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Everything posted by krossbonzz

  1. Ahhh OK. Good info. Well once the toothaches gone I won't be so hasty to throw or kill stuff and will give it another run lol Thanks for the assistance and I will start over tomorrow morning by loading the whole crate of eggs and stay calm. Oh by the way are any of you running AMD as I have noticed many issues regarding ENB and AMD mixed... Thank you again
  2. For AMD owners I found this to work and look good with the STEP Guide. Based on Boris's original ENB and LSiwora's "Wilds ENB" and adjusted by Skysan4298 for the latest AMD Crimson drivers. Maybe the Mod Gods can have a look because I'm unsure if ELE LITE works with it. Thank you
  3. Whaaaat?! So install STEP Compilation even though none of those mods have been installed yet albeit further in the list of Mods???? And Thanks to all the Mod Authors/Gamer Poets/Gopher etc for the tutorials and making this easier for us less experienced Modders. Although installing can be frustrating at times I'm sure most all of us DO appreciate your time :) *If there's any other AMD owners like myself having ENB issues I'm using Organic ENB with CCC15.71 but is tested to work with the newer Crimson drivers Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software
  4. I followed the Guide also and can't do much. Honestly seems AMD drivers suck and the FX are written for NVIDIA cards. Even Boris stated that he will no longer d anything for AMD with his ENB. In Skyrim I had to use Organic ENB with the Crimson drivers. Now with this Guide and older 15 series drivers I still get loaded then crash while loading. Originally worked fine all done until I went to go out the very first door. Then crash bang boom and done! So not sure 3 days of modding is worth 3 minutes of game time if issues with AMD constantly exist. Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software
  5. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38917/? Works great actually with the latest AMD Crimson drivers and looks better than some of it's competitors. Evok ENB is also nice because of the many styles it offers but I dig this one and have it running with these mods (Yes I know my load order is bad, trying to fix it lol) # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.+Bash one+Organic ENB Preset+LC-Become King of Riverhelm+Civil War Overhaul+Helgen Reborn+Moonpath to Elsweyr+Undeath+Quest- The Fifth Gate+Into the Depths+Adal Matar the Lost Stronghold - Fight Against the Thalmor I+The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal+The Elder Scrolls V MIDDLE-EARTH -Lord of the Rings- Engl Translation+Beyond Reach+Dwarven Island+The Republic of Maslea - Prologue+Darkend+Shadow of Morrowind+Hammerfell- Shadows of Dragonstar+Heimfeigr+Temple of Kruziik+The Lost Wonders of Mzark+The Secret of Dragonhead+The Temple of Black Rock+Windcallers Pass+Wyrmstooth+Falskaar+Corners of Skyrim+Round Window Cabin - Player Home+Hassildor - Player home for Vampires+XCED+XCE+Wiseman303's Trap Fixes+Wispmother.by.Kajuan+White Phial Replacer+Viewable Faction Ranks Dawnguard and Dragonborn+UniqueBorderGates-All+Understone Keep Fountains and Rubble+Troll.by.Kajuan+Timing is Everything+The Paarthurnax Dilemma+Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul+Expanded Towns and Cities Im. Set. Merged File+Lightning during Thunder Storms+The Ruffled Feather+High Quality Food and Ingredients+High Quality 3D Map+Follower Trap Safety+Bird Flocks Hearthfire Edition Cleaned+Brows High Resolution+children dirt skin+Blackreach Overhaul+BetterDGEntrance+Better Stealth AI for Followers+Better Freckles+Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE v2 NON GLOW+Provincial Courier Service+PP OgmundsTomb+PondFish+Pilgrims Delight - Legacy+Nightingale Prime HD - Leather Version+Better Fast Travel v3.76 - BSA - Hearthfires-15508-3-76+Realistic Boat Bobbing+Better Docks+Better City Entraces - All in One+The Choice is Yours+The 418th Step 1 2 - Snow Version+Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored - Standard Edition+Sweet Mother HD+Soul Gems Differ+SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators+Skyrim Improved Puddles 1024 BAIN+Sky Haven Temple Merchants and More Blacksmith Only+Skeleton.and.Human.Bones.by.Kajuan+Barenziah's Glory+Apple garden ENG+Explosive Bolts Visualized+Even Better Quest Objectives+Female Vampires Have Fangs+Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Low Stars+Elemental Staffs 1K Main Cleaned+GORY AND CLEAN DRAGON CORPSE 2K+Hagraven.by.Kajuan+Giant+HD Keys With Normal Maps+GemlingDragonclawSOLIDREFRACTIONS v3+Gemling Queen Jewelry+Horncandles+RealisticOre Just the textures+Realistic werewolves - Feral werewolf Sounds+Realistic Instruments Pack+Realistic HD Baskets QUALITY+HDdisplaycasesSmudged Glass+HD Linens+HD Ore And Ingots with manager+HD Misc+Drop Lit Torches+Septim HD Coinpiles+Septim HD 1 point+SCoinRepRedux - Legendary Edition+RUSTIC POTIONS and POISONS 1K+Ren's HD Shrines by Rengel+Detailing the Eldrich - Higher-Res Riekling Architecture+Dawnguard Rune Weapons FXS Replacer+Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak+Cover Khajiits+ClamsDropPearls+Animated Clutter+83Willows 101BUGs V4 1 LowerResolution+RaceMenu+Immersive HUD - iHUD+Mage Outfit Texture Overhaul - MOTO - SoM - USLEEP and CCF Compatible+SkyUI+Fertigo Pro Font+Better MessageBox Controls+Better