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Thanks for all the work in the guide, just wanted to mention that im following the changelog to update to 2.3 and noticed that "Moon and Star - CC Consistency and Immersion" and "Moon and Star - Cleaned Fixed and ESMed" are not in the changelog for Patches3 points
Having played many many hours with this mod without any issues after dumping FIZZLE, I'd strongly recommend it. It's very lightweight compared to FIZZLE, as its script runs only when casting spells vs. FIZZLE's cloak spell script which runs "constantly". It doesn't have the various compatibility and performance issues carried by cloak spell-based distribution to NPCs. Its user experience for new users is also superior to FIZZLE: a spellcasting failure is indicated by a "puff" of colored smoke (different color depending on spell type) around the player (or the NPC), which is easily noticeable even in first-person view. Whereas with FIZZLE a failure is indicated by a small audio "click" and nothing else happens. I found that FIZZLE feedback quite confusing and it was difficult to notice what was happening when I started playing with FIZZLE. It has its own formula for calculating the chances of success/failure which is not the same as FIZZLE's so the experience may feel different at first for users accustomed to FIZZLE. But the idea is the same: trying to cast higher level spells than skill levels may fail, the chances of failure increasing the higher the level difference. I was using a different mod than EEOS in my playthroughs to distribute spells to NPCs so I can't speak to how well this mod works with EEOS in regards to NPCs trying and failing or succeeding to cast spells in a pure STEP setup. Note: I'm not currently playing or even running Skyrim these days, haven't been for the past 6 months or so, and don't intend to return to it for quite a while, if ever. I just thought I'd chime in in favor of this mod, which is quite underrated IMHO. There are not many mods that do this kind of thing it seems. Last I checked there were 3 mods: FIZZLE, this one and another one that I don't remember. This mod also exists in a "full featured" version by the same MA, with more options and features, and a much more "sophisticated" behavior (not recommended for STEP). My 2 cents, hope they help. Cheers.3 points
3 points
2 points
Mod was updated to version 3.1.0. Improved flames that appear on actors so that they are smoother now. Improved smoke from fires for smoother animation and less popping. Added an option to not use the Master for users who do not use DynDOLOD. Added a customization option to reduce actor flames for improved 1st person visibility. Updated the Houses Shops and Inns SE patch to be load order agnostic. FOMOD instructions need to be updated on the guide. The plugin selection doesn't have the "Standard" option anymore. It's now "ESP + Master" or "No Master (no DynDOLOD)". Pretty obvious which one to pick as it pertains to the STEP Guide, just thought I'd mention it anyways.2 points
For finding a botched mod, do a boolean search. Start by disabling the bottom half of your mods and running again. If it works, enable half of the mods you disabled. If it doesn't, disable half of your remaining mods. It should take nine searches to narrow yourself down to a single culprit mod. Do note that the boolean search is less useful if there is more than one mod causing a problem. But it did allow me to find my botched TK children install in less than ten minutes.2 points
The STEP install instructions should be updated to remove "2. Install Fixed Mesh Lighting - Creation Club Backpack as a separate mod to maintain version notification updates." because since version 1.9.0 the main file includes the optional file Fixed Mesh Lighting - Creation Club Backpacks. The STEP FOMOD instructions even show the new option - Other / Potions / Adventurer's Backpack - as ticked.2 points
The main page: https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Main_Page Has been hacked. Repeated text copy about TEMU discounts.2 points
Animation in Skyrim is a rabbit hole of its own. This is an annotated list of the 'Animation and Physics' Mods currently in discussion on the SE forum, listing their respective forum links but also their (possible) prerequesites and dependencies with other mods. This is for me to keep track of developments and the mods i am already using in addition to Step as well as for others to add another perspective on how to test and play with different compilations of animation mods. Hopefully this also might restart some of the discussions on the forum and possibly contribute a bit to the next iteration of Step. The (yellow) color-coded annotations signify the mods I already play with as an extension to current Step 2.3 without any further conflicts or need