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Everything posted by criswolf09

  1. Oh well, nevermind.
  2. Sadly no, I tried with version 5.4.2 and still the same result. I appreciate your help a lot, thank you. I better skip that fancy feature from now on.
  3. Here's this FNIS log which I ran from MO, you'll see there are NSFW mods here but don't pay attention to them. If you look in the Create Creature Behaviours section of the log, it used to appear there these sentence "Brevi's Moonlight Tales Essentials ?.?" when I had the mod installed and ticked in MO.... but now it doesnt appear anymore. FNIS Behavior V5.5 fix1 05/08/2015 12:24:31 a.m. Skyrim: - D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam) Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones) Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading DeviousDevices V2.9.0 ... Reading FNISBase V5.5 ... Reading FNISCreatureVersion V5.3 ... Reading MNC V?.? ... Reading NonSexLabAnimationPack V2.7c ... Reading SexLab V1.59c ... Reading SexLabCreature V1.59c ... Reading ZaZAnimationPack V6.07 ( 26 furniture, 29 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files.... 12 GENDER modifications for Animations\male 1 GENDER modifications for Animations\female Generating animationsetdatasinglefile.txt ... Create Creature Behaviors ... Reading MNC V?.? ... Reading SexLabCreature V1.59c ... mt_behavior usage: 19,9 % ( 0 furniture, 29 offset, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) 2724 animations for 8 mods successfully included (character) 667 animations for 2 mods and 22 creatures successfully included.
  4. Would you post you FNIS log please? I am asking this question because I can tell FNIS is not reading MTE animations given that when the patcher is reading the behaviours the patcher in its section of Creature behaviours it doesnt' mention this sentence as it used to do: Create creature behaviour... Brevi's Moonlight Tales ?.?...
  5. Yes, the load order of FNIS follows the STEP guide: FNIS Behaviour FNIS Creature Pack MT Werewolf Essentials I also turned off UAC and moved my steam install with skyrim to a new HDD and the result is the same. I opted to not use this mod anymore and use the first version. I also use other mods which add interaction with creatures, and FNIS reads the new animations fine.
  6. I've done that like 15 times with the same result.
  7. I already did that, and Fore redirected me here.
  8. Greetings, I have been experiencing a very annoying issue with FNIS and Moonlight Tales Werewolf and Werebear Essentials. My problem is that FNIS doesn't recognize the new animations for werewolves of this mod when launching it through MO. I use the STEP Core Setup as a primer for my own mod collection, and this issue happens with both the old 1.94 XP32 Maximum skeleton and the new XPMS Extended, of course I don't use the two skeleton mods at the same time. I even changed the MO directory to a new HDD. Here's my FNIS log in case you want to see it: FNIS Behavior V5.5 03/08/2015 04:16:42 a.m. Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\commom\Skyrim (Steam) Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS (242 bones) male: XPMS (242 bones) Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading FNISBase V5.5 ... Reading FNISCreatureVersion V5.3 ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files.... Create Creature Behaviors ... 47 animations for 2 mods successfully included (character)
  9. Thanks for the answers guys. I won't be using that thing anyways. Greetings.
  10. What permission error are you talking about? Windows 7 UAC is disabled in my computer.
  11. I reverted back to SKSE 1.72 and got the same Unknown error. I won't try to run this thing again.
  12. Oh? I have the beta build. I'll revert to the latest stable and see how it goes.
  13. Guys I am unable to generate the files. Everytime I run the script in TES5Edit, I get this Unknown error. I have installed every mod in the STEP Core profile in MO.
  14. I also have this problem, but right now I am watching GamerPoets video. After taking a look at MO's conflict tab I discovered that the Billboard files from TES5Lod Gen for Vanilla Trees and Vurt's SFO 1.87 are already included in the STEP Texture Compilation.
  15. Hey guys, thanks for your constant hard work. I found a little typho in the Mod Notes of the Texture compilation file, it says that users must download the "Optional" when the file is a "Main" one.
  16. I have another issue. I installed all the mods but the STEP Core - SGR Casual patch has CCOR as a missing master, and I don't plan to use that mod for now because I only use the STEP Core pack on my MO setup.
  17. Hello there, I want to give this Pack a try, and I'll try the casual part. In the installer of Deadly Dragons, should I also install Deadly Monsters?
  18. Hey guys, I have bad news, the mod is no longer available because Mystery Moder was banned at his request. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/9644741/?
  19. Is it for the full version? Also hi egocarib I am here too!
  20. Hello there I've seen today navida1 uploaded the dragonborn helmets, do you know if it will need compatibility patches for WAF?
  21. Hello it's my first time posting here, do you know which is a good choice for the dawnguard interface? A fomod installer would be much appreciated.
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