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Posted (edited)

I am currently trying to use TES4LL and/or MPGUI with MO, but unfortunately I run into a bunch of problems.


The main problems I see so far, are:

- tes4ll_ultimate.bat does not create any meshes, only three empty folders

- the process of creating meshes with MPGUI crashes


Nexus user malonn also is currently trying to get those tools to work with Mod Organizer, but as it seems he has the exact same problems as I do.


I will now write a complete report on what I have found out until now, how I do things and where my problems are. I hope, that either Tannin or gruftikus, or the STEP community could help me out here.




First, in order to mod Oblivion, I searched around what I would need to do, how to do it and in particular, in which order. I come to the conclusion, that all necessary things should be done in this order:


- Sorting out mods I want to use (downloading & activating)

- Sorting the Loadorder via LOOT

-- Consider running Land Magic

- Run TES4ll - generating distant meshes for terrain

- Run TES4qLod (from within TES4ll) - generating textures for distant land meshes

- Run TES4ll_normalmaps

- Create the Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash

- Run TES4LODGen.exe (renamed TES5Edit.exe) - generating .lod files based on distant objects provided by mods and low poly distant object meshes ( _far.nif )


Instead of running the individual batch files of TES4ll one could also use MPGUI - Multi Purpose GUI.



But first, I tried to run TES4ll just by itself. So I downloaded it and extracted the content of the .7z archive into the following folder:



I then opened MO and added tes4ll_ultimate.bat with the arguments -f "...,makemeshes,..." as an executable:

Image 1


When I now run "tes4ll_ultimate.bat" through MO, a dos window opens and the following happens:

Image 2


At the end there is the line: "Please close this window." So one would think that everything is done. I press enter and close that window. But, back in MO:

Image 3


Besides the three folders, no meshes have been created.



So, after that wasn't as successfull as I had hoped, I downloaded MPGUI.



I installed MPGUI outside of my Oblivion folder:



Spiele = Games



I then added MPGUI in MO as a new executable file:

Image 4


If I run it through MO I see this:

Image 5


File --> Open Batch... --> select "tes4ll_all.mpb" in:



Once the .mpb file is opened .. and I have selected Oblivion under "Options - Game Mode - Oblivion" .. MPGUI looks like this:

Image 6


Now I can see, that basically none of my plugins are recognized by mpgui:

Image 7


.. and therefore I can't select any worldspaces in the next tab. If I rescan my plugins, and switch back to the first tab, I see that two new lines were added:


19 [Info] Reading esp/esm files from 'C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\Bashed Patch'
20 [Info] Plugins.txt path is: 'C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Oblivion\plugins.txt'
Line 19 - MPGUI falsely scans my "Bashed Patch" mods folder inside MO .. that's why it can't find any plugins.

Line 20 - The wrong plugins.txt is selected by MPGUI .. it should be the one in MO's folder:




So here is my first conclusion .. the Bashed Patch must be deactivated within MO's mod list/left pane/installation order.

Image 8


Once I deactivated the Bashed Patch and run MPGUI once again, selected the "tes4ll_all.mpb" and the game mode Oblivion, I now could see this in the Plugins tab:

Image 9


I then selected all plugins, read the worldspace in the next tab, left everything else at it's default settings and switched over to the "Start Process" tab, where I clicked "Click me if you are ready".

Result: the tes4ll.exe crashes:

Image 10



After a bit of head-scratching I opened up the "mpgui_autoload.mpb" file with Notepad++, found in:






LogFile                   -value="$_workdir\mpgui.log"

## 1, 3, 4 reserved for Morrowind, Fallout 3 and FalloutNV

AddGame              -n=2 -name=Oblivion
SetGamePluginFile    -n=2 -value="$_appdata\Oblivion\plugins.txt"
SetGameSearchPattern -n=2 -value="oblivion"
SetGameStdWorldspace -n=2 -value="Tamriel"

AddGame              -n=3 -name=Fallout3
SetGamePluginFile    -n=3 -value="$_appdata\Fallout3\plugins.txt"
SetGameSearchPattern -n=3 -value="Fallout 3"
SetGameStdWorldspace -n=3 -value="Wasteland"

AddGame              -n=5 -name=Skyrim
SetGamePluginFile    -n=5 -value="$_appdata\Skyrim\plugins.txt"
SetGameSearchPattern -n=5 -value="skyrim"
SetGameStdWorldspace -n=5 -value="Tamriel"

;SetPath                  -value="$_workdir\ini\mpgui\"

GUIConsoleEcho -text="Autoload batch file loaded"

.. and changed a few things and also added two new lines:


LogFile			   -value="$_workdirmpgui.log"

## 1, 3, 4 reserved for Morrowind, Fallout 3 and FalloutNV

AddGame	              -n=2 -name=Oblivion
SetGamePluginFile     -n=2 -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"
SetGameSearchPattern  -n=2 -value="oblivion"
SetGameStdWorldspace  -n=2 -value="Tamriel"
GameMode		   -name=Oblivion
SetPath			   -value=C:\Spiele\Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\Ini\tes4ll\tes4ll_all.mpb

;AddGame	      -n=3 -name=Fallout3
;SetGamePluginFile    -n=3 -value="$_appdata\Fallout3\plugins.txt"
;SetGameSearchPattern -n=3 -value="Fallout 3"
;SetGameStdWorldspace -n=3 -value="Wasteland"

;AddGame	      -n=5 -name=Skyrim
;SetGamePluginFile    -n=5 -value="$_appdata\Skyrim\plugins.txt"
;SetGameSearchPattern -n=5 -value="skyrim"
;SetGameStdWorldspace -n=5 -value="Tamriel"

;SetPath		   -value="$_workdir\ini\mpgui"

GUIConsoleEcho -text="Autoload batch file loaded"
Now, when I open MPGUI and click on "File --> Open Batch...", I can directly select the batch file "tes4ll_all.mpb", without the need to manually navigate to the correct folder. Once the file is selected, the Game Mode "Oblivion" is set automatically .. and Fallout3 and Skyrim are commented out within the code above, hence do not showup as alternatives within MPGUI.



But now comes my actual problem. If I now activate all plugins, read the worldspaces and want to "start the process" .. the "tes4ll.exe" still crashes.


.. hence, I currently am not able to create any meshes through neither TES4ll, nor MPGUI. And here I hope that someone could help me .. is there something I could do?

Edited by pStyl3
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The new version is uploaded on nexus. I don't know if solves already some of the issues, but at least it is now possible to repair things or add new features

  • 0

Once everything is ironed out for MO users, the information can of course be passed over to that thread hishutup, but as of now the discussion is very well related to the topic title .. making TES4LL compatible to MO is the goal of this thread. "Only" because a new version of tes4ll or MO has been released, does not automatically mean that the problem for MO users has been fixed. That needs to be tested and documented.


That said .. I believe I just got everything working (including TES4qLOD), BUT with some additional, manual editing inside of "tes4ll_all.mpb" + some initial work directly in MO - I still need to test a bit more .. and then write down what I did so that TES4LL can be used with MO .. and what possibly, if anything, could be improved on TES4LL's side.



Bottom line, if I'm correct the signs are looking good!

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Landscape LOD generator tes4ll - 5.00



Content of the updated file:



- README-tes4ll-Oblivion.txt

- Triangle_Copyright.txt


- CityPolygons.dat

- FortEmpire_Aleswell.dat

- FortUrasekToAleswell.dat

- FortUrasekToBridge.dat

- RumareCoastLine.dat

- tes4ll_all.mpb

- tes4ll_little_tamriel.mpb

- UL_RollingHills.dat

- WayToCheydinhal.dat

- Weye_FortAsh.dat

- WeyeNorth_FortEmpire.dat

- WeyeWaynet.dat


- too many files to list here..


- tes4ll.exe

- tes4ll_DibellasWatch_ultimate.bat

- tes4ll_highres.bat

- tes4ll_midres.bat

- tes4ll_normalmaps.bat

- tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat

- tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat

- tes4ll_ultimate.bat

- tes4qlod_Oblivion_ltex.dat




What I've tested in conjunction with MO:







I tested these three files of TES4LL v5.00 under MO and found, that they are all working - if some additional editing is done.




Installation and Initialization:


First, TES4LL needs to be installed. The normal installation instructions are, that it needs to be installed directly into:



Because we (the ones looking up this particular thread) use Mod Organizer, we can install TES4LL from within MO; MO's virtual file system will make sure, that TES4LL will see all relevant files. So I added "Landscape LOD generator" as a normal mod in MO - Screenshot - Installation.


Click "OK", then "Ignore". It should work nonetheless (as this is "only" a tool, and not a mod that should work ingame).


Once that is installed, I added the 3 files mentioned above as executables in MO, with these filespaths:

C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\Landscape LOD generator\tes4ll_ultimate.bat

C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\Landscape LOD generator\tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat

C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\Landscape LOD generator\tes4ll_normalmaps.bat


So I used the .bat files from my just installed Landscape LOD generator-"Mod".


So far so good, but that isn't everything that needs to be done. If I would now run these executables from within MO, the files wouldn't appear where I want them to be. For example, if I now would run "tes4ll_ultimate.bat" from within MO, the newly created meshes would be placed - if another mod already has such meshes with the same file names - inside that mod, replacing the mod's original files. In this case, that would happen with the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch". That is basically the problem I reported here aswell.


That, of course, must be prevented.


Step 1:

- Go to your "Oblivion Mod Organizer"-folder and open the "mods" folder.

