDOLOD seems to be causing the CTD, cause when I deactivate it no crashes occur at all. Any ideas what could be wrong? Checked my SKSE.ini and the other .ini files, everything seems to be set up correctly. Help appreciated! 

you can't find an issue with vram if you're playing on windows 10 since it's limited to 4 gigs.

Posted (edited)

I'm back with a new graphics card, same problem, so definitely not VRAM related. Found out DynDOLOD seems to be causing the CTD, cause when I deactivate it no crashes occur at all. Any ideas what could be wrong? Checked my SKSE.ini and the other .ini files, everything seems to be set up correctly. Help appreciated! 

ok by the sounds of it your dyndolod Ouput might have got corrupted recommend regeneration. If that fails you could try this mod Load Game CTD Fix by Utopium www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85443/? not tested it myself but from what I gather it can help with CTD's


If all that fails then I am out of ideas.

you can't find an issue with vram if you're playing on windows 10 since it's limited to 4 gigs.

I doubt Windows 10 would be causing CTD all the should do is a stutter. (At least that what I think I don't really know not having used the shitiness that is Windows 10).

Edited by Darth_mathias
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