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Everything posted by vurt

  1. Thanks. I'll experiment with that
  2. 90% sure it's vertex paint in the alpha channel, black/white, one of them makes the wind stronger... we did make a tree where the branches themselves moved and then we had to use weight paint. it was a while ago so my memory is a bit rusty. this was super easy to google just some 5'ish years ago, i remember doing it and reading about it, i think it was even in some wiki, many sources to chose from... now it's 0 results. you'd think there would be some talk about it, reddit and all, but no. i tried youtube too, nope, no guide.
  3. I used to know this but i've forgotten. Do you weight paint the meshes to apply wind or was it vertex painting (on the alpha channel?) which was needed for the editor to apply wind? Need to research how to do it in Blender 3.0.... but would be good if i knew which one it is again Thanks
  4. easiest way to convert from NV to FO4 seems to be to just convert to obj, though i have to convert each individual branch of the nif and then connect it in nifskope. set scale to 10 when importing the .obj part and chose y,z rotation, convert to .nif with Nifly in latest blender. the old niftools for blender is outdated in comparison.
  5. I managed to solve collision in nifskope, just imported some other mesh's collision. not perfect but.. I followed some guide to get 2018 3D studio Max for free, this was maybe in 2019, but now that license isn't working any more worked well with the 3D studio nif plugin..
  6. To answer my own question BadDogSkyrim/PyNifly: Export/Import tools between Blender and the Nif format, using Bodyslide/Outfit Studio's Nifly layer, supporting Skyrim LE & SE and FO4. (github.com) works for FO3 to FO4.. though still would be nice to be able to convert FO NV meshes as well.
  7. What's the easiest way to convert .nifs from e.g Fallout 3 and NV to FO4? Cheers, vurt
  8. Great, very useful info yet again @DoubleYou!
  9. Thanks @sheson, the problem was both that i tried to recreate an existing mesh + used left behind file path and .nif info (that isn't actually in use) to try to make it generate it. @DoubleYouhas been very helpful. Will do hand placement of unique meshes instead.
  10. I made a LOD .nif for a tree (its replacing an already existing tree), turned it into a .ba2, how can i generate it? This is for Fallout 4. How do i even make xlodgen process the .ba2? I tried putting it into the plugins.txt that it seems to want (there wasn't one created so i made one in the folder where its supposed to be. I also tried the dlc txt. I also put it in [archive] fallout4.ini, though no idea which line is correct. xlodgen doesn't load it. Thanks
  11. Thanks again! It was the link in the readme for xlodgen, and yes that seems to be the correct link.
  12. So i made a new tree, a replacement forTreeMapleForest1. In Meshes\LOD\Landscape\Trees i have TreeMapleForest1_LOD.nif and in textures/LOD i dropped the 3 textures which it points to. Is this enough for xlodgen (which is the correct one to use i guess?) i started it but treelod generation is greyed out. Many thanks! and yes.. i read the readme which points to Step Modifications 404 which is dead.
  13. Yeah but i have so many other mods i'm working on as well.. you can get 2D LODs to look pretty decent its important to really up the colors a lot for the leaves, otherwise it looks really dull. Separating the leaves a lot in the alpha is also important otherwise it looks like a giant green blob.. pretty happy with how it is now, gonna upload a new version tomorrow or maybe tonite i think.
  14. Actually i'm having some good results now with the lods showing up in the exact place.. The biggest problem is really that it can't render double sided in the distance, it was the same in Morrowind with MGE, you had to copy the leaf planes x 2 and flip the faces for one of the copies. Seems to be the same here, that will become very poly heavy, so its the biggest obstacle really for 3D LOD trees. I'm trying a complete remodel for one of the pines now.. probably not gonna do that for every tree though (100+ trees, it's at least 100h of work, probably a lot more).
  15. Ah yes, your models looks great already (sorry for not remembering who it was heh). Since i've made some changes i probably only need to update a few of them, should be pretty easy. For FO:NV i don't know.. it'll be a ton of work for sure.. not really sure i think its worth it. Too bad FO:NV doesnt have the "always visible" thing in the editor, like Skyrim has. While not performance friendly it looks really awesome (had it for a long time for my bent pine). I find that ,for 2D LODs at least, they are rarely in the correct spot, a little more to the left or right than the original tree and the switching can looks quite terrible (almost to the degree that i would prefer to just have the tree fading into view). Is it the same for 3D models or do the location usually fit pretty well with the original tree? Good info, thanks! Edit: and yeah for performance i'll just decimate the hell out of the models, even if the model gets broken in some places it doesnt really matter too much since it's in the far distance.
