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Everything posted by LinAGKar

  1. The guide tells you to install patches for Book covers Skyrim and The Choice is Yours, but those mods don't seem to be included in the Guide.
  2. The instructions for this tells you to install the "Stone Quarry for Vanilla Rock Texture" optional file, but then tells you to hide both if the textures from that file.
  3. I've just gone through REGS, and found some issues: The instructions for JK's Cities - Lite and SuperLite tells you to only use the BSA from Dawn of Skyrim. Does this mean the loose files from that mod (besides the plugin) are not needed? The instructions for JK's Cities - Lite and SuperLite mentions expanding 0000003C, but then tells you to remove 0001A26F, which is not in 0000003C. The Farmhouse Chimneys instructions tell you to install the cutting Room Floor Patch, until it's included in the STEP Extended patch, and now it is. Some sub block names in the Farmhouse Chimneys instructions are reversed. There is no "Sub-Block 2, -2" in "Block -1, 0", I presume "Sub-Block -2, 2" is meant. There is also no "Sub-Block -2, 2" in "Block 0, -1", I presume "Sub-Block 2, -2" is meant. The ETaC instructions tells you to install v14.2.0 and an update to v14.2.10, but these no longer exist. The latest version of old ETaC is v14.3.1, though there is a newer remade (incomplete) version available. The ETaC Patches instructions tell you to install the Atlas Map Markers patch, but the installer says this is no longer needed with new Atlas with MCM. The link to "Changing Master File Names in Plugins" in the "Merging the ETaC Modular Patches" section has "&action=submit" in it. The "Merging the ETaC Modular Patches" section tells you to move "ETaC - Winterhold EWDR Patch.esp" to optional plugins, but that plugin is not installed. It's only available when using ETaC with inns. The Blowing in the Wind instructions do not tell you anything about the patches for "Books of Skyrim", "Dawn of Skyrim" or "Settlements Expanded", even though these mods are included in the guide. The instructions for Holidays doesn't specify installation options. The instructions for Interesting NPCs references an old version. The meta rules instructions for REGS - Patches mentions REGS Patch - 3DNPC + CWI.esp, which is not included among the patches. I'm also getting errors when trying to run DynDOLOD (log file here), related to Expanded Towns and Cities. I have STEP Extended + REGS, and a few other mods. I'm running Mod Organizer 2, and has unpacked all the BSAs, so the archive management can't be the issue.
  4. I think he might be reading "Enhanced Lighting for ENB-LITE" in the S.T.E.P. mod list as "Enhanced Lighting for ENB-LITE", as in refering to some mod called ENB-LITE, when it should be read as "Enhanced Lighting for ENB-LITE", as in a light version of "Enhanced Lighting for ENB".
  5. Actually, with STEP, "textures\lod\mountainslablod.dds" comes from Skyrim HD 2k - Landscapes.
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