for patches. Thank you. Open Animation Replacer The open-source successor to 'Dynamic Animation Replacer' which lets you organize, prioritize and replace animations based on configurable conditions. This is the suggested baseline mod for the following list to work. This would be set up in category '02 - Extenders'. Animation Queue Fix A prerequisite for 'Open Animation Replacer'. Since this mod also works independently to handle queueing large amounts of animations, this is set in category '09 - Fixes'. Paired Animation Improvements A second prerequisite for 'Open Animation Replacer'. This could be set up in category '02 - Extenders' as well as alphabetically in category '05 - Animation and Physics'. Category 05 - Animation and Physics Arm Movement Animations (OAR) Variants of NPC arm movements, gestures and animations. 'Open Animation Replacer' is required. (This is an example mod for altogether three mods by the same author expanding on NPC animations and idles, 'NPC Animation Remix' and 'Gesture Animation Remix', which can be used together or as separate mods.) Assorted Animation Fixes A variety of separate animation replacers. One module requires 'Open Animation Replacer' to function. Divines Prayer Animations Variety of prayer animations. Requires 'Open Animation Replacer' and 'Keyword Item Distributor' to function. Flute Animation Fix Fixes the wrong positioning of flutes played by bards via different animation replacers depending on the skeleton used. 'Open Animation Replacer' is required. Ice skating fixed for real - No more attack sliding movement Already in Step. Might be noteworthy that with its latest version the mod can function as a simple animation replacer without the need for 'Nemesis'. Jarl Sitting Animation Replacer Alternating and randomized animations for Jarls sitting. 'Open Animation Replacer' is required. No More Swimming In Air Simple 'SwimIdle.hkx' animation replacer. Open Animation Replacer - IED Conditions Prerequisite for 'Weapon Styles - Draw-Sheathe animations for IED'. 'Open Animation Replacer' is required. Stronger Swimming Animation SE Already in Step. In its latest version 'Open Animation Replacer' is required for alternating between different swimming animations. Take a Seat - New Sitting Animations for OAR or DAR New sitting animations for Player and NPC. 'Open Animation Replacer' is required. Weapon Styles - Draw-Sheathe animations for IED Style-fitting animations for 'Immersive Equipment Displays'. 'Open Animation Replacer' and 'Open Animation Replacer - IED Conditions' is required.2 points
Discussion topic: FYX - Eastern Empire Company Building by Yuril Wiki Link2 points
Maybe you'd like to consider using 'Skyrim Character Sheet', which provides also faction information and more in a custom, SKSE-configurable ingame window.2 points
The purpose of this is to complete the first part of the guide, the System Setup Guide. I am using Arch Linux, installed and updated as of 04/10/2024, using the Arch wiki with very little deviation to start with. My desktop environment is KDE Plasma, this means sound system is pipewire and qt6 the windowing agent. Most of this will probably not matter in the end, just something to keep in mind if you use a different distro, kernel and environment, something to keep in mind qas you follow along, but what is the most important part of this is WINE. That should be universal enough. I am also going to walk through setting up Skyrim to work without Lutris. so, a lot of manual command line stuff here. I will also get to a point that MO2 is working and ENB support. the rest is up to you, dear reader. So, a couple extra notes, I have fully migrated to systemd for boot and system service handling. I am on Wayland, 6.13 linux Zen kernel (I use virtualization programs, Zen has patches to make things easier as a lot of the dkms extensions are patched in. If you think any other info is needed, I'll share more of my setup as the plethora of setups out there might affect your success in following what I have outlined here. System Setup Guide (SSG) Have Linux installed Install WINE and dependencies (sttaging or not, doesn't matter, rezlly, I don't use it) Install winetricks and dependencies Download wine-ge (8.26) as of writing this Direct landing page on github https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom/releases/tag/GE-Proton8-26 File: "wine-lutris-GE-Proton8-26-x86_64.tar.xz" unarchive to a place. I suggest in the home directory. For me, it would be: /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/ /home/jrich82/ will definitely be different for you. "jrich82" is my user folder. You may or may not have depending on how you installed Linux. (I also renamed the wine-ge folder to something a little shorter and memorable, keeping the version number in case) Since I have Skyrim AE on GoG, I downloaded all the installer files from the site.and put them at "/home/jrich82/Downloads/SkyrimAE/" (your download folder may be different, just make a note of it.) As of writing, I have yet to get the latest version of GoG galaxy to work properly, so manually downloading the files will be your better bet. Might take a moment, but this guide is trying to do as much as possible thorugh terminal and manual intervention anyway. Much more of a reward feeling when you have everything working Assuming you have nothing downloaded or installed before. You should have: The game: setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(70738).exe setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-1.