- Create a new folder named "TES4LL". Open it and create the following (empty) folders:



- Landscape

-- LOD


- LandscapeLOD

-- Generated


So this should be the result (in MO). This first step is necessary (or better said, to me it seems to be), because if this "mod"-folder wouldn't be setup prior to running the batch files, the batch files would throw an error and thus wouldn't create the files they should. That said, if the instructions of "Step 1" are followed, everything is playing nice.


Step 2:

Open your "Landscape LOD generator"-mod in Windows Explorer, and goto:



Now open "tes4ll_all.mpb" with an Editor of your choice - I use Notepad++

Now change the path $_gamedir\Data\ in several places* to C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\ .. well, actually do not copy that second path just like that, you must use your own correct path, that points to your "TES4LL"-mod, which you have just created in "Step 1".


* here is my entire modified "tes4ll_all.mpb" file, where you can see what I have changed:




@logfile LogFile -filename=$logfile

; ============================
; Optional pedestal walls
; Requires more triangles!
; Enable this only if you want to exchange or overwrite single quads
; Not required if you rerun tes4ll after landscape changes
; Read the manual for more info
; SetFlag -name="createpedestals" -value="-createpedestals"
; ============================

; ============================
; Optional 16 bit matrices (no 32-bit floats)
; enable this only if the tes4ll task exceeds 3GB
; and you have a crash
; SetFlag -name="use16bit" -value="-use16bit"
@use16bitopt SetFlag -name="use16bit" -value="-use16bit"
; ============================

ParseModList -cd    ;reads mod list from Plugins.txt (or from -l option) and set the flags

SetFlag -name="_quad_levels" -value=2

SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT1"
@c_dxt3 SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT3"
@c_dxt5 SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT5"

@!minheight SetFlag -name="minheight" -value="-2048"

; ****************************
; Make color maps
; ****************************

@tes4qlod_cache {
    SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\"
    FileIterator -pattern="*.bsa" {
        BsaIterator -bsafile=$_filename -regex="textures\\\\landscape\\\\.*\\.dds" {
            ImportMapFromDDS -even -name=test -replacemap
            ScaleMap -sizeX=4 -sizeY=4 -map=test
            SetFlag -name=newname -value=$_bsafilename -replace=".dds" -with=".bmp"
            SetFlag -name=newname -value=$newname -replace="textures\\landscape" -with="tes4qlod_tex\\Oblivion" -num=1
            MkDir -path=$newname -hasfilename
            ExportMap -filename=$newname -map=test

        FileIterator -directory="textures\\landscape" -pattern="*.dds" -recursive {
            ImportMapFromDDS -filename=$_filename -even -name=test -replacemap
            ScaleMap -sizeX=4 -sizeY=4 -map=test
            SetFlag -name=newname -value=$_filename -replace=".dds" -with=".bmp"
            SetFlag -name=newname -value=$newname -replace="textures\\landscape" -with="tes4qlod_tex\\Oblivion" -num=1
            MkDir -path=$newname -hasfilename
            ExportMap -filename=$newname -map=test

@!makemeshes @!writeout @!tes4qlod @!makenormalmaps Exit

SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_a -value=""
@option_blending SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_a -value="-a"

SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_q -value="1"
@qlod2 SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_q -value="2"
@qlod4 SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_q -value="4"

SetFlag -name="large_ws" -value=$($_nquads>100) -zerosuppression
@large_ws SetFlag -name="use16bit" -value="-use16bit"


@tes4qlod {
    SetFlag -name="option_silent_opt" -value=""
    @option_silent SetFlag -name="option_silent_opt" -value="-silent"
    SetFlag -name="width_x" -value=$(($_x2-$_x1)*$tes4qlod_flag_q/128)
    SetFlag -name="width_y" -value=$(($_y2-$_y1)*$tes4qlod_flag_q/128)
    CreateMap -name=terraincolor -widthx=$width_x -widthy=$width_y -x1=$_x1 -y1=$_y1 -x2=$_x2 -y2=$_y2 -zscale=1 -rgb -even
    Tes4qlod -colormap=terraincolor -q=$tes4qlod_flag_q $tes4qlod_flag_a $option_silent_opt
    SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\"
    @option_map ExportMap -map=terraincolor -filename="$_worldspace&Map.bmp" -FlipY
    @overwritelods  SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\Textures\landscapelod\generated"
    SetFlag -name=_flag_format -value="02.0"
    QuadIterator -level=0 {        
        @!c_none ExportMapToDDS -map=terraincolor -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32.dds" -format=$dds_format
        @c_none  ExportMap      -map=terraincolor -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32.bmp"

; ****************************
; Make normal maps
; ****************************

@makenormalmaps {
    CopyMap -name="_heightmap_tmp"
    @2048  ScaleMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -factor=2
    @512   ScaleMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -factor=0.5
    @!lodshadows CreateNormalMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -name="_normalmap" -boost=$z_val
    @lodshadows  CreateNormalMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -name="_normalmap" -shadows -northboost=$z_val
    SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\"
    @option_map ExportMap -map=_normalmap -filename="$_worldspace&Normalmap.bmp" -FlipY
    @overwritelods  SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\Textures\landscapelod\generated"
    SetFlag -name=_flag_format -value="02.0"
    QuadIterator -level=0 {
        @!c_none ExportMapToDDS -map=_normalmap -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32_fn.dds" -format=$dds_format
        @c_none  ExportMap      -map=_normalmap -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32_fn.bmp"

; ****************************
; Generate optional heightmap
; ****************************

@writeout {
    SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL"
    ExportMap -depth=32 -filename="$_worldspace.bmp"

; ****************************
; Make meshes
; ****************************

@!makemeshes Exit

SetHeight -min -z=$minheight -usegameunits

@!overwritelods SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\"
@overwritelods  SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="C:\Spiele\Modding\0_Programme\Mod_Organizer_Oblivion\mods\TES4LL\Meshes\Landscape\LOD"
MkDir -path=$_install_dir

SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value=""
@ultimate      SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value="-useshapes"
@useshapes     SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value="-useshapes"

; ============================
; Step 1:
; Set single custom points
; With the console command "tdt" coordinates of critical points
; can be obtained and added in this section:
; ============================
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\RumareCoastLine.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\WeyeNorth_FortEmpire.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\WeyeWaynet.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\Weye_FortAsh.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\FortEmpire_Aleswell.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\WayToCheydinhal.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToBridge.dat
@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToAleswell.dat

@xulRollingHills_EV.esp @usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\UL_RollingHills.dat
; ============================

; ============================
; Step 2:
; Set cell grid nodes (optional)
; NB: the DivideGrid commands sets vertices at the grid points anyhow.
; So it does not hurt to have the points in advance
; ============================
SelectAll                       ; use the entire worldspace
SetGrid -x=4096 -y=4096
@wallremover @ultimate SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=100  
@wallremover @ultimate @!small_world SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=80  -zmin=-200
@wallremover @ultimate @small_world  SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=50  -zmin=0
@wallremover @high_res SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=128
@wallremover @high_res @!small_world SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=150 -zmin=-200
@wallremover @high_res @small_world  SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=130 -zmin=0
; ============================

; ============================
; Step 3:
; Set custom panorama view for better horizon
SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=256  
@usepanorama Panorama -x=0 -y=0            ;imperial city  
@usepanorama Panorama -x=38520 -y=46880    ;university
@ElsweyrAnequina.esp @usepanorama Panorama -x=7410  -y=-157980    ;corinthe
; ============================

; ============================
; Step 4:
; Improve the coast line (optional)
; Comment the following lines, if the contour is not
; wanted.
; ============================
SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=128

@contour {
    @!contour_grid SetFlag -name="contour_grid" -value=4
    ContourLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -z=0 -offsetx=0 -offsety=0             
    ContourLine -x=512 -y=512 -z=100 -offsetx=0 -offsety=0 -findmax -minmaxgrid=$contour_grid          
    ContourLine -x=512 -y=512 -z=-100 -offsetx=256 -offsety=256 -findmin -minmaxgrid=$contour_grid  
SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=256 ;;; CS uses 1/16th of a cell = 256
; ============================

; ============================
; Step 5:
; Smooth the heighmap
; Avoids that the random points are triggered by local fluctuations
; ============================
@!small_world Filter -n=4    
@small_world Filter -n=3

MakeDerivatives -map="_heightmap_filtered" $use16bit
; ============================

; ============================
; Step 6:
; Define the density algorithms for the
; random vertex points in Step 6
; ============================

AlgFirstOrder -add=0.2
@!small_world AlgSecondOrder -add=0.5
@small_world AlgSecondOrder -add=1

;improve mountain peaks
;;;@nicer_mountains @!small_world AlgPeakFinder -multiply=1 -radius=4096 -scanradius=8192 -lowest=4000 -insideval=1 -outsideval=0.2
@nicer_mountains AlgPeakFinder -multiply=1 -radius=4096 -scanradius=4096 -lowest=1000 -insideval=1 -outsideval=0.5 -linear

;AlgSecondOrder -multiply=1

; Switch off sampling below the shore line:
AlgLayer -multiply=1 -zmin=-999999 -zmax=-300 -outsideval=1 -insideval=0
; ============================

; ============================
; Step 7:
; Set the random points
; Very important: the Oblivion game engine has large
; limitations. At the end, the mesh of each quad must
; not have a number of vertices, triangles and points larger then 65535
; The focus command can be used, as described in Step 6,
; ============================

SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=256  
SetFlag -name="n" -value=10000   

