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If I could make a suggestion it would be to make the guide easier to understand.  

Example:  2.B Clean the Update ESM - I got stuck on it because what the instruction were stating was not what I was encountering with Mod Organizer.  


When someone knowledgeable creates a guide, they can tend to skip over details which they assume others know.  For those who rely heavily on the guide, this is a huge problem.  


To be clear - I appreciate the work everyone has put into this project.  Huge respect to all of you.  My comments are just my own personal views/feedback.




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Posted (edited)

Thought I give you guys an update.


UPN with mature skin textures seems to have worked perfectly (no lines etc).  The females are better now than default.

I have to admit though, HGEC for oblivion still looks better! :)



Gameplay wise, initial impressions: enemies seems weak and stupid as always (was hoping they would stronger and more tenacious when chasing you down).  I saw some mods online that chase AI behavior, but too afraid to play around with any of them.  Is there any way to safely increase difficulty?  


That is it.  Thanks again to everyone for the help.  

Edited by ray0071
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You can safely go into the Skyrim menu and increase the difficulty there. Press Esc to get to the menu, click Settings, click Gameplay, and move the Difficulty slider to the right. This basically just makes the player a bit weaker and the enemies a bit stronger. The default is Adept is usually too easy once you become familiar with the game, so you''ll want to bump that up a notch or two. This is the cheapest and easiest way to bump difficulty without using mods.


I haven't looked into any of the enemy AI mods available yet, although I should add this to my growing to-do list.

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lol - you reminded me, Greg, of my first play-through and my first encounter with 2 Trolls.  I died 3 times back to back fighting them, then pulled up the menu and lowered the difficulty, backed out to the game and killed them.  Then I went back in and reset the difficulty back up and swore I'd never tell anyone.


Be careful about swearing - next thing you know you'll be telling everyone anyway - lol.


It's an easy trick to forget after a few hundred hours playing the game.  Thanks for the reminder.

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I shouldn't respond to this for fear I might incriminate myself. :innocent:


Let's just say that first stopover at a certain Draugr crypt right outside Riverwood is a bit much for rank novice with zero combat skills.

  • 0

Another question :)


This messages appears in red whenever I start the game:

"Patch Speedhack Enboost turned on in enblocal.ini 

graphic modification disabled"


Should I be concerned?

  • 0

You should breathe a sigh of relief.  ENBoost is working as intended, and your game just got a whole lot more stable!


This is of course if this is what you've intended.  If you're using it as an ENB graphic enhancement, well there's a problem.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Game is crashing in some places.  Kind of inconsistent.  Soon as I came close to Solitude then the crashes seemed to get more frequent.  Right now, I am in a tavern in Solitude, and whenever I try to exit the game crashes.

Not sure what I can do if anything.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Edited by ray0071
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I had a similar problem with Windhelm on my last MO LO build.  Trying to exit the city would lead to a CTD every time.  It was a LO problem, but I can't for the life of me remember what the conflict was.  Getting the right LO (lots of trial and error as I recall) fixed the problem all together.

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  On 9/11/2015 at 11:42 PM, TechAngel85 said:

Carts flipping is usually a havok issue which is caused by vsync not running or not capping your framerate if you choose not to run vsync.

It is also an issue caused by reducing the Timescale too much. Default Timescale is 30 (IIRC), so running a lot lower causes all kinds of havoc issues.

  • 0
  On 9/18/2015 at 7:58 PM, z929669 said:

It is also an issue caused by reducing the Timescale too much. Default Timescale is 30 (IIRC), so running a lot lower causes all kinds of havoc issues.

20 :;):

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Managed to get over the problem.  Loaded a previous save outside the Inn.  Seem the crashes occur around Solitude than others areas.


I am getting other strange issues occur however:

-no house option in Whiterun though quest is done

-when trading items with follower, after one item is given everything is grayed suggesting the limit has been reached, but when I break off talk then start I am permitted again.  So only one item at a time per conversation.

-NPC suddenly teleport from one spot to another, doesn't happen often but enough to break the immersion.


Not sure what part of the install could have caused these.  Any tips/suggestions would be appreciated.


Edited by ray0071
  • 0


'Gave' myself the key for the house in Whiterun.  Least I can store myself in a central location now.

Game seems to have so-so stability.  Occasional crashes.  I try to save as often as possible and key places/moments to help get around them.


I was wondering though, those of you with in-depth understanding of STEP could help me in choosing compatible mods.  The following list for example - could I add them without breaking the game?


  • floating healthbars
  • spell charging
  • combat evolved
  • immersive patrols
  • legend of the eagles nest
  • clearsky hideout
  • raven castle
  • The Asteria
  • waterfalls retreat
  • slave leia
  • witch of the wild
  • sovngarde steel
  • demon hunter mod
  • raven witch armor
  • Triss armor retextured
  • N8K Black Wisteria
  • Black Talon Armor
  • Vampire Cuirass with chains
  • 0

I could use some help here.  Overall the game seems okay.  Some dialogue options missing (can't buy a house in Whiterun).  Also I cannot talk to the Jarl of Falkreath - so no house there either.  In Whiterun I got around it by 'giving' myself the key.  Can't upgrade or anything but at least I have a place to store my goods.  In Falkreath I was able to use some console command to get rid of the talk to Jarl mission ('setstage BYOHHouseFalkreath 17).  Checked to see if I actually got the house - no go.


I am wondering at this stage, no house, dialogue options missing etc - what would be prudent to do.  Ignore the problems, try to fix them, or do a clean install of everything?



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