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Everything posted by grhuff

  1. I have a suggestion for the SRLE Extended guide. Wanted to see if anyone else finds it valuable. For mods that are later merged, it seems like it would be helpful to indicate this under the mod description with a note saying something like "included in XYZ merge" which corresponds to the name of the merge at the bottom of the guide. That way when the mod authors release updated versions of merged mods, like the Armor of Progression stuff recently, we know we might need to recreate the merge. As it stands now, the history page of the guide only catches changes to the merge section when stuff is added/removed/changed (rightfully so). But we've had a few version updates lately to mods that have been merged, and some people may not realize that they have to rebuild that corresponding merge. Or I could be completely wrong.
  2. This does indeed fix the flickering in the AS-LAL room, but are there any repercussions down the line? For reference, these are the two edits that tanzplagen is suggesting: [00] Skyrim.esm \ Cell \ Block 6 \ Sub-Block 9 \ 00021594 <AbandonedPrison01> \ Temporary \ 00057C5C [00] Skyrim.esm \ Cell \ Block 6 \ Sub-Block 9 \ 00021594 <AbandonedPrison01> \ Temporary \ 00057C5D You can right-click on the record from EnhancedLightsandFX.esp and copy it as an override either into SR Conflict Resolution.esp or into your own new/custom patch file.
  3. Perfect. And fantastic work from you, your wife, and all the other contributors to SRLE Extended. And of course thanks to Neo for making SRLE in the first place.
  4. The guide lists the date of the SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution as 19/06/16, but your Dropbox link timestamps the downloadable file at June 16, 2016 11:47 AM. Is that downloadable file correct, or should we work off the CR guide instead?
  5. I just added the Large Juniper Trees and Tall Pines optionals after the DynDOLOD Billboards for 2.5b optional in the Skyrim Flora Overhaul section of my install. Keep in mind that I install everything as it's own entry in MO, I don't install optionals on top of main files. That being said, the guide mentions the following Special Instruction: DynDOLOD Billboards Optional: textures/terrain/LODGen/Skyrim.esm/TreeAspen* (Preserve Realistic Aspen Trees billboards.) Should that be applied to the Large Juniper Trees and Tall Pines optionals as well? Otherwise the Realistic Aspen Trees Billboards optional from a few mods above is overwritten completely. And similarly, the Billboards optional for Skyrim Flora Overhaul is overwritten completely by the Tall Pines optional. If that's intended, then is the Billboards optional needed anymore?
  6. As Tarikko1 mentioned in post 3201, the Body section is a little tricky. I found with the two Better Males archives that I had to drag the folders around during MO installation to get the options I wanted. It's not as easy as just selecting a single folder as the data folder. However I also noticed something for those of you that might choose the Better Males Underwear version. With the subsequent installation of Forgotten Argonian Roots, you overwrite two argonian male body files from Better Males Underwear. For those of you more clever than me, if I want to avoid nude argonian males, will I need to remove the two files from Forgotten Argonian Roots in favor of the two from Better Males Underwear? And if I did that, I guess I would have to live with mismatched skin for argonian males. texturesactorscharacterargonianmaleargonianmalebody.dds texturesactorscharacterargonianmaleargonianmalebody_msn.dds
  7. I have some feedback for the group on the Special Installation steps for Vividian ENB and Vivian ENB Extended Weathers (underlined in each section). Vividian ENB Special Installation: Extract the contents of the archive to a temporary folder, we will call this VividianTemp for reference, then perform the following: Open ENB Manager and Changer. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer. DO run this as an Administrator.* In the "Configs" pane, click [New]. In the resulting text pane type "Vividian ENB 4.11" then click [OK]. On the "Files" pane, click [Add]. Navigate to VividianTemp/Vividian ENB/Main Files, select all contents in the folder except enblocal.ini then click [Add]. Remove VividianTemp as the files are now saved in ENB Manager and Changer. On the "Files" pane, click [Add]. Navigate to the system tailored enblocal.ini created in the previous section and click [Add]. Shouldn't we also exclude the "Data" folder in addition to enblocal.ini since the Data folder is presumably what is being referenced in the Special Installation for Extended Weathers: Vividian - Weather - Lighting and Climates of Tamriel Enhancement Special Installation: After installation, open the ENB preset archive installed earlier and install the files located in the Data Files folder.
