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Hi Neovalen,


your installation of Rustic Gargoyle says Vivid Landscapes - All In One provides a statue texture that better matches the surroundings

it is Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar providing the Gargoyle Statue Textures
  On 8/12/2016 at 11:51 PM, compatibility_mode said:

First off, thanks for the guide. I think this is the first time my Skyrim has truly been stable and playable for consistent periods of time. I think its the leveled lists conflicts that were causing a lot of my CTDs in the past.


The issue I am having is that my framerate simply tanks at many cities and towns, like Whiterun, Riverwood, Falkreath, etc. It dips into the low/mid 40s at Riverwood and Falkreath, and hits the mid/high 30s when I load into Whiterun looking down the main thoroughfare. This is baffling! Never expected a six year old game to tax my system like this, especially since I have pretty decent components. My framerate in almost all other areas is a solid 60+. I've done most of my testing at 1440p but I've tried out 1080p as well, and strangely enough the framerate tanks at 1080p as well! So much for my rock solid 60 fps dreams...  I've been doing a bit of googling, and I'm thinking that it is just an issue that Skyrim has due to inefficient usage of CPU cores? 


What are the most taxing parts of the guide for framerates? Obviously the ENB will bite you a little bit, but it seems like AI overhauls or particle effects could have an effect as well? My 1070 should be more than able to handle SMIM's more detailed meshes, I would think.


My Rig: i7 4790, 16GB ddr3 1600mhz, msi z97 mobo, GTX superclocked 1070, crucial 500GB ssd, windows 10 free edition

To get a perfect 60 in skyrim is difficult due to various reasons. When it comes to whiterun having terrible frame rate toss the dyndolod extras, those tank mine to about the same.

Texture size doesn't really directly affect framerate, it does but its so tiny.

Win10 does have the issue where the max reported virtual memory is 4064, if this is your issue then the easiest way to test is to fine a troublesome spot and then press the free memory key for enboost, f4 is default. If it shoots up to 60, then you either are going to need to reduce texture size or use win 7. I currently use a bare bones win7 for skyrim.


I also found the enhanced landscape is way too heavy and causes too many issues(crf) for what it does.

  On 8/13/2016 at 11:19 AM, Terodorn said:


Hi Neovalen,
your installation of Rustic Gargoyle says Vivid Landscapes - All In One provides a statue texture that better matches the surroundings
it is Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar providing the Gargoyle Statue Textures


Thanks for that, I'll fix the typo.

  On 8/13/2016 at 12:41 PM, hishutup said:

To get a perfect 60 in skyrim is difficult due to various reasons. When it comes to whiterun having terrible frame rate toss the dyndolod extras, those tank mine to about the same.

Texture size doesn't really directly affect framerate, it does but its so tiny.

Win10 does have the issue where the max reported virtual memory is 4064, if this is your issue then the easiest way to test is to fine a troublesome spot and then press the free memory key for enboost, f4 is default. If it shoots up to 60, then you either are going to need to reduce texture size or use win 7. I currently use a bare bones win7 for skyrim.


I also found the enhanced landscape is way too heavy and causes too many issues(crf) for what it does.

Texture size absolutely WILL affect framerate, and in a big way, if you hit the limit on VRAM on your card (or 4GB if using Win8/10). All that swapping of textures between RAM and VRAM will kill your framerate. Now, if you aren't hitting that limit, then yeah, changing it up or down won't do much (if anything) to your FPS.

  On 8/14/2016 at 6:02 PM, mavanaic said:

The NSUTR merge shouldn't be placed above LeanWolfs Better-Shaped Talos with Greatsword - NSUtR Patch as it is made redundant by the merge?

It is not made redundant by the merge.


See this instruction for the original No Snow Under The Roof install:



Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):

meshes\prometheus\architecture\statuessnow folder (Better-Shaped Talos Statue with Greatsword and Stunning Statues of Skyrim will provide these meshes.)

  On 8/14/2016 at 7:12 PM, Bicklefitch said:

FYI, the Ruffled Feather mod collection has been hidden on the Nexus by its author.

The guide links to the download, which is hosted with the STEP patches.


Hello.  I'm still playing on an older save which has Wyrmstooth in it and I was hoping someone could help.  I want to travel back there to complete some quests but there is no one on the boat in the Solitude docks.  Is this a problem or am I supposed to talk to someone somewhere else first?



  On 8/14/2016 at 7:12 PM, Bicklefitch said:

FYI, the Ruffled Feather mod collection has been hidden on the Nexus by its author.


  On 8/14/2016 at 7:16 PM, Skadi said:

The guide links to the download, which is hosted with the STEP patches.


Oops, guess I should thank you rather than myself :)

  On 8/14/2016 at 7:31 PM, cstarkey42 said:

Hello.  I'm still playing on an older save which has Wyrmstooth in it and I was hoping someone could help.  I want to travel back there to complete some quests but there is no one on the boat in the Solitude docks.  Is this a problem or am I supposed to talk to someone somewhere else first?



I was able to head back to the island after the initial quest.  As I recall he on the boat...maybe Immersive Citizens or Wet and Cold has him ducking inside somewhere (if the weather's bad)?

  On 8/14/2016 at 7:52 PM, Quahogs said:

I was able to head back to the island after the initial quest.  As I recall he on the boat...maybe Immersive Citizens or Wet and Cold has him ducking inside somewhere (if the weather's bad)?

Thanks.  I think the problem was it was too early and waiting didn't clear it up.  I left the area for a bit and came back and it seems good now.  Sorry to be asking questions about a mod no longer included in the guide but I've finally gotten around to playing Wyrmstooth recently and I've got to ask since I brought it up and google isn't helping: what's the deal with the strange mannequin?  I brought back a follower that works with eff so I could bring someone into Herman's Holdout, assuming I'd get a quest or something, but I've cleared the place out, the mannequin is still following me at the end of the ruin and there's no indication that it serves any purpose at all.




Hi Neo,


1. Regarding RDO...are you loading EFFDialogue.esp after RDO as per mod's description? TBH, I cannot understand why he recommends that since pretty much everything is covered by the patch. I had posted this question in mod's forum but got no reply.


2. Regarding ELFX-Parallax Meshes Patch by Gutmaw...there are some meshes that do not include parallax textures such as meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrskyforge01.nif ...any reason why?



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