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Everything posted by Barachiel

  1. That's the first time that log has ended with that (during this incident), I was hoping it was a good sign. Okay, so there isn't a problem anymore. Wonderful! I'd be a teensy bit happier if I knew what fixed it exactly, for the future, but I'll take the win. Thank you for your time. DynDOLOD is an amazing program.
  2. My other log file is too big to upload, even zipped. so here are the last lines. [00:46:50.502] Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ... [00:46:55.552] Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ... [00:47:00.606] Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ... [00:47:05.657] Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ... [00:47:10.705] Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ... [00:47:15.764] Waiting for LODGenx64.exe to finish ... [00:47:20.847] Gave up waiting for D:\Mod Tools\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt to become available. [00:47:20.910] Wait for LODGenx64.exe to finish by itself before closing DynDOLOD.exe [00:47:21.019] LODGenx64.exe for DLC2SolstheimWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.085] LODGenx64.exe for MarkarthWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.139] LODGenx64.exe for DLC01SoulCairn completed successfully [00:47:21.176] LODGenx64.exe for DLC2ApocryphaWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.212] LODGenx64.exe for SkuldafnWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.246] LODGenx64.exe for Dimfrost completed successfully [00:47:21.275] LODGenx64.exe for Sovngarde completed successfully [00:47:21.291] LODGenx64.exe for WyrmstoothWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.321] LODGenx64.exe for DeepwoodRedoubtWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.337] LODGenx64.exe for mannyGFO completed successfully [00:47:21.360] LODGenx64.exe for aaaWereBalokDungeonWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.377] LODGenx64.exe for DLC1HunterHQWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.396] LODGenx64.exe for Blackreach completed successfully [00:47:21.409] LODGenx64.exe for DLC01FalmerValley completed successfully [00:47:21.425] LODGenx64.exe for Falskaar completed successfully [00:47:21.444] LODGenx64.exe for JaphetsFollyWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.459] LODGenx64.exe for PalePass completed successfully [00:47:21.471] LODGenx64.exe for TOKMountainPassWorld completed successfully [00:47:21.488] LODGenx64.exe for mannyGFL completed successfully [00:47:21.507] LODGenx64.exe for mannyGFDesert completed successfully [00:47:21.520] [00:47:21.535] [00:47:21.550] DynDOLOD Worlds completed successfully. [03:44:22.814] [45:05] Saving: DynDOLOD.esm [03:44:27.001] [45:09] Saving: DynDOLOD.esp [03:44:32.624] [45:15] Done saving.
  3. I regenerated DynDOLOD with files outside the MO2 file structure. Reinstalled C++, confirmed windows handles memory page file already, AV disabled. Problem persists. EDIT: It uses about 80% of my memory, at least when its at the "waiting" stage. LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt
  4. So i'm trying to get DynDOLOD to work, and am having an unusual issue. Basically, it runs for about 30 minutes, and everything's fine. it gets to what looks like the end, and it just starts repeated "Waiting for LODGen64.exe to finish" every 20-ish seconds for 15 minutes, until it gives up, saying its timed out waiting for "LODGen_SSE_Tamriel.log" to release, and then it finishes. If I tell it to save, then it closes, out but a command prompt window stays open. I was told to have patience, to let it close on its own, and if i do, it just stays there, never changing. I let it sit for an additional 45 minutes, and it never closed. If I close the window manually (what I did the last time), it reports errors in static lod objects. Oh, and i've read the aforementioned log, it doesn't report any kind of error, it just... stops, usually mid-line, about generating an object. LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt
  5. So i'm having an odd issue with DynDOLOD. it keeps freezing up at the 4 minute mark when creating texture atlas. I've deleted DynDOLOD and the Resources files, re-downloaded them them to make sure i had the right version (2.64), re-installed them, made sure the cache directory was empty except for the text file, deleted the 2 snow lod files from the Resources file, then ran again, according to the finishing line page. Happened again. headscratch So I deleted all my LOD and billboard mods and reinstalled them. Re-downloaded the apps and resource files. Tried building again. xLODGen, and TexGen worked fine, but Dyndolod freezes on the same point and will sit there for over an hour until I force-close it. EDIT: Attempt #3, with the output folder relocated to root directory seems to have done the trick. Waiting for the process to finish, but this is further than the last 2 attempts.
  6. I'm rudimentary with xEdit at best, I'm afraid. I'll try to get down to Super-Duper Mart for that screencap. There's usually a couple of them there.
  7. Basically, some characters have pale white bodies in the armor sets that expose a lot of skin, such as the raiders. Their heads and hands are all correct though. I've double-checked that I've got Archive Invalidation check in Mod Organizer. So I'm not sure what the problem is. I'll post a screencap of a corpse as soon as I encounter another one. Basically, it's the old "pale head" issue, only inverted.
  8. So a couple of things. I couldn't get the Modkit/Modkitchen to repckage "Lore Friendly Witchers", so I just dumped all the different Geralt mods and replaced them with the "Butcher of Blaviken" mod which seems to do most of the same things, but as an AOI package. My main issue is that for some reason Friendly Meditation is not merging properly with Friendly HUD, Friendly Stash, or Preparations. I had to make a lot of manual merges (6+) on top of the two the guide advises, and I have no idea if I made the right call.
  9. Yeah, if I didn't already have 2/3rds of my GOG library downloaded and installed via galaxy, i'd ditch it, because *that* was super-annoying. I wasted a day and half trying to figure out why *certain* mods would only work 1 time out of 5.