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-2.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-3.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-4.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-5.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-6.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-7.bin setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738).bin AE DLC: setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_anniversary_upgrade_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738).exe setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_anniversary_upgrade_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738)-1.bin Skyrim Anniversary Edition from GoG install: Syntax is important. Keep in mind the (), "" and _ Also, capitalization, unlike Windows is imperative as the folder Skyrim is different from the folder skyrim. Also, if you miss the double quotes, it will error as "(" is the a start of an escape sequence for Linux I will also be using direct folder paths. Adjust for your install. Base game: WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Downloads/SkyrimAE/"setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738).exe" command line break-down: WINEPREFIX is the prefix fodler for the game, keeping it separate form any other ewine prefix you might have. I find this better as things can stay separated and hcnages specifically for Skyrim can happen without messing with what you alreayd have setup. This is then followed by the wine executable from GloriousEggroll "/home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine" Again, your path might be different, depending on where you extracted the archive downloaded from github. It should point ot he "wine" executable int he bin folder for it. If you should need the prefix to work as 32-bit (these commands should work with just about any windows installer/executable) add "WINEARCH=win32" example: "WINEPREFIX=~/Games/some-random-game WINEARCH=win32" I won't be using the WINEARCH= argument here as I think it should default to win64 behavior by default. Then the executable for Skyrim AE downloaded from GoG. "/home/jrich82/Downloads/SkyrimAE/setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_special_edition_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738).exe" TLDR; prefix wine executable I changed one thing dduring the install, I changed the install location from C:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition to C:\Skyrim Anniversary DLC upgrade install: WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Downloads/SkyrimAE/"setup_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_anniversary_upgrade_0.1.3905696_(64bit)_(70738).exe" First run, Vanilla Skyrim AE! So far so good? Located at /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim some files and folders. We want to pay attention to everything under "drive_c" This is basically your "C:" drive. For now, I am going to run Skyrim through the Skyrim launcher: WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Skyrim/"SkyrimSELauncher.exe" NOTE remember the location where you told the GoG insaller to point to: "C:\" = is "drive_c/Skyrim" for me. So, the final path is /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Skyrim/"SkyrimSELauncher.exe side-quest! For me, I had some odd graphical glitching, so I thought I would fix that before moving on. I decided DXVK dll integration would work. So I downloaded the latest release https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/tag/v2.4.1 Inside "dxvk-2.4.1.tar.gz", is an x64 folder. copy these dlls to /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/windows/system32 (create folders "windows" and "system32" if you don't have them) keep them nested WIndows/System32 This is how it looks on my system using the same commands, your location might varry if you change some things to suite your folder organization you want to practice. /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Windows/System32 now, we need to override the "native" libraries: WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" winecfg