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uGrids 11 perfectly stable for 90 minutes of play under STEP:Requiem build.

What kind of system do you have?


I see a lot of people trying this have 8GB of RAM or more. Anyone here have success solving stability issues they were having with just 4GB of system RAM? I see sheson lists more than 4GB as a requiement, so I haven't even bothered trying this yet.


This and ENBoost is the sort of memory trick that is mainly aimed at 64bit systems with more then 4Gb of memory.


You might still be able to use this with only 4Gb. But most likely that is so little memory that you should not be using any sort of texture overhauls anyways, and most likely not even mod your game very heavily to begin with, since you would probably run out of memory before the 3.1Gb limit anyways due to windows eating up a fair bit.


In case anyone cares, I updated the dll located here.


SKSE.ini must be modified to include the following for the patch to work:



Enable=X where 1 is ON and 0 is OFF.

MemBlock1=YYY where YYY is a size in MB (use increments such as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.) , if you DO NOT set this parameter then it is set to 512MB per the original.

MemBlock2=ZZZ where ZZZ is a size in MB (use increments such as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.) , if you DO NOT set this parameter then it is set to 256MB per the original.


To verify you installed properly check that the following file exists in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SKSE/skse_steam_loader.log:

"Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = YYYMB, MemBlock2 = ZZZMB."


Strange, I have

in my SKSE.ini, yet I get Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = 512MB, MemBlock2 = 256MB. in log.

Strange, I have


in my SKSE.ini, yet I get Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = 512MB, MemBlock2 = 256MB. in log.

Sorry uploaded the wrong file... will re-upload one sec! Edit: Fixed
  'Neovalen' pid='63840' dateline='1390195087 said:

In case anyone cares' date=' I updated the dll located here.


SKSE.ini must be modified to include the following for the patch to work:



Enable=X where 1 is ON and 0 is OFF.

MemBlock1=YYY where YYY is a size in MB (use increments such as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.) , if you DO NOT set this parameter then it is set to 512MB per the original.

MemBlock2=ZZZ where ZZZ is a size in MB (use increments such as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.) , if you DO NOT set this parameter then it is set to 256MB per the original.


To verify you installed properly check that the following file exists in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SKSE/skse_steam_loader.log:

"Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = YYYMB, MemBlock2 = ZZZMB."

NEO, could you zip that thing up and post as an attachment? (TIA) ...the link does not work for me


Thanks for setting configurable values that are a bit more user friendly (no offense to sheson).


It is probably a good idea to instruct users as to those settings. Correct me if I am wrong, but MemBlock1 should not need to be set excessively, and it probably does not ever need to exceed 512 (and should probably be lower, and can be set to any factor of 4, right? .... e.g., 4*X).


Explanations of MemBlock1 and MemBlock2 would probably be beneficial (where is Monty when we need him?).


Here is my assessment of TESV.exe when running at uGrids=11 outside of my house in the Haafingar.

Posted Image


I believe that this indicates that MemBlock1 dictates the cap for the first block addressed at DFEE0000 and MemBlock2 corresponds to the cap at address F81F0000.

  • Is this correct?
  • Is it also correct to assume that these could be set to something like 420 and 160, respectively?
  • What are the ramifications of crossing these thresholds?
  • What about raising them too high?


EDIT: link working now

  'Neovalen' pid='63840' dateline='1390195087 said:

In case anyone cares' date=' I updated the dll located here.


SKSE.ini must be modified to include the following for the patch to work:



Enable=X where 1 is ON and 0 is OFF.

MemBlock1=YYY where YYY is a size in MB (use increments such as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.) , if you DO NOT set this parameter then it is set to 512MB per the original.

MemBlock2=ZZZ where ZZZ is a size in MB (use increments such as 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.) , if you DO NOT set this parameter then it is set to 256MB per the original.


To verify you installed properly check that the following file exists in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SKSE/skse_steam_loader.log:

"Skyrim Memory Patch 3.0 by Sheson Active. MemBlock1 = YYYMB, MemBlock2 = ZZZMB."

NEO, could you zip that thing up and post as an attachment? (TIA) ...the link does not work for me


Thanks for setting configurable values that are a bit more user friendly (no offense to sheson).


It is probably a good idea to instruct users as to those settings. Correct me if I am wrong, but MemBlock1 should not need to be set excessively, and it probably does not ever need to exceed 512 (and should probably be lower, and can be set to any factor of 4, right? .... e.g., 4*X).


