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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. I am wondering if the ILO- Yup patch can me merged in the merge patch we create for ILO is save a plugin and the same for NV Williow?
  2. very nice i will give this a look. you say you can use ENB with this does that include you can't use ENBoost
  3. just installed enboost and now i am getting horrible anti aliasing and texture flickering is it worth install SMAA in help sort this out? also what ENB are people using or recommend for Fallout new vegas with fear and loathing installed.
  4. is anyone else having issue running LOOT 0.7.1 with MO 1.38 i run outside and MO and it loads fine, Load it within MO and it won't load. All i get is a new window open with LOOT logo and nothing else
  5. hi i am trying to install holster unequip kf 1_2a but i not unnderstand the data structure the instructions arn't clear and dont make sense.
  6. hi just wanted to check doing the ILO merge patches it say to move the ESP into the ILO mod, a BSA was created along withg the esp so do we move that as well or should be delete it from the overwrite folder?
  7. Ess have you ever thought about some sort of conflict resloution patch Simlair to what Neo does with SR:LE. This many not be possible with fallout most of my modding knowledge comes from Skyrim.
  8. i used the main file but the one with NPC's looks reasonable
  9. surely we also need surely we also need the NMC LOD texture fix as we use NMC texture mods too Never mind spotted the instructions at the bottom of the guide.
  10. I'm planning on Coming back to New Vegas after 2 and half years (only ever played on console but now got it on PC) was planning on following this guide is it worth waiting a few days for the major updates to the guide to happoen before getting stuck in?
  11. so does this means you finally worked out the Meta data for LOOT?
  12. maybe it time to reconsider LOOT Neo
  13. i was wondering this too Neo could you not password protect the Wiki so only you and maybe anyone else you trust to make changes.
  14. so i see from the latest updates that Neo has finally changed to LOOT. does this mean you've worked out LOOT Meta Rules For SR:LE or is this on going? I also see your still using BUM, i didn't think BUM worked with LOOT.
  15. yeah well this must of happened during the night while i was asleep i woke up and saw gophers video on the subject What has upset me more is the not the fact you could buy mods but the reaction by a small number of community has been nothing but childish, death threats, rape threats on certain mod authors families, how is this acceptable on any level? If I was a mod author looking to create a paid for mod I would serious think why would I want this hassle, these skyrim players are nuts I don't fault Mod authors like Chesko who have decided to pack it in.
  16. well the saga is over Bethesda and valve have pulled the plug on paid for mods https://www.bethblog.com/2015/04/27/why-were-trying-paid-skyrim-mods-on-steam/ https://steamcommunity.com/games/SteamWorkshop/announcements/detail/208632365253244218
  17. i kind of feel sorry for chesko he was invited into this paid "mod experiment" and he has been majorly burned and is even thinking about an exit from nexus https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/33qcaj/the_experiment_has_failed_my_exit_from_the/ this was always going to happen is just a shame it happen to the author of my fav mod frostfall. I personally and selfishly hope that he releases frostfall 3.0 soon but I understand where is is coming from and if he wants to break that's up to him after all the mods are his creations and he can do whatever he wants with them.
  18. ooooo frostfall 3.0 out next month this gives me a month to complete dragon age inquisition before returning to skyrim
  19. i have skymills installed but not SDO. buit i also havn't kept up to date with all the latest changes my mods are like 4 months out of date now, with your guide
  20. mine did and i have a GTX 670 4GB medium setting on average 35 FPS
  21. I gave DynDoLOD on Medium Setting a go and for it is far to heavy my GTX 670 my FPS shoot to below 35 (average) 25 (min) FPS which is basically unplayable i am planning to upgrade to a GTX 970 sometime this week, I will give it another go once it turns up and is installed.
  22. I wont be Running in SLI as my motherboard is not SLI compatible.
  23. looking to upgrade my gtx 670 to either a gtx 970 or a 980 but is it really worth the extra £200 for the GTX980
  24. OK need some confirmation here Real shelter's mod author say to place RS Patch before bash patch yet Neo Boss rules place it Top of dynamic plugins which is after the bash patch can someone please confirm which it is or if in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter.
  25. this is he order i think it should be in too.
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