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Everything posted by Cov

  1. Hey all, I was just following the DDS Optimization guide when I encountered a possible mistake in the guide. On the DDSopt Optimization tab, under the "Optimize the Vanilla Textures" after step 23, there's this Is this leftover from previous directions? There is no such folder in the working folder screenshots. Also seems kind of out of place that it tells you to set the constraints back to default again. Just thought I'd let you know. Thanks!
  2. So should we follow MO's instructions or leave them as is in the guide?
  3. Had Sam Guevenne of the night to remember quest show up in nothing but a hood.
  4. I get random enemy mages not wearing their robes either. Hoods and weapons, and they'll have a robe in their inventory, just not equipping it for some reason. And not always, just sometimes.
  5. Thanks! I assumed so, but wanted to make sure.
  6. Just had a question of clarification on the Vividian ENB installation. On the "Files" pane, click [Add]. Navigate to VividianTemp/Vividian ENB/Main Files, select all contents in the folder except enblocal.ini, EED_verasansmono.bmp, and the Data folder then click [Add]There is no Data folder in the archive. Is this referring to the enbseries folder?
  7. I've had that problem with the hair clipping on that helmet in the old skyrim revisited too. Someone told me it's a problem with certain vanilla styles.
  8. So another Nvidia driver has been released and the ENB sun rays shining through bug still remains. ENB dev's attitude seems to be 'not my problem' and Nvidia seems to be passing over it. Anyone know of any alternative suggestions besides just disabling sun rays?
  9. Agreed. Hey I've downloaded your wallpapers before!
  10. And this is the most crucial sentence in this post. I don't really understand why people complain about exploits like this... Even in vanilla game you can use console to overpower yourself, no? Or just turn god mode on and happily start smashing giants at level 1. But you don't do it. So why would you exploit the above? Effectively, there is no difference between equipping all those items and reducing shout cooldown to 1 second and reducing shout cooldown to 1 second using console command. If you want to cheat, you will ALWAYS find a way to do so. But why spoil the fun? Yeah, I thought about mentioning that in my post. I suppose I could just not wear certain gear, or take certain perks. That's often a common response when there's balance issues like this in games. But there's something unsatisfying about it. It feels like you're gimping yourself.  It's a more satisfying feeling to have challenging gameplay and just enough tools to meet the challenge.  It seems like that's a major point of mods like SkyRe.  They remove exploits like the crafting cycle, 100% spell cost reduction, make the game more challenging, and then give you new tools to meet the challenge. I hope that I don't come off as being critical. I am very appreciative of Iroha's work, and the work of other helpful forum members here.  I don't think I'd be currently playing Skyrim without you. I was just wondering if you'd changed anything, and at the same time trying to put in my two cents of feedback. You're right about the Master of the Mind perk, I didn't think about using illusion spells one-handed, so that's a perfectly good reason to leave it. For now I'll just wear different gear and remove perks until I feel my character's voice power is properly balanced. Thanks for response!
  11. Couple of things I've noticed thus far. There's some redundant perks in the illusion tree.  The dual cast perk in the bottom of the tree allows you to affect automatons, daedra, and undead, but so does the Master of Mind perk higher in the tree. I prefer such a perk being accessible lower in the tree, because otherwise it makes starting out as an illusionist pretty difficult. Your spells are useless against the Draugr you find in almost every dungeon. Also, I was wondering if you altered Mighty Magick's Voice module to take into account Skyre's Voice-oriented speech perks or Frostfall/Cloaks of Skyrim's voice cooldown reducing items. Quoted for reference The unlimited magnitude increase seems like it could get pretty over-powered on it's own.  I had been playing a sword and shield nord who shuns magic and only focuses on shouts.  With the speech perks from SkyRe plus Mighty Magick's magnitude increase, it could get out of hand. Not to mention all the cooldown reductions: 20% from Mighty Magick, 30% from skyre perks, Blessing of Talos, Amulet of Talos, Fur Backpack with Talos Amulet, and Greybeards Mantle (the buff of which shows up twice in active effects).Â
  12. Out of curiosity, what happens when you use an armor that isn't designed for UNPB? Like immersive armors of tribunal robes and mask. Does it crash, do body parts stick through, does it just look like default?
  13. FYI in step 1. d) it should be player.dispelallspells I think.
  14. I followed the guide to the letter as well and haven't noticed the same. Just today I soul trapped one draugr and he ran off on a merry chase to find me (I was above him on a platform). I dropped down after he'd run off and engaged another draugr, soul trapped it. They both died and I got both souls, even though one was far off in another room fighting my follower he encountered on the way up.
  15. I was wondering what settings people are using for Deadly Dragons with this setup. Â I've got mine set on expert as per the SR guide, but I feel like it needs some tweaking for Skyre. They're deadly alright, but I also feel like they die too fast. Â I'm only two dragons in, at level 9, so maybe they scale to be a lot harder. Â The first dragon fight it seemed like the guards and the Jarl's housecarl did most of the work. Â Then I got ambushed by a shock-oriented dragon on my way back down the Throat of the World. Â One full shock breath was enough to pretty much finish me, but once he landed the for the first time I was able finish him before he took off again with some swings from my Axe of Whiterun I got from the Jarl. Â I play with healthbars off so I was kind of surprised when he went down so fast. This is on my sword and board Nord so it presents some challenge surviving until he lands, but I imagine on my archer or mage it'll be downright easy. I know I can just tweak the attributes up a bit to increase their health/stamina/magicka, but I wanted to get an idea of what people have found to be a good balance before I do so.Â
  16. Do you use it with your SR-Skyre-ASIS build currently?
  17. I'm running Iroha's Skyrim Revisited + ASIS/Skyre, etc. I've noticed that the lips don't quite sync up with what they're saying. The lips lagging behind the speech. Most of the time if they speak a long enough line of dialogue it will seem to catch up, but with the next line it'll start over and catch up again. It's a minor issue that I've ignored thus far, but I was just curious as to whether anyone else experiences it.
  18. EFF has the option to make followers default, protected, or essential. Protected/Essential followers always regen heath. For some followers that can die in vanilla they do not regen health (I.e. the female warrior in the bannered mare), if you want them to regen set them protected/essential. Details on each follower can be found on UESP. I was curious about this and Deadly Dragons. Deadly Dragons has an option that sets quest NPCs, followers and some others to essential. I'd like to have quest givers and important NPCs as essential so I don't miss out on anything, but I don't really mind losing non-quest giver followers. Think it would work to activate the Deadly Dragons essential setting and then set individual followers as protected with Extended Follower Framework?
  19. So no fix for the glow other than turning off SSAO I assume. If it's intentional, seems like a strange design choice. It really stands out to me. Here's a better example. I've had issue with that damn road since skyrim first came out and I played it vanilla, and continue to with my current build. I just cross to the other side of the river and enter Riverwood from across the bridge out of habit anymore.Â
  20. Would renaming this to "Skyrim Script Fix.esp" and swapping it for your old one allow me to use it without affecting my current save game negatively?
  21. Noticed a couple of strange things. A glowing blue light emanating from my character during daytime hours, particularly my hands, no matter what I'm wearing or have equipped. Definitely a light because it will conform to the shape of objects as I move across them. It gradually increases in intensity in the early morning until it's plainly visible at 8 am, stays strong all day and then at 6 pm gradually decreases to nothing and stays that way all night.       And a place on the far horizon where the sky kind of seems to stop. Particularly striking at night when it's almost pitch black but I can see a blue stripe on the far horizon.       Any ideas? P.S. Mods exported from Wrye just in case
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