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Starac last won the day on July 11 2018

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  1. Yes, the last LOD. Here you can see that they don't match, LODs in the distance: https://i.imgur.com/j0KeI11.png Btw, i don't use SFO. I use "Enhanced Vanilla Trees SE - Alternative Trees" which include SFO snowy trees - this is optional file as you can se here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11008?tab=files&BH=0
  2. I have installed Lush Large Trees and then added Alternative Trees, but the last LOD does not work for the SFO snow trees. It still uses vanilla LOD. Also i have tried older EVT version and still there are some SFO snow trees that don't use proper last LOD. What's the problem here?
  3. Actually it's opposite, absolute majority of the textures is new. The trick is in overlaying; you create a new texture and then overlay vanilla texture over it to preserve the original look. In most cases it works. I think i have mentioned this before.
  4. We are looking for C#, C++ programmers to work on a video game. It's Dezowave team, developers of the Priboi Story and Lost Alpha. We have started commercial project and we need C#, C++ programmers, but we will also need people from other disciplines. The project will be of course inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. If you are interested please contact me through my PM. There I will give you additional information. Best,
  5. How to fix this? It's just too much.
  6. There's no need to redownload my textures cause this isn't a texture problem. To remove these dark smears you must disable snow shader. In fact in my SRO readme file i have recommended snow shader to be disabled. It really destroys textures, especially snow textures. And for some unknown reason it's applied not only on snow textures? As usual sloppy Bethesda job. Here is with/without:
  7. We have talked about this before. There are some places where these seams can be found, in vanilla game too. But your problem is different. Here is the same place and i don't have seams.
  8. Why would i create 2 updates? No you don't need 1.7 update. Actually i have wiped out these 2 old updates today. And yes for Oldrim you need everything, and Oldrim update must be installed on top.
  9. SRO 1.8 update! https://www.moddb.com/mods/skyrim-realistic-overhaul/downloads I was bored and then decided to improve some textures Majority are new, and mostly 4k.
  10. That blur is intentional. It's a normal map, and sometimes in some places it must be blurry. It governs the look of those icy small ground areas. They look more convincing with blurry normal map.
  11. These are copies, backups, that i forget to delete. I always make backups of my previous textures, and then later delete them. But engine doesn't use them. And do not rename anything. The only thing that you should do is to delete these copies. Although this is not necessary because like i said the engine doesn't use them.
  12. People, did you really expect good writing, good RPG elements, good quests, after abomination called Skyrim? Fallout 4 is just continuation of the same. The last decent game from Bethesda was Fallout 3. And it was just decent.
  13. What about Companion and Thieves guild?
  14. Does this mod and other similar work with SSE?
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