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External link's underline spreading through a space



I don't really know how to explain this but the underline from a link is going through a space that isn't part of the link.

===== [[File:Blue_Box.png|20px|link=|bottom]] [http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44069/ Alive Waters updated] =====

will result in something like this


I would think that this was an issue but its new and wasn't originally like that.

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Unrelated, but I reduced your top image to a more realistic size ... revert if you want, but it was too big IMO.


As far as underlines in links, that is the standard behavior ...

[http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44069/ Alive Waters updated]

will render on the wiki as:

Alive Waters updated


... not sure what you are linking to in your post

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Oops, Ill explain the link thing later but here is the new one.


This is the underline.



My first thought was that it is in the css but there nothing in the h5{} section. 

Unless there is another section that is bleeding over, which I doubt.


There one one time that the line continued on the through the image but that underline wasn't originally there because it looks terrible.


The image is a different deal but I cant get it to scale...

Is there a way to use parser function or simple math to get the size because the image needs to be reduced by ~100px from the monitor width because of the space on the left side?

I know DoubleYou gave it a shot but couldn't get it to work. 



This is obviously wrong and it never used to be like that...


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The link is taking up the entire header; thus, you're seeing the link (line) go across the entire space the header is taking up. Chalk this up to odd wiki behavior. Where you use elements you're seeing the line because it is an invisible text element (blank spaces) with a background color; thus, there is nothing to cover up the line. When you use the image, you don't see the line because it is not an invisible element. It's an image covering up the line so that it's no longer visible.


I've played with it and can't seem to get it to stop underlining the section that isn't the link. Wiki behavior...

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I know its weird because it wasn't there when I was writing it.

I don't think I have any open tags anywhere.

I doubt I would miss something like that because it is pretty obvious.


On the second image, it uses the nonbreaking space, thats why the line is through it.

In other words, the second image is not a image it a colored background but the first image that I posted with the black arrow, is in fact an image using the wiki code that I posted above.

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I dont think I can... 
In the beginning, I was trying various things to find a good solution on the colored boxes and this is what I had settled on...

===== [[File:Blue_Box.png|20px|link=|bottom]] [<url> <mod name>] =====

so about 3/4 of the guide is in that format. 

After switching to an image, the TOC garbage has disappeared and now it look have decent.

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What you are seeing is because of the H5 element which has a text-decoration of "underline" applied to it. Wiki headers get wrapped within a span element tagged with a class of "mw-headline", and you are clearly including the image and the link within the header element, and thus the underline gets applied.


It has nothing to do with the link, and is not "odd wiki behavior". It's perfectly normal.


Applying additional "stuff" inside a header is uncommon. They were meant to be plain text, and adding images, links, and whatever else one could attempt to do is bound to produce odd behavior.

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I understand that it is abnormal and would expect something strange to happen but the reason that I did bring it up is because it wasn't like that before. Its a fairly new effect. I took a glance at the .css and there wasn't any changes that were made to the h5.


Is there a better way to have the same effect or is it kinda stuck the way it is?

I think I can figure out a way to make the link disappear but it would be kinda hackish. I see that multiple people have attempted to make the annoying line go away and it didn't matter.


Man those lines like my guide, what more can I say.

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Yeah, I thought about that image being in the head as being odd after the fact.



You can use divs to float the images to the left of the headers. This would eliminate the issue entirely. You could try adding the follow to your css file for the h5 element:

  • text-decoration: none;

That might eliminate the issue. I can't edit your .css page (which is odd because I should have the permissions to do that) or I'd try it for you.

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I completely dislike and upset by that.

So, I have to use a mix of html and css to make my guide look the way it is?

Is every wiki page going to look the same because I am not okay with that.

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There will be things implemented in the skin within reason based on feed back when we get to that point. But yes, we do need consistency within the Wiki, and the css extension is being used for purposes it was not intended for. Sorry, but it's being abused and will continue to be as long as it's available.


Certain styling can still be applied in wiki text, but modifying major elements that isn't supported by MW will be discontinued in the future.

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Even though it is off topic, what exactly do you mean by abuse?

Is what tech said abusing it?

I would call it a temporary workaround because something unexpected changed without me knowing. 

I don't know about you but I was expecting more freedom and features in the future rather than restrictions and losing widely used features. 

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  On 12/28/2014 at 3:16 AM, stoppingby4now said:

Just a gentle reminder that the css extension will be going away when the wiki skin is refreshed. Far too much hacking going on with it.



  On 12/28/2014 at 3:30 AM, stoppingby4now said:

There will be things implemented in the skin within reason based on feed back when we get to that point. But yes, we do need consistency within the Wiki, and the css extension is being used for purposes it was not intended for. Sorry, but it's being abused and will continue to be as long as it's available.


Certain styling can still be applied in wiki text, but modifying major elements that isn't supported by MW will be discontinued in the future.

We've had some discussion on this in another thread or PM...can't remember which but it's something that the Staff and Z feels should remain. Yes, it's use should be limited on STEP-based Guides. We all agree with this. Z has already taken care of some of this by improving the default CSS based off some of my personal CSS edits (mainly spacing related) and removing its use on most of the Guides. We've been making an effort to reduce its use on the official STEP content; however, the main reason to keep it is for the non STEP-based Guides that we have around (SR, Fallout:NV, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Mass Effect, etc). These Guide should be not be restricted to the STEP-only "theme" as they're not STEP Guides nor STEP related...not to mention they're well known and are popular.


Another reason is, it can be used to supplement an official Guide like its use on the ENBSeries INI Guide. Its use there is to align elements to a specific layout for the compares and the compare text. This would be possible using inline CSS; however, that is very inefficient. Since the code would be repeating 100s of times, it's far more efficient to use the css extension.


So there have been legitimate reasons to keep the extension around voiced by Staff.

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