on the "Libraries" tab, in the drop down for "New override for library": I entered "d3d10core.dll" and clicked "add" I also did this for "d3d9.dll" "d3d11.dll" and "dxgi.dll" then clicked OK. and tried running again. graphical glitches gone! Some folders to keep in mind: Again, these might be different on your install, especially anything "jrich82", should be your username. /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Skyrim (the main game folder) /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/users/jrich82/Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition GOG (this folder will have your ini and save files.) Mod Organizer 2 install Now, we will install MO2 and make sure that works. WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Downloads/"Mod.Organizer-2.5.2.exe" The installer wants to put it at "C:\Modding\MO2" I think this is fine I just left everything at recommended install It will throw up a couple errors, just "Ignore" them and let the installer finish. Uncheck Launch Mod Organizer. MO2 should now be at /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/MO2/ Try running it and see what happens. WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/MO2/"ModOrganizer.exe" You should be greeted with the New Instance dialog. set up as the guide suggests, or whatever you already know how to use if you have used it before. I like portable, so I chose that, ensured it saw where Skyrim was installed and clicke don GoG (not Steam or Epic) I also connected to my nexus account through my API key. Once the initial setup was done and default profile available, I tested running the game through MO2, and again; success. Everything is working so far. BethINI I created a folder BethINI under the Modding folder: /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/BethINI/ WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/BethINI/"BethINI.exe" It ran, just couldn't find the launcher and INI. easy enough to resolve, just point to it in the dialog box that pops up. LOOT Installing LOOT was pretty simple, but the executable wouldn't run. I just downloaded the 7z and created a folder for it /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/LOOT/ WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/LOOT/"LOOT.exe" Ran fine. Updated the master list and sorted the plugins xEdit I just downloaded the 7z and created a folder for it /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/TES5Edit/ WINEPREFIX="/home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim" /home/jrich82/wine-ge_8-26/bin/wine /home/jrich82/Games/Skyrim/drive_c/Modding/TES5Edit/"TES5Edit.exe" While it runs, it could not see the registry key for Skyrim. You can add in the line arguments manually specifying the data, ini and plugins.txt file -D:"C:\Skyrim\Data" -I:"C:\Users\jrich82\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Users\jrich82\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" (again, pay attention to your path, they most likely do NOT match mine) xLODGen Follow the guides instructions. Same with TE5Edit, xLODGen is based off it, you need to add the same argument -D:"C:\Skyrim\Data" -I:"C:\Users\jrich82\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Users\jrich82\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" You should now be ready to follow the rest of the STEP guide. Just remember whatever path to certain folders you used and you should be fine. Beyond that, the rest of the guide can be followed I gather. The most important parts work; SKSE64 reports the proper version and some extended commands do their thing. ENB series 502 with STEP's ENB downloads (all three) work. It took about 5 hours, counting the downloads, and the bulk of the time was spent finding fixes for things that didn't work "out of the box" and needed to be tested multiple times before I was confident they can be replicated. Again, this guide is just for setup. I am not really planning on rebuilding STEP, but every step should work properly. If I missed anything, let me know! I will try to also answer questions to the best of my ability if something doesn't go right. When you get into the tool setup stage of the guide, just append the STEP guide's arguments to these and you should be good to go.2 points
That's not quite true as in the guide also says So when I saw there was something else ticked by default it made it seem like it was missed. And I know the guide is very specific and pedantic which is why I took "ONLY tick the following options" to imply that those options should be ticked by me. Not that I should UNtick other options.2 points
2 points
Hiding that file was not in previously there and it safe to go ahead and do now with the updated EBOQ patches provided. I do not see a issue to use those with a ongoing character.2 points