@high_res {
    SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=200  
    @!small_world SetFlag -name="n" -value=13000  
    @small_world  SetFlag -name="n" -value=20000  
@ultimate {
    SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=200
    @small_world  SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=128  
    @!small_world SetFlag -name="n" -value=18000  
    @small_world @_worldspace=DibellasWatch  SetFlag -name="n" -value=30000   
    @small_world @!_worldspace=DibellasWatch SetFlag -name="n" -value=25000

QuadIterator -level=0 {
    Echo -text="Filling quad $_quad_x&,$_quad_y with vertices"
    SetAlgVertices -n=$n -max
; ============================

; ============================

SplitAtGrid -x=4096 -y=4096
; ============================

; ============================

SetFlag -name=_flag_format -value="02.0"

QuadIterator -level=0 {
    ExportMeshToNif -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32.nif" $opt_useshapes $createpedestals

; ============================


; ****************************
; ****************************

GUIRequestVersion -value="1.22"

@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Options for mesh generation" -text="LOD Meshes" -name=tes4ll_gui
@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Normalmaps" -text="Normal Maps" -name=tes4llnm_gui
@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Options for Lightwave's TES4qLOD" -name="tes4qlod_gui" -text="Color Maps"
@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Start process here" -name="final_gui" -text="Start Process"

@!tes4ll_doonce GUIConsoleEcho -text="Tes4ll batch file for Tamriel loaded"
SetFlag -name=tes4ll_doonce -hidden

SetOption -noskipinfo ;avoid nasty skip messenges in loop mode

; ****************************
; ****************************

## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:
GUIEnable -name=final_gui
@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=final_gui

GUITextBox -text="If you have selected all previous options, you can continue here..." -name=final_gui_intro -vdist=10

GUITextBox -text="General options" -name=tes4ll_text2 -vdist=10

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=overwritelods -text="Overwrite the original files (please make a backup before checking this option)" -help="You have to check this option if tes4ll should place the new files in the LOD directories."
GUIEnable -name=overwritelods
@!makemeshes @!makenormalmaps @!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=overwritelods

GUICheckBox -name=use16bitopt -text="Use 16 bit derivative matrices" -help="Only slightly more unprecise, but saves 2x memory. Use this for large worlds like Onras heightmaps of Tamriel"
GUIEnable -name=use16bitopt
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=use16bitopt

GUITextBox -text="Minimum height" -name=min_height_intro -width=0.30 -vdist=10
GUITextBox -text="-2048" -name=minheight -input -sameline -width=0.70 -help="Set a mimimum value for the heightmap, in particular for empty cells. Change this only if you know what you are doing."

GUICheckBox -name=writeout -text="Write heightmap as a 32-bit bmp file" -vdist=5

GUITextBox -text="Tool options" -name=tes4ll_text4 -vdist=10

GUIDropDown -name=flagnm_compression -vdist=5 -help="dds compression format."
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_dxt1 -text="Use DDS DXT1 compression"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_dxt3 -text="Use DDS DXT3 compression"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_dxt5 -text="Use DDS DXT5 compression" -select
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_none -text="<None> (needs other tool to convert bmp to dds)"
GUIEnable -name=flagnm_compression
@!makenormalmaps @!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=flagnm_compression

## The final button. Once the button is clicked, the flag "exec_tes4ll" is set for one single run of this section
GUIButton -name=exec_tes4ll -text="Click me if you are ready" -vdist=30
GUIEnable -name=exec_tes4ll
@!makenormalmaps @!tes4qlod @!tes4qlod_cache @!makemeshes @!writeout GUIDisable -name=exec_tes4ll

@exec_tes4ll @!overwritelods GUIMessageBox -title="Hint" -text="You have not selected the option to overwrite the original files. Do not forget to copy your files by hand to the appropriate place (or stop the process, and check the \"overwrite\" option)"
@exec_tes4ll @_worldspace GUIExec -exe="tes4ll.exe -f \"$_flaglist\" -w $_worldspace -l \"$_modlist\" stdin" -dumpbatch

; ****************************
; ****************************

## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:
GUIEnable -name=tes4ll_gui
@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=tes4ll_gui

GUITextBox -text="Select options for LOD mesh generation..." -name=tes4ll_gui_intro -vdist=10

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=makemeshes -text="Make LOD meshes" -help="Check this if you want to create the LOD meshes" -select

GUITextBox -text="Options for vertices placement" -name=tes4ll_text1 -vdist=10

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=nicer_mountains -text="Enable peak finder algorithm" -help="Enhances the quality of the mountains" -select
GUIEnable -name=nicer_mountains
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=nicer_mountains

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=wallremover -text="Enable the cell grid boundary wall remover" -help="Enhances the near to far grid transition. Highly recommended" -select
GUIEnable -name=wallremover
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=wallremover

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=contour -text="Enable the contour algorithm for coasts" -help="Enhances the coast line. Highly recommended" -select -width=0.30
GUIEnable -name=contour
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=contour
## Add a drop down menu, first the parent:
GUIDropDown -name=contour_grid_s -help="Select your resolution"  -width=0.70 -sameline
## and now the items:
GUIDropDownItem -parent=contour_grid_s -name=c3 -text="Coarse grid"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=contour_grid_s -name=c2 -text="Normal grid" -select
GUIDropDownItem -parent=contour_grid_s -name=c1 -text="Fine grid"
GUIEnable -name=contour_grid_s
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=contour_grid_s
@c1 SetFlag -name=contour_grid -value="1"
@c2 SetFlag -name=contour_grid -value="4"
@c3 SetFlag -name=contour_grid -value="16"

GUICheckBox -name=usedatafiles -text="Use Tamriel data files" -help="Use some hand-placed vertex points" -select
GUIEnable -name=usedatafiles
@!_worldspace=Tamriel GUIDisable -name=usedatafiles -unselect
@!_worldspace GUIEnable -name=usedatafiles -select
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=usedatafiles

GUICheckBox -name=usepanorama -text="Use Tamriel panorama points" -select
GUIEnable -name=usepanorama
@!_worldspace=Tamriel GUIDisable -name=usepanorama -unselect
@!_worldspace GUIEnable -name=usepanorama -select
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=usepanorama

GUITextBox -text="Total resolution (number of vertex points per quad)" -name=tes4ll_text1 -vdist=10

## Add a drop down menu, first the parent:
GUIDropDown -name=flag_res -vdist=5 -help="Select your resolution"
## and now the items:
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flag_res -name=mid_res -text="Mid Resolution " -select
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flag_res -name=high_res -text="High Resolution"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flag_res -name=ultimate -text="Ultimate Resolution"
GUIEnable -name=flag_res
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=flag_res

GUITextBox -text="Mesh options" -name=tes4ll_text3 -vdist=20

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=useshapes -text="Use shapes instead of strips" -help="Faster generation, but needs more graphics card performance"
GUIEnable -name=useshapes
@ultimate GUIDisable -name=useshapes -select
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=useshapes

GUICheckBox -name=small_world -text="Use small world setup" -help="Try to further enhance the settings. Use this option only for small worldspaces which have about 2-4 quads"
GUIEnable -name=small_world
@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=small_world
@_worldspace=Tamriel GUIDisable -name=small_world -unselect

; ****************************
; ****************************

## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:
GUIEnable -name=tes4llnm_gui
@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=tes4llnm_gui

GUITextBox -text="Select options for normal maps generation..." -name=tes4llnm_gui_intro -vdist=10

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=makenormalmaps -text="Make normal maps" -help="Select this if you want to generate the normal maps"

GUITextBox -text="Graphics options" -name=tes4llnm_text3 -vdist=10

GUIDropDown -name=flagnm_resnormal -vdist=5 -help="Select your texture resolution"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_resnormal -name=512 -text="512x512"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_resnormal -name=1024 -text="1024x1024" -select
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_resnormal -name=2048 -text="2048x2048"
GUIEnable -name=flagnm_resnormal
@!makenormalmaps GUIDisable -name=flagnm_resnormal

GUICheckBox -name=lodshadows -text="Fake shadows (can take a while)" -help="Tweaks the normap maps such to obtain the impression of landscape shadows" -vdist=5
GUIEnable -name=lodshadows
@!makenormalmaps GUIDisable -name=lodshadows

GUITextBox -text="z-Boost for non-faked normals" -name=tes4llnm_text3a -vdist=10

GUIDropDown -name=flagnm_zboost -vdist=5 -help="Boost factor for z"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_zboost -name=z1 -text="Factor 1 (undistorted)"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_zboost -name=z2 -text="Factor 2 (more contrast)" -select
GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_zboost -name=z4 -text="Factor 4 (even more contrast)"
GUIEnable -name=flagnm_zboost
@lodshadows GUIDisable -name=flagnm_zboost
@!makenormalmaps GUIDisable -name=flagnm_zboost

@z1 SetFlag -name=z_val -value="1"
@z2 SetFlag -name=z_val -value="2"
@z4 SetFlag -name=z_val -value="4"

; ****************************
; ****************************

## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:
GUIEnable -name=tes4qlod_gui
@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=tes4qlod_gui

GUITextBox -text="Select options for color maps generation..." -name=tes4qlod_gui_intro -vdist=10

GUICheckBox -name=tes4qlod_cache -text="Regenerate texture cache" -help="Always required if started first time"

## A checkbox for a basic question:
GUICheckBox -name=tes4qlod -text="Make color maps (calls build-in TES4qLOD)" -help="Select this if you want to generate the color maps with TES4qLOD"

