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Everything posted by thorgal

  1. is the guide in its current state working ? or would it be better to wait ?
  2. Its finally here : for those in the dark : The Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) is a tool used by many Skyrim mods that expands scripting capabilities and adds additional functionality to the game. . Basically it is the essential cornerstone to allow most of the amazing Mods On Skyrim to actually work . SKSE64 was the version that was in Development for Skyrim :Special Edition but got put on hold until further notice due to lack of time , required skills and motivation . For a time things seemed like it would stay stuck in Development hell forever.... Until now ! Now before Everyone jumps of their seat and gets too excited ?THEY MADE THIS VERY CLEAR : even so this is a Major Step in modding Skyrim :SE to hell and back .
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21497/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D21497%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D5287305&pUp=1 this will hopefully create a more streamlined way to alter mod options ingame rather then using holotapes .
  4. i have a question does anyone know of a mod that re skins scavenger stations into other objects ? i already have the housekeeping mod but that one does not include stuff like turning scavenger stations into plumbing pipes , a robot station , rugs , heater etc .. which Oxhorn features plenty of in his settlement videos . any idea of what mod i am looking for ?
  5. HI , i am using Oxhorns Ini file presets for my game and while everything works great i have one problem . When i open the map on my pipboy i can only move the mouse in a tiny invisible square on the top left hand side of the pipboy screen . I know something in one of the files is causing it since replacing them with the vanilla ones fixes the problem . these are his ini files : Fallout .ini : https://pastebin.com/HNvh2feY Fallout custom ini : https://pastebin.com/fNxbErKh Fallout prefs ini : https://pastebin.com/EwUEfCn5 anyone spot the cause of this issue i have and how to change it back to normal ? aditional info : seems this issue only happens when using a controller , switching to mouse also fixes it .
  6. I haven't heard a peep from the Devs of SKSE on the SKSE64 version in a while . Is it still coming or is it dead ?
  7. so what most of us feared happened . while there are some noticeable improvements in certain textures the change or difference is so little it in no way justifies 58 GIGS of real estate on your drive . and for that size it doesn't even alter all of the texture making the ones that don't stick out like a sore thumb . there is also very little sense in what was decided to make better textures for and what not . for example on this bus stop the poster has been uprezzed a bit but now it makes the buss stop metal post looks like a complete mess . I don't know about you guys but for sacrificing 58 GB of my SSD i would expect a lot better than ... well this . ESPECIALLY when we already have texture mods that look much better then this and only come with a fraction of the size and VRAM requirements . Shame on you Bethesda SHAME!
  8. i got two questions (that probably have the same answer ) . If i am still using NMM for modding The SE edition of skyrim and i wanted to use SSELODGEN to make new LODS do i need to do anything specific after the program is done or are the generated files moved to the right location automatically ? Same for making a bashed patch with WRYE bash , do i need to move files somewhere afterwards ?
  9. ah shame . oh well back to Rudy enb then :p.
  10. i have a question : could i just take an ENB made for OG Skyrim and use it on SE Version ? really would like to try out tetrachromatic ENB .
  11. is this guide made for the remastered edition of Skyrim or only f or the old game ?
  12. so if i where to remove all my mods from a current playthrough will my savefile go FUBAR or do mods not get saved in the savefile and i can remove mods without fear ?
  13. speaking of Autoloot . the way it is setup in the guide , is it only supposed to autoloot when you are picking flowers and plants ?
  14. i figured out what my problem was . instead of downloading the main file of immersive camera , i downloaded an older version everything works fine now .
  15. ah that explains it then .
  16. i don't get it . i did everything as described but when i try to conflict merge the r4players.ws conflicts i do not get 1 conflict but 20.
  17. is the guide as it currently is usable ? just bought the dlc and ready for a new run but i wanted to have BABY mods installed .
  18. what is a good level to start forgotten city at ? I know you get the quest at level 5 but that sounds way to early and unprepared for me .
  19. i am currently enjoying playing skyrim with SRLE + extended . that said the complete skyrim folder is currently taking up 90 GB of space on my SSD. to make space and also to save future downloading all mods again , i wanted to ask : Is it possible to Store the entire MO folder on an external hardrive and later when the drive to replay SK again is there to simply put the MO folder back and have everything work ?
  20. for some reason i keep getting CTDs out of the blue . one time it happened while killing mudcrabs outside whiterun , the next when staring at the ground . None of these ctds where repeatable , one time it happened as soon as i started and walked 10 meters , the next is after playing for 2+ hours . it's the reason i asked Darth earlier what his SRLE eXTENDED loadorder looked like to either confirm or rule out that my load order is the cause .
  21. ok thanks . 2 things i wanted to inquire about after playing around for a few hours : Is there a way to speed up the leveling process slightly ? Like i don't want to gain skill levels every 5 seconds but currently it takes way too long for a skill to increase and level up . Also what dificulty level should i be playing ? reason i am asking is because recorder follower is massacring hole bandit camps with ease before i can get a shot off most of the time when at adept difficulty ?
  22. how does this loadorder compare to yours ,Darth ? game works fine enough but i got some random ctds next to whiterun so i just want to make sure everything is where it is supposed to be . Edit Damn why can't i ever get spoilertags to work properly ?
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