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Hi I am having a lot of trouble getting UIO to work properly. 

I have started with a clean install of FNV, a legitimate copy from Steam,  and added only 3 mods, Darn UI, OneHUD, and the MCM. I followed a Gopher video on how to install these with MO so I am fairly certain they are installed correctly.  

When I get to the step of installing UIO, I follow the exact steps in the video, yet the extra HUD options such as clock and needs do not appear, as if I have not installed UIO at all. I want to continue with the guide but I need to make sure this is working first. I have tried with an old save and with a new game, same result. Any help is greatly appreciated.


This is my UIO log if that helps:


*** UI Organizer (v1.31) initializing ***


NVSE version = 04050070

fallout root = D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\

Documents root = C:\Users\*USER*\Documents\


* Darnified UI detected.



*** Checking supported files ***



>>>>> Processing file: private\supported.txt

> Checking: advreconhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: arwen\fatigue_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: arwen\strain_hud.xml

+ Adding: arwen\strain_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: cyberiandawn\cyberiandawnhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: directorschair\directorschair.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: fairypack\fairypack_hud.xml

+ Adding: fairypack\fairypack_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: filmgraineffect.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: flashlight_battery.xml

+ Adding: flashlight_battery.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: fww\weaponwheel.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: grenadehotkeyhud.xml

+ Adding: grenadehotkeyhud.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: hude\hud_e.xml

+ Adding: hude\hud_e.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: imcnnv\imp.xml

+ Adding: imcnnv\imp.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: jazzisparis\ccchud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jazzisparis\firingmodehud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jazzisparis\ftahud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jazzisparis\heatmeterhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jetpack\b3jetpack_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: jetpack\b3jetpack_hud(darn).xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: meleehotkey\meleehotkey.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: neotropic\neotropic_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: neotropic\neotropicweapondisplay_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pelinor\quicktrade.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pelinor\selectivefire.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pnx\pnxeohud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: pnx\pnxhud.xml

! Conditions evaluated as False > Skipping.

> Checking: ppa\ppa_hud.xml

+ Adding: ppa\ppa_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: primaryneedshud.xml

+ Adding: primaryneedshud.xml to: hudmainmenu\

> Checking: radar\radarhud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: rangefinder.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: sc\sc_hud.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: vera\vera.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: wmm\wmmtrigger.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: wmm\wmm.xml

! File not found > Skipping.

> Checking: mcm\mcm.xml

+ Adding: mcm\mcm.xml to: startmenu\

> Checking: pnx\pnximplants.xml

! File not found > Skipping.




*** Checking menu files ***



>>>>> Processing file: menus\barter_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\companion_wheel_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\chargen\race_sex_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\main\inventory_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\main\map_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\chargen\char_gen_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\container_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\sleep_wait_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\item_mod_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\levelup_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\dialog\dialog_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\message_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\quantity_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\recipe_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\repair_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\repair_services_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\vats_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\tutorial_menu.xml

* File does not require any patching.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml

+ Appending reference: arwen\strain_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: imcnnv\imp.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: grenadehotkeyhud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: flashlight_battery.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: fairypack\fairypack_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: hude\hud_e.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: ppa\ppa_hud.xml to: hudmainmenu

+ Appending reference: primaryneedshud.xml to: hudmainmenu

> Patching file:

* Saving backup: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\data\menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml.uio


>>>>> Processing file: menus\main\stats_menu.xml

ERROR: Could not decode XML file > Aborting.


>>>>> Processing file: menus\options\start_menu.xml

- Removing broken/duplicate reference: includes_startmenu.xml

+ Appending reference: mcm\mcm.xml to: startmenu

> Patching file:

* Saving backup: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\data\menus\options\start_menu.xml.uio




*** Checking INI file ***



>>>>> Processing file: Fallout.ini

* File does not require any patching.




*** Exiting game: Undoing changes ***



> Restoring file: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\data\menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml

> Restoring file: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\data\menus\options\start_menu.xml


  On 6/14/2015 at 1:02 AM, oqhansoloqo said:

A couple questions: Did you try following the Fear & Loathing in New Vegas Guide instructions?  Do you have New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE) properly installed? 

Yes I am pretty sure I have installed NVSE correctly, I made sure using "getnvseversion" command. As for following the guide, there were no specific instructions for installing UIO, unless I missed something. Everything else such as setting up NVSE, Fallout 4GB, I did follow. 


  On 6/14/2015 at 1:10 AM, GSDFan said:

The main MO support thread has a topic about this, it should still be relevant. It can be found here UIO and Mod Organizer


Just remember it is critical to get things in proper order.

I will check out the thread, thanks. 

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