  8. Thanks, Torminater. I see what you mean. There is a .esp sub-folder under the meshes folder. Always glad to learn something new.
  9. I'm just getting back into Skyrim and building a new SR:LE setup following the current version of the guide, but found something that might be worth noting in the guide: CharGen Extension Author: Expired Version: 2.1.4 (Morphs) Mod Notes: This mod extends the facial morphs (aka sliders) available when designing your characters face. Mod Dependencies: Race MenuSKSE Based on a quick review in TES5Edit I believe the CharGen Morphs.esp is not needed as it looks to be just to load the BSA which we are unpacking.
  10. For those of you that aren't interested in the nudity, Better Males has an optional for underwear that uses the default loincloth and the newest UNPB installer by xp32 has a bikini option as well.
  11. I think the ENB sunray issue is due to the version of GPU drivers. I think for NVIDIA, you have to stay on 314.22 for now.
  12. No idea, but I do like the mod.
  13. I'd like to to know where folks recommend loading this mod. Depending on what texture packs you use, it has conflicts with SRO, Serious HD, SFO, WATER, aMidianBorn Roads/Bridges, Real Ice, and AOF Detailed Mountains. Is it recommended to use Terrain Bump over the big packs like SRO and Serious, but allow other textures to overwrite it?
  14. Yeah I've only been able to install XPMS manually. No installer method works for me.
  15. No problem, statmonster. I just updated my install with your 2.1 glass. Keep up the good work.
  16. I'm going to guess that it would be preferable to start a new game due to changes in mods, scripts, etc.
  17. I'm definitely going to go with yours.
  18. So can I basically use your glass armor version in place of this one?
  19. I think in the previous version of TES5Edit that field was called MDHT Unknown, but in the current version it's MDHT Max Height. But his instructions mean to edit that field.
  20. Thanks, Neo. I feel like an idiot for never noticing those options before.
  21. Is there any way to get the benefits of DSR like left-hand weapons/sheaths and staves on the back WITHOUT shields on the back? Is it as simple as manually removing the shield meshes from the DSR mod or replacing them with the copies from the normal meshes? Or will that cause problems?
  22. I actually had the same desire and discovered the same problem. Firstly, be sure you aren't using the "Sword on Back" pack for Dual Sheath Redux. I also found that the installer for XP32 Maximum Skeleton just doesn't work correctly for me with MO (using FOMOD and non-FOMOD options). To fix this, I re-installed XP32 Maximum Skeleton manually like this (assuming you're using MO): Open the folder for XP32 Maximum Skeleton in MO (something like \Skyrim\ModOrganizer\mods\XP32 Maximum Skeleton)Delete the entire meshes folderLocate (or redownload) the original archive for XP32 Maximum SkeletonExtract it to a temporary locationOpen the wizard.txt from the extract in a text editorWalk yourself through the "logic" and copy the appropriate mesh folders from the numbered folders in the extract to the MO XP32 Maximum Skeleton folderFor example, if you wanted swords and daggers on hips (vanilla-style) and Chesko's quiver location, you would want to use the mesh folders from the following folders: 00 Skeleton Rig01 BOLTC10 Default CheskoI hope this helps.
  23. For anyone that's tried this mod, do you recommend just using the main mod? Or also the Bandit Patrols optional file? My concern with the optional is that bandits will be slaughtering the townsfolk outside Whiterun and Falkreath, and I don't know how I feel about that. :P
  24. What are STEP and SR users doing with respect to SkyUI? Sticking with 3.4 and the various menu and map addons, or using 4.1 and ditching or ignoring potential issues with those addons? I guess I could learn to use the new SkyUI favorites feature, but I really like Atlas Map Markers and I'm not sure how well that mod plays with SkyUI 4.X. Anyone have any thoughts/advice?
  25. I think if the mod author presented some of the "fixes" as "improvements" or "alternatives" the mod might be received better. For example, there is an entire section of the mod dedicated to converting heavy shields into light shields because the author feels that guards wearing light armor should be using light instead of heavy shields. That isn't a fix that's an opinion.
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