For the last maby 5-6 years i almost never get further than maby L20 ingame before i rebuild my load order. I play MO2 more than Skyrim. THIS is a good place to put additional guides (addons) for Step Guide. To have different animation/combat directly within the guide will be to messy i think. People already confused by the different Step Patches and the different Post Processing options. But if we do add more animations in the Step Guide, it would be convenient to be very clear what mods adds new animations, and what mods just fixes vanilla.2 points
We need to make one small additional change to the STEP - CR or STEP - Lighting and Weather CR (not sure which this would be for) If you load xEdit and look at SightlessNavFix.esp and conflict check to that file only you will see the lighting mod Ambiance loads before it. The XCLL lighting data you want from Ambiance for FormID 00025195 - Abandoned Cave will lose to SightlessNavFix.esp (Navigator Navmesh Fixes) gaining back the default Skyrim colorspace values.2 points
Many thanks to the STEP team and the entire STEP community for all the time and effort you continue to devote to Skyrim and this guide! Just finished following the current 2.3 version and it went rather smoothly. Only in a few places was I initially unsure of the instructions, but after re-reading I was able to proceed confidently and everything seems to be running beautifully so far (though admittedly I haven't done much in this new build yet). I did notice one small omission... the instructions/recommendations for Glacier LOD Meshes do not mention that this is a SkyrimLE mod and to ignore the MO warning indicator, as the guide does for other such mods.2 points
2 points
2 points
One thing about changelog. Why it is not like this for example?: [2024 08 20] Step Patch - Conflict Resolution - This increments the current version of the guide to 2.3.1 Updated instructions for Creation Club Open Helmets - Install v1.4 from Old File [2024 08 29] Step Patch - Conflict Resolution - This increments the current version of the guide to 2.3.2 etc etc Because now it is just a big mass of changes, so for example I checked the changelog 10 days ago and I checked the changelog today and if I don't have sharp eyes and good memory I will totally miss NEW changes you made in those few days in between you know what I mean?2 points
This mod has a Hotfix uploaded 23 Aug 2024. The guide does not direct the user to download this hotfix.2 points
In case anyone wants to move the oxygen meter widget... As a workaround until this mod gets updated to address the widget X and Y position values not working, I have downloaded and installed an older archived version of the Oxygen Meter 2 mod, 1.0.5. And then downloaded and installed the Oxygen Meter 2 - 1130-1170 Updated DLL mod. This allows me to modify the X and Y values in po3_OxygenMeter2.ini to reposition the widget.2 points
Discussion topic: The Dragonborn's Bestiary by JPSteel2 Wiki Link Collect information about the creatures you encounter, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and keep track of your feats with kill, summon and transformation counters. Adds a new custom menu to the game. SKSE plugin. Requires SPID and KID. Patch for CACO on CACO mod page.2 points
With the addition of 'Immersive Equipment Displays' to the guide you now seem to have two opposing concepts of display, at least when it comes to quivers/bolts. While 'IED' wants to show everything equipped and favorited, 'Unequip Quiver SE' wants to hide quivers/bolts or only show them in certain conditions. In testing both mods together they worked fine, but depending on conditions akwardly contradicted each other, so I eventually ended up deactivating 'Unequip Quiver SE'. It seems that if a user wants to set all the main conditions of hiding quivers/bolts 'Unequip Quiver SE' does, they can also do so now via setting manually conditions in 'IED' alone, as explained in 'Immersive Equipment Displays - Tutorials and presets', making 'Unequip Quiver SE' redundant in the long run? (There is also a preset available to disable the quiver when a bow or crossbow is not equipped/displayed).2 points
Ah, well, I believe it's mainly because of accuracy being worse than vanilla at low skill level. For example, if default setting for AimVariance is 0.9 at skill level 20 it will be 1.4 (almost 50% worse). It will, however, catch on with vanilla value at skill 37 and then will be improving from there. Your questions brought be to a quite deep analysis now I realized that accuracy multiplier is more sensitive than precision, and I should probably adjust those values independently.2 points
