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Skylight ENB v16 and black clouds/foam



Haven't tried the latest v17 (as of 17/1). And I also use brighter nights optional ini settings (personal preference is closer to vanilla night and interiors)


During dusk and night I've noticed that clouds along the mountain ranges and mist foam from RWT becomes black almost to the point that it looks like the colours are inverted. Is that supposed to be like that? I noticed I can turn the particle curve up in the enbseries.ini but I don't want to stray too far from the intended values as I have no idea what it does to other places.


Another minor issue is that some bright lights' glow effect are also inverted as if they were casting a spotlight behind the focal point.


Other than that I think it's one of the best ENBs I've tried with most 'bang for the buck' regarding looks/performance.






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Okay found out what does the lighting.

It is lightsprite in combination with the particle lights effect.

If you disable particle lights it will go away. This will be in all ENB presets that has this on, altering the light sprite can alter how intense it looks however.


Gonna try to file a bug report to Boris later and then see if it is fixable or not.


The clouds I am still at a loss about. Have not been able to reproduce that in any scenario unless I tweak Vol fog values to extreme levels... which I assume you have not done.

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Are you using the Particle patch by mindflux ? That is the most likely explaination for issues with foam and mountain fog. Since the original meshes have bad settings.


I am going to need to see screenshots of the bright lights you talk about since it could be a number of things. Also need the location in which it is happening.

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What location is the bottom set with the light? That actually has me intrigued.. never seen that before!


For the clouds and water.. is it like that on all weathers or just one ?


It is a bit odd that they both are off, since they do not share the same variables, hence I would think that it is a mesh issue. Will investigate further!


Also make sure the particle patch is actually what is loaded, if you use MO etc. Many other mods could be overwriting the meshes.

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Weird, isn't it? Sky Haven Temple, that's where I first saw the effect. I recall it popping up somewhere else but that's where it's most obvious. Could be my setup, but I'm using ELFX + ELE interiors per your recommendations though :)


Tried v17 and no change. It's not very noticeable unless I stand still and look around at the scenery intensely.


Particle patch is loaded and overwriting everything as it should in MO.

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Okay have tested.


The mods I use do not have those braziers lit.. hence I do not have the issue. So I would guess it is something mod specific of sorts.


As for the clouds and foam. If other ENB presets also does it (and I would be surprised if they did not) then it is a general either mesh, mod issue, or a driver issue of sorts.


If it is only Skylight that does it then I will have to think a bit more about it!

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Tried Phinix latest ENB and there is only a tiny hint of *backlighting* but the clouds are back to normal. I found that increasing the curve for particles sort of restored them to normal with Skylight. Might be a mod though as you say, or my GPU actually I recently updated the drivers. I'll dive into it more when I can squeeze in some more Skyrim time - exams are getting frustratingly late :)



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Running DDSOpt on certain textures will have this same effect. If DDSOpt was ran, the updated INI from STEP should have been used which will tell DDSOpt to skip over a lot of problematic textures. If DDSOpt was ran and the the updated INI wasn't used, then you'll have to restore your textures (hopefully you backed them up) and rerun it again with the updated INI.

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