## Just some info:
GUITextBox -text="Please select what TES4qLOD should do" -name=tes4qlod_into -vdist=10

GUITextBox -text="Select resolution per quad:" -name=tes4qlod_into2 -vdist=10

## Add a drop down menu, first the parent:
GUIDropDown -name=tes4qlod_resolution -help="Select the resolution for a single quad (N.B. Vanilla has 512x512)" -vdist=3
## and now the items:
GUIDropDownItem -parent=tes4qlod_resolution -name=qlod1 -text="1024x1024 pixel [recommended]" -select
GUIDropDownItem -parent=tes4qlod_resolution -name=qlod2 -text="2048x2048 pixel"
GUIDropDownItem -parent=tes4qlod_resolution -name=qlod4 -text="4096x4096 pixel"
GUIEnable -name=tes4qlod_resolution
@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=tes4qlod_resolution

GUITextBox -text="Options:" -name=tes4qlod_into3 -vdist=10

## New blending flag
GUICheckBox -name=option_blending -text="Use layer blending" -help="Uses the opacity of the different layers for alpha blending" -select
GUIEnable -name=option_blending
@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=option_blending

## A flag about the total map:
GUICheckBox -name=option_map -text="Create full map of wordspace" -help="Creates a full map of your worldspace"
GUIEnable -name=option_map
@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=option_map

## Verbosity option of tes4qlod:
GUICheckBox -name=option_silent -text="Silent TES4qLOD" -help="Disables all the text output of tes4qlod"
GUIEnable -name=option_silent
@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=option_silent





Results and thoughts:


If those two things from above are made, all three .bat files can be successfully run through MO and the files will be placed into the "TES4LL"-mod in MO. The three .log files..







.. that will be created during this process will showup in MO's "Overwrite" mod .. nothing to complain here, they easily can either be deleted or manually moved to the TES4LL-mod by drag&drop.




Now .. speaking from MO's perspective .. it would be ideal, if these sorts of manual edits wouldn't be necessary, so that TES4LL can be used though MO. I think, that a command line to specify an output folder - like TES4LODGen.exe's -O: argument - could do the job. So that the user can specify, that files should be placed in a custom folder, and not into a static location like $_gamedir\Data\.......


I can't really say if that is feasible - and if my conclusion is correct in the first place - and if yes, how much work that would require .. but that's how I currently see it.



So, I would say .. TES4LL can be workarounded under MO now! ::):


Thanks a lot gruftikus.

Edited by pStyl3
  • 0
Posted (edited)

First of all: Happy new year to everyone and thanks to everyone involved in solving this problem!!!


@pStyl3: I tried to follow your descriptions but something seems to have gone wrong, because after running tes4ll_ultimate.bat I only getting a log-file, but no meshes in the overwrite folder. Perhaps you can help me find my mistake:


1. I installed TES4LL v5.00 via MO.


2. I added tes4ll_ultimate.bat, tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat, tes4ll_normalmaps.bat as executables from the data-folder in the right panel of MO, using the "add as aexecutable" function. Here is an example of what i got:




3. I copied everything from your tes4ll_all.mpb but changed the path $_gamedir\Data\ to D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\ in all the relevant places:





@logfile LogFile -filename=$logfile


; ============================

; Optional pedestal walls

; Requires more triangles!

; Enable this only if you want to exchange or overwrite single quads

; Not required if you rerun tes4ll after landscape changes

; Read the manual for more info

; SetFlag -name="createpedestals" -value="-createpedestals"

; ============================


; ============================

; Optional 16 bit matrices (no 32-bit floats)

; enable this only if the tes4ll task exceeds 3GB

; and you have a crash

; SetFlag -name="use16bit" -value="-use16bit"

@use16bitopt SetFlag -name="use16bit" -value="-use16bit"

; ============================


ParseModList -cd ;reads mod list from Plugins.txt (or from -l option) and set the flags


SetFlag -name="_quad_levels" -value=2


SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT1"

@c_dxt3 SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT3"

@c_dxt5 SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT5"


@!minheight SetFlag -name="minheight" -value="-2048"


; ****************************

; Make color maps

; ****************************


@tes4qlod_cache {

SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\"

FileIterator -pattern="*.bsa" {

BsaIterator -bsafile=$_filename -regex="textures\\\\landscape\\\\.*\\.dds" {

ImportMapFromDDS -even -name=test -replacemap

ScaleMap -sizeX=4 -sizeY=4 -map=test

SetFlag -name=newname -value=$_bsafilename -replace=".dds" -with=".bmp"

SetFlag -name=newname -value=$newname -replace="textures\\landscape" -with="tes4qlod_tex\\Oblivion" -num=1

MkDir -path=$newname -hasfilename

ExportMap -filename=$newname -map=test





FileIterator -directory="textures\\landscape" -pattern="*.dds" -recursive {

ImportMapFromDDS -filename=$_filename -even -name=test -replacemap

ScaleMap -sizeX=4 -sizeY=4 -map=test

SetFlag -name=newname -value=$_filename -replace=".dds" -with=".bmp"

SetFlag -name=newname -value=$newname -replace="textures\\landscape" -with="tes4qlod_tex\\Oblivion" -num=1

MkDir -path=$newname -hasfilename

ExportMap -filename=$newname -map=test





@!makemeshes @!writeout @!tes4qlod @!makenormalmaps Exit


SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_a -value=""

@option_blending SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_a -value="-a"


SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_q -value="1"

@qlod2 SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_q -value="2"

@qlod4 SetFlag -name=tes4qlod_flag_q -value="4"



SetFlag -name="large_ws" -value=$($_nquads>100) -zerosuppression

@large_ws SetFlag -name="use16bit" -value="-use16bit"




@tes4qlod {

SetFlag -name="option_silent_opt" -value=""

@option_silent SetFlag -name="option_silent_opt" -value="-silent"

SetFlag -name="width_x" -value=$(($_x2-$_x1)*$tes4qlod_flag_q/128)

SetFlag -name="width_y" -value=$(($_y2-$_y1)*$tes4qlod_flag_q/128)

CreateMap -name=terraincolor -widthx=$width_x -widthy=$width_y -x1=$_x1 -y1=$_y1 -x2=$_x2 -y2=$_y2 -zscale=1 -rgb -even

Tes4qlod -colormap=terraincolor -q=$tes4qlod_flag_q $tes4qlod_flag_a $option_silent_opt

SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\"

@option_map ExportMap -map=terraincolor -filename="$_worldspace&Map.bmp" -FlipY

@overwritelods SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\Textures\landscapelod\generated"

SetFlag -name=_flag_format -value="02.0"

QuadIterator -level=0 {

@!c_none ExportMapToDDS -map=terraincolor -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32.dds" -format=$dds_format

@c_none ExportMap -map=terraincolor -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32.bmp"




; ****************************

; Make normal maps

; ****************************


@makenormalmaps {


CopyMap -name="_heightmap_tmp"

@2048 ScaleMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -factor=2

@512 ScaleMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -factor=0.5

@!lodshadows CreateNormalMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -name="_normalmap" -boost=$z_val

@lodshadows CreateNormalMap -map="_heightmap_tmp" -name="_normalmap" -shadows -northboost=$z_val

SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\"

@option_map ExportMap -map=_normalmap -filename="$_worldspace&Normalmap.bmp" -FlipY

@overwritelods SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\Textures\landscapelod\generated"

SetFlag -name=_flag_format -value="02.0"

QuadIterator -level=0 {

@!c_none ExportMapToDDS -map=_normalmap -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32_fn.dds" -format=$dds_format

@c_none ExportMap -map=_normalmap -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32_fn.bmp"




; ****************************

; Generate optional heightmap

; ****************************


@writeout {

SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL"


ExportMap -depth=32 -filename="$_worldspace.bmp"



; ****************************

; Make meshes

; ****************************


@!makemeshes Exit


SetHeight -min -z=$minheight -usegameunits


@!overwritelods SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\"

@overwritelods SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LL\Meshes\Landscape\LOD"

MkDir -path=$_install_dir


SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value=""

@ultimate SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value="-useshapes"

@useshapes SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value="-useshapes"


; ============================

; Step 1:

; Set single custom points

; With the console command "tdt" coordinates of critical points

; can be obtained and added in this section:

; ============================

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\RumareCoastLine.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\WeyeNorth_FortEmpire.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\WeyeWaynet.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\Weye_FortAsh.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\FortEmpire_Aleswell.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\WayToCheydinhal.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToBridge.dat

@usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToAleswell.dat


@xulRollingHills_EV.esp @usedatafiles ReadDataFile -filename=ini\tes4ll\UL_RollingHills.dat

; ============================



; ============================

; Step 2:

; Set cell grid nodes (optional)

; NB: the DivideGrid commands sets vertices at the grid points anyhow.

; So it does not hurt to have the points in advance

; ============================

SelectAll ; use the entire worldspace

SetGrid -x=4096 -y=4096

@wallremover @ultimate SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=100

@wallremover @ultimate @!small_world SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=80 -zmin=-200

@wallremover @ultimate @small_world SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=50 -zmin=0

@wallremover @high_res SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=128

@wallremover @high_res @!small_world SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=150 -zmin=-200

@wallremover @high_res @small_world SetAtGridLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -max=130 -zmin=0

; ============================



; ============================

; Step 3:

; Set custom panorama view for better horizon


SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=256

@usepanorama Panorama -x=0 -y=0 ;imperial city

@usepanorama Panorama -x=38520 -y=46880 ;university

@ElsweyrAnequina.esp @usepanorama Panorama -x=7410 -y=-157980 ;corinthe

; ============================



; ============================

; Step 4:

; Improve the coast line (optional)

; Comment the following lines, if the contour is not

; wanted.