  16. Right.. someone (Skibadaa and chadsketch) had already created this, i had a vague memory of it and found the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/63129?tab=description so i can probably work this out pretty easily now and update the resources for this now outdated mod to the latest ones and perhaps make the ""3D"" meshes at least a little bit more advanced. Ah, thanks, will take a look! SS2 is such a great game :) Edit: I also now remembered that someone did a Skyrim Flora Overhaul mod for 3D LOD's, and they're pretty well made.
  17. I'd really like to create 3D LOD's for my New Vegas mod (and later on for Skyrim LE/SE when i feel got the hang of it somewhat). Any help of how i should get started would be greatly appreciated. Am i so lucky that there's a specific guide for New Vegas 3D tree LOD generation perhaps? As i understand it they should be created as object LODs and not as normal tree LODS since its so buggy for NV? Thanks.
  18. Great! I'll ask there then :) Thanks.
  19. So i'm gonna start looking into doing 3D LOD's for my WFO mod, would be cool if it was possible. The mod completely lacking any type of LOD's sucks.. Someone replied in a comment on the WFO page that i should look into doing them as Object LOD's. Is that the way to go? Any good guide out there that i should look at, preferably specifically for FO:NV? I started FONVLODGen just to take a look and i can already see that "Generate as Object LOD's" is completely greyed out. maybe it's because it's missing files or something. I thought i'd start with FO:NV and then move on to my Skyrim mods. Any help is greatly appreciated as i suck at anything too technical (this is 10x times more technical than working on textures and meshes, absolutely hate stuff revolving around LOD's lol..)
  20. yes, but you can still continue the game, its not a main quest that will break your game. Heh, is he following my guide there? Didnt watch the whole thing, seems like he's stress testing the same way i advice on my page :) Its a good way to test for stability problems.. That second glitch is from using TCL.. It often causes NPC's to get stuck, that is what happened there, but with a dragon. Seen it hundreds of times since i use TCL almost 90% of the time (to check my mod).
  21. ..and why is that? it's not a requirement to use ugridstoload 15, it's just what i happen to use. It's also an alpha which means performance hasnt been prioritized.
  22. i7 @4.9, 32GB, Titan. FPS is "acceptable", around 35-37 average, never seen it lower than 30 which i find acceptable considering how it looks (I run with super samling too which is rather heavy on the performance). But yes like i said it does require a really good computer, i dont consider myself having something "extraordinary". RAM is dirt cheap nowadays, the i7 i've had for years now. The Titan is still rather expensive but since i absolutely hate SLI i think it's worth the price.
  23. Yes I obviously know about the performance cost since it loads more cells (its the whole idea, after all). I clearly stated that you need a good computer to run at 15 and with 2.0. ugridstoload=15 is stable for me (i use my stress test, posted on my mod page to test for stability problems). Obviously you must use the guide i posted on my mod page to get it running without CTD's, you need the CTD patch and some other things. Any specific quest you can mention that doesnt work? I know that some year ago i ran the game for about 10-15 hours with ugridstoload=9 and did not encounter any quest bugs (the game did CTD every now and then though). I dont really see how it could break events. I mean even at ugridstoload 5 it would be possible for the player to not notice a quest. Lets say a script has started within those 5 cells and is awating the player to possibly approach, but instead he doesnt notice the event and just walks into a neighbouring cell, then it would break the quest since it would be the same thing.. I dont think the game is designed like that, i would need some evidence (youtube is fine). I wish i had a week to test (play) but modding eats up a lot of time. Edit: oh, i also played FO: New Vegas with ugridstoload=9, i was able to complete the whole game. It's designed in the same way with scripts and cells. Edit 2: and yes i can understand that you might miss a few random events, but again, you might miss those with 5 cells too, it's not like you always can see the whole 5 celll radius without anything blocking your view (trees, mountains), the player is constantly running around and switching cells (sometimes really fast if using a horse).. it would be really strange if it would break any of the main quests because the player didnt see the event starting (or just decided to not approach).
  24. What are the issues of using ugridstoload 15? You have to understand that I just mod the game, i dont play it. I've only looked for graphical errors and stability issues. Also, dont be shy to post on my mod page instead of hiding around here about those issues (since it would be pretty important if a too high ugridstoload causes serious issues).
  25. edit: comparison vanilla / SFO 2.0 https://i.imgur.com/YunBScy.jpg edit: ...and after some more edits: https://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/141-1-1389258377.jpg edit: ...close up: https://piclair.com/data/dvb6j.jpg
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