Dialogue Controls+Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem+Convenient Horses+Wisplicker+Burn Freeze Shock Effects+Enhanced Blood Textures+Left Hand Rings+Jewels of the Nord - HD rings and necklaces+Deadly Dragons+DrkBrotherhood No glowing eyes version+Forges Add-On+Footprints v1 00 - Legendary+LeanWolf's Improved Enchanter Candle Meshes+jeclxohko -Jeclredured Enchanter Workbench Table II+Farmhouse Chimneys+Better Females by Bella+Hold Your Torch Higher+Proper Torch Wield - Hold your torch away from your face+Superior Silverware - HD Textures+Superior Rock Textures - Hiqh Quality HD 2K and 4K and 1K replacers+Divine Talos Statue - HD 2K and Ultra-HD 4K Texture+HQ Snow Texture 2 7 1 1024 Loose+Hybrids Hires Plant and Herb Retexture+Enhanced Lights and FX+Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One+Disease Descriptions for the Immersive Adventurer+Animated Dwemer Lift Load Doors+Real Wood Textures - Farmhouses No Green Moss Version 1K (S.T.E.P. Version)-50595-v1-0+Cannabis Skyrim+Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2+SkyFalls + SkyMills+Guard Dialogue Overhaul+Royal Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree - abilities - and more+Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade+Book Covers Skyrim+EASIER LOCKPICKING - Without Cheating - Nordic Retexture+Ruins Clutter Improved+SSIRT v1.3+Hd Enhanced Terrain and Map snow 1024x1024 Version+Climates Of Tamriel-V+TreesHD Skyrim variation HIGH NEW+Skyrim Flora Overhaul+HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res+Skyrim HD - 2K Textures+Ultimate HD Fire Effects+Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade+aMidianBorn - Content Addon+aMidianBorn Whiterun 2k hires+aMidianBorn stormcloak officer armour+aMidianBorn Solstheim Land 1K+aMidianBorn imperial light and studded+aMidianBorn Farmhouse 2k hires+aMidianBorn Caves and Mines 2k+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC+aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors+aMidianBorn Blade of Woe+Optimized High Res DLC Standard (all 3 Parts)*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01+Clean Dragonborn esm+Unofficial Dragonborn Patch+Optimized Dragonborn Textures for MO Users*Unmanaged: Dragonborn+Clean Hearthfires esm+Unofficial Hearthfire Patch+Optimized HearthFires Textures for MO Users*Unmanaged: HearthFires+Unofficial Dawnguard Patch+Clean Dawnguard esm+Optimized Dawnguard Textures for MO Users*Unmanaged: Dawnguard+Unofficial Skyrim Patch+Optimized Base Game Textures for MO Users+Clean Update esm+SKSE scripts
  6. Yes with the exception of where it stated to disregard if we're doing STEP extended. I installed everything on the STEP list unless it stated - "This mod is now included in all versions of the STEP Patches: STEP Core Patch, STEP Extended Patch, and both versions of the STEP Combined Plugin." or "Notice: STEP:Extended users: Please DISREGARD the following LOOT Meta Rule at this time. It pertains to interactions between this mod and another mod installed downstream in STEP:Extended, so this rule cannot be implemented until that mod is installed. That mod page also contains a similar LOOT Meta Rule instruction that can be applied later on." The only other odd thing was that when I was going to download the STEP extended patch it asked if I wanted to redownload it when I never had unless a link was broken/misdirected like some are and at 3am and 2 days now of dealing with issues and learning more about this 3rd round install I downloaded the wrong file. Or as I've noticed in MO check boxes get unticked when they've never been touched after a plugin installation. MO's download bar is freaking out again too LOL Thanks again to those assisting and remember "Never go Full Nerd" Currently LOOT is showing a Metadata symbol for:RelightingSkyrim_Legendary.esp- ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp- Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp- Book Covers Skyrim.esp- ADS.esp- Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software
  7. What a blanky blank in the keister this is sometimes... followed everything and checked it twice, ran LOOT zero errors except Amidianborn content addon wanting to be TES5Edited. All mods checked except the unofficial shtuff and I unchecked bashed patch.esp ran wrye and this come up and as you can see in the foto mods got unchecked by wryebash. Any suggestions? Thank you Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software
  8. Good info and food for thought. I'm just an old dog learning new tricks. After bf4's last updates I'm more into Skyrim because it (bf4) is just fubar'd Much thanks for the assistance guys. Never mind - Screw the ENB's & modding, done wasting time on BS software
  9. Sorry guys if i sound like an a$$ in my posts. But I think what ray0071 (I believe) said is why I seem like a jerk (divorced 3 wives so I have lots of bad names lol). And I did read some more so now I can go fix a few errors I made. Most of my questionable installs were merges as I read so that's cool. Heck for tunes or tv when i turn the volume to any level it has to be a prime number... isn't that dumb? Been doing it for years but we all got our "quirks and perks". Thanks again for the info and constructive criticism
  10. Thank you for the link to MO and I will add that the Authors could have the correct one(s) labeled just for the STEP, STEP Extended etc.