; ============================


SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=128


@contour {

@!contour_grid SetFlag -name="contour_grid" -value=4

ContourLine -x=4096 -y=4096 -z=0 -offsetx=0 -offsety=0

ContourLine -x=512 -y=512 -z=100 -offsetx=0 -offsety=0 -findmax -minmaxgrid=$contour_grid

ContourLine -x=512 -y=512 -z=-100 -offsetx=256 -offsety=256 -findmin -minmaxgrid=$contour_grid



SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=256 ;;; CS uses 1/16th of a cell = 256

; ============================




; ============================

; Step 5:

; Smooth the heighmap

; Avoids that the random points are triggered by local fluctuations

; ============================

@!small_world Filter -n=4

@small_world Filter -n=3


MakeDerivatives -map="_heightmap_filtered" $use16bit

; ============================



; ============================

; Step 6:

; Define the density algorithms for the

; random vertex points in Step 6

; ============================




AlgFirstOrder -add=0.2

@!small_world AlgSecondOrder -add=0.5

@small_world AlgSecondOrder -add=1


;improve mountain peaks

;;;@nicer_mountains @!small_world AlgPeakFinder -multiply=1 -radius=4096 -scanradius=8192 -lowest=4000 -insideval=1 -outsideval=0.2

@nicer_mountains AlgPeakFinder -multiply=1 -radius=4096 -scanradius=4096 -lowest=1000 -insideval=1 -outsideval=0.5 -linear


;AlgSecondOrder -multiply=1


; Switch off sampling below the shore line:

AlgLayer -multiply=1 -zmin=-999999 -zmax=-300 -outsideval=1 -insideval=0

; ============================



; ============================

; Step 7:

; Set the random points


; Very important: the Oblivion game engine has large

; limitations. At the end, the mesh of each quad must

; not have a number of vertices, triangles and points larger then 65535


; The focus command can be used, as described in Step 6,

; ============================




SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=256

SetFlag -name="n" -value=10000


@high_res {

SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=200

@!small_world SetFlag -name="n" -value=13000

@small_world SetFlag -name="n" -value=20000


@ultimate {

SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=200

@small_world SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value=128

@!small_world SetFlag -name="n" -value=18000

@small_world @_worldspace=DibellasWatch SetFlag -name="n" -value=30000

@small_world @!_worldspace=DibellasWatch SetFlag -name="n" -value=25000



QuadIterator -level=0 {

Echo -text="Filling quad $_quad_x&,$_quad_y with vertices"

SetAlgVertices -n=$n -max


; ============================




; ============================





SplitAtGrid -x=4096 -y=4096

; ============================



; ============================


SetFlag -name=_flag_format -value="02.0"


QuadIterator -level=0 {

ExportMeshToNif -filename="$_worldspaceid.$($_quad_x * 32).$(32 * $_quad_y).32.nif" $opt_useshapes $createpedestals



; ============================




; ****************************


; ****************************


GUIRequestVersion -value="1.22"


@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Options for mesh generation" -text="LOD Meshes" -name=tes4ll_gui

@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Normalmaps" -text="Normal Maps" -name=tes4llnm_gui

@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Options for Lightwave's TES4qLOD" -name="tes4qlod_gui" -text="Color Maps"

@!tes4ll_doonce GUITab -help="Start process here" -name="final_gui" -text="Start Process"


@!tes4ll_doonce GUIConsoleEcho -text="Tes4ll batch file for Tamriel loaded"

SetFlag -name=tes4ll_doonce -hidden


SetOption -noskipinfo ;avoid nasty skip messenges in loop mode


; ****************************


; ****************************


## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:

GUIEnable -name=final_gui

@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=final_gui


GUITextBox -text="If you have selected all previous options, you can continue here..." -name=final_gui_intro -vdist=10



GUITextBox -text="General options" -name=tes4ll_text2 -vdist=10


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=overwritelods -text="Overwrite the original files (please make a backup before checking this option)" -help="You have to check this option if tes4ll should place the new files in the LOD directories."

GUIEnable -name=overwritelods

@!makemeshes @!makenormalmaps @!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=overwritelods


GUICheckBox -name=use16bitopt -text="Use 16 bit derivative matrices" -help="Only slightly more unprecise, but saves 2x memory. Use this for large worlds like Onras heightmaps of Tamriel"

GUIEnable -name=use16bitopt

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=use16bitopt


GUITextBox -text="Minimum height" -name=min_height_intro -width=0.30 -vdist=10

GUITextBox -text="-2048" -name=minheight -input -sameline -width=0.70 -help="Set a mimimum value for the heightmap, in particular for empty cells. Change this only if you know what you are doing."


GUICheckBox -name=writeout -text="Write heightmap as a 32-bit bmp file" -vdist=5


GUITextBox -text="Tool options" -name=tes4ll_text4 -vdist=10


GUIDropDown -name=flagnm_compression -vdist=5 -help="dds compression format."

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_dxt1 -text="Use DDS DXT1 compression"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_dxt3 -text="Use DDS DXT3 compression"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_dxt5 -text="Use DDS DXT5 compression" -select

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_compression -name=c_none -text="<None> (needs other tool to convert bmp to dds)"

GUIEnable -name=flagnm_compression

@!makenormalmaps @!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=flagnm_compression




## The final button. Once the button is clicked, the flag "exec_tes4ll" is set for one single run of this section

GUIButton -name=exec_tes4ll -text="Click me if you are ready" -vdist=30

GUIEnable -name=exec_tes4ll

@!makenormalmaps @!tes4qlod @!tes4qlod_cache @!makemeshes @!writeout GUIDisable -name=exec_tes4ll



@exec_tes4ll @!overwritelods GUIMessageBox -title="Hint" -text="You have not selected the option to overwrite the original files. Do not forget to copy your files by hand to the appropriate place (or stop the process, and check the \"overwrite\" option)"

@exec_tes4ll @_worldspace GUIExec -exe="tes4ll.exe -f \"$_flaglist\" -w $_worldspace -l \"$_modlist\" stdin" -dumpbatch



; ****************************


; ****************************


## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:

GUIEnable -name=tes4ll_gui

@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=tes4ll_gui


GUITextBox -text="Select options for LOD mesh generation..." -name=tes4ll_gui_intro -vdist=10


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=makemeshes -text="Make LOD meshes" -help="Check this if you want to create the LOD meshes" -select


GUITextBox -text="Options for vertices placement" -name=tes4ll_text1 -vdist=10


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=nicer_mountains -text="Enable peak finder algorithm" -help="Enhances the quality of the mountains" -select

GUIEnable -name=nicer_mountains

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=nicer_mountains


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=wallremover -text="Enable the cell grid boundary wall remover" -help="Enhances the near to far grid transition. Highly recommended" -select

GUIEnable -name=wallremover

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=wallremover


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=contour -text="Enable the contour algorithm for coasts" -help="Enhances the coast line. Highly recommended" -select -width=0.30

GUIEnable -name=contour

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=contour

## Add a drop down menu, first the parent:

GUIDropDown -name=contour_grid_s -help="Select your resolution" -width=0.70 -sameline

## and now the items:

GUIDropDownItem -parent=contour_grid_s -name=c3 -text="Coarse grid"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=contour_grid_s -name=c2 -text="Normal grid" -select

GUIDropDownItem -parent=contour_grid_s -name=c1 -text="Fine grid"

GUIEnable -name=contour_grid_s

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=contour_grid_s

@c1 SetFlag -name=contour_grid -value="1"

@c2 SetFlag -name=contour_grid -value="4"

@c3 SetFlag -name=contour_grid -value="16"



GUICheckBox -name=usedatafiles -text="Use Tamriel data files" -help="Use some hand-placed vertex points" -select

GUIEnable -name=usedatafiles

@!_worldspace=Tamriel GUIDisable -name=usedatafiles -unselect

@!_worldspace GUIEnable -name=usedatafiles -select

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=usedatafiles



GUICheckBox -name=usepanorama -text="Use Tamriel panorama points" -select

GUIEnable -name=usepanorama

@!_worldspace=Tamriel GUIDisable -name=usepanorama -unselect

@!_worldspace GUIEnable -name=usepanorama -select

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=usepanorama


GUITextBox -text="Total resolution (number of vertex points per quad)" -name=tes4ll_text1 -vdist=10


## Add a drop down menu, first the parent:

GUIDropDown -name=flag_res -vdist=5 -help="Select your resolution"

## and now the items:

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flag_res -name=mid_res -text="Mid Resolution " -select

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flag_res -name=high_res -text="High Resolution"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flag_res -name=ultimate -text="Ultimate Resolution"

GUIEnable -name=flag_res

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=flag_res



GUITextBox -text="Mesh options" -name=tes4ll_text3 -vdist=20


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=useshapes -text="Use shapes instead of strips" -help="Faster generation, but needs more graphics card performance"

GUIEnable -name=useshapes

@ultimate GUIDisable -name=useshapes -select

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=useshapes


GUICheckBox -name=small_world -text="Use small world setup" -help="Try to further enhance the settings. Use this option only for small worldspaces which have about 2-4 quads"

GUIEnable -name=small_world

@!makemeshes GUIDisable -name=small_world

@_worldspace=Tamriel GUIDisable -name=small_world -unselect



; ****************************


; ****************************


## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:

GUIEnable -name=tes4llnm_gui

@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=tes4llnm_gui


GUITextBox -text="Select options for normal maps generation..." -name=tes4llnm_gui_intro -vdist=10



## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=makenormalmaps -text="Make normal maps" -help="Select this if you want to generate the normal maps"



