legendrodrigo Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 I'm sorry for asking another question again but... does this pack alrealdy include some mod for extra enemy encounters?Cuz in vanilla it was so few encounters... If it doesn't whats a mod recommended for enemy encounters that isn't exaggerated but its more than vanilla?
DarkladyLexy Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 On 11/10/2017 at 1:36 PM, legendrodrigo said: I'm sorry for asking another question again but... does this pack already include some mod for extra enemy encounters?Cuz in vanilla it was so few encounters... If it doesn't whats a mod recommended for enemy encounters that isn't exaggerated but its more than vanilla?yes we do we've got OBIS, SIC, Immersive petrol, Encounter Zones Unlocked - Dungeons don't stop leveling after the first visit (SKSE) I am also personally using Higher Difficulty - Adjusted Encounter Zone and Leveled NPCs by Sthaagg https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83926/? I have created a customversion of his AAE Min Max level for this guide which can make available; I was thinking about adding those anyway.
alphakay1488 Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 I just entered a dungeon and three semi-transparent popups appeared - "ENBSeries : fps X" (X~20), "enbseries.ini", and "Shader parameters" There is also a rotating hourglass cursor offset from the Skyrim cursor but moving with it. "ENBSeries : fps X" window says "Some changes require reloading (Apply button)", but when i click the "<<<<<APPLY CHANGES>>>>>" button below it, it "freezes" for a moment as if applying changes but then doesn't go away after "unfreezing".Anyone know what is causing this and/or what I should do to fix it?
DarkladyLexy Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 On 11/10/2017 at 4:40 PM, alphakay1488 said: I just entered a dungeon and three semi-transparent popups appeared - "ENBSeries : fps X" (X~20), "enbseries.ini", and "Shader parameters" There is also a rotating hourglass cursor offset from the Skyrim cursor but moving with it. "ENBSeries : fps X" window says "Some changes require reloading (Apply button)", but when i click the ">>>>" button below it, it "freezes" for a moment as if applying changes but then doesn't go away after "unfreezing". Anyone know what is causing this and/or what I should do to fix it?that sound likes ENB's in game GUI that should only pop up when you ht Shift+Ctrl and Enter together. So try hit those keys again and see if the disappear.
DivineWind Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 Ive almost finished following the guide, thanks so much for all the great work. I just have a question about the High Level Enemies Merge. After merging, textures and meshes have been moved into the following folders within the new mod:\textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\HLE Merged.esp\\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\HLE Merged.esp\Just wondering if I should rename these folders back to High Level Enemies.esp after renaming the merged esp file in order to keep compatibility or will the files still work with the new folder names?
DivineWind Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 And also with LOTD Patches Merge.esp, the instructions say "Please note the Bash Tag update is ONLY required if you do the merge yourself" but when I check in Wrye Bash it only seems to be automatically adding the RELEV bash tag and not the others, should I manually add all the bash tags on the list or is there some reason not to do that?
DarkladyLexy Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 On 11/11/2017 at 12:09 AM, DivineWind said: Ive almost finished following the guide, thanks so much for all the great work. I just have a question about the High Level Enemies Merge. After merging, textures and meshes have been moved into the following folders within the new mod:\textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\HLE Merged.esp\\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\HLE Merged.esp\Just wondering if I should rename these folders back to High Level Enemies.esp after renaming the merged esp file in order to keep compatibility or will the files still work with the new folder names? I never changed t and it was OK but just a heads up I will be switching the the SIC Edition from the SIC Page today and issuing an update the AAE Patches and the new CR update. On 11/11/2017 at 1:28 AM, DivineWind said: And also with LOTD Patches Merge.esp, the instructions say "Please note the Bash Tag update is ONLY required if you do the merge yourself" but when I check in Wrye Bash it only seems to be automatically adding the RELEV bash tag and not the others, should I manually add all the bash tags on the list or is there some reason not to do that?if you are using the merge provided from the LOTD Patches page you don't need to do anything as SirJesto has already dealt with it.
DarkladyLexy Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 Ok guys have switched back to High Level Enemies - SIC Edition Which AAE Patches Merge was rebuilt from the ground up I will be passing this to SirJesto but until he updates you need to use the esp from the dropbox. The CR was also updated to version 1.56 Those of you that do you own CR notice that conflict between AAE annd Skytest are covered in the updated AAE Merge Patch from my dropbox and thus were delete from the main CR.As usual the updated records are in the CR Update to Version 1.56 (DOES NOT CONTAIN RECORDS I DELETED FROM MAIN CR) . Also the My MO Profile was updated to 11-11-17 as was the Modwat.ch profile.
ATMPlays Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 Hi, I am currently DDSOPT optimizing Immersive Weapons. I accidentally set the directory to the MO mods folder and now DDSOPT won't load up to let me change directories. I tried to reinstall it to reset the directory but that didn't work. It doesn't seem to be in the ini file either. I couldn't find any other settings files in the AppData and Documents directories. Can I change this?
Monobloc Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 I updated the guide and now my mouse won't work in game. no input detected
DarkladyLexy Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 hey guys just notice in my game all the archery target boards and sword training dummies are missing in solitude does occur on other peoples games or is just mine? Edit: Just check my DEV Build and they are there on that so i guess it just my game I can put up with it.
Nebulous112 Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 On 11/11/2017 at 8:26 AM, DarkladyLexy said: Ok guys have switched back to High Level Enemies - SIC Edition Which AAE Patches Merge was rebuilt from the ground up I will be passing this to SirJesto but until he updates you need to use the esp from the dropbox. The CR was also updated to version 1.56 Those of you that do you own CR notice that conflict between AAE annd Skytest are covered in the updated AAE Merge Patch from my dropbox and thus were delete from the main CR.As usual the updated records are in the CR Update to Version 1.56 (DOES NOT CONTAIN RECORDS I DELETED FROM MAIN CR) . Also the My MO Profile was updated to 11-11-17 as was the Modwat.ch profile.Thanks Lexy, definitely appreciated. Everything you and Darth and Nozzer, etc. do to keep this guide polished and up-to-date is the reason it's the best guide of its kind around. :-) Also, wanted to report one version typo. SkyTest Less Fear Patch is listed as v1.0, when on the SRLE Extended Nexus page it is v1.01.
DarkladyLexy Posted November 11, 2017 Posted November 11, 2017 On 11/11/2017 at 8:14 PM, Nebulous112 said: Thanks Lexy, definitely appreciated. Everything you and Darth and Nozzer, etc. do to keep this guide polished and up-to-date is the reason it's the best guide of its kind around. :-) Also, wanted to report one version typo. SkyTest Less Fear Patch is listed as v1.0, when on the SRLE Extended Nexus page it is v1.01.thanks sorted. It helps that unlike a lot of people I haven't jumped ship to SSE not saying I personally I still think it need polishing. You never know maybe when Vortex come out it will be amazing and will blow us all away be better the MO and we'll jump ship (bit of wishful thinking there). It also help that when I screw up I have got all you guys pointing what a idiot i am at times. Pretty sure if I was left to my devices I would of broken things a long time ago and given up. Any just hit level 22 and fast approaching my all time highest ever level of any of skyrim character (I might for a laugh boot up Skyrim on the Xbox and see what level my first character got up to)
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