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1 point
Discussion topic: 1st Person Greatsword Idle Animation Fix by Kellborn Wiki Link Greatswords in Vanilla didn't have any Idle animations, tbh i've never noticed this. Not sure if its "worthy" to be considered here but i think it is a great "fix".1 point
Discussion topic: Crosshair-aligned Crossbow by Pragasette Wiki Link A small animation replacer to align the crossbow with the crosshair. Makes aiming with a crossbow a lot better in my opinion.1 point
This hole fix is already covered by "Major Cities Mesh Overhaul" and it looks imo better than this fix here. You just have to hide the "wrblacksmithbase.nif" file from Whiterun Mesh fixes so it won't overwrite the hole fix from "Major Cities Mesh Overhaul".1 point
You can change the size of the font by editing Convenient Reading's INI file. Double click Convenient Reading on the left pane and then click the INI tab. Select the Convenient Reading.ini and on the right change both iBookFontSize and iNoteFontSize to a higher number. The default is 15 which I personally found too small. I changed them both to 20 which is Skyrim's default font size. iBookFontSize=15 iBookFontSize=201 point
Hello! Thank you for your quick response. However, I’m a bit lost. Nothing on the Bruma forum helps me with my issue. I have some additional elements that I’ve tested… I tried generating the LODs myself using "Execute LODGen" from DynDOLOD, but it results in the same issue. When I check the files (I tested with Molagworld (Coldharbour)), I see that there are only 5 or 6 files, and on top of that, they are only 1KB in size… I don’t know what could be causing this or how to fix it. I know that Bruma is poorly handled by DynDOLOD, but Vigilant should normally work fine. However, I noticed something: there are LOD files included in the base archive of the Vigilant mod. I have no idea how to use them or if they are even useful. If I generate the files with xLODGen, they work fine, and all the files are present (there are 510 files, each around 250KB). However, they conflict with those from the Vigilant mod. I don’t think that’s a big issue, though, since I’m generating them myself for the terrain. The real problem is with objects (and trees as well, but there aren’t really any in Coldharbour, as I recall from playing the mod before). I also want to mention that I followed the STEP guide for everything related to configuration and basic elements, including xLODGen and DynDOLOD. I installed everything as detailed in the STEP guide for improving the map, along with a few extra mods here and there. As for Bruma, what’s strange is that I never generated LODs for its worldspace, neither with xLODGen nor DynDOLOD. Despite that, I have the same issue as with Vigilant, even though I did generate the LODs for Vigilant. Thanks for your help and response!0 points
0 points
Problem solved, I followed the guidelines and no more seams. Case closed! Thank you for the quick help. EDIT: Unfortunately no, it's still happening. EDIT 2: Fixed for good! I had to disable Worldspace Transition Tweaks before generating the terrain LODS. I also used the settings from that page instead.0 points
Here's a video. I tested at the nodes near Lakeview Manor and Embershard Mine. Please let me know if there's anything else that might help.0 points
Oh wow my settings were all wrong. I'm generating new terrain LODS with your settings, hopefully that takes care of the issues. Thank you for the help, Azura's blessings upon 'ya!0 points
The vanilla complex grass with the default ENB settings for complex grass and every other effect disabled still matches fine at noon with the default billboard NIF 4, perpendicular normals and settings. Though I might change the default to billboard NIF 5 (still perpendicular normals) and use a bit of backlighting and reduce the brightness multipliers a bit for slightly close matching at dusk/dawn depending on view direction. The hole thing of complex grass with a normal map texture was that it - unlike the vanilla grass - that the LOD billboards required 4 planes with perpendicular normals to match what ENB does. The first question to answer would be what ENB settings or mods change that.0 points
Great. Thanks for reporting back that it works as intended now. The debug log is saved right after the normal log if you let the tool shutdown normally. Since it is working OK now, don't worry about it.0 points
Great, thanks. I saw recommendation for convenient reading settings on internet, but somehow missed to find the ini file itself in my installation. Now it works, so either ways are good or even in combination of FOV and convenient reading settings.0 points
Seems like i made oversight on the other LOD settings. I generate it again and replaced existing, the problem is fixed now thank you.0 points
Mod was updated to NG. Version 18/1.3.0 Switch to CommonlibNG to support all game versions with one DLL. No other changes.0 points
Detailed Instructions for Vanilla Landscape Corrections needs to be updated. There is no longer an update file that needs merging. And the .esp "VLC Merged Patch - CFR-StaveChurchBW.esp" no longer exist so it can't be deleted.0 points
Thanks! I went back through and that has fixed the issue. I did have to re-enable all plugins in MO, however as that wasn't automatic for the FearsomeFists alert, but all sorted after doing so. Much appreciated!0 points
The one with %USERPROFILE% is not working with xEdit! And normally works if the whole path set I suggested above: BethINI pie works with INIs saved in MO profiles. By default when you select the game SkyrimSE it tries to go to non-GOG folder, so you have at first correct the Setup path via menu Edit->Setup and set a proper path (it needs to be done once): Once edited and saved by BethINI (f.e. change just resolution) you may check whether MO2 shows the changes in open INIs folder or in INI editor.0 points
Managed to use the whole STEP guide on GOG version 1179 where My games and similar other paths contains GOG. MO2 supports this GOG version already, just I suggest using profile specific paths for inis, plugins and saves (like in TRA guide), then BethINI pie works with no args. All other tools (xEdit, etc.) should have the GOG paths for ini, saves, profile, f.e. xEdit: -IKnowWhatImDoing -SSE -AllowMasterFilesEdit -I:"C:\Users\<user>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" -G:"C:\Users\<user>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Saves" And for Mods where FOMOD contains GOG 1179, you have to select it, instead of Steam 1170 as of STEP. Final trick with RaceMenu, just check discussion for the mod on Nexus, there is a link to GOG 1179 racemenu version.0 points
Reading this just makes me want to thank the admins here for being so patient and helpful to all ages, regardless if we are "smart people" or not!0 points
Thank you for the answer. I generated grass cache and didn't generated LOD's for grass. Figured intuitively that grass LOD's are going hand in hand with 21 Post-Processing. Also I made two versions of DynDOLOD's: First with medium presets and performance options and Second with high presets and optimal options to test on my laptop. I see around 7-10 FPS drop outside of Whiterun and Riften. Also what I saw that High presets with optimal options is much better looking than Medium presets with performance options. Medium-Performance: High-Optimal: Thank you for your answers, I really appreciate them.0 points