Explanations of MemBlock1 and MemBlock2 would probably be beneficial (where is Monty when we need him?).


Here is my assessment of TESV.exe when running at uGrids=11 outside of my house in the Haafingar.

Posted Image


I believe that this indicates that MemBlock1 dictates the cap for the first block addressed at DFEE0000 and MemBlock2 corresponds to the cap at address F81F0000.

  • Is this correct?
  • Is it also correct to assume that these could be set to something like 420 and 160, respectively?
  • What are the ramifications of crossing these thresholds?
  • What about raising them too high?
Try the link again, I had to reupload it and change the address (see post above yours). As for the rest, testing will tell! It simply uses whatever values the users puts in. What is too high, too low, invalid, etc is unknown and the reason it is BETA. Sheson only recommends 512 and 256 and that has worked just fine for me. The settings SSL listed (1024/1024) cause the game to crash for me.

I have tested the limits of the INI settings extensively.


Environment is Windows 7 with MO used to start Skyrim via SKSE (uGrids = 11 with STEP:Core 2.2.8 and full Requiem build ... see my prev posts on this). All of this was running under Stable uGrids mod and ENBoost. The latter confirmed to consume about 1.65 GB of memory from the TESV process (I assume). In the background, I am running Process Hacker and VMMap to view/kill TESV.exe as necessary. This is only testing to determine the limits of execution of the hacked skse_steam_loader.dll.


My savegame loads just outside the path to Solitude (I am looking towards the main Gate from the carriage-for-hire).

  • For starters, MemBlocks 1 & 2 correspond to the highest two Privet Bytes allocated to TESV.exe process (as seen using VMMap by Sysinternals) ... HINT: sort by decreasing "Committed"
  • On my box (link to my specs in sig below), MemBlock1 cannot exceed 2046 KB or the TESV process dies after a few seconds (while MemBlock2=256).
  • On my box, MemBlock1 > 512 and
  • On my box, MemBlock2 cannot exceed 256, or I CTD before getting to the main menu.
  • Reverting MemBlocks 1 & 2 to 512 & 256, respectively restores functionality (on my box)
  • Using the DEFAULT skse_steam_loader.dll, I get a ILS (infinite loading screen) after selecting "Continue" via the main menu (default MemBlock sizes confirmed to be 256 KB for BOTH)
  • Using the hacked skse_steam_loader.dll at MemBlock sizes of 256 KB (mimicking the default), results in identical ILS
  • For this particular savegame under these particular conditions and on my particular box, I need to allocate MemBlock1=360 and MemBlock2=180 in order to load a functional session. I have done no extensive testing under these minimal conditions.
I have tested 512/256 for approx. 90 minutes without any issue. I see no reason not to continue using these upper limits (as they relate TO MY BOX).


It would be great if others that do not have my system specs (e.g., more/less RAM/VRAM) could confirm or deny my findings as generally applicable. The following image is a map to the numbers that are in play.


Posted Image


  • On my box, MemBlock1 > 512 and < 2047 results in a CTD before I get to the main menu (while MemBlock2=256).
  • On my box, MemBlock2 cannot exceed 256, or I CTD before getting to the main menu.
I had initial problems trying to set MemBlock1 above 512Mb without setting MemBlock2, but I found that it worked again once I also set MemBlock2. I've only tried MemBlock1=768Mb, MemBlock2=512Mb, but I saw no problems playing with this over the course of an afternoon.


(For reference: Windows 7 64 bit, 12Gb, Core i7 980X, overclocked to 4GHz, AMD 7970. Using ENBBoost and CellStabiliser.)


I suspect there are not many stable combinations of MemBlock1 and MemBlock2. I think the final "deployed" version of this patch will have to have the user select from a handful of combinations rather than allowing arbitrary sizes


My god.. this is amazing. i activated all my 300+mods with 250 esps. including script heavy mods like skyre, wet and cold, realistic needs and diseases, frostall, Player Headtracking, Footprints.. and also all the Populated mods, interesting npcs, Inconsequential NPCs, OBIS, Immersive Patrols, everything... not one ctd or freeze in hours of playing.. This is a dream??? I noticed my committed usage goes over 300mb, no wonder I was getting ctds and freezes before this.


So going with the updated dll so we can alter mem blocks via skse ini the ini should look like this?










Or is the GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 line still needed?


Neo, could you share your source code? When I use your dll with 1024/1024 blocks, I get immediate CTD, but when I use my self-made, it works... I compile it with msvc 2013.

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