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Everything posted by Veezy

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Looking forward to 2.0!
  2. No, I understand that. What I meant was, for the purpose of this guide, there's an instruction to download a WotNM patch specifically for the 5.04 beta. That was posted back up, hopefully making that particular step in the guide easier. Sorry for the confusion.
  3. Good news! The CaliberX team posted the 5.04 beta patch for WotNM. Get excited.
  4. I'm not there yet, but I take it in the next update a lot of the MLU community patches get merged?
  5. Just to be safe, I wanted to double check. Is it okay to go to 0.4 version of Zedit, or should I stick with how the prerequisite guide is written?
  6. Excited to hear! Didn't know if you saw my question earlier, but I'm running through the prerequisites page and noticed that Zedit and xedit-lib are both updated to 0.4.0, as of a few days ago. Should I use those or stick with the older version?
  7. Should we use the 0.4.0 version of Zedit and xedit-lib?
  8. One last question before I start getting into this. I generally understand how to use Nif Optimizer. Just to be clear, from watching the tool: 1. Download the file manually 2. Extract the folder 3. Remove files as instructed 4. Run that meshes folder through the optimizer tool 5. Repack 6. Install Seems easy enough, I just don't wanna screw it up.
  9. Hey Lexy, I'm sure you're getting slammed with questions. One more for you. I'm looking into messing with this guide and am really looking forward to Morrowloot being added. When it's slotted in, how difficult would it be to add into this if we've already followed the guide to the end?
  10. One other question, since I'm skimming the guide, are the directions for CalibrX still good? The WotNM patch as specifically typed doesn't exist on the list for that mod.
  11. Are the DDsopt steps required if I've got 6GBs of VRAM? They're just a bit confusing to go through, and if I can skip the steps I'd make the process easier, but if not I'm sure I can figure it out.
  12. For Lore-Friendly Witchers, do I need to run through the same steps of unpacking and texture deleting for the Hearts of Stone file as I did for the non HOS file?
  13. So, with this in mind, I can still just follow the guide and everything will work just fine? EDIT: Side question for you, Adonis. Is your guide still up to date? I noticed it hadn't be edited since January, but that doesn't mean much with games this old. I just wanted to hop back into New Vegas and was deciding between your guide and this one.
  14. Quick question, when doing the converting steps, you install the mod first THEN convert and save, correct?
  15. So, I'm going to run this guide (mostly because I actually enjoy modding more than playing), and when running through the prerequisites MO2 freaked out. I thought it was the program for about 15 minutes before I realized it was one of my Anti-Virus software, BitDefender. That program systematically ran through and started to quarantine M02, various .inis associated with MO2, and then random modding utilities. Not sure if you need to add a note, but BitDefender is NOT a fan of modding and the whitelist does not work properly, at least for me. EDIT: I had this same issue when switching Fallout New Vegas's .exe to large address aware. BitDefender would constantly crash the game thinking the executable was a virus and the whitelisting didn't work.
  16. Any new plans to update the packs or they still good as is. I'm about to do a new install and didn't want to if there was an update coming soon.
  17. I'm an idiot and didn't read the notes to the CR patches before posting that. Everything is playing nicely and I figured out how to get Sky UI to work on my 21:9 screen. Thank you so much for all your work.
  18. So it appears that Wildcat is currently hidden. Is it required for the CR or can I play without it?
  19. Dread, any special rules when installing your packs or is it okay to just throw the 3 packs in any order below Tech's list of mods and then run LOOT, run DynDOLOD, and make a new Bashed patch?
  20. Okay, so I installed the ENB. Everything seems to be running properly. Only issue I've got currently is figuring out the esp metadata to update in Enhanced Lighting for ENB. There's a ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp and also a ELE_Fs_Lite.esp. The guide says to update ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp, which I don't have, to a global priority of 76. Which of the two should I edit?
  21. Well, I'm embarrassed to say, it's kind of a stupid reason. When I was using ENB Organizer in the prerequisite step, when you choose the binary version there wasn't an option for .315 only .308, so I just skipped it and decided to go ENB Boost. From reading everything switching over won't be too hard, I'm just not sure how major it is that ENB Organizer has that mismatch. Will that cause an issue down the road with the ENB running correctly?
  22. Whoops, I'm an idiot. Sorry about that. I'll hang my head in the corner.
  23. Update may need to happen to the guide. Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul has updated to 1.6 yesterday (9/6/17) and also added a patch for LotD.
  24. I've gotten to the portion where there are ENB related files. Since I'm not using an ENB, is there anything I need to do differently outside of skipping those three files? Anything I should/need to replace them with? Anything to look out for following the rest of the guide? BTW, thanks in advance for everybody involved with this. I've continued testing after each part (shutting of esps that haven't been downloaded yet) and it's continued to just work.
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