  10. Well, I found the issue, purely by accident. Basically, to get mods to work properly with a GOG Galaxy installation of the Witcher 2, you have to actually run the game through GOG Galaxy. I had been using the icon created by Galaxy during the installation process. Why in the name of Zeus' bunghole that matters in the slightest, I have no idea, but apparently it does. I'm now going to run all GOG games through Galaxy, just in case.
  11. I'm having a really weird issue. I can't tell if FCR2 is working properly . I've loaded into a new game, and some things, such as the skills, seem to be working fine. But the items are still showing up as their vanilla selves. I've deactivated and reactivated the "acts" in the Mod manager from the launcher several times. I did manage to get it to work right *once* where all the items displayed properly. So i tossed on the graphics mods, and it broke again, and nothing I do will fix it. The kicker? I can copy this installation over to my laptop (both Games and Documents directories) and it works fine on my laptop.
  12. Wrong Thread. Please Delete.
  13. Not a bad idea. I'll give it a try after work. Thanks.
  14. Okay, new weird issue. I was updating my modlist for the last two days' changes, and suddenly Merge Plugins has decided it wants to display my load order in a wildly incorrect fashion. For example, I need to rebuild my RDO Merged patch, so I moved those three plugins next to each other. MO2 had no issue with this. I opened Merge Plugins Standalone, only to find RDO+CRF+USEEP at the TOP of the load order, RDO itself only a few plugins down, and the other two esps scattered throughout. And they weren't the ony ones out of place when comparing MO2's load order to MPS. So I figured, "Huh", ran LOOT, and let it fix the load order. It sorted thing. MO2's list changed to match. Reloaded MPS, still the exact same out of whack order list? WTF? I can't merge anything like this. And I did all the merges originally without a problem. As far as that program is concerned *nothing* has changed since then, but suddenly it's lost its damned mind.
  15. Not really. My one complaint about this list is that 90% of it is "Core", and a lot of it, I just don't want (Undeath, Hunterborn, WICO) but if I want the compatibility patches I need a lot of them. Also, a lot of those patches have some of the "Optional" tagged items as masters, so they're not really that optional. This is a problem for me, because it means there are a *lot* of moving parts, many of them I'm not actually familiar with, so trying to figure which mod has changed what is kind of a pain. Yes, I read their mod pages when installing them, but there are over 400 mods on this list. That's a an overwhelming amount of information and it all bleeds together. That said, I do *love* this list, and it includes damn near every mod I *do* want in my game, so I'm pushing through.
  16. Yeah, but I've always used that mod. It doesn't touch that recipe. Hunterborn does, but I can't figure out a way to restore it. Yeah, I've seen that, too. Now that I've got Vigor toned down to just Injuries, letting Wildcat handle the rest of combat, it's been pretty interesting.
  17. Actually it appears a patch installed during the modlist is what enables it, I think. I also see I've got an Hunterborn iNeed patch that isn't in the installation instructions. I'm assuming I have yet *another* goof to my name, and it's not needed? EDIT: Removing the "leather needs tanning" esp didn't restore the recipe. Disabling Hunterborn has not restored the Leather recipe. *headscratch*
  18. I've already seen those. My combat issues were from the fact that I forgot to configure Vigor, so both it AND Wildcat were doing their thing. I turned off Extra Spawns until I reached Riverwood. Switching to PhoenixVivid ENB fixed the darkness issue. I don't like its colors as much, but I can actually see in low light conditions, just with some eye strain. Um, is there some special trick to making Leather now? It's not on the Tanning Rack menu *anywhere*. Leather Strips are, all all manner of Leather Armor and Bags and etc, but not Leather itself.
  19. Thanks, I'll try. I'm honestly considering just starting over fresh with a lighter modlist. I wasn't 10 steps outside of Helgen when a trio of cloaked Alik'r bandits (invisibility spell, i caught the distortion effect right before they hit us), and 2-shot me and Thorvald. I appreciate that Skyrim is too damn easy, but I also don't need it to be Dark Souls.
  20. My game is *really REALLY* DARK! Smaller light sources like the horn-candles, have a flame and a halo, but aren't actually *producing* any light. Larger light sources like braziers seem to have the light output of your average candle. Turning off SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB gives some grayscale range to the blackness, but doesn't fix the fact that anything not lit directly by the sun is smothered in living, tangible darkness. I've tried using a torch, but it's light fall-off is so sharp i can't see anything I'm not standing two steps away from. It's early game and I have no light spells, but so far I have no reason to think they wont' suffer from the exact same problem. There are a *lot* of lighting mods in this list, and I'm hesitant to just start turning them off and on, willy-nilly. Anyone know the likely culprit? My gut says Enhanced Light & FX as I recall having a similar problem with LE back in the day whenever I used it. I can't just "turn it off" because 5 other patches use it as a master, meaning I'd have to turn those off as well as the CLARALUX Merged patch, meaning I can't just test it in a vacuum without doing a *lot* of rebuilding. https://imgur.com/GxmM2pD EDIT: I've just read up on Claralux and how it works. I have got get out of Helgen before I can hit the Testing Zone and see if that can fix my issues.
  21. Starting up a new game after processing the last few updates, and just noticed something odd during character creation. Male characters now have a *lot* of "empty" hair options, the vast majority are just the buzz cut, with the occassional new hair-do scattered between the empty ones, with all the "Vanilla" hairdoes crammed into the VERY end. At first, I thought "Immersive KS Hairdoes" was to blame, but looking over it, it's not the cause, as KS Hairdos only add a handful of hairstyles.
  22. Because it's replaced with the Underground textures mod.
  23. D I thought I had, but I downloaded it from the link you just provided, and installed the "master" directory in the zip file to the "Modules" directory of zEdit. Problem persists.
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