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  1. I reverted to an oiklder version and it seems fine. I will stick with the older version for the time being. version 5.63
  2. I am trying a new step install. Had the prevoios one working fine but decided to do it all again adding an ENB (Vividian) and a few things from Skyrim Revisited. I then noticeed something strange in that when I added the ENB, the tower near whiterun was very dark and nearly black in the middle of the day from a distance. So I tried going back to Vanilla and just installing the ENB and got the same results. It looked like the LOD file and when I got close enough it switched and was ok. This is just with Vanilla and an ENB (Vividian) Did anybody else experience that. I remove the ENB and it is fine.
  3. Hopefully this time next week I will be able to see what my new GTX 970 can do with STEP. I was getting freezes etc with various games after putting in the new GPU so have gone the whole way and got the I5-4690 and a new Motherboard Z97 pro ASUS with a new liquid cooling system. Hopefully the freezes will go away now. I will replace my memory if I still have any issues as that is the only part remaing from the original pc apart from the case and power supply.
  4. I am lucky the choice was easy with only 1.2gb memory and a card I had for nearly 3 years. Will see how things run with the ssd and new gpu.
  5. 4gb although I am not sure if you need that much. The price for the new cards is pretty good as well. Last week I was looking at the GTX 770 4gb card at approx the same price as I spent on the GTX 970. I guess not worth upgrading from a GTX 780Ti though to the GTX 980. Picked up the 512gb Crucial MX100 SSD drive as well so really half a new computer. I will stick with my overclocked I5-2500k for the time being though.
  6. I just order the GTX 970. Will see how that one goes. Not quite as good as the GTX 980 but a hell of a lot better than my current GTX570.
  7. Cool. I will check it out Interesting NPCs.
  8. Looking good. May have to try a reinstall of Oblivion. I could never get a decent frame rate even with a pretty good machine after I modded it out.
  9. Just managed to get a stable install running at an ok frame rate for SR-LE with ENB myself after a number of attempts. The memory patch etc seemd to help a lot. Will start a play through as is and add this on top when/if there is a new relase. Have any of the detailed companion mods with quests been considered for inclusion?
  10. Anybody having trouble accessing the torrent because the site is blocked should use Opera Browser in Off Road Mode. You can access any site your ISP may be trying to block
  11. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31686/ This Simple Mod simply deploys the Dragonborn new Oceanic Waves along proper places on the Skyrim Coast
  12. Thanks. Will check those out.
  13. I have Elvenwood and Moonpath to Elsweyr but have not acutally gone to those areas. The Elder Scrolls Places looks interesting.
  14. Does anybody have any lists of their favorite new content that works together. Either quests or expansions to cities or maybe new locations. I like the Expanded Winterhold Destruction Ruins which really improve on Winterhold. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8333
  15. I just had 3 file not found. The galaxy one I understand as I did not use it. Not sure about the other one. The paths matched etc. Think it was from SRO but no problem really considering so many textures invloved. File not found - woodwalkway01.dds File not found - woodwalkway01_n.dds File not found - skyrimgalaxy.dds It looks amazing now and even with everything on max with enb I get an average of 25fps with a 1.25g card. Running off ssd so that is bound to help.
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