Discussion topic: Keyboard Shortcuts Fix by xSHADOWMANx Wiki Link I find it highly irritating how Bethesda fully takes hold of the keyboard input. Starting with not being able to recognise other keyboard layout settings than English, so I can't type "@" in the creators content login window unless I change my layout settings. Neither copy nor paste are working for that field either. And you can't use the keyboard media keys which is annoying if you just want to change the volume a little bit on the fly. This mod fixes this and I can confirm this mod works with SE1.5.97.0 executable and binkw64dll, all other files from Steam version and SKSE64 points
Discussion topic: Stay At The System Page NG by VersuchDrei Wiki Link Conversion of Stay At The System Page - Updated to CLib-NG to create one .dll file that works in all Skyrim SE versions, including AE 1.6.629+. Ensures the journal menu always opens at the system page tab. (Author's description) In context with the discussion on QUI and as an alternative (in part) to said mod. Just tested with game version 1170 on the 'Game-Launch Smoke Test' (with cleaned masters and section 02 - Extenders only) and it seems to work fine.2 points
The mod has been updated again a couple of days ago, this time with an additional 'Majestic Mountains' patch. I am really looking forward towards 'Vanilla Landscape Corrections' being integrated into the guide!2 points
2 points
It is safe to ignore. The HD overhaul has an optional 4K Galaxy file that depends on that framework, but none of the main files do.2 points
Before: After: By default, Skyrim Character Sheet automatically shows when entering the inventory screen. This obscures the character and the item viewer making it a nuisance. Pressing 0 turns it on or off, however, it should default to off. My ini tweak makes it so that when you enter the inventory screen it doesn't show automatically.2 points
1 point
Latest Atlas Map Markers SE (v3.0.0 and separate file for 2.7.1 ) now includes a Atlas Map Markers.json file.The current install order has Atlas Map Markers installed before CoMAP so Atlas Map Markers SE's config file (Atlas Map Markers.json) would be overwritten by CoMAP's version. Author of Atlas Map Markers SE instructs the user to load their mod after CoMap so their own Atlas Map Markers.json would overwrite CoMAP's json file. STEP's mod instructions need to be updated if Atlas Map Markers SE's version should be used instead.1 point
Since no one was able to help me here, I took the opportunity to check the mod page (probably should have just done that first, to be honest) and found the solution here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60033/?tab=forum&topic_id=13826339 Hope that helps anyone else who might have the same problem.1 point
Just to share my observations from a new game, with the CACO Xp multiplier set to 1 and the Skyrim Skill Uncapper 'SkillExpGainMults' for Alchemy set to 1, a level 2 character with no ingredient effects known whatsoever interacting with the alchemy lab seems to receive at least three times more Xp by discovering a new potion/recipe and at the same time the respective ingredient effects from the two ingredients involved than reproducing the same potion/recipe again with the ingredient effects already known. This might be not much of a test since i only had the ingame alchemy Xp progression bar to observe and no way of knowing the exact amount of Xp given and how to separate these different Xp points? Still, this mod seems to interact just fine with CACO and Skyrim Skill Uncapper (which is expected to interact with other multipliers from the game and other mods as well?) and at least on the surface (of the game) has no ill effect.1 point
Discussion topic: Mundustar - Personal Standing Stones Overhaul by sasnikol Wiki Link Combination of Mundus by SimonMagus and EvenStar by EnaiSaion CACO-USSEP patch wins over this plugin which I prefer in this case. Only the Steed Stone is affected here, and minor mention is the Steed Standing Stone loading screen mentions it regenerating stamina by double which it does not because of having CACO-USSEP win. Might make a note to load xEdit and remove the entry.1 point
Interesting, although it is worth noting that the bug does go away if disabling bReflectSky. I'm using Azurite Weathers and Seasons (specifically Azurite Weathers II) with Community Shaders. Nothing changed about either of those when moving from RWT 5.6 to 5.7.1. And the bug only occurs when running DynDOLOD on 5.7.1; I did a test run on 5.6 (no other load order changes) and the bug didn't surface, so if it's a weather mod issue then there's some really funky interaction going on.1 point
Great. Now we have the warning message: <Warning: File not found textures\.dds. Used by meshes\lod\winterhold\winterholdtgc\whhouse03tgc_lod_0.nif The Great City of Winterhold v4.esp WHHouse03TGC_Snow [STAT:1303B440]> Thanks for all the testing under adverse circumstances.1 point
The post title is still previous mod and I don't think you can actually.1 point