  11. Well if the information was precise and not conflicting per Author or Wiki or Video site then we'd all have more time to game right? @Dragonborn- As for merge or replace I've watched the video's and it does not state entirely the difference and holy **** another 5 seconds of adding that info on the Wiki is just insane. Authors would love to make a few bucks for their work that they enjoy. So when you design a program that is going to use all these Authors' work wouldn't you as The STEP Guide Storefront want to have things as easy as can be without being too in depth so that maybe a noob modder like myself would be less irritated and more apt to go "Damn this is freeking cool" and drop a buck or two to the Authors.............or even buy a staff member or Mike Mike (for the good video's) a Red bull since we all have paypal accounts. You wouldn't sell your Ferrari at a Yugo Dealership! If you can't make something accurate for all Geek levels of intelligence than why stick the stuff out there? Is it that hard to produce quality in everything in life these days? Don't be an Obama'nation. So Mr Dragonborn enlighten me as to finding the information I should've seen on Mod Organizer. Thank you again
  12. Got some insight after reading through some of the guys chit chat and as Akatosh mentioned I can see the editing being laborious. BUT the files are still old as is the guide so when on multiple instances your asked "Merge, Replace or" there's no info within the detailed instruction so ya gotta wing it. This is my 3rd time installing the program and I see things I missed before and things I'm getting better at understanding. I'm more of a stickler than most for wanting things to be exact and precise. Understandable otherwise the Military would not function for squat and my shipmates would drown. Details are imperative for success and not having to waste another day of modding instead of gaming.... We get enough half a$$ garbage from EA/Bethesda/2K or whomever. I'm an unemployed Vet so send me a list of edits and I'll do it as long as they're accurately detailed... And thanks again to all the mod Authors & Gamers poets video series for their work.
  13. I figured this time I might try the Benchmarking but after installing all mods up to the xp32 max skeleton (end of 2.D) I get a CTD immediately. This is my 3rd time installing the whole deal and I ran Skyrim before installing the mods extended version. So should that Benchmark note be omitted? Ideas? And thanks again to all the mod authors. The masters for some plugins (esp/esm) are not enabled. The game will crash unless you install and enable the following plugins: ADS.espAOS.espAnimated Weapon Enchants.espBook Covers Skyrim.espBring Out Your Dead.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espExplosiveBoltsVisualized.espRealisticWaterTwo.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espTheChoiceIsYours.espaMidianBorn_ContentAddon.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
  14. Looks great when it worked. And it is difficult to understand at first till you've redone it 3-4 times LOL. Then removed Win10 (shouldn't have tried it in the 1st place!) wiped my C: drive (Skyrim & MO on D: SSD) and so redoing the whole damn thing again in Win7. I'm new to modding and thanks all the Mod Authors & Gopher's videos. Make sure you guys make a backup! If you hadn't already... And don't click on an old bad backup like I just did like a dumb nerd... Now a real friking pain in the starfish hole has emerged. So this whole afternoon will be a coffee and Mod Organizer day again.
  15. Cool thanks for the assistance guys
  16. After finally completing the full expanded step install MO advised me to change the plugin order so I did even though it's not the same as step says. SKSE always leaves an overwrite files too after a game session... see foto. thx Didn't install DoLod yet since I wanted to test the step install so far. Everything seems fine but there is some chunkyness from yours and others' shadows from fire in the caves and on walls behind the jarl guy in whiterun (1st quest). Steams fps counter shows 55-60 so not bad for a XFX Black 7950. Thanks to Gamer poets for the assistance and good video's, and the mod masters of course... thx
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