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Error List updated for Oct 3rd version of Gems and TESDump.  (I won't be doing this regularly but a new version came out and I was still set up for testing, soo here ya go).


Do Not Use


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Less than 30 errors


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Error Free


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A few of the esp in the error free section are actually ess (savegames) which can't be tested yet so they get an automatic pass, but they got changed to esp at some point during search and replace cleanup, just FYI.


Here is my results after running STEP through TESDump this test does not check logic, version, or compatibility!  Just that the file itself is a good foundation for those other things.


Don't panic, this is not impending disaster or anything, just that some of these are not good choices for STEP going forward and you should know what we found.  This is generally not the kind of errors that are gonna cause save corruptions (unless more than a couple hundred errors) more likely its sucking performance and stability.  Also on error numbers, be aware that a single problem can cause multiple unique errors.


What we are dealing with at the base of Jenga pile.  Seems like a lot at first glance, but considering there have probably been upwards of a million edits each by dozens of developers using dozens of different CK versions its actually not too bad.

Vanilla-You have to use these :P


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Here are the worst offenders, #1 is the worst mod tested with 2872 errors and the rest are in order of structural errors.

This is the do not use list.


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Here are the 2nd tier of offenders, #1 has 14 errors and the rest are in order of structural errors.

This is the strong warning against use list.


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Here are the 3rd tier of offenders, #1 has 6 errors and the rest are in order of structural errors.

This is the not recommended until fixed list.


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Here are the winners in the pass fail test - no errors found in any of these.

This is the safe to use list.


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Just finished testing the top 400 ranked mods on Steam



Do Not Use



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Less than 30 errors



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Error Free


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Steam starts doing pretty weird stuff after you start downloading multiple mods with the same esp name and even weirder when you pass the 300 subscribed mark :P But alas not a single error or even a warning to quit being stupid.


First the good news, out of 1763 mods (down from 4k after ditching the redundancies) only 342 mods contained structural errors. So that's about 1 in 5 mods with an issue, so it could certainly be better but its not as bad as I feared.  This is a pretty good cross section of mods, I been downloading anything at all that got on hot files for the last few months plus anything else I came across that had any potential at all.


Remember this test does not check logic, version, or compatibility!  Just that the file itself is a good foundation for those other things :D


Here are the worst offenders, #1 is the worst mod tested with 2735 errors and the rest are in order of structural errors.

This is the do not use list.


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Here are the 2nd tier of offenders, #1 has 32 errors and the rest are in order of structural errors.

This is the strong warning against use list.



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Here are the 3rd tier of offenders, #1 has 11 errors and the rest are in order of structural errors.

This is the not recommended until fixed list.



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Here are the winners in the pass fail test - no errors found in any of these.

This is the safe to use list.



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Oct 12 Update


Top 400 Steam Mods + Steam Gems


Do Not Use


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Under 30 Errors


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Top 400 Nexus Mods (+ some STEP mods too)


Do Not Use


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Under 30 Errors

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  • 2 weeks later...

STEP mods updated in the last 30 days: Retested



Not to much to worry about here


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Clean as a whistle


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I'm just wondering why you are reporting "Distant DetailHF.esp" as clean??


TESEdit 3.0.23 is reporting 328 ITMs :

[Removing "Identical to Master" records done]  Processed Records: 694 Removed Records: 328 Elapsed Time: 00:00


Maybe it's designed that way and should not be cleaned? Either way I've contacted the mod author and he hasn't replied yet. But maybe I'm doing something wrong in TESEdit? Anyone else can confirm this?


I haven't even run TES5Edit 3.0.23 yet :P Just doing batch processing with TESDump, the code base is the same so that's unusual that they report different results. When I eventually clean all my mods I'll document the results here.

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