GUITextBox -text="Graphics options" -name=tes4llnm_text3 -vdist=10


GUIDropDown -name=flagnm_resnormal -vdist=5 -help="Select your texture resolution"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_resnormal -name=512 -text="512x512"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_resnormal -name=1024 -text="1024x1024" -select

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_resnormal -name=2048 -text="2048x2048"

GUIEnable -name=flagnm_resnormal

@!makenormalmaps GUIDisable -name=flagnm_resnormal


GUICheckBox -name=lodshadows -text="Fake shadows (can take a while)" -help="Tweaks the normap maps such to obtain the impression of landscape shadows" -vdist=5

GUIEnable -name=lodshadows

@!makenormalmaps GUIDisable -name=lodshadows


GUITextBox -text="z-Boost for non-faked normals" -name=tes4llnm_text3a -vdist=10


GUIDropDown -name=flagnm_zboost -vdist=5 -help="Boost factor for z"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_zboost -name=z1 -text="Factor 1 (undistorted)"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_zboost -name=z2 -text="Factor 2 (more contrast)" -select

GUIDropDownItem -parent=flagnm_zboost -name=z4 -text="Factor 4 (even more contrast)"

GUIEnable -name=flagnm_zboost

@lodshadows GUIDisable -name=flagnm_zboost

@!makenormalmaps GUIDisable -name=flagnm_zboost


@z1 SetFlag -name=z_val -value="1"

@z2 SetFlag -name=z_val -value="2"

@z4 SetFlag -name=z_val -value="4"



; ****************************


; ****************************


## makes sure that tab is disabled if no worldspace is selected:

GUIEnable -name=tes4qlod_gui

@!_worldspace GUIDisable -name=tes4qlod_gui


GUITextBox -text="Select options for color maps generation..." -name=tes4qlod_gui_intro -vdist=10


GUICheckBox -name=tes4qlod_cache -text="Regenerate texture cache" -help="Always required if started first time"


## A checkbox for a basic question:

GUICheckBox -name=tes4qlod -text="Make color maps (calls build-in TES4qLOD)" -help="Select this if you want to generate the color maps with TES4qLOD"


## Just some info:

GUITextBox -text="Please select what TES4qLOD should do" -name=tes4qlod_into -vdist=10


GUITextBox -text="Select resolution per quad:" -name=tes4qlod_into2 -vdist=10


## Add a drop down menu, first the parent:

GUIDropDown -name=tes4qlod_resolution -help="Select the resolution for a single quad (N.B. Vanilla has 512x512)" -vdist=3

## and now the items:

GUIDropDownItem -parent=tes4qlod_resolution -name=qlod1 -text="1024x1024 pixel [recommended]" -select

GUIDropDownItem -parent=tes4qlod_resolution -name=qlod2 -text="2048x2048 pixel"

GUIDropDownItem -parent=tes4qlod_resolution -name=qlod4 -text="4096x4096 pixel"

GUIEnable -name=tes4qlod_resolution

@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=tes4qlod_resolution




GUITextBox -text="Options:" -name=tes4qlod_into3 -vdist=10


## New blending flag

GUICheckBox -name=option_blending -text="Use layer blending" -help="Uses the opacity of the different layers for alpha blending" -select

GUIEnable -name=option_blending

@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=option_blending



## A flag about the total map:

GUICheckBox -name=option_map -text="Create full map of wordspace" -help="Creates a full map of your worldspace"

GUIEnable -name=option_map

@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=option_map



## Verbosity option of tes4qlod:

GUICheckBox -name=option_silent -text="Silent TES4qLOD" -help="Disables all the text output of tes4qlod"

GUIEnable -name=option_silent


@!tes4qlod GUIDisable -name=option_silent





4. Then running tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat, tes4ll_normalmaps.bat seems to be successfull, because there are files in my overwrite folder:










5. After running tes4ll_ultimate.bat I only getting a log-file, but no meshes in my overwrite folder. Here ist my log-file:




12 [Command] ParseModList -cd

13 [info] Game path is: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\

14 [Command] ParseModList: change directory path to D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\

15 [info] Appdata path is: C:\Users\Marc\AppData\Local

16 [info] 46 plugins will be used

17 [info] Mod flag: Oblivion.esm

18 [info] Mod flag: All_Natural_Base.esm

19 [info] Mod flag: Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch.esp

20 [info] Mod flag: Unofficial_Shivering_Isles_Patch.esp

21 [info] Mod flag: LoadingScreensAddOn.esp

22 [info] Mod flag: LoadingScreensSI.esp

23 [info] Mod flag: All_Natural.esp

24 [info] Mod flag: All_Natural_-_SI.esp

25 [info] Mod flag: Immersive_Interiors.esp

26 [info] Mod flag: Immersive_Interiors_-_Bravil.esp

27 [info] Mod flag: Skyrimized_Water_HD_eng.esp

28 [info] Mod flag: Better_Bell_Sounds.esp

29 [info] Mod flag: Atmospheric_Oblivion.esp

30 [info] Mod flag: Sounds_of_Cyrodiil.esp

31 [info] Mod flag: Storms_&_Sound_SI.esp

32 [info] Mod flag: All_Natural_-_Real_Lights.esp

33 [info] Mod flag: WindowLightingSystem.esp

34 [info] Mod flag: Book_Jackets_Oblivion.esp

35 [info] Mod flag: Immersive_Weapons.esp

36 [info] Mod flag: RAEVWD_Cities.esp

37 [info] Mod flag: RAEVWD_New_Sheoth.esp

38 [info] Mod flag: RAEVWD_Imperial_City.esp

39 [info] Mod flag: Weapons_Of_Morrowind.esp

40 [info] Mod flag: Weapons_Of_Morrowind_-_Daedric_Crescent.esp

41 [info] Mod flag: DarNifiedUI_Config_Addon.esp

42 [info] Mod flag: DropLitTorchOBSE.esp

43 [info] Mod flag: Vacuity.esp

44 [info] Mod flag: Dynamic_Map.esp

45 [info] Mod flag: CapesandCloaks.esp

46 [info] Mod flag: RTFemaleReplacerV12.esp

47 [info] Mod flag: Knights.esp

48 [info] Mod flag: Sounds_of_Cyrodiil_-_KOTN_Add-on.esp

49 [info] Mod flag: Summon_Dremora_Lord_Saved.esp

50 [info] Mod flag: Elz_-_No_Floating_Weapon.esp

51 [info] Mod flag: Harvest_[Flora].esp

52 [info] Mod flag: HUD_Status_Bars.esp

53 [info] Mod flag: Skill_Perk_Descriptions.esp

54 [info] Mod flag: Lynges_Unlimited_Death_Reload_Time.esp

55 [info] Mod flag: Alternative_Beginnings.esp

56 [info] Mod flag: RefScope.esp

57 [info] Mod flag: Duke_Patricks_-_Actors_Can_Miss_Now.esp

58 [info] Mod flag: Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp

59 [info] Mod flag: Think_to_Yourself.esp

60 [info] Mod flag: MiniMap.esp

61 [info] Mod flag: Falling_Leaves.esp

62 [info] Mod flag: Bashed_Patch,_0.esp

63 [Command] SetFlag -name="_quad_levels" -value="2"

64 [Command] SetFlag -name="dds_format" -value="DXT1"

65 [Command] SetFlag -name="minheight" -value="-2048"

66 [Command] SetFlag -name="tes4qlod_flag_a" -value=""

67 [Command] SetFlag -name="tes4qlod_flag_q" -value="1"

68 [Command] ImportMapFromModlist

69 [Command] tes4qlod -x -silent

70 [info] The map covers 25 quads at 2 level(s)

71 [info] The map covers 25 quads at 2 level(s)

72 [info] x corner: -64

73 [info] y corner: -69

74 [Command] SetFlag -name="large_ws" -value="0.000000" -zerosuppression

75 [Command] SelectAll

76 [Command] SetHeight -z=-2048.000000 -usegameunits -min

77 [Command] SetFlag -name="_install_dir" -value="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD"

78 [Command] MkDir -path="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD"

79 [Command] SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value=""

80 [Command] SetFlag -name="opt_useshapes" -value="-useshapes"

81 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\RumareCoastLine.dat"

82 [info] ReadDataFile: 33 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\RumareCoastLine.dat

83 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\WeyeNorth_FortEmpire.dat"

84 [info] ReadDataFile: 38 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\WeyeNorth_FortEmpire.dat

85 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\WeyeWaynet.dat"

86 [info] ReadDataFile: 26 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\WeyeWaynet.dat

87 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\Weye_FortAsh.dat"

88 [info] ReadDataFile: 35 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\Weye_FortAsh.dat

89 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\FortEmpire_Aleswell.dat"

90 [info] ReadDataFile: 62 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\FortEmpire_Aleswell.dat

91 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\WayToCheydinhal.dat"

92 [info] ReadDataFile: 76 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\WayToCheydinhal.dat

93 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToBridge.dat"

94 [info] ReadDataFile: 67 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToBridge.dat

95 [Command] ReadDataFile -filename="ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToAleswell.dat"

96 [info] ReadDataFile: 147 vertex points added from data file ini\tes4ll\FortUrasekToAleswell.dat

97 [Command] SelectAll

98 [Command] SetGrid -x=4096.000000 -y=4096.000000

99 [Command] SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value="100"

100 [Command] SetAtGridLine -x=4096.000000 -y=4096.000000 -zmin=-200.000000 -max=80.000000

101 [info] 25596 break vertices set

102 [Command] SelectAll

103 [Command] SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value="256"

104 [Command] SelectAll

105 [Command] SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value="128"