1 point
It seems that all should be on one line. Otherwise, what not on this line, but next lines, it will not generate these. Once I've pasted this it generated in just few minutes, and I've suspected something wrong, it turns out, that it generated only 7 worldspaces, and once I had put them all in one line, it correctly generated 41 worldspaces. Read my comment and check for yourself what I wrote, I think same issue for you1 point
No logs were provided. It is very unlikely that Occlusion.esp is the cause of the issue. Occlusion.esp does not add new records. The worldspace and cell records it overwrites are copied from the plugins before it. Generating Occlusion.esp is optional. See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Occlusion-Data It seems the requirements to use DynDOLOD are not met. I suggest to remove the entire output and tools and follow a proper modding guide to setup a stable game and load order of mods.1 point
Due to rather overwhelming issues in the "real world", I will be unable to give support in the STEP forums for the time being. I know this message is not necessary, but I just want to let people know what is going on and why I am not responding to messages and IMs. I will be back when things have settled down again. And yes, that is a threat1 point
If you've strictly followed the guide, you' re likely going to find some english lines in the game. You need to translate some mods yourself as all of them haven't been translated. Mods like Workshop Rearranged for exemple. If you need, i can share with you, my almost complete, eet files for ESP - ESM Translator: Here: ESP-ESM Translator (Nexus) or here: ESP-ESM Translator (La Confrérie des Traducteurs) You'll find everything you need to properly use it with the link from La Confrérie des Traducteurs, it's pretty simple and effective. For the "Next Gen Modpocalypse update" just don't do it as you won't be able to properly use STEP guide with it installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu as suivi le guide STEP à la lettre sans rien ajouter de plus, tu auras de l'anglais dans ton jeu. Il faut que tu traduises certain mods toi même parcequ'ils n'ont pas tous été traduits, par exemple Workshop Rearranged et d'autres. Si tu as besoin, je peux te partager mes fichiers eet pour que tu puisses traduire toi même. Ils sont à peine traduit à 100% mais il y a déjà du taf fait dessus. Il te faudra ESP - ESM Tranlator que tu trouveras ici: ESP-ESM Translator (Nexus) ou là: ESP-ESM Translator (La Confrérie des Traducteurs) Sur la Confrérie des Traducteurs, tu trouveras aussi un tuto complet, c'est simple à utiliser et efficace. Pour la maj " Modpocalypse Next Gen" je te déconseille de la faire maintenant, tu ne pourras pas utiliser la guide STEP sans problèmes si tu l'installe.1 point
Post the FNVLODGEn_log.txt. Either the LOD model uses a black texture or it has black vertex colors - which are only available and used if you installed LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE and unchecked No vertex colors. You either need to update/fix the LOD assets and/or check the No vertex colors checkbox.1 point
1 point
if you generate DynDOLOD output, you can use the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM - You Are Here page to see which BTO files cover the current location the player is in. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mod-Configuration-Menu#You-Are-Here Alternatively, you can look up the coordinates for Tamriel on a map like this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106448. I suggest to not check "Build atlas" in xLODGen, so the generated BTOs use the vanilla atlas if possible and the single texture files if not. If the "Build atlas" is checked, then there is the risk of conflicts with other mods including a different object atlas texture with their custom BTOs. If more than one mod includes BTOs for the same area, the BTOs to load last will win and not include the LOD from the overwritten BTOs. Pre-made LOD only looks and works correctly for the same load order it was generated for. Pre-made LOD is only somewhat useful for console users that can not generate it for themselves.1 point
That wheel menu... That wheel menu is the most ugly thing I ever saw in skyrim Probably some programmer made it. I don't know about you people, but that wheel breaks immersion for sure. Some cheap-ass wheel menu... (I mean design ofc, not the functionality)1 point
Can you load the entire load order into xEdit, enter 0009DAA3 into the top left form ID field and hit enter to bring up the record. Check which plugin is the last overwrite to the very right. Is it Nature of the Wild Lands.esp? Which version are you using? It does not seem to be the one from 2.4 or was the plugin modified? Could you link or upload it?1 point