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Signs of Skyrim by Autan Waspeez


I was wondering it this mod could be STEP material. It's a (as far as I could tell) lore friendly retexture of most shop/inn signs and really adds a lot to the game. 




Going from place to place in Skyrim, you see the difference between somewhere like, say, Whiterun compared to Windhelm or Markarth. Banners, buildings, guard uniforms. It gives  you a sense that you've travelled, and that you're somewhere different.

Except that the shop signs almost all look the same. Generic jellyfish-in-a-can alchemists signs; weird weighing scales for general good shops. And not a shop name in sight. Which you could understand if it was a matter of language localisation... except the inns all have written names.

Oh yes, those Inn signs with the same clipart foaming tankard.
Numerous signs with the same puffy pseudo-Celtic font, like Beowulf meets Comic Sans.
Stables displaying signs that looked like a bored goat with a big pretzel stuck on its back.
And all on that same shabby, rotten wood background.

It felt jarring, so I changed it.

Now shops display their name on their sign (I apologise to my non-English speaking readers), and each shop has its own artwork. Alchemists no longer feel like the Tamriel equivalent of McDonalds.
I've also added brand new signage for the stables at Windhelm, Markarth and Solitude, with the appropriate local feel.


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