106 [Command] SetFlag -name="contour_grid" -value="4"

107 [Command] ContourLine -x=4096.000000 -y=4096.000000 -z=0.000000 -offsetx=0.000000 -offsety=0.000000

108 [Command] ContourLine: 598 vertices set

109 [Command] ContourLine -x=512.000000 -y=512.000000 -z=100.000000 -offsetx=0.000000 -offsety=0.000000 -minmaxgrid=4.000000 -findmax

110 [Command] ContourLine: 11248 vertices set

111 [Command] ContourLine -x=512.000000 -y=512.000000 -z=-100.000000 -offsetx=256.000000 -offsety=256.000000 -minmaxgrid=4.000000 -findmin

112 [Command] ContourLine: 11241 vertices set

113 [Command] SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value="256"

114 [Command] Filter -n=4

115 [Command] MakeDerivatives -map="_heightmap_filtered"

116 [info] Array '_heightmap_filtered_d1x' has 32 bit floats

117 [info] Array '_heightmap_filtered_d1y' has 32 bit floats

118 [info] Array '_heightmap_filtered_d2x' has 32 bit floats

119 [info] Array '_heightmap_filtered_d2y' has 32 bit floats

120 [Command] SelectAll

121 [Command] AlgFirstOrder -add=0.200000

122 [Command] AlgSecondOrder -add=0.500000

123 [Command] AlgPeakFinder -multiply=1.000000 -linear -lowest=1000.000000 -outsideval=0.500000 -insideval=1.000000 -radius=4096.000000 -scanradius=4096.000000

124 [info] AlgPeakFinder identified 3646 peaks

125 [Command] AlgLayer -multiply=1.000000 -zmax=-300.000000 -zmin=-999999.000000 -outsideval=1.000000 -insideval=0.000000

126 [Command] SelectAll

127 [Command] SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value="256"

128 [Command] SetFlag -name="n" -value="10000"

129 [Command] SetFlag -name="_mindistance" -value="200"

130 [Command] SetFlag -name="n" -value="18000"

131 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

132 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -2,-3 with vertices"

133 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

134 [info] Selection has already 198 vertices, set 2614 vertices (fraction=0.156250)

135 [info] Generating cache....

136 [info] ....done

137 [Warning] This selection seems to be empty, skipped

138 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

139 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -2,-2 with vertices"

140 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

141 [info] Selection has already 1089 vertices, set 16911 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

142 [info] Generating cache....

143 [info] ....done

144 [Warning] This selection seems to be empty, skipped

145 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

146 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -2,-1 with vertices"

147 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

148 [info] Selection has already 4691 vertices, set 13309 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

149 [info] Generating cache....

150 [info] ....done

151 [info] [1000]

152 [info] [2000]

153 [info] [3000]

154 [info] [4000]

155 [info] [5000]

156 [info] [6000]

157 [info] [7000]

158 [info] [8000]

159 [info] [9000]

160 [info] [10000]

161 [info] [11000]

162 [info] [12000]

163 [info] [13000]

164 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

165 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -2,0 with vertices"

166 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

167 [info] Selection has already 4740 vertices, set 13260 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

168 [info] Generating cache....

169 [info] ....done

170 [info] [1000]

171 [info] [2000]

172 [info] [3000]

173 [info] [4000]

174 [info] [5000]

175 [info] [6000]

176 [info] [7000]

177 [info] [8000]

178 [info] [9000]

179 [info] [10000]

180 [info] [11000]

181 [info] [12000]

182 [info] [13000]

183 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

184 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -2,1 with vertices"

185 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

186 [info] Selection has already 2887 vertices, set 12863 vertices (fraction=0.875000)

187 [info] Generating cache....

188 [info] ....done

189 [info] [1000]

190 [info] [2000]

191 [info] [3000]

192 [info] [4000]

193 [info] [5000]

194 [info] [6000]

195 [info] [7000]

196 [info] [8000]

197 [info] [9000]

198 [info] [10000]

199 [info] [11000]

200 [info] [12000]

201 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

202 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -1,-3 with vertices"

203 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

204 [info] Selection has already 198 vertices, set 2614 vertices (fraction=0.156250)

205 [info] Generating cache....

206 [info] ....done

207 [Warning] This selection seems to be empty, skipped

208 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

209 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -1,-2 with vertices"

210 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

211 [info] Selection has already 1089 vertices, set 16911 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

212 [info] Generating cache....

213 [info] ....done

214 [Warning] This selection seems to be empty, skipped

215 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

216 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -1,-1 with vertices"

217 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

218 [info] Selection has already 4407 vertices, set 13593 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

219 [info] Generating cache....

220 [info] ....done

221 [info] [1000]

222 [info] [2000]

223 [info] [3000]

224 [info] [4000]

225 [info] [5000]

226 [info] [6000]

227 [info] [7000]

228 [info] [8000]

229 [info] [9000]

230 [info] [10000]

231 [info] [11000]

232 [info] [12000]

233 [info] [13000]

234 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

235 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -1,0 with vertices"

236 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

237 [info] Selection has already 3522 vertices, set 14478 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

238 [info] Generating cache....

239 [info] ....done

240 [info] [1000]

241 [info] [2000]

242 [info] [3000]

243 [info] [4000]

244 [info] [5000]

245 [info] [6000]

246 [info] [7000]

247 [info] [8000]

248 [info] [9000]

249 [info] [10000]

250 [info] [11000]

251 [info] [12000]

252 [info] [13000]

253 [info] [14000]

254 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

255 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad -1,1 with vertices"

256 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

257 [info] Selection has already 3703 vertices, set 12047 vertices (fraction=0.875000)

258 [info] Generating cache....

259 [info] ....done

260 [info] [1000]

261 [info] [2000]

262 [info] [3000]

263 [info] [4000]

264 [info] [5000]

265 [info] [6000]

266 [info] [7000]

267 [info] [8000]

268 [info] [9000]

269 [info] [10000]

270 [info] [11000]

271 [info] [12000]

272 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

273 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 0,-3 with vertices"

274 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

275 [info] Selection has already 234 vertices, set 2578 vertices (fraction=0.156250)

276 [info] Generating cache....

277 [info] ....done

278 [Warning] Endless loop? Skipped after 22 vertices

279 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

280 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 0,-2 with vertices"

281 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

282 [info] Selection has already 3579 vertices, set 14421 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

283 [info] Generating cache....

284 [info] ....done

285 [info] [1000]

286 [info] [2000]

287 [info] [3000]

288 [info] [4000]

289 [info] [5000]

290 [info] [6000]

291 [info] [7000]

292 [info] [8000]

293 [info] [9000]

294 [info] [10000]

295 [info] [11000]

296 [info] [12000]

297 [info] [13000]

298 [Warning] Density reached 95.00 percent, skipped

299 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

300 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 0,-1 with vertices"

301 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

302 [info] Selection has already 7258 vertices, set 10742 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

303 [info] Generating cache....

304 [info] ....done

305 [info] [1000]

306 [info] [2000]

307 [info] [3000]

308 [info] [4000]

309 [info] [5000]

310 [info] [6000]

311 [info] [7000]

312 [info] [8000]

313 [info] [9000]

314 [info] [10000]

315 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

316 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 0,0 with vertices"

317 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

318 [info] Selection has already 8760 vertices, set 9240 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

319 [info] Generating cache....

320 [info] ....done

321 [info] [1000]

322 [info] [2000]

323 [info] [3000]

324 [info] [4000]

325 [info] [5000]

326 [info] [6000]

327 [info] [7000]

328 [info] [8000]

329 [info] [9000]

330 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

331 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 0,1 with vertices"

332 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

333 [info] Selection has already 4074 vertices, set 11676 vertices (fraction=0.875000)

334 [info] Generating cache....

335 [info] ....done

336 [info] [1000]

337 [info] [2000]

338 [info] [3000]

339 [info] [4000]

340 [info] [5000]

341 [info] [6000]

342 [info] [7000]

343 [info] [8000]

344 [info] [9000]

345 [info] [10000]

346 [info] [11000]

347 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

348 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 1,-3 with vertices"

349 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

350 [info] Selection has already 198 vertices, set 2614 vertices (fraction=0.156250)

351 [info] Generating cache....

352 [info] ....done

353 [Warning] This selection seems to be empty, skipped

354 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

355 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 1,-2 with vertices"

356 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

357 [info] Selection has already 2519 vertices, set 15481 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

358 [info] Generating cache....

359 [info] ....done

360 [info] [1000]

361 [info] [2000]

362 [info] [3000]

363 [info] [4000]

364 [info] [5000]

365 [info] [6000]

366 [info] [7000]

367 [info] [8000]

368 [info] [9000]

369 [info] [10000]

370 [info] [11000]

371 [info] [12000]

372 [info] [13000]

373 [info] [14000]

374 [info] [15000]

375 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

376 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 1,-1 with vertices"

377 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

378 [info] Selection has already 5410 vertices, set 12590 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

379 [info] Generating cache....

380 [info] ....done

381 [info] [1000]

382 [info] [2000]

383 [info] [3000]

384 [info] [4000]

385 [info] [5000]

386 [info] [6000]

387 [info] [7000]

388 [info] [8000]

389 [info] [9000]

390 [info] [10000]

391 [info] [11000]

392 [info] [12000]

393 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

394 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 1,0 with vertices"

395 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

396 [info] Selection has already 4025 vertices, set 13975 vertices (fraction=1.000000)

397 [info] Generating cache....

398 [info] ....done

399 [info] [1000]

400 [info] [2000]

401 [info] [3000]

402 [info] [4000]

403 [info] [5000]

404 [info] [6000]

405 [info] [7000]

406 [info] [8000]

407 [info] [9000]

408 [info] [10000]

409 [info] [11000]

410 [info] [12000]

411 [info] [13000]

412 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

413 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 1,1 with vertices"

414 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

415 [info] Selection has already 3516 vertices, set 12234 vertices (fraction=0.875000)

416 [info] Generating cache....

417 [info] ....done

418 [info] [1000]

419 [info] [2000]

420 [info] [3000]

421 [info] [4000]

422 [info] [5000]

423 [info] [6000]

424 [info] [7000]

425 [info] [8000]

426 [info] [9000]

427 [info] [10000]

428 [info] [11000]

429 [info] [12000]

430 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

431 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 2,-3 with vertices"

432 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

433 [info] Selection has already 170 vertices, set 357 vertices (fraction=0.029297)

434 [info] Generating cache....

435 [info] ....done

436 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

437 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 2,-2 with vertices"

438 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

439 [info] Selection has already 646 vertices, set 2729 vertices (fraction=0.187500)

440 [info] Generating cache....

441 [info] ....done

442 [info] [1000]

443 [info] [2000]

444 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

445 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 2,-1 with vertices"

446 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

447 [info] Selection has already 445 vertices, set 2930 vertices (fraction=0.187500)

448 [info] Generating cache....

449 [info] ....done

450 [info] [1000]

451 [info] [2000]

452 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

453 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 2,0 with vertices"

454 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

455 [info] Selection has already 557 vertices, set 2818 vertices (fraction=0.187500)

456 [info] Generating cache....

457 [info] ....done

458 [info] [1000]

459 [info] [2000]

460 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

461 [Command] Echo -text="Filling quad 2,1 with vertices"

462 [Command] SetAlgVertices -n=18000 -max

463 [info] Selection has already 547 vertices, set 2406 vertices (fraction=0.164063)

464 [info] Generating cache....

465 [info] ....done

466 [info] [1000]

467 [Warning] Density reached 95.00 percent, skipped

468 [Command] SelectAll

469 [Command] MakeTriangulation

470 [info] Number of vertices forwarded to Delaunay algorithm: 256274

471 [info] Call Triangle algorithm

472 [info] (written by by J. R. Shewchuk, see README)

473 [info] Number of triangles in entire worldspace: 511997

474 [Command] SelectAll

475 [Command] SplitAtGrid -x=4096.000000 -y=4096.000000

476 [Command] SplitAtGrid: done

477 [Command] SetFlag -name="_flag_format" -value="02.0"

478 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

479 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-64.-96.32.nif" -useshapes

480 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-64.-96.32.nif has 320 triangles and 198 vertices

481 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

482 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-64.-64.32.nif" -useshapes

483 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-64.-64.32.nif has 2048 triangles and 1089 vertices

484 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

485 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-64.-32.32.nif" -useshapes

486 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-64.-32.32.nif has 49521 triangles and 24961 vertices

487 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

488 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-64.00.32.nif" -useshapes

489 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-64.00.32.nif has 49810 triangles and 25169 vertices

490 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

491 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-64.32.32.nif" -useshapes

492 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-64.32.32.nif has 43910 triangles and 22131 vertices

493 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

494 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-32.-96.32.nif" -useshapes

495 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-32.-96.32.nif has 320 triangles and 198 vertices

496 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

497 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-32.-64.32.nif" -useshapes

498 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-32.-64.32.nif has 2048 triangles and 1089 vertices

499 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

500 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-32.-32.32.nif" -useshapes

501 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-32.-32.32.nif has 50599 triangles and 25574 vertices

502 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

503 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-32.00.32.nif" -useshapes

504 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-32.00.32.nif has 50456 triangles and 25602 vertices

505 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

506 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.-32.32.32.nif" -useshapes

507 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.-32.32.32.nif has 42899 triangles and 21739 vertices

508 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

509 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.00.-96.32.nif" -useshapes

510 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.00.-96.32.nif has 552 triangles and 315 vertices

511 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

512 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.00.-64.32.nif" -useshapes

513 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.00.-64.32.nif has 47567 triangles and 23997 vertices

514 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

515 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.00.-32.32.nif" -useshapes

516 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.00.-32.32.nif has 49893 triangles and 25325 vertices

517 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

518 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="" -useshapes

519 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\ has 49981 triangles and 25335 vertices

520 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

521 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="" -useshapes

522 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\ has 42598 triangles and 21576 vertices

523 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

524 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.32.-96.32.nif" -useshapes

525 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.32.-96.32.nif has 320 triangles and 198 vertices

526 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

527 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.32.-64.32.nif" -useshapes

528 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.32.-64.32.nif has 51124 triangles and 25820 vertices

529 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

530 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.32.-32.32.nif" -useshapes

531 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.32.-32.32.nif has 50281 triangles and 25469 vertices

532 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

533 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="" -useshapes

534 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\ has 49941 triangles and 25284 vertices

535 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

536 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="" -useshapes

537 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\ has 43215 triangles and 21855 vertices

538 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

539 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.64.-96.32.nif" -useshapes

540 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.64.-96.32.nif has 1323 triangles and 686 vertices

541 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

542 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.64.-64.32.nif" -useshapes

543 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.64.-64.32.nif has 9685 triangles and 4973 vertices

544 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

545 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="60.64.-32.32.nif" -useshapes

546 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60.64.-32.32.nif has 9362 triangles and 4792 vertices

547 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

548 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="" -useshapes

549 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\ has 9142 triangles and 4687 vertices

550 [Command] QuadIterator -level=0

551 [Command] ExportMeshToNif -filename="" -useshapes

552 [info] The (shape-based) mesh D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\ has 5474 triangles and 2844 vertices





I tried to use WinMerge to compare my Oblivion-Folder before and after running, but found nothing. But perhaps WinMerge isn't the right tool.


I suppose my mistake is hidden somewhere in my tes4ll_all.mpb

Edited by z929669
  • 0

Happy new year! A few things..


1. Did you create the TES4LL mod prior to running the batch files, as I have wrote it in "Step 1"?

2. Do you use the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch"? If yes, please post a screenshot of it's ..\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\.. folder.

3. Please post a screenshot of the ..Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\.. folder, if their is such a folder.


The tes4ll.log file that pops up in your Overwrite seems to be okay, as far as I can tell.

  • 0

I can't say for sure, but what I read once was to do these things in this order:

1. tes4ll_ultimate.bat

2. tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat

3. tes4ll_normalmaps.bat


The first one is used to generate distant meshes for terrain, the second one is used to generate textures for distant land meshes and the third one to create normal maps. Given that, it makes sense to me how that order was presented. #2 and #3 might be switchable, but I am not sure of that.

  • 0

Thank you. I'll rearrange them in the drop-down box into that order.


This may sound strange, since Windows is supposed to be case-insensitive but I was still getting files being placed in the overwrite folder and messages in the logs showing this location:


When I changed them in the tes4ll_all.mpb to match those set by the instructions above, ie. case-sensitive, they correctly were placed into the mod and not the overwrite.

  • 0

Happy new year! A few things..


1. Did you create the TES4LL mod prior to running the batch files, as I have wrote it in "Step 1"?

2. Do you use the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch"? If yes, please post a screenshot of it's ..\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\.. folder.

3. Please post a screenshot of the ..Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD\.. folder, if their is such a folder.


The tes4ll.log file that pops up in your Overwrite seems to be okay, as far as I can tell.

1. Yes I did.

2. Yes I'm using the UOP. Here is my screen shot:




I think I know why you want to see this screenshot: The "Date modified" corresponds to the last time that I ran the tes4ll_ultimate.bat.


3. There is not such folder. Should there be one? I suppose no.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

@ GrantSP

I will take a look regarding this.



@ koreador




I think I know why you want to see this screenshot: The "Date modified" corresponds to the last time that I ran the tes4ll_ultimate.bat.

What I was looking for was actually the filesize of those meshes. It seems, that you too have overwritten your UOP's meshes by TES4LL, just like I experienced it aswell - see here. This means two things.


1. You need to reinstall the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.

2. The path for those meshes seems to be borked, so they did not "find" your corresponding TES4LL mod.


Looking at your posted "tes4ll_all.mpb" file, I currently cannot see any real mistakes .. three things come to mind, though.

a) Please make sure that the TES4LL-mod from "Step 1" is identical to mine.


b) Please make also sure, that the TES4LL-mod was activated in MO's left pane, before you attempted to run "tes4ll_ultimate.bat".


c) If those two things were alright, you could also try to rename:   D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\


to ..



So renaming the actual mod folder of your "Oblivion Mod Organizer", so that there is no "space" .. and then of course replace that "space" through that "underscore" in the "tes4ll_all.mpb" file, as well as make sure that in MO's "Modify Executables" everything is adapted.





3. There is not such folder. Should there be one? I suppose no.

No, I didn't thought that the folder would actually be there, but I just wanted to be absolutely sure.

Edited by pStyl3
  • 0
Posted (edited)

@pStyl3 Hooray! It worked (kind of  :;): )! I repeated the whole process on a clean Oblivion an MO Install and I made sure to activate the TES4LL-Mod. I also changed the name of the MO-folder to something without "space". I'm not sure which of these changes made it work, but I suppose that forgetting to activate the TES4L-Mod before the first run seems more likely imho.


This is the result after running the tes4ll_ultimate.bat:




So thanks especially to you pStyl3, but also to everyone who keeps modding Oblivion and through this keeps it from becoming obsolete!!!

Edited by koreador

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